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What would you do: advice sought on a controversial topic

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posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 03:41 PM
I told tetra50 i would keep this thread going while she was away, anway i thought i would be redundant for the sake of being redundant because not everyone has went through of 18 pages reading this and this is the glimmer of hope people who are dealing with this including me need to here, about a year and a half ago Barack Obama set up a bioethics committee to find out what some of this stuff were talking about is, what he learned i dunno but at least he seems aware of some stuff now.....
edit on 30-6-2013 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
1 leaves it in the hands of the LORD if said conduits are there which 1 does not doubt for all it takes is the connection to advanced techs etc. With that OP very interesting well written share. Thanks for caring for others who may be exposed to this type of observations. Its wild because the same things may be going on with ALL the ENERGIES related w/o knowing as some can be like lets say flytraps as to attract questionable energies closer as so THEY Are WATCHED/EVALUATED... (like lets see how they deal with this 1 l
l: your turn ) So who knows where the observations stop as far as who's watching who and from what perspectives locations and where the boundaries of observation are leveled off as far as what can ? take? and where is privacy RESPECTED. hmm
snf for the good read


Ophiuchus, your open mind and gentle, loving spirit are always uplifting.

I used to laugh and shake my head at this topic, but not anymore. My research into MK-ULTRA and it predecessors and off-shoots led me to lots of documentation that the science section of our intelligence orgs and military-industrial complex have been interested and spending big bucks on these technologies for better than 50 years.

In addition, we know that we have factions in existence who won't hesitate on human-use experimentation nor shy away from harassment.

While, imo, the last stop in this search should be case histories, once one sees that there is plenty of evidence for the technology and the willingness to use it for myriad and nefarious purposes, the rest almost becomes a moot point.

My search for UFO "truth" also led me down a path that suggests EMF, ELF, and Microwave effects on the brain is probably one of the most top secret topics extant. Two different paths lead to the same topics discussed here. For me, that further suggests it's worth the time to dig into.

Hang in there, OP, we'll get to the bottom of it yet.

edit on 24-7-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by King Seesar
Oh no sorry if i came off like that i greatly value your opinion as well, i saw the 1970's documentry where they were talking to the MK-Ultra doctors who feel like they did no wrong and were allowed to get away with the atrocities they did, made me ill and i would hope things would not go down like that again, heads do need to roll....

Anyway good thread...

I agree good thread. The one you linked seems to be valuable as well, although I haven't had time to read it yet.

Btw: Do you think that documentary is still available?

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by The GUT

You sure are right about Ophiucus.....and a lot of other things, as well, my friend. (Ophiucus, I am not calling you a thing.) Your are correct, of course, and as I've read some of your own Aviary thread, these lines do cross quite a bit.....
Thanks very much for your encouragement, very much.
I would also point you to an older thread here, by member name B. Morrison, now banned, though wouldn't be surprised if still a member, perhaps, under a different name. He has an MK Ultra thread with a lot of referenced and sourced, documented and as official as it gets information. If you look up his profile, you will find it, though it doesn't go by the name of just ultra; it's bluebird, and a few other topics, as well.

Of course, they "say" that many of the files regarding Ultra were destroyed right as investigations were ordered in the "70's. Then it's also been postulated many were not destroyed, but moved to institutions where research took place, ie universities, etc. and corporations (might dig around a bit on a corp. called the Burroughs Corp. out of St. Louis, MO, inventer of the first adding machines, kind of ironic, i find, by itself, there, adding it all up), and even private residences......

Anyway, again, thanks for the info.

One more thing: I have read in your thread (ret.) Col. Alexander's (btw., Gen. Alexander of NSA is a different can find his pic if you google him); anyway, have read there a quote from Col. Alexander that it is "preposterous" that psychotronic or more specifically, EMF, was weaponized and has been used on the masses in general, especially as it relates to physiologically, making you sick of killing you, applications, for there was "sufficient force," already, to do such.

