posted on Apr, 9 2013 @ 10:27 PM
It's a shame that children are not taught that the government serves them, and all that goes along with that. This should be priority number one, and
the focus should be on educating children on how democracy truly works. Then as they get older and progress through school they can draw their own
conclusions about what is wrong with the government, etc. And it is surprising to learn about how many overseas countries have a much wider
curriculum. American children really are getting screwed. Especially since the main thing they are taught is to perpetuate the broken secondary
educational system. Universities should be virtually free, like in places like France. Instead of spending tax dollars on things like this, the
government goes against the will of the majority and spends on ridiculous crap that helps mostly those who have large bank accounts already...mainly
And there is no such thing as a liberal education anymore. All education should be broad. This is so that someone fresh out of school will be able to
understand the variety or problems concerning not only their jobs, but the country as a whole. Economics should be a much larger area of education,
especially concerning how taxes work, how to analyze what the government is doing with your money, etc.
Private schools are not democratic at all, and they go to on to perpetuate the broken system. Private schools reward those students whose parents have
lots of money and can afford to send them there. While everyone else is forced into public school. And guess which offers a better education? Guess
which educators actually care about educating? So the rich kids start off getting a better education. And then look at the concept of grades. Dr.
Wolff says that he hates giving grades at the university, and that many other professors agree. And why? Because grading in college is designed to do
one thing, not determine if one passes the course, but to inform employers as to who to hire. So the system is designed with the thought of benefiting
the same capitalists who cause us so many problems to begin with. For a more in depth view on this, and to fill in what I skipped over, check out this
man's lectures. They are eye opening.