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BOSTON BOMBING breaking supposed hacked photos of suspects now on alex jones navy seal hats?

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posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 08:13 PM
None of those pics resemble what the FBI said the suspect was wearing really, the FBI said "a grey hoodie black backpack and BACKWARDS white baseball cap"
edit on 17-4-2013 by kurthall because: (no reason given)
edit on 17-4-2013 by kurthall because: added

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 08:17 PM
Any photos of the sniffer dogs from the supposed drill?

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by kurthall

The guy to the left of the man in blue fits that description pretty well.

He's also next to the two other guys CNN is eluding to as people of interest.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by Danbones
I have a realy tenous connection..WI FI in the woods very limited
its on CNN at this moment

so AJ bashers
get out

he just scooped everyone
especially youz
edit on 17-4-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

Just because the media have picked up on something Alex Jones has posted, doesn't mean he is right.
All it means is they are using him for whatever purpose they have.
And think about much has changed, for the better, because of Alex Jones, his show, or his site?
Not a damn thing from where I'm sitting.
So before people take the plunge and take his word as gospel, think about the fact that he might be disinformation and misinformation agent posing as some "truth seeker" as he claims, pretending to be a conspiracy theorist like you, while his intention is to steer theorists in a certain direction, in order to keep them from seeing the truth.

I don't find anything suspicious about the two guys in tan pants and black jackets with black backpacks, where in one photo they have their hands on their ear pieces.
What they appear to be to me, is some sort of law enforcement personnel.
Law Enforcement personnel and private security personnel, both uniformed, uninformed, and in some sort of identifiable clothing, are common at these sorts of events.
Using radios and ear pieces is also common practice amongst them.
As is carrying back packs.(I work in private security, I often carry a backpack, have the clear type ear pieces, concealed radios, tactical torches, sometimes wear plain clothes and you wouldn't know who I am or what I am doing, etc)
For all any of us know, they might be national guard medics or something to that effect.
Those backpacks might contain first aid kits.
The reason they might be sitting back after the bombs have gone off and not rushing in, is because they would obviously have a higher level of training and discipline then your average cop who you see rushing in to pull that fence down.
Those cops are putting their own lives at risk, because they do not know if there are further bombs in the area.

A known tactic of terrorists is to blow one thing up, then wait for everyone to rush in, then set off another bomb, killing as many people as possible. Even the media make mention of this.
This is part of counter terrorism training.
Hence why they would be standing back and not rushing in to help.

Almost everything has a logical explanation. I just provided one for those two guys in tan pants, black jackets and black backpacks. Alex Jones did not. But you chose to believe his theories without even questioning what was in those photos your self and thinking on your own.

The other two guys who that site claims could possibly be the bombers, even highlighting a bulge in one guys backpack, appear to be ordinary people. But then if you were going to do something like what has happened, you'd want to appear like an ordinary person wouldn't you?
Then there is the photo of the hobo looking guy holding a backpack with a similar strap to one of those guys.

Odd to say the least.

But I doubt these are the people responsible.
Think about it this way.
First, where did Alex Jones come across these pictures? Hackers? Yeh..right...

Secondly, if you were carrying a bomb in your back pack, would you want to be carrying it around for hours?
No, you would want to plant it as quickly as possible without being seen, and getting the hell out of there.
Carrying it around for a long time, especially if it looks odd like that one photo of the bulge, would only increase your chances of getting caught. Not just by law enforcement, but by social media. Everyone has a camera on their phone these days.
If these are the guys, they just f***** up.
But they aren't the guys.
Because if they were the guys, you would not hear about it or see them on Alex Jones first, you would hear about it and see them on your regular mainstream news first.

If it's so easy for Alex Jones to investigate things and come up with all the answers, why is he is a radio host and not a detective with the FBI?
Because most of his theories are bullsh**.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by kurthall
None of those pics resemble what the FBI said the suspect was wearing really, the FBI said "a grey hoodie black backpack and BACKWARDS white baseball cap"

That would be odd if NONE of the pictures taken,

this "suspect" is conveniently not in any of them.

How would that be possible???

