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Religious Fanatics Send Death Threats To College Professor Due To Perceived Offense

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posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by xedocodex

LEARNING is hard. Why go to all that effort when you can just read a book that has the answer to everything and is written - albeit via humans specially chosen for the task - by no less a personage than god?

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by xedocodex

praise the lard : someone understands the point of the lecture

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 07:47 AM
i have a question for those who are getting ` over excited ` by this thread - and calling the stepping on a word " juesus " , an act of blasphemy

ooops - sorry - not a question - a rebutall :

stop being a hypocritical idolator

its just a peice of paper - if you imbue it with any significance - you are creating an idol - and i reccomend that you consult your precious bible - it has lots to say about idolatry - all negative

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by charles1952
I can't tell whether this thread was designed to condemn Christians (Christians do monstrous things.) or excuse Islamic terrorists (Muslims are no worse than Christians are, so get off their backs.). I expect both, especially since the OP is so intent on saying that people who disagree with him are making excuses for Christians.

To attempt to strengthen the case that Christians are at least as dangerous as Muslims, abortion clinics have been brought up. I was curious about that so I went to the website for the National Abortion Federation. They list reports of violence against abortion related people and property throughout the US and Canada. They report that, since 1997, there have been four deaths caused by three people (Roeder, Kopp, and Rudolph). That's terrible, of course, but it's invisible compared with non-Christian terrorism in the last 15 years.

Shouldn't we take a quick look at Islamic terrorism as well?

Sunni extremists committed almost 60 percent of all worldwide terrorist attacks. These attacks caused approximately 70 percent of terrorism-related deaths, a significant increase from the almost 62 percent in 2009.

Of the remaining attacks, secular, political, or anarchist groups accounted for almost 16 percent of the total, roughly the same proportion as in 2009. Christian extremist attacks fell sharply from 1,052 in 2009 to 321 in 2010.
In 2010 there were 11,604 terrorist attacks. Given that, the percentage conducted by Christian groups was 2.8%

And if you like playing with numbers, the Pew research center estimates that Christians are 32% of the world and Muslims are 23%. With Muslim terrorist attacks occurring about 20 times as frequently as those committed by Christian groups, and with Muslims being about 2/3 as populous as Christians, the rate of terrorist attacks by Muslims is about 30 times greater.

Arguing that Christians are as prone to terrorist methods as Muslims, is advocating an unbelievable proposition and weakens the case of the presenter.

So you are basically trying to forgive what this kid did by dragging Muslims into it even though Muslims weren't involved? Or do you think this was an act of terrorism seeing how you are also dragging terrorism into the discussion.

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by buster2010

dragging Muslims into it even though Muslims weren't involved?

its a distressingly common tactic of deflection - when ever any action is rightly condemmed - the apologist brings up a comparable action by a 3rd party , that while also deplorable - has nothing to do with the topic

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by brandiwine14
The teacher asked students to step on Jesus, what an idiotic teacher.

If you can't get past "stepping on Jesus bad!", then perhaps it would behoove you to educate *yourself* a bit and see this is an exercise in thought, and realize that having a class discussion on students' various reactions to the exercise is actually a good thing. Jesus.

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by buster2010 and ignorant_ape

Dear buster2010 and ignorant_ape,

I believe your criticism is unfair, inaccurate, and an attempt to ignore the issues raised in this thread as you seem to be ignoring presented facts.

So you are basically trying to forgive what this kid did by dragging Muslims into it even though Muslims weren't involved? Or do you think this was an act of terrorism seeing how you are also dragging terrorism into the discussion.

its a distressingly common tactic of deflection - when ever any action is rightly condemmed - the apologist brings up a comparable action by a 3rd party , that while also deplorable - has nothing to do with the topic

Muslims have nothing to do with the topic?? What?? Have you read the thread? Especially consider just someof the comments by the Opening Poster on the very first page.

Are people going to try to use the excuse that "if they do it then we should be able to"???

Are Christians really becoming this fanatical that they are threatening to kill their own if they don't like what they say???? Maybe we should start to consider Christians as potential terrorists if this is the route they want to take.

But it seems like a huge deal is made about it when Muslims do it...and like I one seems to care where Christians do it.

But there are hypocrites that would be condemning Muslims for doing this same thing...but sit quietly when it is done by Christians

Yes, the fanatics are no different on either side.

Christian fanatics are just as dangerous as Muslim fanatics or Atheist fanatics.

If you want to tell the OP that he doesn't know what the topic of his thread is, and his introduction of Muslims is a deflection, go right ahead. I'm just posting response to the OP's topic, and you seem to want to avoid it. I don't know why.

With respect,

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by charles1952
2) "This is what really happened?" All of the comments were the professor's.. He was simply telling his side of the story. I'm not going to assume that it's completely true. You shouldn't either.

Oh really ? You dont have any problem with bashing Muslims without hearing their side of the story by the look of your previous post history.
How can that be charles ?
How can it be that you are making pathetic excuses on every thread that is criticizing Israel ? Please enlighten me charles

posted on Apr, 4 2013 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by ArtooDetoo

Dear ArtooDetoo,

I made four statements:

1)All of the comments were the professor's.
2) He was simply telling his side of the story.
3) I'm not going to assume that it's completely true.
4)You shouldn't either.

Which one (or ones) do you object to?

With respect,

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