First, I've sourced on another thread DOD documents which provide policy and procedure for protecting troops in battlefield situations protection from, you don't sink money into protection if the weaponry isn't there, obviously. Secondly, these guys are all about PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY. In other words, harassing your mind, body and health of both without laying a finger on you, so you can never prove it. That's the whole point. Sufficient force in the form of arrest and holding (think NDAA), or blowing you away with a drone strike obviously kind of creates some issues for them "neutralizing" those they would wish to shut up or simply go away. Of course, disappearance, and suiciding are completely possible, too. There are quite interesting lists and dates of witnesses in Dallas on that fateful day, interviewed, and then subsequently "not so healthy," to put it fascetiously, anymore......

Thanks again, for your support.
edit on 25-7-2013 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Yea here's the documentary minus the commercials, the version i saw had the commercials included but it's the same documentary i think it originally aired on ABC back in 1977 or 1979....

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by tetra50

Hey Tetra50 it's been awhile hope you are doing well, anyway here's some more bits of info you might be interested in first here's a video from a person called commander X where he go's into great detail about the tech we are talking about in this thread, if you can get by his silly gimmick and fake applause button he does give out real info on what this stuff can and has and will do to people.....

Also in this thread i created called Audio Slaves and the Powers that Be it details a new potential way of mind control, what happen was in 2006 i happen to randomly come across a document on the net talking about Audio Slaves and means of mind control though music, where it get's bizarre is when i went back to print out the document two days later it was gone like it never existed ,someone didn't want that info getting out, anyway here's the link to my thread where i go into greater detail about the tactic....

Take care.....

edit on 29-7-2013 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by King Seesar

Good to see you, again, KS. I been around a bit here and there, but left this topic alone for a while.....
Thanks for continuing to post, adding information, and just being you.

I'll check out what you've posted....

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 01:46 PM
Yea another thing i should mention which i brought up in the thread i created was how they apply the process of the technological aspect of how TI''s are initially targeted, first they enter your head then they use the tech we are talking about or telepathy if you want to look at it from that perspective, then they slightly use the tech to amplify the sound in your room whether it be a fan or a TV set ect, then when the sound is implemented correctly you start to hear someone talking through the amplified sound then the noises enter your brain directly.....

After this when the noises are over you start to hear a particular team of about five making noises in the head and after a while they start using sentences to mess with your mind and pray on your weakness in some cases the perps are bribed by the CIA-FIB-MIC (Military–industrial complex) ect....

I'v seen two posters on the board Survivor Sucks named Mister Slippery and Serapheam or Seraphaem (who i'v warned about before) implement some of these aspects from a mind control aspect not so much by tech or entering the brain but by illusion and altering ones reality for complete control just like the US is trying to do with these forms of technology.....

Anyway thought it needed to be said...

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 09:03 PM
So, anyone who knows me, and knows where I post, knows I have been very interested in The Language of Vampyr thread, about a site called Forgotten Languages, which seems to be (to me, at least) a DARPA funded program, replete with a DARPA developed program, called Nodespace. The stated motive on that website is about developing an "anti-language," to be used by a certain group, amongst others who cannot understand it.

I have very definitive feelings about this, and what I have explained in this thread is certainly a part of that. It is time for me to not post on that thread anymore. There is much going on there, but my presence will certainly not reveal anything, but just create more opposition to truth, as I see it.

Nevertheless, as I have stated on the thread, I do and will continue to read and learn.

Tonight, someone posted something about 12.704 Ghz. There is dispute about what this particular frequency does exactly.

However, when I did a search on it, I found, POOF, all the satellite arrays, computer logistics, etc. in every country, particularly us and Russia, everything is broadcast, and computers are set to operate on this particular frequency.

I found this very interesting.‎

as well as a whole lot more in this search. What I didn't find was what the new member, lostgirl, observed about this particular frequency, and its use for beta waves in the brain to spawn particular behaviors and brain chemistry, like obssessive compulsive behavior and chemistry, ala the brain. I have searched endlessly, and do not know where she got her info, but I find it very interesting, especially once I did my own search regarding that particular frequency. You will find it throughout every satellite array, background noise in terms of telescopathy in space, etc.........

