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BREAKING:Explosion At Boston Marathon

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posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

Totally agree. And I think you're right on point with the questions about the CCTV cameras. This is a busy street in Boston, and I'm sure all of the shops have at least one camera each, not to mention the media cameras for the race, the municipal cameras on the street, and the bystanders' personal devices.

My biggest concern is that they won't look at the larger body of evidence. In an attack like this, I'm sure the perpetrator did a few "dry runs", just to make sure his timing was right, his sight angles were obscured from the police, his getaway plans were solid, etc.

What they need to do is pore through the past few weeks' security footage on those blocks in Boston. I'm sure they'll find someone suspiciously taking notes, walking in strange directions, and observing the area extensively. It might not be the best video, but it'll help in the investigation.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by AGR1PPA
reply to post by Gideon70

Namaste, brudda.

That's what I'm thinking as well, probably just someone viewing the festivities. But the ATS side of me wants it to be something more complicated

I gave you a star for your honesty.

That silhouette in the photo could have been anyone doing anything and probably didnt even know what was going on except for the sound.
I dont see a line of sight for that person in the pic.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

Absent being able to identify the caller, could they triangalate after the fact to get a general location from where the detonation call originated?

Only if the phone was answered on the other end there was nothing on the other end to pick up.

If it was a disposable phone that might actually narrow the returns

Depends on how much of a phone was left.

Look for individuals that would match people seen at the impact scene around when they think the bags were dropped?

This is their best bet to find the bomber. cameras in the area.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by Cito
Crappy bombs...Ted Kaczynski would be embarrassed at the crappy work. Hiding them in trash cans?

When they explained the bombs, it was crap you got at home, nothing fancy, nothing as eloquent as ol' Ted's handywork, those were a lot fancier, even if he screwed up a couple course those were meant for single targets


Did you really go there? I mean, people are dead & maimed and you want to discuss the craftsmanship of the explosive devices?

Dude, get a life. Your tone is disgusting.

This is almost like some kids wanting to prank the marathon setting off 2 trash can "poofs" when runners crossed the finish line.

Notice it was the finish line and 1 block back covering the final leg of the run. I think it was kids thinking it would be fun and cool, they screwed up and hurt people and that was NOT IN THE PLAN.

When they realized their "OH SH!$ moment", he/she or they decided to keep lips sealed and move with the crowd and get out of there and will never speak of it again, and live with the guilty conscience rest of their life/lives.

Yeah, a prank.
A prank that involved the use of ball bearings!

EDIT: A lot of you are offering prayers for the victims & families of the victims, and this is good. Lets not also forget to offer prayers on behalf of the evil people that perpetrated these acts as well.

May justice be served.
edit on 16-4-2013 by pr9me because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by AGR1PPA
reply to post by Indigo5

Totally agree. And I think you're right on point with the questions about the CCTV cameras. This is a busy street in Boston, and I'm sure all of the shops have at least one camera each, not to mention the media cameras for the race, the municipal cameras on the street, and the bystanders' personal devices.

My biggest concern is that they won't look at the larger body of evidence. In an attack like this, I'm sure the perpetrator did a few "dry runs", just to make sure his timing was right, his sight angles were obscured from the police, his getaway plans were solid, etc.

What they need to do is pore through the past few weeks' security footage on those blocks in Boston. I'm sure they'll find someone suspiciously taking notes, walking in strange directions, and observing the area extensively. It might not be the best video, but it'll help in the investigation.

US Authorities were very impressed with the speed and the manner that the UK Police and Intelligence community tracked down the 7/7 bombers and had much subsequent data sharing on techniques used, etc.

As such, i would expect a similar response investigation wise with regard to CCTV, mobile phones, etc.

Also, with regard to the perpetrators, the reason why no one is being blamed yet is because no one has claimed responsibility. Possibly, behind the scenes, agencies will have a list of potential suspects but until this is firmed up no one will be fingered for this atrocity (if that makes sense!).

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:39 AM
The Associated Press ‏AP

Obama says the FBI is investigating explosions as 'an act of terrorism' ..

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:42 AM
We can only speculate at this moment in time. We need MSM clarification on the specifics. What type of explosives were used? The ball bearings/shrapnel? Were the bombs planted before the marathon, or carried into the area moments before the blasts? One or more persons?

I can only wait to see what explanation they give us, and then see if it holds any weight. Right now it doesn't look like they have any solid leads or suspects. Just people speculating on the responsible parties. They may even pass this off as an unexplained/unsolved, possible domestic terror attack.

The threat of this kind of thing becoming the norm/a regular event, fear of the unknown, the killer among us, not being able to trust ones neighbour, all those kind of sentiments. Definate tools of fear for the government to use to further their agendas.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by xXSvenXx

More to the point, that person in the pic on top of the building was right above the explosion? It would seem the stupidest place to position yourself. The building beneath him could have caught fire...and even if it didn't he is on the roof of building at ground zero of the event, hard to escape or flee. He doesn't know how quickly the building will be locked down and he is highly visible. I think the perp. would want to be far enough away where he can easily turn and leave without getting caught in the mayhem and crowds, but close enough to see it happen.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by McCool

One or more persons?

Given the clarification of shoddy reporting yesterday we now know there were only 2 bombs so it is now more likely they are looking for a bomber.


posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:46 AM
On Drudge report speaks of the "hooded roof man"

Planes stopped in Boston and New York , have no links just quick tv reports

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by neo96

This is their best bet to find the bomber. cameras in the area.

Agreed. And I keep thinking about the fact...a backpack with a water bottle and a whole different thing than a backpack full of ball bearings. The person would need to shoulder it differently, walk differently, the bag would sag and the weight would show IMO.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:49 AM
Why does it always come down to "who", "why" and "how"? When will people start giving "what" some love? What made someone come to believe that such action was necessary?