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 08:27 PM
Ok the hat is not a Seal Insignia, no way. It is the skull symbol used in the movie the punisher. Look it up. Also if you look at the pic of the two PMC looking types on their phones or cupping their earpieces, it looks like it may have been taken after the blast. In the upper left of the photo is what looks like a mangled foot. The brown boots in the upper right are running the other way.
It is possible that these guys are private security for some VIP running the race. They do look like some type of ops guys. I have met and worked with several. What bothers me is the padding in the jacket of the guy without the hat, ballistic padding, motorcycle rider? If these are ops guys involved in this they are dumbest ones on the planet, no way they would go out in public looking like that. Xi.....maybe.
I have and no information other than what is on this and other websites about this event, I do have opinions and maybe an idea or two.
The disheveled guy does not look like he is holding a 30 lb weight. Go grab a dumbell and wrap it around your arm like that. His body is too relaxed. He does look shady though. The guy in white hat looks like he has a heavy pack, look closely at the strap, you can see the strain. I think this the guy they are interested in. The other picture of the guy messing with a backpack in alcove is curious because it is after the blast, he may be trying to retrieve something from his bag, a weapon or a phone or just trying hide.
There is nothing easy about figuring this out. If they used cell phones they would have to be disposable ones, or they are morons, cause they know they can be tracked and triangulated.
Patriot day is significant in my opinion, a foreigner is not likely to know about that.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by brokensnipe
Ok the hat is not a Seal Insignia, no way. It is the skull symbol used in the movie the punisher. Look it up. Also if you look at the pic of the two PMC looking types on their phones or cupping their earpieces, it looks like it may have been taken after the blast. In the upper left of the photo is what looks like a mangled foot. The brown boots in the upper right are running the other way.
It is possible that these guys are private security for some VIP running the race. They do look like some type of ops guys. I have met and worked with several. What bothers me is the padding in the jacket of the guy without the hat, ballistic padding, motorcycle rider? If these are ops guys involved in this they are dumbest ones on the planet, no way they would go out in public looking like that. Xi.....maybe.
I have and no information other than what is on this and other websites about this event, I do have opinions and maybe an idea or two.
The disheveled guy does not look like he is holding a 30 lb weight. Go grab a dumbell and wrap it around your arm like that. His body is too relaxed. He does look shady though. The guy in white hat looks like he has a heavy pack, look closely at the strap, you can see the strain. I think this the guy they are interested in. The other picture of the guy messing with a backpack in alcove is curious because it is after the blast, he may be trying to retrieve something from his bag, a weapon or a phone or just trying hide.
There is nothing easy about figuring this out. If they used cell phones they would have to be disposable ones, or they are morons, cause they know they can be tracked and triangulated.
Patriot day is significant in my opinion, a foreigner is not likely to know about that.

Or it could be a coincidence it was Patriot day, I'm from UK and I didn't know it was so I agree to some degree that foreigners wouldn't neccessarily know. That said if it is a foreign group then maybe they did know and picked the day specifically.
Their was talk early on on here that there was some talk of an attack on the New York marathon which was cancelled and the eyes turned to this one. Not saying it is correct but a search down that rabbithole may find you results.

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by brokensnipe

The skull on the hat - Craft International - probably LEOs or MIL. The guy who founded that company was recently shot point blank at a gun range if I remember correctly. Dude was a sniper - the Red Devil or something - a SEAL.

They were probably "undercover" - but they look very obvious MIL or LEO to me.


edit on 17-4-2013 by splithorizon because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 08:42 PM
Prophecy is being fulfilled.

messages from Jesus given to a Chosen Child in Chicago

February 27, 2013 (9:20am)
Tell My beloved children to be prepared for all that is going to occur very soon. Pray as much as you can to not be taken in by all the lies and distortions that you will be hearing in the media. Your president is about to be impeached. I know this sounds impossible but none the less it is going to happen. You have been waiting for this moment to happen and it will take place in a very short time. Continue to pray for your country since terrorists will be called in to create major disturbances and as mentioned all along, there will be blood shed everywhere. Stay close to home and have plenty of food so you won't have to run to the store frequently. There is nothing to fear if you are in prayer. You will be protected both physically and spiritually. As the time approaches for the election of a new Pope, be sure to pray for the Cardinals to listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit before they cast their vote....

Your prayers are urgent at this time. Keep praying for the next president for your country.....
I love you, Jesus.

Yahoo Groups - Seers 2

Archives - Message # 34974

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 08:45 PM
Are you guys watching fox news? this guy is high off his ass it looks like (scuse my french) Fox is losing control lmao

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by Domo1

Good points. It would have been better to edit it out in my opinion. That section could have been cropped off.


posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by extraterrestrialentity

I was under the impression that AJ posted it on his site. His "news" site shows no professionalism. The photos (which Domo is right) came from another site. That section could have been cropped off since it holds no meaning to the rest of it.

Excuse me though for expecting a site owner and his crew to act as professionals when they try to convey a serious matter.


posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by iBallinU

Originally posted by Danbones
I have a realy tenous connection..WI FI in the woods very limited
its on CNN at this moment

so AJ bashers
get out

he just scooped everyone
especially youz
edit on 17-4-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

Just because the media have picked up on something Alex Jones has posted, doesn't mean he is right.
All it means is they are using him for whatever purpose they have.
And think about much has changed, for the better, because of Alex Jones, his show, or his site?
Not a damn thing from where I'm sitting.
So before people take the plunge and take his word as gospel, think about the fact that he might be disinformation and misinformation agent posing as some "truth seeker" as he claims, pretending to be a conspiracy theorist like you, while his intention is to steer theorists in a certain direction, in order to keep them from seeing the truth.