Think this is worth a look-see, though I've been told if I continue along this line, it will be my DOOM........
Oh well, even if it's mine, I hope it's not yours; that is the whole point of this thread....

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 01:40 AM

I found this very interesting.‎

as well as a whole lot more in this search. What I didn't find was what the new member, lostgirl, observed about this particular frequency, and its use for beta waves in the brain to spawn particular behaviors and brain chemistry, like obssessive compulsive behavior and chemistry, ala the brain. I have searched endlessly, and do not know where she got her info, but I find it very interesting, especially once I did my own search regarding that particular frequency. You will find it throughout every satellite array, background noise in terms of telescopathy in space, etc.........

Hello, actually it was the 27 Hz frequency that affects the brain. The 'beta' brainwave range is 13 - 30 Hz. At the lower ranges beta is good. It increases concentration, arousal, alertness, but as it gets higher (upwards of 18-20 Hz) beta begins to cause negative effects...anxiety, fight or flight syndrome, in some cases even paranoia...

There are current DARPA funded experiments involving the transmission of sound in the 27 Hz range directly into the audio receptors of the brain...

edit on 7-9-2013 by lostgirl because: grammar

edit on 7-9-2013 by lostgirl because: spelling

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 02:38 AM
Do i believe anyone is being targeted or tracked or implanted by whoever, NO.

From personal experience i have seen what taking bath salts or artificial marijuana does to someones brain to create temporary paranoid schizophrenia type symptoms, and it does almost the exact same thing to every person.

They include

-voices in the tv
-thinking people are talking bad about them
-thinking people have chips or microphes in ears.
-secret microphones hidden in home or car.
-getting a passport to travel to nasa to be part of a secret nasa program
-government watching them
-government tracking what they look online
-thinking people want to violate them or watch them while taking a shower.

so why would every one have the same symptoms, because we are not as different as people think, we think we are all so different and individual, that we cant be observed like animals with certain behaviours in a zoo. but we are predictable and react the same when we have a brain imbalance and that why these people come on here and claim they are being followed and tracked by government people or being spoken too by tv.
and people claim this is proof, no its proof that the brain reacts the same in most all people when it is imbalanced.

look at these illusions, peoples brains will see the same illusions the same because they are all wired the same and in the same way will hear voices or get paranoid the same if they take drugs or have mental problems. no conspiracy just the brain doing its thing.

remember the only illusion in life is thinking there is a them, when in fact there is only us looking at a wall seeing our own shadow.


posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 03:00 AM
So I was thinking what I would do if I were going thru all the 'stuff' described in the op...

For one, fully accept that I cannot stop it happening, I can only be proactive in experimenting with ways to cope with it's what I came up with...

I would try various types of self hypnosis...There are so many methods out there, including ones which involve brainwave manipulation - just as 'beta' can have negative effect, alpha can be calming. There are CD's you can get that have what are called "Binaural beats" embedded into music which, as you listen to thru headphones, will bring your brainwaves into the state you want (there's also delta, which is for deep sleep, and theta for creativity)...

Actually, you can find videos designed for this on youtube though I don't know if they work....

But the very first thing I would try is:
....okay it sounds more complicated then it is....Studies have shown that music can have a profound affect on our state of mind, and I read somewhere that the mind responds to recordings of a person's own voice. So...

I thought of making several hours of recordings using all the songs/music I love most (especially ones that are attached to special memories or times in my life), whatever music I have been most uplifted by...
But the music would be the background - over the music would be my own voice speaking in a clear, pleasant yet strong the first thing to do is:
Spend an hour or more writing down everything good about 'who I am'...Every positive belief, every counterpoint to any negative remark that's been 'broadcast' to my mind, every beautiful thought about the people I love and the life I lead...every thing I love in nature...I would search out favorite quotes from people I admire, profound sayings that speak to the beauty of humanity. Lists of people who overcame hardship and came out with beautiful spirits (Helen Keller comes to mind)...

