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Ron Paul Launches Liberty-based Homeschool Curriculum

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posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 06:08 PM
How can anyone not admire RP? He has been the only politician I've seen to make promises and keep them. He took his defeat with grace and dignity rather than revert to the shameful tactics used against him by everyone from the runners to the MSM.

And now? Education the way it should be. Home style with a focus on not only teaching from a book but throwing in the life skills as well. Even how to start a business!

Of course it wouldn't be Ron if he didn't dole out some down home liberty, rights, freedoms etc.

Here, you and your children can get an education in liberty like no other. I invite parents to take courses and participate on forums -- to get the education they never had.

Parents do not pay for the individual courses that they purchase for their children. Here, students learn the basics of Western Civilization and Western liberty -- how it was won, how it is being lost, and how it will be restored. (Not can . . . will.) Students also learn the basics of American history, the United States Constitution, and American geography.

They get two courses on free market economics. They get two courses on government, including a how-to course on reclaiming America, one county at a time. Students get mathematics, either through calculus or statistics or both. They get the basics of science: earth science, biology, chemistry, and physics.

Some great links from the site that I found interesting. Ron wants to make sure that first and foremost, Liberty & Rights takes a front seat with the focus on being that everyone has a right to a proper education.

I love the idea of reclaiming

Here Is What Makes the Ron Paul Curriculum Unique
Liberty Just Took a Huge Step Forward

I continue to admire this man and hope that this home schooling approach catches on as it needs to.


edit on 7-4-2013 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by jude11

Thank you for posting this!
I am going to dig a bit deeper, but it already seems to patch a big hole in the education our kids are getting from public sources.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by woodsmom
reply to post by jude11

Thank you for posting this!
I am going to dig a bit deeper, but it already seems to patch a big hole in the education our kids are getting from public sources.

And it's a big hole to patch as well.

But if Ron puts his mind to it, he'll pull it off.


posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 06:48 PM

I just told my son that I found some online classes that we could take together and he said:


I said:

"Not propaganda classes like you get in school"

"These are freedom classes, by Ron Paul!"

and he said:


Gotta love the children

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by YapTalk

I just told my son that I found some online classes that we could take together and he said:


I said:

"Not propaganda classes like you get in school"

"These are freedom classes, by Ron Paul!"

and he said:


Gotta love the children


You have a smart son there. It's funny how kids know more than we sometimes give them credit for...


posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by YapTalk

So you complain about schools indoctrinating your children, and your solution to this is...indoctrinate them in your own beliefs instead?

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by ShadeWolf
reply to post by YapTalk

So you complain about schools indoctrinating your children, and your solution to this is...indoctrinate them in your own beliefs instead?

Learning to think for yourself and provide for yourself and defend your rights against others is not indoctrination. It's education.

Do you think a child being taught "liberty" and to not automatically trust authority no matter what just because it says it is the authority and has a fancy logo... won't also realize that this same mindset needs to be applied to their own parents and community?

If you teach a man to fish... you won't be surprised if he stops buying your fish. But then you can just go fishing together. If you only teach a man to buy your fish... well... they will be dependent upon you forever.

Not all "educations" are the same.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by ShadeWolf
reply to post by YapTalk

So you complain about schools indoctrinating your children, and your solution to this is...indoctrinate them in your own beliefs instead?

When did teaching your own children about right from wrong and/or what you were raised to believe become indoctrination?

It's called raising your children because they are your children...Not the property of the State or Fed because their track record sure isn't doing very well in the Education Dept. Indoctrination and all.


posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 07:59 AM
I was homeschooled. The biggest benefit to it is that it teaches you HOW to think. Something public schools just don't do nowadays. You have to pick that book up, get information from it and apply it yourself on a test. There is alot of critical thinking learned by doing this. Also as a general rule home-schooled kids score much higher on tests than their public schooled counterparts.

A common misconception about kids that get home-schooled is that their mom teaches them. Not so. My mother stayed home with us but it was up to me and my sister to actually do the work. I liked it also because I was usually done with my studies by 11:00 or 12:00 and had the rest of the day play, do chores, read, whatever I wanted.

Another common misconception is home-schooled kids are socially awkward. There are alot of places to socialize than the gulag pit that is public schools. My parents had me play sports. We were part of a large church that was always doing youth group activities. Also there were kids that lived in my neighborhood that I was friends with. You just have to help make socials setting for your kids.

My wife wants kids, and I definately want them home-schooled. I want them to be able to think for themselves and be smart. Something that is not going to happen especially when you consider the rate at which public schools are going faster and faster down the toilet.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by ShadeWolf
reply to post by YapTalk

So you complain about schools indoctrinating your children, and your solution to this is...indoctrinate them in your own beliefs instead?

OOooooh, you will be burned by the stake of the homeschoolers..

Whenever I hear of homeschooling and it's advantages compared to the states's schools, I think that there are two really different parts mixed up:

Education as in instruction (geography, algebra, art, sport and so on) and Education as in upbringing (learning to think for yourself, morality, equality of everyone etc.).

One can be done best by professionals, the other is the job of the parents.

