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North Korea vs North America: Who is the true enemy of the world?

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posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 04:11 AM
America has a lot (a LOT!) of problems, to be sure.

But to compare it to the Orwellian distopia of North Korea is... well... very 'ATS'!

edit on 8-4-2013 by CristobalColonic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 06:11 AM
We only think NK is in a very bad state because what we see on the mainstream news. What are the odds that NK do exactly the same to the US? Show their population how poor the USA is by showing them all footage of the homeless crackheads that liver under bridges. They could even show a video of the many US prisons and tell them how the US locks more people up than any other country in the world. They could even show them the tons of footage of US police abusing their powers by beating the # out of suspects who have done nothing wrong.

We all think that North Koreans are brainwashed, but what if it is the other way around? Has anyone here actually been to North Korea, or tried to go there?
edit on 8-4-2013 by liverlad because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by Knives4eyes

Oh please! :shk:
If you think N. Korea is so much better .. then go live there and give it a try.
Enjoy starvation and total lack of freedom of anything.

In the mean time - HERE is the answer to N. Korea's problems ...

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 07:49 AM
Personally I think TPTB don't have a 'nationality'. Personality I think countries are created the same way as religion and it's all just a divide and conquer tactic. In the west the east are painted as the devil and in the east the west are painted as the devil. Personally I think the whole world is messed up and it's designed to be like that for a reason.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by Knives4eyes


Some 154,000 North Koreans live in prison camps, according to South Korean government estimates. (Other international bodies put the number at closer to 200,000). There are six camps, surrounded by electrified barbed wire. Two camps allow for some "rehabilitation" and release of prisoners the rest are prisons for life.

North America:

In total, 7,225,800 adults were under correctional supervision (probation, parole, jail, or prison) in 2009 – about 3.1% of adults in the U.S. resident population.

In North America, people are imprisoned for rape, murder, things like that. In NK, they are in prison for expressing different political opinions. You're comparing apples and oranges, right out of the gate, and expect to be taken seriously? Look, I'm no fan of many of our government's actions either, but you have to at least pick REAL faults, vs. false comparisons.... and, compared to NK, we're frickin' Mother Theresa....

Now MSM likes to report that North Koreans have comprimised mental faculties and lower cognitive abilities due to starvation. If this is true then why are Americans deflecting on their educational systems crisis. Americans are allowing themselves to get dumber and dumber, not by your choice but our greedy politicians who demand budget cuts for pennies on the dollar.

A 2009 study found that U.S. students ranked 25th among 34 countries in math and science

Because in America we don't kill or imprison folks for not performing...our bad. Has nothing to do with the food by the way. Society in general is dumbing itself down, because we used to have these things called "books" that are mythical creatures to many of today's youth.

It is reported that North Korea has a suicide rate 2.5 times that of South Korea, South Korea is the leader in suicide rates globally.

Let me show you how this North Korean suicide rate is false, if you commit suicide it is considered treason and if you commit treason your entire family is at risk. This is why North Korea has the LOWEST suicide risk, fear is one way to keep this number down. No one would risk their entire family over their personal misery, these Koreans are not greedy.

Oh, yeah, they are SO much kinder and gentler than us...I mean, we must be the REAL evil, because if you commit suicide in America, we don't do you the favor of killing your whole family. Are you even listening to yourself? Seriously?


We target North Korea with our bully tactics in the name of Human rights and we total up their acts of human rights violations and we post pictures of their 6 prison camps.....America has massive sprawling privately owned prisons dotted throughout its landscape. The total number of American prisons is skewed because most of these privatized "prisons" can double as "rehab" or "mental facilities".

You already used this one...the apples and oranges comparison...did you forget? We're only on the fourth point (well third, not counting this one twice).

You can be stripped of due process and held in indefinite detention.
You have torture, have been caught torturing people, you played it cool and said it was for national security.

If you are talking about're not talking about American citizens, you're talking about foreign terror suspects. (which don't have the same right to due process)

Go back to ignoring your floundering educational system

Education is up to the student. If a kid is doing poorly and not learning, it's because the kid doesn't want to.

