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Boston is a Farce to Take your Rights Away

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posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

since when do you lock down over a million people because of 2 ? if everybody who was able in boston exercised their second amendment rights that guy would probably be dead already. but now they have done what ,
1 turned boston into mini police state
2 shut down local economy by telling businesses to remain closed maybe as long as the weekend
3 they scared the hell out of local populace got everyone hiding in their homes scared terrorist going to kick in door
or police going to kick in door.
all these millions of dollars wasted for 1 guy.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Jakes51
Muzzleflash, I would not call the thing in Boston a farce. It makes it sound like it is some kind of joke or comedy? Tell that to the three people that died by being ripped to shreds, and the others that lost limbs from those bombs. That did not look like a farce to me.

No, I was discussing the police state that developed just recently.
And the way the media is hyping it up big time all the way.
That is the farce!

Sorry you misunderstood.
edit on 19-4-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Jakes51

I do like your post and your avatar! I still would like someone to tell me how the police should go about this situation. Don't tell me what they shouldn't be doing. Tell me how they should be going about it.

There is a man, yes just one man that is running around with firearms and possibly more explosive devices. He has already detonated on killing innocent people.

Should just the standard beat cop and plain clothes detective be working this case. Can someone please tell me how this should be handled?
edit on 19-4-2013 by TorqueyThePig because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by proteus33
reply to post by muzzleflash

since when do you lock down over a million people because of 2 ? if everybody who was able in boston exercised their second amendment rights that guy would probably be dead already. but now they have done what ,
1 turned boston into mini police state
2 shut down local economy by telling businesses to remain closed maybe as long as the weekend
3 they scared the hell out of local populace got everyone hiding in their homes scared terrorist going to kick in door
or police going to kick in door.
all these millions of dollars wasted for 1 guy.

And they want to convince us it's acceptable and the "correct response".

It's so ludicrous it's actually scary in a way.

They simply cannot understand how to accomplish anything without spending insane amounts of money.
And most of the time, that doesn't even work.

Thanks for the post, it is insane that they are taking such drastic actions!
We are getting psyop'd.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:11 PM
Hate to say it but this is looking more like a Marshall Law Type drill as opposed to looking for one 19 yr old kid.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by proteus33
reply to post by muzzleflash

since when do you lock down over a million people because of 2 ? if everybody who was able in boston exercised their second amendment rights that guy would probably be dead already. but now they have done what ,
1 turned boston into mini police state
2 shut down local economy by telling businesses to remain closed maybe as long as the weekend
3 they scared the hell out of local populace got everyone hiding in their homes scared terrorist going to kick in door
or police going to kick in door.
all these millions of dollars wasted for 1 guy.

As the OP has said or alluded to it sounds like a dry run, as well as getting the public desensitized to having their constitutional rights abrogated over nothing. There are thousands of gangbangers across the US who are much more violent than this and sometimes do terrorize innocents (but I realize for the most part its internecine), and there is never such militarization, sensationalization etc.

edit on 19-4-2013 by PlanetXisHERE because: epiphany

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Jakes51

After having watched the coverage about this manhant, it looks like that Boston suburb is under martial law instead of a police action? There are military vehicles in the steet, and storm troopers with automatic weapons. Residents are forced to remain in their residences indefinitely? We are talking about one man here, and not the Devil himself. One man! You send an army to catch one man? So movement is virtually restricted, and a whole city is under lock and key? Sounds like martial law to me?

It looks a heck of a lot like a dry run toward totalitarianism and tyranny?

Jakes51 sees things clearly.
Thank you for your awesome post Jake, it was superb.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by proteus33

Actually they asked everyone to stay inside, not everyone has to stay inside. My brother is in downtown Boston and he is at work right now.

The closed businesses are related to the area they are searching for the bomber.