Some people doing this might want to put in bible verses that lift their spirits and strengthen their hearts...Even favorite fictional works can have beautiful, profound, ideas that could be recorded...

The main thing is to create a 'world' of aural beauty that all relates to the beauty that 'speaks' to you personally...
...put the recording on an iPod or whatever, get some earbuds, and never be without it...

Even when the 'voices' are quiet listen to these recordings...train your mind to remember who you are (the love and light, and spirit that is 'you') no matter what is being 'said' about you...

And I would never stop listening to it (even if it did not 'seem' to be working), because what if the day you gave up on it was the day before the recording did start helping?

Also, I would try to keep my life/mind attuned to the 'goodness' in life- don't go to 'ugly' movies, no horror stories, or unpleasant plots in books or television even...I would even put limits on watching the news - watch only what's absolutely necessary to keep aware of the state of the world and whatever topics are necessary for you personally to be aware of...there's no need to know about horrific crimes, sadistic criminals, ect.
Actually don't do televised news at all, because you can't control what you're exposed to. With the newspaper or reading online, you can skip past unpleasant stories with barely a glimpse of the headline...

Whew!! So there you go...if anyone actually starts doing this, please private mssg. me and let me know whether it helps...or even better, start a thread about it, so others can give it a try...

Oh about stalkers: I would remember that they only have as much power over me as I give in to fear of them...

Remember, they can't really hurt you, because then there would be evidence....

Also, here's what I do - plan out what you would do in any given situation that one of them did try to actually harm you...example: the second a stalker laid a hand on me, I would dig my hands into what ever bit of his flesh I could get hold of and scratch up a load of DNA under my fingernails....

Okay, goodnight and God bless all of you
edit on 7-9-2013 by lostgirl because: correction

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by lostgirl

Bumping the thread, saving my spot - haven't read the whole thread.

Questions -

When do you think you were "infected"?

I was born in 1963 in Tarrant County, Air Force Base - middle child - both of my siblings are/were "not right" with no family history - brother born in 1962 - crazy as a loon (delusions, visual/auditory hallucinations) both of his sons are developmentally impaired (autistic) my younger sister was diagnosed with MS when she was 16 years old (also had delusions, paranoia) died at 35 years old and was born in Little Rock air force base in 1965.

I am the only "normal" child - although I know I was sexually abused by someone when I was pre-kindergarten - by my own strange remembrence, not by other people - certainly not by my parents. Only person in my family with green eyes, does not wear corrective eye glasses, even at 50 years old this month.

I completely believe the military has/are doing some experiments on the armed forces.

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by lostgirl

I found this very interesting.‎

as well as a whole lot more in this search. What I didn't find was what the new member, lostgirl, observed about this particular frequency, and its use for beta waves in the brain to spawn particular behaviors and brain chemistry, like obssessive compulsive behavior and chemistry, ala the brain. I have searched endlessly, and do not know where she got her info, but I find it very interesting, especially once I did my own search regarding that particular frequency. You will find it throughout every satellite array, background noise in terms of telescopathy in space, etc.........

Hello, actually it was the 27 Hz frequency that affects the brain. The 'beta' brainwave range is 13 - 30 Hz. At the lower ranges beta is good. It increases concentration, arousal, alertness, but as it gets higher (upwards of 18-20 Hz) beta begins to cause negative effects...anxiety, fight or flight syndrome, in some cases even paranoia...

There are current DARPA funded experiments involving the transmission of sound in the 27 Hz range directly into the audio receptors of the brain...

edit on 7-9-2013 by lostgirl because: grammar

edit on 7-9-2013 by lostgirl because: spelling

Dear lostgirl: Thanks so much for taking the time to respond here. Your contributions are very welcome. I found information about some of what you discuss about frequencies, and some I could not. But that doesn't surprise me overly much, and truthfully, I'm a believer in the importance of vetting the source of information, anyway. In other words, it would depend on where it came from, as to whether I would see it as valid information, anyway. We live in a time of propaganda and lies, and must do our best to assimilate and "vet" information as we find it, or it comes to us.

