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4th Grade Science Quiz from Christian School... Ridiculous!

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posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 03:28 PM
man now i know graduating highschool was a complete waste of time

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by CarbonBase
reply to post by apokalupsis33vital

I am a Pagan now. I think they did a fantastic job.


posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by CarbonBase
reply to post by benrl

Well said. Star for you. Public school? Crap!. I am sure there is the odd teacher here and there that should be getting paid twice what they are now, because the bring they're "A" game every day. I am also certain, the majority just punch the clock, and pick p a check. Science is incapable of proving the existence of that which is Divine, and always will be. Even Dr DeGrasse-Tyson would agree with that.

I agree, and the "well, what created that?" argument is a formidable one. In all fairness, quantum mechanics is actually showing us that there may in fact be some truth to the whole creator and soul theories.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by micmerci

dude i'm 26 now. when i was seven i wen to sunday school once. they didn't acknowledge dinosaurs even. they used the word "spark" instead of soul. eight years later i became a satanist

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 04:54 PM
i tend to scoff into my cuppa when folk here at ATS refer to school as indoctrination. no more.. funny thing is i saw someone describe the USA as the world's greatest ever civilisation in a thread a week or so back, and they weren't even an obvious idiot.

so why is this kind of schooling allowed to happen, and dont say "freedom" the USA "The Land of The Free to have one's head filled with dangerous nonsense dressed up as fact?". not trying to get all anti america here, i know this is not representative, but is there no education authority that checks lesson plans and assessment methods?

forget whatever your views on obama, gun control, creeping fascism and corporations may be - allowing this stuff to happen will be the downfall of your nation.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by skalla

That's exactly what I'm trying to say! When do we, as a people, draw the line between a strong, factual education, at any age, and personal and/or religious beliefs? I understand it's a free country, and that you can educate your children how you want; but if the learning institution is accredited and is allowed by the public to operate as a school within the acknowledged and accepted terms of such, it should not be allowed to incorporate such blatantly false information!

There's no problem teaching the Bible or Qur'an or Book of Mormon, or whatever. The problem arises when you attempt to substitute proven scientific fact with a particular interpretation of extremely vague sentences out of a 2, 3, 4,000 year old book. Sure, teach and pass on your belief of a certain creator. Pass on to your children the meanings of the parables in the New Testament; but please, do not inflict intellectual abuse on your children by teaching them that the universe and the Earth are only 6,000 years old, and that they were created on one single day!!
edit on 22-4-2013 by apokalupsis33vital because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by micmerci
reply to post by apokalupsis33vital

In the grand scheme of things, does it really matter how old a person believes the age of Earth is? I think mountains are being made out of mole hills. People have religious beliefs that they are willing to pay to have their own children taught in order to pass them on. Are there religious extremists in this world? YES. Are they dangerous? YES. Is every religious person an extremist? No.

If they are paying for this private schooling, then they should be entitled to educate as they see fit. Even though this is polar opposite to scientific teaching, it is part of religious freedom that we enjoy in this country.

So you'd have no problem with the KKK sending their kids to nazi school, and lurning a speshul ignorance all of their own kind.

If the parents paid for it.

Scary... these kids will need helmets and training wheels for their entire lives...

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by apokalupsis33vital

Originally posted by CarbonBase
reply to post by benrl

Well said. Star for you. Public school? Crap!. I am sure there is the odd teacher here and there that should be getting paid twice what they are now, because the bring they're "A" game every day. I am also certain, the majority just punch the clock, and pick p a check. Science is incapable of proving the existence of that which is Divine, and always will be. Even Dr DeGrasse-Tyson would agree with that.

I agree, and the "well, what created that?" argument is a formidable one. In all fairness, quantum mechanics is actually showing us that there may in fact be some truth to the whole creator and soul theories.

Well that's a complete fabrication born of the inability of many to comprehend the mechanics they are being told about.

Nothing at the quantum level implies god.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 09:29 PM
Education is getting dumbed down because the less intelligent people are the easier they are to manipulate and control.

Eta: numbers 4 and 6 are correct.
Power to the people.
edit on 22-4-2013 by kimish because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 09:31 PM
Can I sue for being taught this crap as a kid? I am going through hell right now in my college courses because this was the science I was taught.
I am pretty ticked off that I got cheated out of a normal education by going to a christian school and taught things such as the fact that the earth had a canopy of water vapor around the earth prior to the great flood and that is why it never rained until Noahs ark ect.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:27 PM
I only have one reaction to this ridiculous test....

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by micmerci
reply to post by danneu89

So, 8 year old children being taught about dinosaurs from a religious perspective in a private school is something to worry about?

I am more worried about too many other things to list before this.

Really, training kids to believe in utter nonsense will result in adults believing in utter nonsense, and that doesn't bother you? It bothers me a LOT!

[Knock at the door] Excuse me, Mr. Brainwashed Into Believing Lies,
Yeah, um, god just told me to claim ownership of your lawnmower. You wouldn't want to go against god, would you? He also ordered me to sleep with your daughter. Oh, you're letting me in to sleep with your daughter. You sure are a faithful servant to your god, yessiree! And while you're at it, god told me to tell you to kill your Jewish neighbor.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

I'm sure at least some ATS'ers here have seen the movie Priest.

"To go against the Church is to go against God"

And they used that little trick to keep people in the dark about the continued existence of vampires, even as vampires were gathering to launch a lethal assault. Had every person subject to the authority of the Church listened, they all would have eventually died. Thankfully, there was one man who had his own ideas.