Just be happy you're not in North Korea right?

Heck yeah...though you are more than welcome to defect, and pray to Lil' Kimmy if you'd like. Enjoy.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by Knives4eyes

No need to try and convince me that America is a failing republic but North Korea is far worse then what we have here in the US! I am sure that both communism and capitalism have their positives and negatives despite what the MSM tries to convey. However I think we will find greed and corruption inherent in both systems because that is the nature of our society! Until we can decide to work in a cooperative effort for the benefit of all mankind we will forever hold disdain and envy for those individuals that are successful!

We need to understand we are what's holding ourselves back from attaining any kind of just and equal society! We complain about what we see wrong with the world but only a small minority are willing to invest the effort into creating change! We have become lazy and dependent on the same system we bitch and moan about yet we fail to make a realization that we need to change ourselves before we can become a force that can effect anything or anyone!

We must first give in to the immense weight of our own insecurity before we can become a vehicle to bring about change for a better world! I realize not many people will be happy to read this or even believe it but it is a truth that has taken me a long time to accept! Once we accept who we are inside then it becomes that much easier to bring about change in ourselves and effect the world as well! Good luck being a force for a positive world!

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 09:36 AM
Wow. It's amazing how a perceived threat can drum up a society to suddenly become extraordinarily defensive of itself and its governing body. This is almost is a beautiful example of us v. them. On these same boards, there are many, many threads that are essentially questioning the various activities of our government and its agencies with great concern. Yet here, rabid defense because we perceive that we are better than somebody else as our leadership allows us all these freedoms in comparison to a perceived dictator and his military leadership. Just before the onset of the Iraq War, we were shown all sorts of things by our media that turned out to be untrue for the most part. We even have documentation from Rumsfield, himself, that clearly indicates that the intent was to manipulate the populace in support of the war. It's not the first time that this has been done. It's always done to gain public support of war on another country.

Yet this time, somehow, they're not lying to us or misleading us. This time has to be different, right? Or is there the possibility that the reason why the situation with North Korea is getting worse is because we have a DoD budget that is being cut back on. The CBO has stated that, by 2017, the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars will have cost the American taxpayer $2.4 trillion dollars. And who, pray tell, receives that money? Wartime means additional monies get allocated to the DoD and to its contractors. But we're supposed to be cutting back?

So, if you can't imagine that perhaps we may be hearing slanted information in regards to NK, imagine the effect of a second Korean War will have on our deficit. Think. War is big business and we just demanded cuts on that big business.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 09:39 AM
How is NK any different to the previous communist regimes throughout the world? Is it more brutal or less?

Small communist and non-secular muslim nations have been under the microscope of the hypocritical UN and NATO for many decades now. I can dislike/hate such nations while at the same time being critical of these babylonian fraudulent world bodies.

People remember and forget whatever they want. It is called selective memory. The UN is currently pushing the small arms treaty on all nations, including on america. It is also pushing Codex Alimentarius on all nations, including on america.

The UN is run by the bilderbergers and world bank. If I have to explain everything and then defend everything I say then obviously this site is too mainstream and pro-capitalist(the croney type) biased.

Yes western countries(especially USA) is still better, but after the events of 9-11-2001(the false flag terror that killed 3000 americans) and initiated massive war campaigns in afghanistan and iraq, the formation of the Patriot Act, NDAA, DHS it has been going downhill steadely and fast. President Obama is now going after the second amendment to dillute it as much as possible. We do not have the same amount of freedom post 9/11 that we had pre 9/11.

The enemy is not USA or NK. The enemy is the world bank and the bilderbergers who want financial chaos and perpetual war. Let us stop this divide and conquer before WW3 gets triggered. Thanks for allowing my opinion!

NK does not want to bomb anyone. They simply want to be left alone from war games close to their border and sanctions relaxed. They have been sanctioned for many decades simply because they want nukes, just like iran has been. Apparently capitalist countries that are friendly to NATO can have as many as they want, while eastern block nations that are friendly to china and russia cannot. This is hypocrisy regardless how we cut it! If NK wants communism when why the bloody # can't they have it? Who is the UN to tell them otherwise and FORCE them to change their mind???