I also have found information at different times that once I save the link, it "disappears," later, so.....make of that what you will. Some time ago, the hz frequency used in common musical scales was changed. There doesn't seem to be a lot of information available as to why, but it's known that it was. In fact, there's a thread here sommewhere on it, if you do a search.....(btw, the best search vehicle here is, when looking for threads).

As to your later post, those are all wonderful ideas. I am personally careful with the binaural beat thing, just as I am careful about other things you mentioned, such as what I intake in my mind, such as certain movies, etc, just as you advised. Very careful. In fact, as to the FL site, I never watched the videos on it, and did my investigating through other members' description of the site, itself. I never intentionally visited the site, even. Although one day in reading a members' response, I clicked on a link that led me to FL (Forgotten Languages), I didn't stay nor investigate the site, itself. I followed the thread from day one, and when I began to see certain patterns and familiar things being mentioned by the posters, and towards the end of the thread after doing some research, I felt that it was then time to get involved, but still with a healthy distance, for me, from the site, itself.

In other words, I am wary of becoming an unwilling and unwitting guinae least per what I read descriptively, at least in the beginning, about the videos on the site.

Watching the psychological reactions and effects the thread and site had on the members participating was as fascinating as the information about Forgotten Languages, what they are, perhaps, "up to," and whom their connections may be.... But the participation "bit" me, too, LOL, at a certain point....a member ran my posts, evidently, through a predictive language programming software he was experimenting with, which is also a known surveillance project through one of the alphabets, to determine the identity of posters on different forums.....
This made me VERY uncomfortable, needless to say. So, it was time for me to withdraw and go back to observing.

Anyway, enough about that here.
I do many of the things you suggest, though I have not gone so far as to make a recording of my own voice speaking, as you suggested, and yes, I find music helps me, a great deal, keep hold of the "whoness," of myself. This is all important, I believe, in fighting. As to someone not really being able to hurt you.....well, I would differ with you there. Concentrated and continuing over long periods exposure to high level EM targeting does, in fact, leave physical damage to your brain. And certainly, the negativity over a long period, and some things that are so antithetical to you, perhaps even perverse in nature, to disturb you ultimately beyond your ability to function, is obviously hurtful to the psyche after enough time, no matter how "grounded" and sane you are.......

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 08:07 AM
con't to lostgirl:

It isn't fear, really, at all. It's the constant harassment of someone or something else besides you in a place so private.....

Anyway, feel free to continue any contributions you feel like providing on this thread, please. And take care.

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by thenaturalist
Do i believe anyone is being targeted or tracked or implanted by whoever, NO.

From personal experience i have seen what taking bath salts or artificial marijuana does to someones brain to create temporary paranoid schizophrenia type symptoms, and it does almost the exact same thing to every person.

They include

-voices in the tv
-thinking people are talking bad about them
-thinking people have chips or microphes in ears.
-secret microphones hidden in home or car.
-getting a passport to travel to nasa to be part of a secret nasa program
-government watching them
-government tracking what they look online
-thinking people want to violate them or watch them while taking a shower.

so why would every one have the same symptoms, because we are not as different as people think, we think we are all so different and individual, that we cant be observed like animals with certain behaviours in a zoo. but we are predictable and react the same when we have a brain imbalance and that why these people come on here and claim they are being followed and tracked by government people or being spoken too by tv.
and people claim this is proof, no its proof that the brain reacts the same in most all people when it is imbalanced.

look at these illusions, peoples brains will see the same illusions the same because they are all wired the same and in the same way will hear voices or get paranoid the same if they take drugs or have mental problems. no conspiracy just the brain doing its thing.

remember the only illusion in life is thinking there is a them, when in fact there is only us looking at a wall seeing our own shadow.