I haven't visited a school in the UK or USA, but according to my own school-visiting history, there were no hours "Bowing to the powerful" or "Think straight!". Of course, you have to learn what is in the books - but don't you use books in homeschooling, too? Ah, just the right books, I see....

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by jude11

Sounds like indoctrination.

How to reclaim America??? I would love to read those lesson plans and see what garbage they are trying to pass off as education.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by ManFromEurope

Whenever I hear of homeschooling and it's advantages compared to the states's schools, I think that there are two really different parts mixed up:

Education as in instruction (geography, algebra, art, sport and so on) and Education as in upbringing (learning to think for yourself, morality, equality of everyone etc.).

One can be done best by professionals, the other is the job of the parents.

Instructional education can be best done by yourself. At least thats what I like to think. Thats really what home-schooling is. You learn how to teach yourself. That is something that you will never be taught in any type of public school.

I can't remember who said it, but I like the saying "never let school get in the way of a good education."
edit on 8-4-2013 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 08:49 AM
So, taking a closer look at that site...I don't think Ron Paul has anything to do with it. I think this Gary North guy is using his name to scam some Ron Paul fanatics out of some money....$250 a piece to be exact.

He admits the classes are not accredited, that no school or college will accept them as valid courses, and that it is all going to be students helping students try to get through the "courses". Oh...and you have to register and pay the $250 before anything is actually available.

And who is Gary North? Oh...just a Christian theologist...that has been a long advocate of "Christian Homeschooling".

I didn't find one thing on that website that indicates this is backed up by Ron why OP are you rushing here to help this Gary North help spread a scam???

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 09:03 AM
I was at the Dr a few days ago, on the wall was a chart explaining a childs symptoms of abuse. It listed depression, mood swings, cutting themselves etc. My 15 year old daughter had all these symptoms, and as soon as I took her out of school and began to home school, all the symptoms disappeared over night.
If her home life was abusive the symptoms would have continued, but as it turned out it was the school environment that was abusive!

I don't think it is a responsible choice to send our kids to school. Where else can they get shot, catch diseases, learn really bad behavior and get malnourished from terrible food?

I will be sending the Ron Paul school info to my adult kids, hopefully they will choose not to send my grandchildren to our dysfunctional school system.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by xedocodex

You will be hard pressed to find any home-schooling curriculum that is not "Christian based." It was christians that really got home-schooling started in the early 90's and late 80's. So of course almost any of the curriculum that you get for home-schooling is gonna have a christian slant to it.

But here is the catch. If I had never learned the critical thinking skills that is necessary in a home school environment then I also would have never come to the conclusions that I have about religion to this day. Which is religion is not for me. It can be for some people and I don't knock anyone that is religous. However, its not the best spiritual path for me at all.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 09:16 AM
what type of indoctrination do you think is taking place in public schools? I was one of those parents that actually went to meetings, talked to the teachers, looked at the homework and books of his various classes when he was in school, and there wasn't any type of "indoctrination". I worked with him on his critical-thinking skills and reasoning abilities at home. I think there is something else going on here. and what is a "liberty-based curriculum"? it one where you're taught to never trust any government employee or institution? where everyone is lying to you except for a select group of right-wingers?

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by misskat1
I was at the Dr a few days ago, on the wall was a chart explaining a childs symptoms of abuse. It listed depression, mood swings, cutting themselves etc. My 15 year old daughter had all these symptoms, and as soon as I took her out of school and began to home school, all the symptoms disappeared over night.
If her home life was abusive the symptoms would have continued, but as it turned out it was the school environment that was abusive!

I don't think it is a responsible choice to send our kids to school. Where else can they get shot, catch diseases, learn really bad behavior and get malnourished from terrible food?

I will be sending the Ron Paul school info to my adult kids, hopefully they will choose not to send my grandchildren to our dysfunctional school system.

and what type of world is she going to live in when she goes out on her own?...or...are you forming your own town, city, or state free from any of these ills of society?

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 10:10 AM
Ron Paul to the rescue...

edit on 8-4-2013 by kerazeesicko because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 10:21 AM
ron paul rocks!

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by xedocodex
So, taking a closer look at that site...I don't think Ron Paul has anything to do with it. I think this Gary North guy is using his name to scam some Ron Paul fanatics out of some money....$250 a piece to be exact.

He admits the classes are not accredited, that no school or college will accept them as valid courses, and that it is all going to be students helping students try to get through the "courses". Oh...and you have to register and pay the $250 before anything is actually available.

And who is Gary North? Oh...just a Christian theologist...that has been a long advocate of "Christian Homeschooling".

I didn't find one thing on that website that indicates this is backed up by Ron why OP are you rushing here to help this Gary North help spread a scam???

Explanation: Uhmmm?

When completed and online, the curriculum's first six years -- instructional videos and course materials -- will be free. Some parents will decide to join the site, in order to participate in the K-5 forums, but membership is not mandatory. It is supplemental. On the K-5 timetable, click here.

Also RP is too high a profile to mess with!

It is simple as emailing RP office for an answer either way on whether he is endorsing the use of his name like this.

Personal Disclosure: Since your post appears to distort the facts by ommision, I kindly ask that you reconsider whether this is really a scam or not!

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