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Protestant disinfo debunked-Catholics are also Christians

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posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Deetermined

Plus, YHWH in the Septuagint is an obvious addition to the text. The writing does not match the writing of the rest of the text.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by truejew

Originally posted by colbe

Originally posted by truejew
reply to post by colbe
There will be no "2nd Pentecost". There is a great falling away. Many leaving the name of Jesus to follow after the Antichrist and his YHWH god. Your "prophets" will be proven false.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 KJV
[1] Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, [2] That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. [3] Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come , except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; [4] Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Beware of the Jewish man coming in the name of YHWH and performing "miracles". Do not be deceived, the name of Jesus Christ is the only name given by which we must be saved.

I show your words above and only if the quote is not too long these days. How come you don't put up my words about the most Holy Eucharist? The Eucharist is mainly what my post was about? Jesus wants you to believe in His presence in the Eucharist. Four facts you can't ignore or twist. Asking about these four again, you would never reply to and I have shared them a couple of times in discussion.

The Eucharist is referred to in the Gospel as "breaking bread" and other Gospel verses, "break the bread." St. Ignatius, Third Bishop of Antioch as a boy knew the beloved Apostle John. Ignatius was the first person to use the word "Eucharist"

You are mistaken TJ, no offense. God loves you so much, He is going to show you THE faith and WARN you BEFORE the anti-Christ appears and comes to power. This is God's divine personalized "awakening" Catholics know it as the Great Warning. Read Revelation 6:15-17 and 1 Cor 3:13. Only God can show you every moment of your life. Prepare, with true contrition, confess your mortal (serious) sins to God now! You will not feel the spiritual pain of seeing CONFESSED sins during your life review. And pray, pray. pray. How important a daily
prayer life even if it is for 10 minutes.

Catholics have to do more, they must go to Confession. Worth repeating spiritual advise for the Warning.


You have received your "great warning". Continue on your path and you will be a YHWH worshiping, Jesus hater, marked for the beast.

Try to be kind...oh well.

This is the tops for your "one" sentence rebuttals TJ. Oh my, so judgmental and mean.

God's grace brings conversion, keep praying. Discussing the differences gets you nowhere. I noticed in talking with jim d., he sources his Protestant writings. I share Church teaching and confirmation of the same back to Our Lord's time.There are no Protestant sources before 1517, less a couple of earlier heretical writings. Everything else is Catholic.

We're not going to agree until Our Lord the Divine Shepherd brings the lost sheep home at the time of the Great Warning. It could happen next year, when the world is at its worst.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by colbe

reply to post by colbe

This is the tops for your "one" sentence rebuttals TJ.

I counted two sentences.

Originally posted by colbe

Oh my, so judgmental and mean.

Sometimes, the truth can seem mean, but I do mean it for your good. You really are lining yourself up with people who call Jesus "pig god" and "earth pig" and say the following about Mary...

"She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." (Sanhedrin 106a)

They also say that Jesus and his disciples practiced sorcery and black magic in Sanhedrin 43a which shows them lining up with Adjensen who claims baptizing in the name of Christ is witchcraft.

Colbe, are these really the type of people you want to be yoked with?

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by truejew
Adjensen who claims baptizing in the name of Christ is witchcraft.

Again with the lying.

TJ's claim that his god cannot save you unless you use specific words and a specific ritual is demonstrable witchcraft -- the control of the supernatural with human actions. Gary Reckart, with his revelations regarding "gee-zus only" baptism, is TJ's saviour, not Christ, because by Reckart's teachings, their god is a puppet who must do what the human commands.

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by adjensen

Originally posted by truejew
Adjensen who claims baptizing in the name of Christ is witchcraft.

Again with the lying.

TJ's claim that his god cannot save you unless you use specific words and a specific ritual is demonstrable witchcraft -- the control of the supernatural with human actions. Gary Reckart, with his revelations regarding "gee-zus only" baptism, is TJ's saviour, not Christ, because by Reckart's teachings, their god is a puppet who must do what the human commands.

I believe baptism is to be done as the apostles did... in the name of Jesus Christ. It is no more witchcraft than baptizing in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Your claim of witchcraft is false, just like the Talmudist claim that Jesus and His disciples practiced witchcraft was. In fact, it was the Talmudists who were really guilty of the charge as it is with you. Speaking to dead people... attempting to turn crackers and wine into flesh and blood... worshiping the witchcraft name of YHWH.

The Talmudist's have been revealed as the spiritual whore mother of your religion.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 01:53 AM
Baptism is the beginning, God comes to reside in your soul.