Hi thenaturalist:

Thanks for your participation. I wonder if you read the whole thread. It's a good idea to do so before replying.
Anyway, you are welcome to your opinion, of course. But throughout the thread you will find many links supporting the theory behind the thread, and most of them are at the end. Therefore, it would be quite important to read before posting an opinion.

Anyway, you are welcome to your opinion, nonetheless, though educating oneself on someone's stance is always a good idea.

As to your assertions about artificial marajuana, I wonder how drug use came into this thread? Another reason I am wondering if you read past the OP......This thread is about way more than paranoia, and the sources linked will make that obvious. Sure, drug use can and does exacerbate, perhaps even create, paranoia, and dependent upon the drug, can include hallucinations, etc....

But I encourage you to keep your mind open and continue you reading, as there are many who experience such things without drugs. In fact, there are folks who end up "self medicating" due to these things presenting BEFORE any drug use.

Second, as to mental problems, this is addressed repeatedly in this thread, so I'm not really interested, at this 19 pg. point in going backwards, as I see it, if someone isn't willing to read the whole thing, and all the sources. Suffice it to say there are people with this problem that didn't experience it till middle age, and schizophrenia, for instance, doesn't present at that ripe age.

Anyway, deepthought.newsvine is an excellent place to start reading. Also, doing a search as to Remote Neural Monitoring ( which once you understand how it is done, could easily be called Remote Neural Manipulation), is another good place to start. I assure you none of these things are the made up responses to paranoia of drug addicts. A line into your mind, to visualize or read it, is a line out......once in, if your thought process can be tapped and tracked (fMRI), then it can certainly be added to and given to you.....That's really just a matter of logic. You will also find sources on this thread from military documents, that back up EMF tampering in the amount of money the DOD has spent, in the battlefield, protecting troops and command from such.........

So, if you want to do some reading, first, and then return and give your opinion, you are quite welcome. Otherwise, I don't feel you postulations on this topic were very informed.....not just because I don't agree with you, but you spoke to things that truly have little place here. And that does a disservice to anyone who, in the spirit of the thread, chose to participate here.


posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Happy1
reply to post by lostgirl

Bumping the thread, saving my spot - haven't read the whole thread.

Questions -

When do you think you were "infected"?

I was born in 1963 in Tarrant County, Air Force Base - middle child - both of my siblings are/were "not right" with no family history - brother born in 1962 - crazy as a loon (delusions, visual/auditory hallucinations) both of his sons are developmentally impaired (autistic) my younger sister was diagnosed with MS when she was 16 years old (also had delusions, paranoia) died at 35 years old and was born in Little Rock air force base in 1965.

I am the only "normal" child - although I know I was sexually abused by someone when I was pre-kindergarten - by my own strange remembrence, not by other people - certainly not by my parents. Only person in my family with green eyes, does not wear corrective eye glasses, even at 50 years old this month.

I completely believe the military has/are doing some experiments on the armed forces.

Hello Happy1:

I have seen you around the boards, of course, and am glad you found this thread. You will, I think, find good information here, source-wise, if you take the time to read the whole thread, especially having noted what you say above. Links are provided throughout, and also, quite a few at the end of the thread. I tried, also, to provide links that were respected, in general, nothing sensational, and some hard science, to back the thread up.

Please continue participating as you feel, and take the time to read, for it might bring some knowledge to your own situation.....

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 06:30 AM
I'm bumping this old thread because there are at least three threads on the subject going right now. These threads are by seemingly cognitive solid thinking, sane individuals. We see a lot of these threads, but they usually sound crazy so as to debunk the people who are real sufferers. I thought a few others suffering might like to get other perspectives, as well. You are not alone.

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 06:30 AM
double post
edit on 23-8-2014 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: tetra50

Great thread! have 19 pages worth of reading but thanks for posting information that is pushing the envelope and is outside of the square.

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