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Why the heck did so many people vote for Bush?

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posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by AntiPolitrix IMO there was not ONE reason to vote for Kerry on any issue that is important. Sure Stem Cell Research is important but Kerry and Edwards where trying to play the American people on that one. Stem Cell Research hasn't resulted in any cures yet.

Ok, let's up the ante on this issue. There's more than one way to get stem cells. stem cells are avaliable in umbilical chords...and I think you can harvest them from newborns before they leave the hospitol. There's no need to tapdance on people's beleifs like they do, with this argument. It's just another excuse to keep abortions legal...when there's a viable alternative, lol....

[edit on 3-11-2004 by jlc163]

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 04:31 PM
Wait, democrats bad for economy? Who was the presidnet under the greatest economy ever? Clinton. Who was the president under the worst economy since the deppression? Bush. Who had the largest surplus ever? Clinton. Who has the largest deficit ever? Bush. Gee, look at those damn democrats with their bad economies...... NOT!

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Wait, democrats bad for economy? Who was the presidnet under the greatest economy ever? Clinton. Who was the president under the worst economy since the deppression? Bush. Who had the largest surplus ever? Clinton.

Actually, for my economy, they ARE bad. They are not American Oil Friendly....while Bush is...and it's killing the middle class where I live, thank you.

and it was stated you can't see the effects of a particular president when he first started couldn't see the effects of Clinton till nigh on his last year/bush's first year...he had 12 years to undo.

And Clinton HAD that surplus from RAISING THE TAXES, lol.... "Oh, look at my mighty surplus, which I beat out your back, let me spooon feed it to you to make you alllll better!"

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by LadyV
put woman back in the kitchen with no control over what she does with her own body

I don't think that is what it is all about.

Sure LadyV, Bush doesn't believe in God he just wants to keep the women down. By the way, 54 percent of the votes this election were women, among that amount 48% voted for Bush, 51% percent voted Kerry. So don't try to make this a sex issue. If Bush was a womeniser he would not have gotten 48% of the women vote. Besides you wil have your chance to vote for a women next election, Hillary's next.

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Wait, democrats bad for economy? Who was the presidnet under the greatest economy ever? Clinton. Who was the president under the worst economy since the deppression? Bush. Who had the largest surplus ever? Clinton. Who has the largest deficit ever? Bush. Gee, look at those damn democrats with their bad economies...... NOT!

Pure Ignorance, we do not see results from current Presidents for 4 to 8 years later. So to revise your statement:

1) Who was the presidnet under the greatest economy ever? Clinton, thanks to Reagan

2) Who was the president under the worst economy since the deppression? Bush, thanks to Clinton

3) Who had the largest surplus ever? Clinton, thanks to Reagan, Oh and gutting the military. If you cut military spending of course your going to save money

4) Who has the largest deficit ever? Bush, thanks to Clinton and War on Terror.

Get over it, Republican is the way to go!!

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 05:13 PM
look, there are other choices for women, than just the abortion. theres: Abstinance, adoption, castration, sterilization.....any one of these things can be done...and there are more things, lol....Too often women make it sound like it's the only choice....oh, and you could sleep with sterile males. Hell, I know a few guys who would be willing to shoot blanks for the rest of their lives to be able to sleep with every woman they find.
People want their lives like know, the have it your way? Right away....I think the next thing to be invented will be this instabort thing....


posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 05:14 PM
As far as our world is concerned, there is no clear definition of 'right' or 'wrong' to which all people can agree. The majority of Americans, however, percieved what Bush is doing as 'right'; while you may not beleive this opinion to be the correct one, it must be remembered that opinions are by their very nature entirely subjective things.

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Odd
As far as our world is concerned, there is no clear definition of 'right' or 'wrong' to which all people can agree.

You know, out of this whole thread, this is the one thing I can totally agree on....without going nuts. It doesn't cover whether there IS a right and wrong, it just covers perception.


posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 05:40 PM
People goto the movies for big explosions now and not for the plot. Maybe some of the voters just wanted to see a show for free and be an extra?


posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 05:49 PM
So an incredibly stupid A-hole gathering of American adults - how many of them are there 85000000? Utterly dumbed down stupid people stripped of any realistic assessment of the world
What a tragedy - not that Kerry was any better - he might surely have been worse - but just that the chimp-faced monster truly should have been overthrown
That was the meaning of no WMDs turning up in Iraq
The chimp-faced monster can be shown to be a BIG BIG LIAR, a dyslexic sociopath, a WAR CRIMINAL who should be standing in the dock of an international criminal court, answering to repeated war crimes,he is a recidivist without sentence, and many other crimes in his past, yet this evil war criminal can still collect over half the popular vote
This is so shocking yet expected
America has bared half its ass or should I say ars to avoid deletion in the face of the world
I'm from little old England and know its stupid sheeple population will do the same with Blair next year
Baaaa Baaa Baaaa
Silly bloody idiots responding to a reign of terror directly from the leadership
How on earth can you continue to respect the feelings of the common people
About 50% of them are completely and utterly controlled
You become like a neo-con or an Al-CIAda
completely controlled Islamic dupe
You begin to hate the dumb dumb 50% who are without emotion or belief or who hold beliefs that they subscribe to the practising actual Satanist elite - eg Skull and Bones/Bohemian Grove
What utter fools are these?
Bush can't last long
He wasn't intended to be re-elected though in terms of long term strategy he lets Hillary Clinton in next time
Still time is tight, and a bullet to the head appears a repeated and likely option
Neither wishing or predicting this
This is sad and those sensible Americans and Europeans who have seen through this charade can only make a declaration of TOTAL WAR against the regime
This needs to be of essence NON_VIOLENT-WARFARE - information-led or through energetic counter-attack for example the ever-divisive orgone device users, directing negative energy back to the regime psychics like Condoleeza Rice
The more ordinary need to get on the street shouting this evil regime down
Time is very tight

[edit on 3-11-2004 by dh]

[edit on 3-11-2004 by dh]

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by AntiPolitrix

Get over it, Republican is the way to go!!

It isn't about Republican or democrat...only an idiot only votes for someone because they are of a certain party! I have voted both ways...depending on who was the best man for the job.....this... for me, is about Bush not being a good human being! Saying he is a good Christian and the bible people swallowing it hook line and sinker! This electron was on Gay marriage....can you believe that!? With everything wrong in the world....this is what is important to the American public! People think that American will always be on top....nothing last forever and especially without proper care and concern.....American is on the down swing.

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by cryptorsa1001
First off; the foreigners posting in this forum bashing Americans voting for Bush should just #uck Off. It was an American election only, no foreigners allowed or welcomed. Us Americans are not going to vote a certain way because foreigners want us to vote that way. Keep your noses out of our politics.

... but its ok for America to stick its massive nose into other countries' politics??

[edit on 3-11-2004 by c_au]

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 06:39 PM
Why did so many people vote for bush?

the sheep are afraid of wolves.

Fear and manipulation.

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by cryptorsa1001
First off; the foreigners posting in this forum bashing Americans voting for Bush should just #uck Off. It was an American election only, no foreigners allowed or welcomed.

Says who?

Jeez man, I read it again and you got an attitude problem. This site is foreign owned and operated, in case you didn't know. People are free to post their opinions on these fora.

An edit:

I think it's hysterically funny when some dufus is chasing foreigners off a foreign server

[edit on 3-11-2004 by Aelita]

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Tesla
They are called Evangelical Christians!!

I am disappointed in the young voters, you would think they would see that their lazy butts will be on the line!

Oh well, nothing like Boot Camp to change that!!!

I voted and so did most of my friends, don't be a Bush and make an ass of yourself by generalizing things.

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 07:11 PM
I tell ya, I called it as Bush, and I think it's a good thing. It takes a smack in the face to realise something nowadays, and hopefully four more years will do that. Besides, you (America) are getting the government you deserve.

Protest doesn't work anymore. If you want change, organise yourselves.

Anyways, is Neodemocracy taken?

Neodemocracy - Offering virtually indentical candidates controlled by similar organisations with similar agendas accomplished by different means to the population, (to vote on with purposely faulty electronic voting machines that leave no paper trail,) while influencing the majority of the population with controlled media and fear-mongering.

That Osama tape, with the full transcript sounded more reasonable than any of Bush's speeches. If only the media brainwashing didn't work so well, then when Samuel Goldstein's face appeared upon the telescreen, the two minutes hate would not begin, and they would maybe listen... or think.


posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 07:29 PM
whoever thinks that bush united us at 911 and is actually a good president, is out of there minds, brainwashed, lacking a conscience and a soul. This man is pure evil !! it was ok when his father sold the WMDs to saddam so he could gas the kurds, the cia, and other high level secret organizations installed saddam, they installed bin laden, they install these dictators its called problem, reation, solution, everyhitng they tell who is a lie.

Cheney is curropt to the core, his company haliburton is robbing us for billions, one of the reason bush wanted to invade IRAQ is for there OIL also saddam was going to switch to euros instead of dollars, foreign countrys are pulling out of the dollar thats way the dollar is down big time and the euro is stronger.