Now, while some will say, "Aww, but that's a fictional work. It's a movie. It has no relevance," I beg to differ. That movie, much like I, Robot and Terminator, is a metaphorical scenario of what could happen if we let our most useful creations, our most useful talents, get away from us. Maybe not now, but keep this up and someday it will have more relevance than you could ever dream of. The key to manipulating the world is fear. Push the right buttons, and anyone is capable of anything.

There's the easy way, and then there's the right way.

edit on 23-4-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by kimish
Education is getting dumbed down because the less intelligent people are the easier they are to manipulate and control.

Eta: numbers 4 and 6 are correct.
Power to the people.

I thought that was the commoners, the serfs the shopkeepers (keeptheminthestreetswiththemanuer) types. You realise that 'education' is not about being dumbed down, more supposed an uplifting experience. To which education are you speaking to? Certainly not the original idea of self edjudication? more a sinister version of brainwashing "right beneath our eyes version"? NAH NEVER will can happen ever. Its the quality of the education that matters. So, who among us knows the Classics and leaves the education of your children to public schooling and or biblical teaching? I would say the Gods of "Barbie" and "Skateboard" "TEXT messaging "RULE the Planet of the human child. The adult is asleep in a field of Poppies created by the Wizard of OZ.
edit on 23-4-2013 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 07:50 PM
When I saw this, I thought the second page was kinda funny.

Why didn't you post the second page, OP?

Also, here's my input on this;

Brainwash comes in all colors.

I believe in God. And, I believe in order.

Does that mean I believe in religion? Does that mean I believe in government?


This is a school that is teaching flawed assumptions based on Biblical statements, which the most recent branches of Christianity have embraced as religious facts... like a game of telephone. The message gets more and more corrupt as it moves along.

Just like ordinary public schools teaching that police are ALWAYS the good guys, no exceptions... or, if you go to school in a government city for a while like I have, you get a lethal dosage of "Worship the military!" brainwash every day too.

The establishments don't care if you believe in God, OR if you believe in order.

They care if you believe in their RELIGION, or their GOVERNMENT.


Because beliefs powered by only personal morals don't pay anyone.

If you believe in an establishment, be it a religious one or a governmental one, you will find a way to advocate this establishment. You will give it money, work for it, and spread the general message that "This establishment is good! Be a part of it!"

That's why all children are psychologically attacked from whatever age they have the mental capacity to keep memories and learn things. One establishment or another will find a way to mold these children into their personal blind soldiers.

The only time I will even CONSIDER being a part of an establishment of ANY kind is if the establishment is non-profit. Then, it has a lot less room for corruption and abuse.

Establishments, religious and governmental, are brainwashing, controlling, money hungry machines.

I believe in God, but religious brainwash sickens me.

I believe in order, but my government sickens me.

There's a fine line, people. Don't hate God because of religious brainwash that PEOPLE created.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by rockoperawriter
man now i know graduating highschool was a complete waste of time

Try being well aware of this WHILE still trying to finish high school.

Then you'd be me.

Getting the motivation every day to complete brainwash just for a meaningless little piece of paper that I don't even want makes me really depressed every day. Like, do I have no greater purpose than to absorb someone else's damn lies?

But I need to get employment when I get older, so... I'm enduring it.

Sickening as it is.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by CarbonBase
reply to post by apokalupsis33vital

I am confused about 4th graders? Nice bitch slap. I have 3 children. One is in her third year of college, and is going to become a nurse. One is a stay at home Mom, who is home schooling her son and step daughter because the syllabus in public schools are 'unacceptable' to her, and rightly so. One is a supervisor that runs a telemetics data center for an oil exploration and services company. I can assure you, I have an idea of what a 7 or 8 year old mind is capable of. How many children have you put through school, I'd be interested to know. I used to teach electronic warfare school, so, making sure that people are getting it is important, if they don't, and they go into the field somebody is going to die. I went to Catholic school the first 8 years of my life. I received exactly 1 hour of 'religious' teaching out of every school day. I was taught by nuns, and they knew what they were doing, and they knew they're subject matter, including science, history, and social studies. I am eternally grateful to them. I am a Pagan now. I think they did a fantastic job.

That's not really fair. You seem to be playing the blame game for a choice YOU made.

I'm not gonna act like I know exactly what you've been through... enduring any kind of brainwash like that would make anyone want to spiral in the opposite direction.

I just get the feeling you're letting anger or spite get the best of you here.

That's not good for making an important decision in your life, like your spiritual beliefs.

At the risk of offending you, and half the people on this thread...

God bless.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by micmerci

I tend to agree. The age of the earth (which is not exactly set in stone, so to speak) is not exactly the bedrock of Western civilization.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by benrl
Well no more or less crazy than the crap being pumped into their heads at Public school, you can tell that from the test scores at least.

Remember the article on kids being made to write "I will give up my freedom for safety" ?

Education needs massive reform all around.

Um, actually it is a lot more crazy and stupid and false than what is being pumped into students in public school in terms of scientific information. Moreover, I don't know what bad test scores have to do with what is being "pump into" students' minds. Perhaps the teaching is poor, or the students aren't motivated, but does that mean the information being taught is patently wrong like all the examples in this quiz provided by the OP?

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 11:09 PM
When I was young, I asked my father why it looked like there were big bones sticking out of the rocks. He told me they were from animals that lived long ago. I asked him what kind of animals, he told me the truth...Big animals.

I consider that knowledge as important. I do not care exactly how long ago. I really did not need to know what kind of animal, I only needed to know that what I was seeing was real. Does it matter how long ago dinosaurs lived? Does it matter how old the earth is. Does it matter if we were once related to monkeys? Does it matter which continent man originally came from? What is really important is to find out if all this crap is important in the first place. It is more practical to know how to grow food or to know animal husbandry. It is more important to know how to hunt and fish. It is more important to know skills to make a living.

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