Catechism of the Catholic Church

+ + +

232. "Christians are baptized 'in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit' [Mt 28:19.] Before receiving the sacrament, they respond to a three-part question when asked to confess the Father, the Son and the Spirit: 'I do.' 'The faith of all Christians rests on the Trinity.' [St. Caesarius of Arles, Sermo 9, Exp. symb.: CCL 103, 47.]"

233. "Christians are baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: not in their names, [Cf. Profession of faith of Pope Vigilius I (552): DS 415.] for there is only one God, the almighty Father, his only Son and the Holy Spirit: the Most Holy Trinity."

234. "The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in himself. It is therefore the source of all the other mysteries of faith, the light that enlightens them. It is the most fundamental and essential teaching in the 'hierarchy of the truths of faith'. [GCD 43.] The whole history of salvation is identical with the history of the way and the means by which the one true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, reveals himself to men 'and reconciles and unites with himself those who turn away from sin'. [GCD 47.]"

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by colbe

In the beginning of the Church, Christians were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ by the apostles.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 02:26 AM

I was thinking of you. Click on this link, and hit "listen" it's a Catholic Answers radio hour where people call in at a certain point with questions.

The subject is the Trinity. Skip past introductions and listen to young Father Gaitley help you and me
understand (simply stated) about the mystery of the Trinity. Then, people call in with questions.
You can listen and look at ATS, etc. I learned things.

Father loved this paragraph from Catechism. The Trinity is a communion of love...

Catechism of the Catholic Church:

But St. John goes even further when he affirms that "God is love": God's very being is love. By sending his only Son and the Spirit of Love in the fullness of time, God has revealed his innermost secret: God himself is an eternal exchange of love, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and he has destined us to share in that exchange.


posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 04:29 AM

Skip past introductions and listen to young Father Gaitley help you and me
understand (simply stated) about the mystery of the Trinity.

I do not have need of mysterious gnostic teachings. I receive my teaching from the apostles.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by Snsoc

I was reared with the usual Proddy stereotypes of RC's and the RCC.

Over the years I had many wonderful RC friends. In China, I had a dear Maryknoll (sp?) sister who's room was 3 doors down and with a UK Episcopalian, I think 2 doors down our hallway. We had wonderful Christian fellowship.

And, I enjoyed RC counseling clients because they usually gave earnest effort to follow suggestions to usually great benefit.

Nevertheless, the INSTITUTION . . . was still a great source of disquiet in my spirit.

At this point after a lot of reading . . . most recently




by Tom Horn and Chris Putnam

Those two tomes are essentially each fairly in-depth and broad in scope, 600 page "SUMMARIES" of 10's of thousands of source documentation--much available free on the DVD when the books are bought via their websites. I've never seen such a thorough research project before.

Many of their sources are from within the RCC--both historical and current.

At this point, I believe it is inescapable and essentially--when all the facts are laid out on the table--rationally unarguable that the RCC has been subsumed under the satanic globalist oligarchy's control. . . . probably many centuries ago.

I used to hypothesize that


the RCC would have to be

1. Destroyed by the globalists to achieve their world government and one world religion goals


2. infiltrated and controlled from within.


3. that the Vatican would eventually come out in support of and in league with the ET critters/fallen angels.

Evidently 2 & 3 have indeed been the case. 3. is increasingly voiced, published by higher and higher ranking Vatican spokespersons year by year.

"Father's" Jose Funes, Malachi Martin, Bro Guy Consolmagno, and F Gesseppi (sp--can't find my notes yet on the spelling of his name) . . . all have sobering things to say implicating idiocies to rank evil involved at the higher levels of the Vatican.

And, as quoted at Kindle location 12532 in EXO-VATICANNA

Pope Paul VI, the pope who forebodingly declared, "The smoke of Satan ...has entered the Sanctuary,"

are but a few of a long list of knowledgeable Vatican insiders who have implicated the Vatican in horrific facts.

I can't get a clear enough, large enough image on my Kindle of the cover quote of Exo-Vaticanna and my paper copy is loaned out . . . but essentially, the spokesperson for the Vatican Observatory asserts that

Christians will not need to forsake their theology immediately. But that when, if the theological information from the extraterrestrials IS VERIFIED [not a clue how that impossible task could be achieved], THEN Christians will have to do a re-reading [re-evaluating and forsaking, essentially] of the Gospel story.

What demonized hideousness!