Bush/Illuminati look that word up the dictionary its in there (Illuminati) ultimate goal is to use america to destroy america, kerry was just a front hes skull and bones too there both brothers fighting for the same cause namely NWO !! wake up folks these poeple orchastrated 911 bin laden is a CIA asset look at the sick # there were doing to the prisoners at ABU GHARIB sex torture that Bush and Cheneys form of porn.

America symbolizes the phoenix thats what the eagle represents on the dollar bill, NAZIs and Roman empire also had an eagle too. the phoenix is burned then rises from the ashed and is ressurected out of americas death. AKA end of constitution the NWO will emerge. Bush is not a christian thats a front, jesus told people to love there enemies not bomb innocent women and children.

Also the attacks in 93 were allowed to happen, the FBI had infiltrated that terror cell and actually helped the terrorist perform the attacks!!! so some research you see its true , but they wont mention that on the mind controlled news. YOU and I are the enemies there is terrorist, Bush , ISREAL , ENGLAND are the real terrorist there the ones who kill, rape and enslave the whole world, dont let the illusion of socalled american freedom fool you.

things will be getting extremely worse when u least expect it!!

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 07:32 PM
Jakko, in answer to your questions:

1. Yes. Obviously most are this dumb.
2. He swaggered and talked like a retarded thug. Americans love this. It reminds them of John Wayne.
3. It�s obvious Americans don�t care about anything except whether or not the President swaggers properly and is unable to string 2 sentences together. They want a �regular� guy they can have a beer with or go bowling with on Thursday nights. Oh yeah, he has to be a good church going man, as well. Praise the Lord. Bottom line is, we love STUPID.
4. No. We love it when the loss of 3,000 fellow citizen�s lives is used unconscionably for political gain. We don�t care if OBL is ever caught.
5. Yes, we�re aware. The fact is, we�re too dumb to care. We believe George Dubya when he says that God Almighty told him to set this course. He�s just following orders from the Big Guy. What anyone else thinks is of no consequence.
6. Alliance? We have no stinking Alliance. George never mentioned any Alliance. We�re the U.S.A and we stand alone. We can do whatever we like and will kill anything that gets in our way. The Good Lord has given George his personal approval to do so, and as good sheep, our flock will follow him wherever he goes. Besides, why would we need a stupid Alliance anyway? We can quite handily kill every living thing on this planet 10 times over. So, before you speak, remember Good Ol� George has his finger on the big, red button 24/7. And he�s justa itchen t� give it a good push. Praise-a the Lord-a!! Hallelujah!!!

I hope this answered your questions, Jakko. I�m sure once you�ve thought it over, it will all become crystal clear. Just one clue, to understand a moron you have to think like one �

PS: Jakko, I�m with you. It�s beyond me �

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 07:36 PM
the news is totally disgusting me to the core its so full of crap i wanna vomit !!

posted on Nov, 3 2004 @ 07:50 PM
I saw it starting back in the late 90's with large groups of business people and piramid marketing groups selling there so called marketing business under the guise of reliqion. While these groups sold you on getting financially set, they were selling tapes of their drole through networks making them rich. During these functions crowds gathered up to 25,000 at a time in sports areanas and convention halls listeing tio the bashing of Clinton and Gore while spouting bible passages. I later learned this was going on in churches selling people a line of crap about democray and the country becomming communist. This mass histeria was on talk shows all through those red states, the blue states new better, look at where most of the highest rated colleges are. There never was a "Liberal Media" but it should be since news channels are supposed to be unbias and report directly to the people. This election just took it to a new level with Homophobia topping the list amongst my neocon coworkers. Most of these people I work with are good hearted people, but most of them repeat this same retoric, others fear they will loose there gun rights and the rest just do what they are told.

During the 90's America building on what Jimmy Carter started in the Late 70's saw some of it's most profitable times. The Neocons try to spin it off with a number of lines about inheriting the great economy from Bush Sr. But when you look at the whole picture, the story is different.
The Production index of the country grew by more than any time since since post WWII.
Home ownership grew by an average of point 7 percent per year, this figure has been point 1 to point 3 percent ever since and about point 4 percent during the 80s. More people went to work seing the longest stretch of low unemployment figures during the 8 year term. The current economy has stagnated, but the GOP influenced media still says things are great tell that to my neighbor Bob who is still looking for a job that pays more the 12 bucks an hour. We've been fed a line of bull just to keep the administrations pile of oil theives fattened.

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