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Originally posted by BlueMule
Sometimes I really wish orthodox fundamentalists would take their apologetics to another forum. I am so sick of their tired old predictable tripe that everyone has already heard a million times.
Originally posted by BlueMule
I'm just sick of it that's all.
Originally posted by BlueMule
reply to post by adjensen
Another website altogether... maybe one populated by kids who haven't heard orthodox mainstream apologetics millions of times already.
I know, I know. Its a free country and you orthodox conservative mainstream "thinkers" can spread your knee-jerk unthinking dogma anywhere. I'm just sick of it that's all.
Originally posted by adjensen
Originally posted by BlueMule
I'm just sick of it that's all.
Then maybe you should find something else to occupy your time.
Originally posted by BlueMule
Yeah the mainstream "thought" of orthodox conservative apologists who see satan lurking around every corner is pretty boring and predictable.
Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
Originally posted by Logarock
Nothing against Mary....really. But this is a load of bull. Its a very egregious expansion on what really happened. But alas some need to twist the thing around to fit a modern political flow.
To an extent, but however you view it in relation to the other gospels in terms of what 'really happened', or indeed whether any of them offer a true picture, The Gospel of Mary certainly does record such an exchange...
Originally posted by adjensen
Originally posted by Trafalgar1805
I hope that when the RCC publically warms to the fabricated texts (that secret Mark gospel is it called?) that lies that Jesus was homosexual, which has been the plan all along, you will dismiss them, or will you only dismiss the texts that state he was heterosexual and had sex with women?
I have made something of a career of studying non-canonical texts, and I dismiss the majority of them, written by non-orthodox authors. Yes, it is The Secret Gospel of Mark which implies that Christ was homosexual, but that is a known forgery, almost certainly conjured up by its discoverer, Morton Smith.
There is zero chance that the Roman Catholic Church will "warm up" to non-canonical texts -- they officially closed the canon centuries ago.
Originally posted by eight bits
and it's all the same to me whether or not Jesus was "gay"
Carlson avoids any ad hominem investigation; he nicely avoids the too-easy strategy of claiming the work is fake because it's just the sort of thing that a man with Morton Smith's alternative lifestyle would want to find. Instead, all attacks are on the gospel, its manuscript, or the story of its finding, each chapter examining these from a different angle. The first critique is that of handwriting. The manuscript, judging from the few photographs available, shows the "forger's tremor" that is commonly used to convict writers of fake cheques. Linguistically, the work is also suspect. It is *too* reminiscent of Clementine style to be true; every author of antiquity shows some growth in style and variance in lexicon with each new work, but Secret Mark uses only what is attested in the authentic works of Clement.
Carlson even reveals two puns buried in the gospel and the story of its finding that serve as Morton Smith's own confession. In talking about the gospel, Smith claims the existing manuscript was penned by a monk named Madiotes. No such surname exists in Greece, but the word itself is build from a root meaning both "bald" and "swindler". Smith himself lost his hair at a very young age, and in passing off a fake gospel as a legitimate find, he would be swindling the academy. Another pun is that the gospel makes reference to free-flowing salt, yet this did not exist in antiquity. It was created in the 20th century by the Morton Salt Co. When one considers this, one can hardly deny that the gospel is Smith's practical joke. (Source)
Originally posted by eight bits
Happily, I already live in a society that tolerates personal choices in sexual expression among consenting adults. I am utterly unconcerned with whom any other grown-up sleeps, so long as everybody is a volunteer.
Originally posted by Logarock
This Mary gospel looks like your typical after the fact fiction. It is certainly gnostic in nature having that wiff of the deep insider with secret teachings the other didnt get. And now that teach is gone its always these type man or woman that make claims to secret teachings the rest didnt get. You can always tell because they, the insider, become the center of attention. Now Peter got a lot of attention but it was the good with the bad. No other person in scritpure but David is stripped down so clear for all to see. Thats something you wont find in these deep insider, we were with him and had a better relationship ect ect. type tall tales folks. Gnostics are great at enticing folks with these notions. Weak minds and hearts that give way to crafty fables.
For them to have chosen a single woman as a witness (deemed uncredible in those times) who had been possessed of 7 evil spirits, would have been madness, unless it was the truth
does illuminati, whose core beliefs stem from Gnosticism, paganism, and occult magick
Sounds pretty "pagan" to me, talking to skulls
Therefore, Mary Magdalene is holding the skull as a symbol of her penitence,
We must use also logic, and think about things and look into what the symbology really means, rather than invent things we wish to 'see'.
Its a very egregious expansion on what really happened. But alas some need to twist the thing around to fit a modern political flow
She was probably a devotee, but the cultural norms of the time would preclude her from being an Apostle -- if she was, there would be quite a bit of that in the Bible, since it would have been so controversial.
Do some simple research....
The texts that claim or imply that there was more to their relationship than is otherwise presented are dated long after he died,
reply to post by adjensen
Well, unfortunately, you're not the determiner of morality, God is, and he's said that sex outside of marriage is a sin.