This thread will deal with a controversial topic or two, topics that when are adressed here, typically, on ATS, the OPs are generally challenged for
proof, the voracity, the probablity that they are suffering mental health (specifically schizophrenia type symptoms or drug or alcohol problems, or
just a general unwillingness on their parts for taking responsibility for their issues, and looking instead for an outside "force," or conspiracy to
be blamed.)
Having described it this way, I would like to rise above those typical reactions, not get into specific sourcing for the existence of mind
control or manipulation technologies or the use of them--while I can give those sources and make a case for their actual existence--but feel, in
general this would take the focus off what I would really appreciate and rather like to focus upon in responses from the diversity of thought found
here on ATS.
So, if possible, it would be greatly appreciated if we could not descend in this thread to the typical reactions described above. I will give
an example here: many of those who post op's in regards to this subject, such as gang stalking and targeting individuals (for this is part and
parcel and strongly linked in what I describe), get the most typical response of : why would a government, research entity via the latter, or anyone
in possession of such technology, focus upon you? What makes you so important that those researchers or government branches in charge of such, would
focus on someone like you. I see this as a fallacy in logic, and an ad hominem type of attack, obfuscating and derailing the obvious: that these
people write about this in a cry for help, in one way or another, to receive validation, to be believed, and also to warn others of the use of the
technology, and warn against what the future may bring in light of such and what it may mean to others.....and then obviously, from my position,
anyway, how it can splinter the core of an individual, and result in their ostrasization from society, to the point of losing credibility with their
personal relationships, doctors they may seek help from, and in short, participating in "normal society," in terms of finding and securing their
employment opportunities for the purpose of survival, which, let's face it, depends upon a certain perceived of balance and acceptance from outside
society, which we depend upon, for jobs, careers, and bottom line: protection. For if you are labelled a whackjob, you become an "open target, in
an open season type quandary," in a way, for all sorts of victimization, for no one will believe if you seek help for even criminal, physical
attacks, once you have been labelled in this way.
And so I present a hypothetical for your consideration, ATS, asking you, just for the purposes of consideration of my questions, to suspend your
belief just long enough to assume that someone is telling you the truth of what is happening to them along these lines. But first, I would like to
explain a little bit about what this would mean to an individual under this kind of attack.
It would constitute, in a very real way, the actual rape of your intimate and innermost psyche. Your thoughts would be monitored, to determine
what unhinges you the most, your points of pscyhogical weakness, necessary for those employing such devices to get the maximum desired affect:
rendering you shattered, personality-wise, making it almost impossible to fight back on an emotional level, much less on a real, concrete level in
seeking help to end what is happening to you, for the whole purpose of said technologies is to make you appear to be mentall unstable, at the very
least, extremely paranoic, and worst, schizophrenic. After such labelling by medical and psychological professionals, your credibility in all ways is
shot. Getting help then becomes almost impossible. And as your paths of seeking help and assistance close down, as your relationships deteriorate,
for such an onslaught, daily, negative thoughts and filth being piped in your mind, tends to shatter the psyche, and working to shut it down becomes
ever harder. The effect in the end, is total isolation, disenfranchisement from any kind of life, social or professional or otherwise, the damage to
you so pervasive and all consuming.
This brings us to another of the typical responses: well, just block it out, ignore it, can't be all that bad.
But, I find these responses to be from people both resist, wholeheartedly, the possibility of such and so therefore, have a particular insensitivy and
inability to understand what this psychic onslaught of daily and sometimes constant negativity that can render one only able to sitting, fighting what
doesn't belong in their brain--and yes, I wholly believe that those who suffer from this know with certainty what is a product of their own
mental processes, and what is not, what is, rather, introduced, piped in, etc....
Not to mention the idea that there are various ways, technologically, to expose people to this abomination. Strong word, I know. But truly,
the whole idea of the "thougth police," and the breeching of the last bastion of privacy of an individual, their mind, is nothing short of an
abomination, when you think about it. And most concerning, accompanied with functional MRI, and different methods of supposedly being able to
"read," and/or actually visualize what goes on in an individual's mind, further creating the possibility of pschological labels, predictive
behavior, etc., this means even further abomination...... When the fact is, quite simply in computer technology, a line into your modem, is also a
line out. And these premises and techs were built upon neural mapping, and computers were created with something akin to the neural mapping of a
human brain, always aiming for such an interface, that would subject the individual, quite obviously, to not only the motivations of the operator's
of the machine, but to render the machine's conclusions more valid than the assertion of the individual to define themselves, rather than be defined
by the machine and its observations.
What this means, really, is if you can see into a mind, theoretically, then what is "seen" there, could also very well have been put there.
And in terms of viewing this on a computer, you could even theoretically skip the link, just putting some functional MRI pics in the right format, and
not even be linked to someone's mind, just claiming it is so.
Obviously, if you combine all this with a "Minority Report," type of reality, where fighting crimes becomes predictive in nature, needless to
say, if I have communicated this well enough, everyone is screwed. So it begs the question: what makes you important enough to want to use you as a
test subject, and render your life useless, defined for you, without your consent, and by technology all consider to be more "honest," than your own
definition of "self?" Because, the whole point would be world domination, making us all automatons, and enslaved in ways beyond the usual
manipulation of our lives through our basic needs to survive.
I've gone on long enough, I think, to get the point across as to what I am asking all of you to consider. And am wondering if you can suspend
long enough your disbelief in this being possible, probable or the tech even existing and being used.......