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Horse painkiller bute found in Asda ‘Smart Price’ corned beef

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posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 02:07 AM

The veterinary painkilling drug phenylbutazone - or bute - has been found in Asda Smart Price Corned Beef, the Food Standards Agency has said. Asda had already withdrawn tens of thousands of its own brand corned beef last month after it was found to contain up to 50 per cent horsemeat.

The supermarket giant removed the £1.54 products from stores across Britain on March 8 - and tests this week showed quantities of horse DNA above trace levels. Leicestershire County Council found the ingredients of one batch of the 340g tins were half horse, but Leeds-based Asda has insisted it only found levels of up to five per cent. Asda, which last month said it had carried out more than 700 tests on products during the horsemeat scandal, has had eight products that have been positive for at least traces of horse. A spokesman for Asda said the chain has 'taken a belt and braces approach' to testing for horse DNA and quickly removed any products from its shelves 'whenever we've had any concerns'.

The Walmart-owned chain with 500-plus stores, whose Smart Price Corned Beef is manufactured by French supplier Toupnot, has also scraped its Chosen By You Corned Beef line. Europe's horsemeat scandal erupted in January, when testing in Ireland revealed that some beef products also contained equine DNA, and the problems then spread across the continent.


posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 02:17 AM
Well, i think some people here on ATS know what my professional activity is so please bare with me.

This is actually quite alarming if this product is ingested in high doses beacause of the following!

PHENYLBUTAZONE: which was discontinued for human use because of its harmful side effects. It is currently used in veterinary medicine as a pain killer. The girl had access to the drug and had used it in working with livestock. She had recently expressed a desire to kill herself and there was a history of suicidal overdose in the family. When the patient became conscious she admitted that she ingested about 7 grams of PHENYLBUTAZONE as a suicide attempt.

Link here :

So people, ask yourselves this question : Why is horse meat, or any kind of meat in general which has been factory produced, now found to contain PAIN KILLERS??? (as well as the traditional soup of Anti-biotics etc etc etc...?)

And yes TROLLS i DO eat meat so do not even bother!

Kindest respects

edit on 10-4-2013 by Rodinus because: Very crap spelling mistake

edit on 10-4-2013 by Rodinus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 02:18 AM

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 02:24 AM
Thank God I don't eat that.

However, it's getting more and more scarier about the things we actually buy and the things they actually mix into it! But no one takes these big corporations to court, coz they are all pals!

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 03:03 AM
It's getting to the point that when we finally eat something with beef in it we're going to think "Hang on this tastes funny."

Thank god there is no horse meat in eggs.. you can bet those swines would have done it too if they could have found a way.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 03:07 AM
Anyone that eats smartprice corned beef should expect to be poisoned. That stuff is as bad as kebab meat but without the flavour and no one knows what's in it! You would probably be better off eating dog food. Bleugh.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by fiftyfifty
Anyone that eats smartprice corned beef should expect to be poisoned. That stuff is as bad as kebab meat but without the flavour and no one knows what's in it! You would probably be better off eating dog food. Bleugh.

Sadly, we are getting to the point where some people do not have the choice because of financial reasons BUT to eat cheap meat from Smartprice, leaderprice etc etc...

This really Effing narks me (Grr Grr Rant Rant)... Effing factory farms and their Effing lobbyists! AND we cannot do a single thing about it but voice our very little listened to opinion by the powers to be who couldn't give a possums poo about what we have to say as they are too involved in making their own personal profit whilst dining on expensive fois gras and fine wines!... may they rot in a cholestorol and liver cancer filled hell!

Rant over.

I am glad that i have the chance that i can look after my kids in a decent way and fulfill my family needs with home grown meat and veg produce... and all of this without chemical products added... just a bit of elbow grease... which of course is deeply saddening in the case of very many people of this world.

Kindest respects

edit on 10-4-2013 by Rodinus because: Word added

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 03:33 AM
Well, Rodinus, I don't know what you do for a living, but I know I have spent way too much energy on this site arguing with people over the dangers of horsemeat being the lack of controls which allow Bute to enter the circulation.

This is a good example of how taboos force things to become perverted.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 03:37 AM
I'm a meat eater, but I'm getting really sick of how much utter # there is in our food.
If it's not the animal we think we're eating, it hormone laced, and pain killer riddled.
How much 'smart priced/own brand' food is being consumed which is nothing but a bit of meat, gristle and GM offerings?
The fact that animals are pumped full of painkillers goes to show the meat we're eating is from less than healthy animals. I wonder how much healthier we'd be as a society if we ate meat that actually came from healthy animals...