They set off 2 bombs
Executed a cop sitting in his car
Car jacked a innocent civilian, taking them hostage and letting them go later
Shot another cop, got into a shoot out
Robbed a 7-11

They have no concern for loss of life. But yeah lets let them continue. I bet if you lived there you would feel different

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:15 PM
Got ya! Yes, the MSM leaves more to be desired. The whole lot of them are a bunch of hacks. Doing more of a disservice than a service. This latest tragedy is another example of that. Getting the story wrong from the very get go, made wild speculations, and performed quite few other disingenuous activities. No one really holds them accountable for their poor behavior. They really make my skin crawl.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by PlanetXisHERE

Originally posted by proteus33
reply to post by muzzleflash

since when do you lock down over a million people because of 2 ? if everybody who was able in boston exercised their second amendment rights that guy would probably be dead already. but now they have done what ,
1 turned boston into mini police state
2 shut down local economy by telling businesses to remain closed maybe as long as the weekend
3 they scared the hell out of local populace got everyone hiding in their homes scared terrorist going to kick in door
or police going to kick in door.
all these millions of dollars wasted for 1 guy.

As the OP has said or alluded to it sounds like a dry run, as well as getting the public desensitized to having their constitutional rights abrogated over nothing. There are thousands of gangbangers across the US who are much more violent than this and sometimes do terrorize innocents (but I realize for the most part its internecine), and there is never such militarization, sensationalization etc.

edit on 19-4-2013 by PlanetXisHERE because: epiphany


I was thinking about all the REAL crimes that happen in the USA daily, and how no ultra-totalitarian crack down style response is ever needed on this scale.

Local swat teams never shut down entire sections of cities and tell (oops I mean Ask) everyone to not go to work and lock their doors and stay inside at home.
Only fascists declaring defacto Martial Law tell citizens these things.
edit on 19-4-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by cavscout11cav

They set off 2 bombs
Executed a cop sitting in his car
Car jacked a innocent civilian, taking them hostage and letting them go later
Shot another cop, got into a shoot out
Robbed a 7-11

Not a legitimate reason to call martial law, and throw freedom down the drain.

Look at yourself.
Promoting fascism in the USA.
Very shameful.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:18 PM
You should look up the definition of martial law...Tell me what military commander is in charge...

Jesus Christ.... will someone answer what they think they should be doing that would be "right". What wouldnt be a martial law response.

Im starting to think that you all are just bitching, and you dont have an answer because you cant think of a way to respond other than what they are doing.....
edit on 19-4-2013 by cavscout11cav because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Ok, from the OP:

the way to treat terrorists is to never give into their demands and never grant unreasonable publicity

There have been no demands made. There's publicity because a terrorist attack was committed against a peaceful group of civilians.

Boston apparently has become a quasi-police state with hysteria and fear running amok

I have not seen very many reports of hysterical people. It appears the residents are handling this very calmly. Fear? Sure, there's a known killer on the loose, but you'd need to provide some proof of either of those running amok. If anything, people are re-assured of their safety by the large police presence.

They are wearing military gear, have military grade weaponry, and have armored vehicles with air support.

As does every SWAT unit. SWAT stands for Special Weapons And Tactics.

Here's a random definition:

n. 1. a special group of police trained to deal with unusually dangerous or violent situations, and having special weapons, such as rifles more powerful than those carried by regular police officers. They are employed, for example, in situations when hostages are being held, or heavily armed persons need to be captured. Called also SWAT or S.W.A.T..

The FBI and local SWAT teams are the ones with the "military" gear. They are TRAINED to deal with violent criminals. No branch of the military has been called in to this scenario, and it's being handled locally. They are searching for a single individual, and the way the police are behaving is they way they have been trained to handle such situations.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by proteus33
reply to post by muzzleflash

since when do you lock down over a million people because of 2 ? if everybody who was able in boston exercised their second amendment rights that guy would probably be dead already. but now they have done what ,
1 turned boston into mini police state
2 shut down local economy by telling businesses to remain closed maybe as long as the weekend
3 they scared the hell out of local populace got everyone hiding in their homes scared terrorist going to kick in door
or police going to kick in door.
all these millions of dollars wasted for 1 guy.

I think all the million of dollars is to save lives...
I have a role in this is to do my job and make money for who I work for...I am okay with protecting myself as I was a Marine, but when everyone has a gun, don't be so sure they know what to do with it. Also, if you happen to run into a gun battle in this everyone's armed scenario...who is the perpetrator. You have know idea. Who do you pull your gun and shoot at, or is this just a FPS where everyone is a target.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by cavscout11cav
reply to post by proteus33

Actually they asked everyone to stay inside, not everyone has to stay inside. My brother is in downtown Boston and he is at work right now.

The closed businesses are related to the area they are searching for the bomber.