Also how do those who guess, blame and theorize(*1) based on belief(*2) expect to help the outcome of the situation when everybody acting on what someone believed to be true by doing what they believed to be right is the exact core of the problem?
Would it not be better if everyone rather started focusing on finding the answer rather than giving it?

*1. Used by "popular interpretation", blindly hypothesize or something like that.
*2. I'm not attacking religion, I simply mean acting on/making an opinion on something one believes to be true.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by McCool

Who do you go to war with when you can find no one to blame? Headless chickens, that's what you end up with. And to be honest, even if they never found out, they'd still blame it on Iran, or Korea, or Jihad. So far no megalomaniac has claimed responsibility and they only one who's piped up and denied any responsibility is the Pakistani Taliban. If I were a terrorist, I'd keep my mouth shut. If I was a new terrorist, I'd be laughing at all the people blaming the same old talking heads while I carried out my next devious plan. They better hope they find who did this, otherwise it's going to be the first of many.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:51 AM
Did a quick google search but couldn't find an answer to my question.

Is it possible to identify certain ingredients in a bomb by studying the explosion?
What would cause a fireball with white smoke?
Or do explosions all look and behave the same? Apart from nukes of course.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:53 AM
CCTV on the area as well as cabs, car rental agencies and rail operators alertness would help too, once everyone calms down, settled their nerves and think rationally.

Equally so would be ANYONE in the crowd, at any time during Monday, to remember someone tossing a big bag or package into the trashcan.

As viewed on the video, that explosion and fireball was HUGE, and can only be created by a heavy explosive package, something that is est more than 20kilos, not some letterbomb.

Any detail would help, such as clothes or any distinguishing marks, so that investigators will have leads to go on to check and ascertain for sure. No stone will be left unturned, as those culprits and their masterminds MUST be apprehended before they can do more harm.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by ShadowBase
Why does it always come down to "who", "why" and "how"? When will people start giving "what" some love? What made someone come to believe that such action was necessary?

"What" is the other end of "why"?? And because in world with 7 Billion people...the goal of making sure every single human is both sane and happy might be a lot to bite off? I'd imagine the best first course is to simply find the MFer that gleefully killed and maimed strangers and children.

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:56 AM
my views through some famous quotes some of which are eerily prophetic

1. Terrorism is a psychological warfare. Terrorists try to manipulate us and change our behavior by creating
fear, uncertainty, and division in society. Patrick J. Kennedy

2. "A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within. " -- Ariel Durant

3. The big threat to America is the way we react to terrorism by throwing away what everybody values about
our country--a commitment to human rights. America is a great nation because we are a good nation.
When we stop being a good nation, we stop being great. BOBBY KENNEDY, O Magazine, Feb. 2007

4. Terrorism is carried out purposefully, in a cold-blooded, calculated fashion. The declared goals of the terrorist
may change from place to place. He supposedly fights to remedy wrongs -- social, religious, national, racial.
But for all these problems his only solution is the demolition of the whole structure of society. No partial
solution, not even the total redressing of the grievance he complains of, will satisfy him -- until our social
system is destroyed or delivered into his hands. BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, International Terrorism

5. ”It is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger,
real or pretended, from abroad.” James Madison

6. ”If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.”
James Madison

7. ”If we restrict liberty to attain security we will lose them both.” Ben Franklin

8. “But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost,
is lost forever.” John Adams

9. “A primary object should be the education of our youth in the science of government. In a republic,
what species of knowledge can be equally important? And what duty more pressing than communicating
it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country? ”George Washington

10. ”A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained in arms, is the best most
natural defense of a free country.” James Madison

11. "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort,
to protect themselves against tyranny in government." — Thomas Jefferson (attributed to Jefferson,
by his contemporaries)

12. We must look after our own before lining the pockets of overseas countries and investors.
Pauline Hanson quotes

13. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

14. "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it" is George Santayana,

.....................................................................................................................................................< br />


“Terrorism doesn't just blow up buildings; it blasts every other issue off the political map. The spectre of terrorism - real and exaggerated - has become a shield of impunity, protecting governments around the world from scrutiny for their human rights abuses.” Anand_Singh
Naomi Klein quotes


posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by xXSvenXx
Did a quick google search but couldn't find an answer to my question.

Is it possible to identify certain ingredients in a bomb by studying the explosion?
What would cause a fireball with white smoke?
Or do explosions all look and behave the same? Apart from nukes of course.

Yes...Beyond trace elements/evidence left at the scene that will likely be the most conclusive as to the make-up of the bomb and chemical make-up etc., I have to imagine that explosive experts can make fairly accurate guesses by observing the explosion, but beyond that I can't help you, not my wheelhouse

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by xXSvenXx

Is it possible to identify certain ingredients in a bomb by studying the explosion?

Yes chemical analysis

What would cause a fireball with white smoke?

Lots of things really

Or do explosions all look and behave the same?

Some do others don't best bet to search youtube

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 11:00 AM
According the the press conferences in the last hour, the doctors are removing carpenter nails as well as the ball bearings reported earlier

176 injured
3 fatalities

The 8 y o boy is Martin Richard, he had just hugged his father who came through the finish line, ran back to his mother when the bomb exploded. His mother has a brain injury, his sister, a first grader, lost her leg. Very sad.
ETA another report I'm hearing now is the father never got to hug his son.

I'm wondering about the security:

It was reported that the two bombs had been left in trash cans. Such receptacles are normally removed from parade routes and other events as an anti-terror precaution, and law-enforcement sources told The Post it wasn’t clear whether the report indicated a security failing — or if, perhaps, the terrorists had set up their own cans.


edit on 16-4-2013 by violet because: (no reason given)

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