If it's not bad enough that all that crap is being passed through into milk, and meat, if we want to eat food that isn't messed with, we're expected to pay more. And the reasons to pay more are just as ridiculous as the crap they'd pump into us otherwise.

If you're paying more for higher standards of animal welfare, how much does it cost to not pump an animal full of drugs and let it into a field to eat grass?
Avoidance of health risks to farmers due to inappropriate handling of pesticides (and avoidance of future medical expenses) - if organic food is grown without pesticides and pesticide resistant spraying, then why are we paying more for them to not use them, or to cover their health risks? Am I paying more for my daily paper in case the people who print it might slice their finger on a page by accident?
Marketing and the distribution chain for organic products is relatively inefficient. How is it inefficient? In what way is it any less efficient than "conventional foods".
Why are "conventional foods" the ones that are GM, surely it should be the other way around?
edit on 10-4-2013 by Lulzaroonie because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 03:40 AM
Surely the amount of bute in the meat is very minimal? You would have to eat far more than you could even eat in one sitting to be slightly affected by it, nothing to worry about here

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 04:00 AM
I read an article a couple of months ago stating that they tested random meats and found an average of 20 painkillers/anti inflammatory, 4 antibiotics and a sex hormone. The amounts they claim are minimal, but I would still prefer it if they weren't in the meat and Bute isn't supposed to be in the food chain.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by conz1992
Surely the amount of bute in the meat is very minimal? You would have to eat far more than you could even eat in one sitting to be slightly affected by it, nothing to worry about here

Hi Conz,

Your post is very pertinent and valuable...

BUT... add the Bute to the amount of other toxic products that you can find in every day consumable products and this makes way for a very interesting cocktail!

Did you take time to read the link that i added to my post here?

I guess i will take some time this week to work on a thread that will give as much information (with peer reviews when possible) about the amount of artificial products that we actually ingest daily... you don't need NK to drop a bomb if you took some time to see how WE are being poisned because of our "addictions" to certain products)... bare with me folks as this is going to be a long one to work on. (all U2Us with extra info are equally welcome to work on the upcoming thread)

Kindest respects

edit on 10-4-2013 by Rodinus because: For some reason my first phrase came out as "You pint"... ahem... damned spell checker!

edit on 10-4-2013 by Rodinus because: A need a post.. erm i mean pint i guess!

edit on 10-4-2013 by Rodinus because: Maybe another pint would be welcome? (I have not even started on the coffee yet!!!)

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

I eat this product I have a tin in my larder. Why? because it is all I can afford.
I look after old people for a living and have 20 quid a week to spend on food and clothing.
I would love to buy Princes corned beef but I just can't afford it.
Thanks by the way...way to go making me feel like # again...
I will take my tin back when I do my next shop and play hell with em.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

Damned if you do, damned if you don't, mate.
We all need to eat, and it's not fair that the stores own economy brands are not only cheap on the pocket, but cheap on the quality too

It's too much to ask these days that food be cheap, and of good quality without having to forgo other necessities, such as heating, clothing or hot water...

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 04:45 AM
i'm pretty sure that there's going to be people suing, of course that will be kept a secret just so the company can state that their weren't any canned products that went into market.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by Rodinus

Thanks for that! Just finished reading that link, I knew about Monsanto and their monsterous dealings with fresh vegetables, fruit, grain etc. But will definitely take more care next time I'm choosing my 3 for £10 meat deals!

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 04:58 AM
I guess most Brits watched that Horse banquet programme, or whatever it was called that aired recently.
They went around taking samples from peoples takeaways and as one might expect most were nothing more than chicken lips, arses,collogen, blood and crap from the various animals we tend to eat.

Some however, they couldn't identify any of the usual suspects, not even horse. Still I suppose it's one way to keep the rat population down.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 05:02 AM
I wondered when they were going to get round to testing tinned beef products. I'm surprsied they didnt do this sooner. After all, if they were chucking horse meat into frozen products, god knows what's in the tinned stuff.

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 05:04 AM
Seeing that this is a Wal-Mart owned company that sells this stuff, I am wondering if somehow, this product has ended up in the states, under another label.

I refuse to shop at Wal-Mart, but i know plenty of people that do.

Link to company that manufactures 'Smart Price" corned beef. On further reading of the suppliers site, i see it says that they do not ship to the states, but there is always surplus food stores.

Just a thought---What of those persons who partake of a kosher diet, and have eaten this product in the past? Horse meat is not a kosher food.
edit on 10-4-2013 by occrest because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2013 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by occrest

I expect those who partake of a kosher diet wouldn't be eating things like corned beef unless the beef is specified to be kosher in the first place... And I expect they would be as outraged as the rest of us, if not more-so...

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