Dennis Rodman went to NK and played basketball with Kim Jung Un and both said they became "friends for life". Just goes to show there is more to life than religion and politics. We should cut them some slack, but then the military industrial complex of america that needs AT LEAST one war per decade to maintain itself would have NO EXCUSE to bomb anyone to sustain itself. Tough luck, fire those folks and put them in other jobs or put them on early retirement.
edit on 8/4/13 by EarthCitizen07 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

This simple for me ... NK and SK are both the VICTIMS in this 50+yrs long BS war

#1 There wouldn't be a South Korea if the U.N wouldn't have stepped in.

#2 There wouldn't be "a B.S. war" if at any point in the last 50 years N Korea would have signed, one of many peace proposals

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty
reply to post by OmegaLogos

This simple for me ... NK and SK are both the VICTIMS in this 50+yrs long BS war

#1 There wouldn't be a South Korea if the U.N wouldn't have stepped in.

#2 There wouldn't be "a B.S. war" if at any point in the last 50 years N Korea would have signed, one of many peace proposals

hey, hey....logical thinking is not allowed here....the Korean war was an illuminati plot, didn't you get the ATS memo?

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

Yea, I don't know why I do it.

I'll probably end up spending the next two days debating with someone, dodging the facts, and changing the subject.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty
reply to post by OmegaLogos

This simple for me ... NK and SK are both the VICTIMS in this 50+yrs long BS war

#1 There wouldn't be a South Korea if the U.N wouldn't have stepped in.

#2 There wouldn't be "a B.S. war" if at any point in the last 50 years N Korea would have signed, one of many peace proposals

hey, hey....logical thinking is not allowed here....the Korean war was an illuminati plot, didn't you get the ATS memo?

What is your version of "logical thinking"? All capitalist countries are good and all communist countries are bad??

USA and Russia have slaughtered many, many millions throughout this century in proxy wars. Both systems suck imho. I am a fan of mild socialism(like canada used to be).

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

NK does not want to bomb anyone. They simply want to be left alone from war games close to their border and sanctions relaxed. They have been sanctioned for many decades simply because they want nukes, just like iran has been. Apparently capitalist countries that are friendly to NATO can have as many as they want, while eastern block nations that are friendly to china and russia cannot.

NK doesn't want nukes to defend himself. He wants them to use to extort food and money from the West, always has and will, since this whole mess started.

Yes, it's not "fair" what? Who said life was fair? Is YOUR life fair? Why should NK be immune? The big boys make the ball or don't, but live with the consequences. Is your life any different? By the way, CHINA is one of those signing those sanctions...they don't want NK as a nuclear power either (who would want a nut job threatening to nuke others as a neighbor...exactly?)

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 11:46 AM
NK hasn't changed in 50 years ... Grand Pa used this tactic, Pa used it, why should the Son change it?!

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 12:06 PM
I laugh at every ignorant person in this thread, but mostly with those living in the US, defending their corrupt government. Sure, its a long stretch to compare these nations, but if you dont see similarities in the BIG PICTURE you're obviously blind.

In the US you cant go to prison simply because you're against government? Erhhh, helloooo??

No, if the US government faces resistance, they blame you of rape and have another country imprison you, or at least try to, or they complain that you're a soldier and should stfu, only to hold you indefinitely.

You're looking at this thread the wrong way if you disagree with it. One man rapes a woman, the other man kills her, the rapist says "I didnt kill her though!" and the world nods in agreement, and, apparently, so does a big part of ATS.

Shame, really, because if you're still at the point of "America is not as bad as the others!" you have no place here imo, I strive for GOOD, not for "not as bad".

Deny ignorance, but not when it comes to the US, its historic and modern day crimes and its effects on the rest of the planet.
edit on 8-4-2013 by Strawberry88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

NK does not want to bomb anyone. They simply want to be left alone from war games close to their border and sanctions relaxed. They have been sanctioned for many decades simply because they want nukes, just like iran has been. Apparently capitalist countries that are friendly to NATO can have as many as they want, while eastern block nations that are friendly to china and russia cannot.