There's not enough white-wash in the multi-verse to sanitize the Vatican, at this point.

edit on 13/9/2013 by BO XIAN because: sentence structure

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

"Father's" Jose Funes, Malachi Martin, Bro Guy Consolmagno, and F Gesseppi (sp--can't find my notes yet on the spelling of his name) . . . all have sobering things to say implicating idiocies to rank evil involved at the higher levels of the Vatican.

Suspect ANYONE who cites Malachi Martin -- he passed off intentional fiction as fact and was singing the praises of Hal Lindsey on the Art Bell show (cited here.) There are obvious problems with the Roman Catholic church, but there is no need to invent fantasies of child sacrifice and demon worship to it -- that just distracts from the real issues and makes all critics look like kooks.

Christians will not need to forsake their theology immediately. But that when, if the theological information from the extraterrestrials IS VERIFIED [not a clue how that impossible task could be achieved], THEN Christians will have to do a re-reading [re-evaluating and forsaking, essentially] of the Gospel story.

What demonized hideousness!

Actually, I think it's a rational question -- there is nothing in the Bible that says that there is no other life in the universe, and if there is, what is God's relationship with that other life? If there are other civilizations, past or present, on other planets, did God come to them, as he came to us in Christ?

They aren't saying that you'd throw out the Bible, they're saying that if something like that came to pass, it would give us a new perspective to help us understand God.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 08:22 PM
A quick brief reply is about all I can manage at the moment . . .

1. I think you are . . . rationalizing away . . . a good deal of evidence from Malachi Martin.

2. Tom Horn and Christ Putnam have a huge amount of evidence from a multiplicity of other sources to indicate that, essentially, Malachi Martin knew what he was talking about and may have even been relatively conservative in his allegations.

3. The UFO critters by the best scholarship I've found . . . including French scientist Jacques Vallee as well as J A Hynek . . . and a diversity of other scholarly sources . . . indicate that the critters are fallen angels--working closely with the satanic global government oligarchy toward overt establishment of the satanic global government . . .

JUST AS SCRIPTURE OUTLINED for this era . . . as in the days of Noah etc.

There's no way that supporting such critters as GOOD GUYS is the least bit on the side of ANY kind of

AUTHENTIC CHRISTIANITY . . . regardless of the label.

4. It's not rocket science to realize that the critters are NOT GOOD guys . . . of whom government whistleblowers have, for decades, asserted that the critters CHRONICALLY, LIE, LIE, LIE.

5. It's not polite to rape males and females at will.

6. It's not polite to mutilate humans exactly the same way cattle and other animals are mutilated--particularly without anesthetic etc. Check out Linda Moulton Howe's case on file at

7. I don't expect you to alter your whitewashing of Vatican evils any time soon. I do hope that you will at least have enough of a question arise that WHEN SUCH THINGS start falling out of the sky clearly on the side of evil . . . once the initial "angels of light" deception is well past . . . that you might wake-up then. I do hope you avoid the MARK OF THE BEAST implant at all costs.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Sorry, I've gone through this discussion in the past with other ATS members, and no one has ever provided any credible evidence for it. When you have dodgy testimony from people who are known to lie, exaggerate and present acknowledged fiction as fact, it's not much to start with.

If you have credible evidence that UFOs are demons, or that there are secret rituals, including human sacrifice, going on in the Vatican, you are welcome to present it, but people like Malachi Martin or Alberto Rivera are absolutely not credible sources.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by adjensen

I've cited 1,200 pages over 2 books full of such documentation.

In addition, Guy Malone's youtube videos cover the UFO critter stuff well enough.

Exo-Vaticanna cites a long list of sources chapter and verse. Many of them are high quality sources. I have no interest, time or energy in spoon feeding anyone from that massive amount of info. It's there for folks really seeking the truth.

Here's a list of Guy's youtube videos for those who are serious about learning the facts . . . the scholars he's had at his conferences are top flight and their research is also high quality. On the topic of the fallen angels, they may well be as good as Tom Horn and Chris Putnam in EXO-VATICANNA . . . just not quite as exhaustively thorough.

I don't know what percentage of Malachi Martin's stuff is accurate. Given the OTHER sources affirming much the same things, I'm not at all willing to black wash him as much as you seem eager to do.

Basically, you have evidently thrown in your lot with a massively bureaucratic !CONTROL! freak organization 1600 years old that's long been VERY practiced in jiggering documents every which way to achieve it's POLITICAL goals.

I find that a rather absurd test of righteousness or faith.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 10:37 PM

reply to post by adjensen

I've cited 1,200 pages over 2 books full of such documentation.


In addition, Guy Malone's youtube videos cover the UFO critter stuff well enough.