They set off 2 bombs
Executed a cop sitting in his car
Car jacked a innocent civilian, taking them hostage and letting them go later
Shot another cop, got into a shoot out
Robbed a 7-11

They have no concern for loss of life. But yeah lets let them continue. I bet if you lived there you would feel different

Exactly. Then just imagine if the police response was only beat cops and plain clothes detectives working the case. Then the suspects set of more bombs. People would be screaming that the police didn't do their jobs.

Just like people criticizing LE for not stopping this threat. Then when they respond to the threat with a show of force they get criticized.

I swear we can never do anything right.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by cavscout11cav
Jesus Christ.... will someone answer what they think they should be doing that would be "right". What wouldnt be a martial law response.

Im starting to think that you all are just bitching, and you dont have an answer because you cant think of a way to respond other than what they are doing.....

They should FOLLOW the Constitution.

And stop crapping on it, like they are now and have been for a long time.

Since you haven't heard of the Constitution I will link it for you to read about:
US Constitution

By the way, the Constitution doesn't grant rights. We are born naturally with all rights, and the Constitution is a legal document prohibiting the government from infringing on those citizen's rights without due process of law.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:23 PM
Sounds like too much AJ, if you ask me.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by PlanetXisHERE

Originally posted by proteus33
reply to post by muzzleflash

since when do you lock down over a million people because of 2 ? if everybody who was able in boston exercised their second amendment rights that guy would probably be dead already. but now they have done what ,
1 turned boston into mini police state
2 shut down local economy by telling businesses to remain closed maybe as long as the weekend
3 they scared the hell out of local populace got everyone hiding in their homes scared terrorist going to kick in door
or police going to kick in door.
all these millions of dollars wasted for 1 guy.

As the OP has said or alluded to it sounds like a dry run, as well as getting the public desensitized to having their constitutional rights abrogated over nothing. There are thousands of gangbangers across the US who are much more violent than this and sometimes do terrorize innocents (but I realize for the most part its internecine), and there is never such militarization, sensationalization etc.

edit on 19-4-2013 by PlanetXisHERE because: epiphany


I was thinking about all the REAL crimes that happen in the USA daily, and how no ultra-totalitarian crack down style response is ever needed on this scale.

Local swat teams never shut down entire sections of cities and tell (oops I mean Ask) everyone to not go to work and lock their doors and stay inside at home.
Only fascists declaring defacto Martial Law tell citizens these things.
edit on 19-4-2013 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

Yeah God forbid the police block off an intersection or ask people to evacuate when there is the possiblity of a bomb being detonated. Freaking facists.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by TorqueyThePig

Exactly. Then just imagine if the police response was only beat cops and plain clothes detectives working the case. Then the suspects set of more bombs. People would be screaming that the police didn't do their jobs.

Just like people criticizing LE for not stopping this threat. Then when they respond to the threat with a show of force they get criticized.

I swear we can never do anything right.

I can play imagine scenarios tit for tat with you.

Imagine that the government secretly wants to recreate Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, or Hitler's style of regime, and this police state crap is actually designed to destroy our entire nation and lead the world into a state of instability and more war than we have ever seen? Concentration camps, genocide, etc.

What if?
Mine sounds scarier , I win.

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by cavscout11cav
Jesus Christ.... will someone answer what they think they should be doing that would be "right". What wouldnt be a martial law response.

Im starting to think that you all are just bitching, and you dont have an answer because you cant think of a way to respond other than what they are doing.....

They should FOLLOW the Constitution.

And stop crapping on it, like they are now and have been for a long time.

Since you haven't heard of the Constitution I will link it for you to read about:
US Constitution By the way, the Constitution doesn't grant rights. We are born naturally with all rights, and the Constitution is a legal document prohibiting the government from infringing on those citizen's rights without due process of law.

No need to link it, I have a copy of it on the wall of my office. I never said it granted rights, but you are talking about infringing on the media because you dont agree with it...hypocrisy

What do you exactly have a problem with. I have asked 6 times now, and you answer with vague answers. I will let you read the Constitution real quick so you can come up with the response

By the way, the Constitution doesn't grant rights. We are born naturally with all rights, and the Constitution is a legal document prohibiting the government from infringing on those citizen's rights without due process of law.

edit on 19-4-2013 by cavscout11cav because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-4-2013 by cavscout11cav because: (no reason given)

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