NK doesn't want nukes to defend himself. He wants them to use to extort food and money from the West, always has and will, since this whole mess started.

Yes, it's not "fair" what? Who said life was fair? Is YOUR life fair? Why should NK be immune? The big boys make the ball or don't, but live with the consequences. Is your life any different? By the way, CHINA is one of those signing those sanctions...they don't want NK as a nuclear power either (who would want a nut job threatening to nuke others as a neighbor...exactly?)

To be honest, we could all just move this debate to the bottom of some BBC article, if that is the kind of indoctribated logic we're going to be.using. Life's not fair, the big boys make the rules, banks are essential to the economy and so is their ability to invent money, its the other countries that want the freedom of the big boys,...

Ba bla bla, why bother chipping in if its the same regurgitated reactions that come.out?...

NK is after the US for their own reasons? Just like OBL? Except here it's not freedom they hate.but resources! Makes sense, because if my neighbour denied 50 years I would threaten to blow up his house (and the supposed food I'm after, mind you) as wel! Why try to be self-sustaining when you can have a.good TNT -BBQ!?

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by Strawberry88

You prefer then, to have leaders with nuclear weapons, who constantly threaten to USE them? Not me....

In the US you cant go to prison simply because you're against government? Erhhh, helloooo??

No, they at least bother to trump up some actual charge first, like drug possession or something....

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty
reply to post by OmegaLogos

This simple for me ... NK and SK are both the VICTIMS in this 50+yrs long BS war

#1 There wouldn't be a South Korea if the U.N wouldn't have stepped in.

#2 There wouldn't be "a B.S. war" if at any point in the last 50 years N Korea would have signed, one of many peace proposals

Actually, before the USSR and US entered into what was unified Korea, the UN unilaterally agreed to the division of North and South Korea between the two allies in 1945. This was an agreement of both the USSR and the US--not one deciding to do one thing and the other stepping in. We were allies with the USSR at the time in case you'd forgotten. Fears of the USSR really didn't start to kick up until after the war ended and that largely had to do with Soviet spies trying to basically steal our atomic knowledge. The USSR definitely was on the outs with us, so to speak, when the Soviets successfully detonated an atomic bomb in 1949. In 1945 when Korea was divided, they were our buds in combat.

And honestly, we weren't that much of enemies with the USSR in reality because our government was selling massive amounts of wheat to the USSR in the 1970's and offering subsidies to exporters of grain to the USSR, which ended up resulting in a grain shortage in the US. My grandfather, as a colonel, accompanied the USDA in 1973. I presume it had something to do with the Russian Wheat Deal since the itinerary said "USDA".

There is a distinct difference between what is printed in the press and what goes on in reality. That's what I've learned from my grandfather.

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 01:22 PM
The problem with America is not the nation or it's people but a runaway system that hijacked the free enterprise economy and invaded it's government and civil authority's, it is profitable to keep prisoner's as the correctional institution's are private, as are most law enforcement and the judiciary are not correctly vetted under these circumstance,.

HOWEVER do your statistic's include north Korea criminal's and execution's.

America is the good guy and those responsible for the state it is in are currently transferring there asset's and corporation's to china as they see it as a more corporate friendly state and like a heroin addict needing another fix rather than taking back those asset's America, Britain and Germany are trying to get the corporation's to stay with them.
edit on 8-4-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2013 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by WhiteAlice

Actually on behalf of Britain, we were over twelve month's ahead of the Nazi's on development of the Atomic bomb and after America entered the war we handed all our research and scientist over to the US allowing Openheimer to claim the credit, Oh and frank whittle invented the Jet engine before the war only for some old Fuddy Duddy (Thick traditionalist) in the Air force to claim it would never be viable, We also invented the Mixed unit tactic's that German civilian observer's passed back and were developed into the blitz kreig war method, We also captured the enigma decoder from Nazi submarine and saving private ryan was based on the story of a british unit sent to save a british soldier.

I like the yank's maybe more than my own country men but hey the truth is out there.

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