posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 03:11 PM
Interesting thread, and i've enjoyed reading people's opinions on this, many seem very either or.
I've found that the best way for me is to buy and cook vegetarian, but not totally commit myself to it. The only meat I buy now is dog and cat food,
and for me and the fella it's now beans, lentils, mushrooms and cheeses. But when i'm over someone elses place and they cook meat, then i'll eat
it. Or if someone sends a couple of steaks my way, i'll eat em.
This way I've discovered alot of new foods and ways of cooking vegetarian but meat isn't completely out. This way, after eating meat all my life
i'm not suddenly shocking my body by depriving it of the foods it's used to processing, if that makes sense.
One of the main things that used to put me off going vegetarian was that I thought it was all about meat-lookalike foods (Linda McCartney sausage and
that), but since cooking vegetarian i've found that I love black eyed bean curries and lentil loaf based on their own merit and not because i'm
trying to mimic chicken and so drawing up the comparison and being let down.
Something i've learnt over time is that our bodies often get used to extracting certain nutrients from foods and this causes us to crave them when we
need em, by eating other foods that provide similar sustenance it's possible to trick the body into craving these other foods instead.
This all works well for me as I spend less on food shopping, don't fund the meat industry but don't completely abstain, obviously i'm lucky enough
to be invited round for steaks though