I don't find anything suspicious about the two guys in tan pants and black jackets with black backpacks, where in one photo they have their hands on their ear pieces.
What they appear to be to me, is some sort of law enforcement personnel.
Law Enforcement personnel and private security personnel, both uniformed, uninformed, and in some sort of identifiable clothing, are common at these sorts of events.
Using radios and ear pieces is also common practice amongst them.
As is carrying back packs.(I work in private security, I often carry a backpack, have the clear type ear pieces, concealed radios, tactical torches, sometimes wear plain clothes and you wouldn't know who I am or what I am doing, etc)
For all any of us know, they might be national guard medics or something to that effect.
Those backpacks might contain first aid kits.
The reason they might be sitting back after the bombs have gone off and not rushing in, is because they would obviously have a higher level of training and discipline then your average cop who you see rushing in to pull that fence down.
Those cops are putting their own lives at risk, because they do not know if there are further bombs in the area.

A known tactic of terrorists is to blow one thing up, then wait for everyone to rush in, then set off another bomb, killing as many people as possible. Even the media make mention of this.
This is part of counter terrorism training.
Hence why they would be standing back and not rushing in to help.

Almost everything has a logical explanation. I just provided one for those two guys in tan pants, black jackets and black backpacks. Alex Jones did not. But you chose to believe his theories without even questioning what was in those photos your self and thinking on your own.

The other two guys who that site claims could possibly be the bombers, even highlighting a bulge in one guys backpack, appear to be ordinary people. But then if you were going to do something like what has happened, you'd want to appear like an ordinary person wouldn't you?
Then there is the photo of the hobo looking guy holding a backpack with a similar strap to one of those guys.

Odd to say the least.

But I doubt these are the people responsible.
Think about it this way.
First, where did Alex Jones come across these pictures? Hackers? Yeh..right...

Secondly, if you were carrying a bomb in your back pack, would you want to be carrying it around for hours?
No, you would want to plant it as quickly as possible without being seen, and getting the hell out of there.
Carrying it around for a long time, especially if it looks odd like that one photo of the bulge, would only increase your chances of getting caught. Not just by law enforcement, but by social media. Everyone has a camera on their phone these days.
If these are the guys, they just f***** up.
But they aren't the guys.
Because if they were the guys, you would not hear about it or see them on Alex Jones first, you would hear about it and see them on your regular mainstream news first.

If it's so easy for Alex Jones to investigate things and come up with all the answers, why is he is a radio host and not a detective with the FBI?
Because most of his theories are bullsh**.

Well said. You make some good points, I had thought the guys might be response personnel but it makes sense.
edit on 17-4-2013 by brokensnipe because: too quick on the trigger

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 09:29 PM
I think they should release the two suspects photo, so people can help look for them. If they are foreign they could be out of the country by now.

And now a fertilizer explosion in Waco, Texas. What synchronicity!

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 09:31 PM
...those are some veerrrrry interesting pictures indeed. No matter where they came from they do show several really suspicious characters, the two MIL/LEO looking guys in the same tan pants and the same shoes, both with backpacks...the "lone b0mber" white guy with beard and blue jacket holding a backpack with matching straps to the blown up one, and the two "Mossad/Iranian/Israeli/middle eastern" looking guys one in a white cap who one minute has a backpack, and then seems to have misplaced it....these pics should be spread EVERYWHERE...

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 09:35 PM
The hat has a punisher logo

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 09:37 PM

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 09:38 PM
Sorry, had trouble posting.

Black armoured Suburban with mobile secure sat com and tactical squad sporting big heavy black backpacks.

On the scene before anyone says boo...

edit on 17-4-2013 by FlyingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by extraterrestrialentity
reply to post by Laxpla

Yes, but I did not imply for him to believe in every word that a person says, be it Alex Jones, a 4chan member or anyone. However, some things that he says are true, so you cannot completely discredit him, especially when you have pictures as evidence.

Never once, has anything Alex Jones said came true. On top of my head, how about this government insider that said the USA was suppose to attack Iran 2 year ago? Then he said, his other insider moved it to a few months after that since the date passed and nothing happened? Every 2 weeks for a freaking year he said the same thing about that. Then when he got embarrassed time after time he totally ignored that. I have government insiders also you know, my mail lady told me that the government is hiding Aliens at Area 51
I believe her over Mr. J. I mean, all of that # is garbage. I would have so much more respect for the guy when he gets proved wrong he updates his article saying hey, we got it slightly wrong and this is the explanation why it was wrong and we shouldn't have jumped the gun.

The guys a fraud, just trying to make money. He stole pictures from 4Chan and Reddit and with the narrow scope of the pictures he is showing, he is trying to sell his agenda that it was a government conspiracy that it was Navy Seals working for the government WITHOUT showing the whole scale of the pictures of the men. Also if you don't follow Reddit they have excellent news updates (Link you should follow. They basically tear that guy apart, hes nothing more than a joke.
edit on 17-4-2013 by Laxpla because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2013 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by FlyingFox
Sorry, had trouble posting.

Black armoured Suburban with mobile secure sat com and tactical squad sporting big heavy black backpacks.

On the scene before anyone says boo...

edit on 17-4-2013 by FlyingFox because: (no reason given)

Yeah they look out of place or something.

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