Unfortunately, I can't watch videos, and don't consider them to be credible sources, anyway.

Sadly, when I went to university, I was trained in historical research, so I'm pretty good at picking up on people who are either just talking out of their hat, or citing others who are. Like I said, the one time that I looked into this subject, all I found was unfounded claims, utter nonsense and gullible people who are unable to be critical thinkers.

I have not "thrown in" with anyone -- I am a Roman Catholic, by choice, because it is, in my opinion, the closest thing to "true Christianity" that we have. But that doesn't mean that I don't have significant differences with the church and their teachings -- we are at an uneasy alliance on both sides, lol.

I like Pope Francis, and I think that he can restore a lot of the confidence that people used to have in the church, not because he's some crazy control freak, but because he thinks, and I agree, that the largest organized church in the world can do some amount of good if it gets re-focused on Christ's message, not focused on scandals or irrational conspiracy theories.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 10:54 PM


reply to post by adjensen

I've cited 1,200 pages over 2 books full of such documentation.


Tom Horn and Chris Putnam's exhaustive and quite scholarly researched:




They are essentially each 600 page "SUMMARIES" of 10's of thousands of source documents--INCLUDING MANY PRIMARY SOURCE DOCUMENTS; rare books; interviews; etc. . . . many from within the Vatican system and many from centuries ago . . . .

In addition, Guy Malone's youtube videos cover the UFO critter stuff well enough.

Unfortunately, I can't watch videos, and don't consider them to be credible sources, anyway.

Sadly, when I went to university, I was trained in historical research, so I'm pretty good at picking up on people who are either just talking out of their hat, or citing others who are. Like I said, the one time that I looked into this subject, all I found was unfounded claims, utter nonsense and gullible people who are unable to be critical thinkers.

Evidently your experience and assumptions are failing you horribly in this case.

Guy Malone's panel of high level scholars present high quality documentation and presentations on the issues related to the critters; what they are etc. They go into the root word meanings, archeology; ancient texts; etc. etc. Guy himself is quite zaney. However, the conferences and scholars he assembles are high level, top flight as are their research findings and their presentations.

I have not "thrown in" with anyone -- I am a Roman Catholic, by choice, because it is, in my opinion, the closest thing to "true Christianity" that we have. But that doesn't mean that I don't have significant differences with the church and their teachings -- we are at an uneasy alliance on both sides, lol.

I used to have a more charitable attitude even toward the institution. I don't have that luxury any longer after reading such a huge amount of documentation proving otherwise--that the institution is worthy only the strongest hostility and condemnation from authentic Christians regardless of their labels.

BTW, I tend to think that any congregation older than about a year and a half has already had the ROT begin to set in..

I like Pope Francis, and I think that he can restore a lot of the confidence that people used to have in the church, not because he's some crazy control freak, but because he thinks, and I agree, that the largest organized church in the world can do some amount of good if it gets re-focused on Christ's message, not focused on scandals or irrational conspiracy theories.

He certainly seems to have a personality and values markedly above those of his recent peers.

HOWEVER, TELLING ATHEISTS that they do not have to believe in God to make Heaven is foolhardy and rather unbiblical, on the whole.

God can make whatever exceptions HE chooses. He's the boss. But to say such a thing as though it's a truism for the whole class of individuals is damnable.

edit on 13/9/2013 by BO XIAN because: additions

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

HOWEVER, TELLING ATHEISTS that they do not have to believe in God to make Heaven is foolhardy and rather unbiblical, on the whole.

Except that isn't what he said.

What he said was that it was up to God, which is what the church teaches -- God is omnipotent, and ultimately merciful, so if he chooses to save atheists who live a righteous life, but simply lack a belief in God, isn't that his right, and what's it to you?

I agree that universal salvation, popular today among some Protestants, is a dangerous doctrine to teach, but that's not what he's talking about here.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by adjensen

Good. I'm quite glad to read that. Doesn't sound that different from my own convictions, then.

And certainly UNIVERSALISM is not New Testament.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Well, it seems that we've come to a point of agreement, then

One of the things that brought me to the Roman Catholic church was that very belief -- that salvation is up to God, not man, and if God wants to save someone, that's his prerogative, and it's not for us to complain about it. That is contrasted to some churches, examples within this ridiculously long thread, that teach that unless you do and say very specific things, God cannot save you, which is lunacy, in my opinion.

Put your faith in God, trust in him, and let him do the heavy lifting.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by adjensen

What you say is not Biblical. Faith from man is required for salvation. Works alone cannot save.
edit on 14-9-2013 by truejew because: (no reason given)

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