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Man Prepares for Civil war- Wife Turns him in to Police- What law did he break?

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posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 03:10 PM
Evaluation of the video:

In Massachusetts, people are almost as paranoid as they are in Connecticut or New York. So understanding their reaction needs to be viewed through that lens.

11 rifles for 1 household - normal - constitutes enough weapons for approximately 5 people including multiple purposes such as hunting, varmints, burglars, and large predators.
11 rifles over 9 months is more than 1 rifle per month.

2 handguns is a small number, and indicates last ditch efforts for himself and his wife. 2 Handguns is normal for first time couples, but abnormally low for novice recreational shooters. So far the total is 13 guns, still not 2 guns per month.

Now he has 2 flare guns, those are considered regulated devices with regard to fire, shipping and handling costs, etc., and that puts the total at 15 destructive devices. 2 of anything is traditional survival theory of redundancy at the lowest level.

2 pair of handcuffs doesn't make much sense. The redundancy makes sense if you need one pair of handcuffs, but for a civil war scenario, zip ties in bulk would be more logical if you didn't want to kill people, and if you wanted to handcuff someone rather than shoot them, why have so many long range rifles? This is psychologically inconsistent, and more in line with sociopathic tendencies such as kidnapping followed by hold out and suicide by pistol.

The 17 cans full of ammo is probably about 10,000-20,000 rounds of ammunition, enough to wage a long term defense on semi-automatic, probably for the rest of one's life, as long as they aren't being hit by a military vehicle. That many rounds is consistent with a Zombie Apocalypse scenario, but is inconsistent with the other equipment.

2 kevlar vests and helmets is consistent with bugging in and defending one's family. A ballistic plate is also consistent.

2 vests are not consistent with someone who wants to do a raid on a school or movie theater. The vests and plate are inconsistent with the handcuffs. If someone is going to shoot you and you have 17 cans of ammo, why aren't you shooting back?

The legitimate reasons for arrest are:
1. talking about shooting people in the head for fun (makes a "reasonable" search more "reasonable")
2. the illegal activity of converting a floor into a firing range
3. illegal possession of a ballistic plate in a state where that is banned paraphernalia

Civilizations must decide for themselves what is legal and not legal, but there's not a lot of records of people being mass murdered by body armor or ballistic plates. A society that decides protecting human life with armor should be illegal is either woefully ignorant of the ways to bypass it or is determined to promote tyranny of a minority over the masses.

Still, despite the logic in some cases both legal and illegal, the total of the equipment irregardless of unsubstantiated claims demonstrates a kind of instability and a break in the thinking process. The man does not have the equipment for a zombie apocalypse or a civil war. He has the equipment for a rape-kidnapping and the ability to hold out long enough to execute the victim and himself. His background could be interpreted two ways:

either he heard enough stories about clients to be seriously concerned and wants handcuffs to protect himself from crazy people he doesn't view as worthy of shooting,
or he has heard too much and been sucked into the paranoia himself and is becoming a closeted shut in sociopath fearful of other human beings and wants his family to conform to his delusions, even if he has to handcuff them while he 'holds down the fort".

I'm going to guess the latter.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 03:16 PM
When family turns on family you know a neighbor will turn on a neighbor...

and....History repeats itself. The S already hit the fan in my book.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 05:03 PM
They got him on "mental care"
so he brock now laws!!!

if he is not mental he should sue them for saying it.
they use it far to much.
A suprice they did not say terroist!

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 05:55 PM
link Hay, I'm as PRO GUN as anyone, but looking at his stuff, and hearing what was alleged to have been said by Him, it would leave on to think he was a very trigger happy individual perhaps. Indoor gun range? WRONG.... fail..
While I agree on prepping, and taking what necessary steps one needs to survive in a civil war scenario, I think this was a bunch over the top. Still, I'm not convinced he was any threat to the population at large. maybe overzealous, foolish in his vocalizations, and had protection of his family in mind foremost. In a civil war, it IS WAR, it's not just shooting birdshot at trespassers, it's for real, and by any means necessary.

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx

Originally posted by faryjay
What a b***h!!!

If there is a Civil War ever, then she'll regret this for sure.

So, he was getting ready to protect himself and his family but she saw this as wrong and turned him in.

I guess she doesn't realize that only true family stands up for family these days.

Oh well, she should be thunder punched for sure!

just because there are sane, law-abiding people that own assault rifles, doesn't mean THAT ALL people that own assault rifles are sane, and law-abiding.

You mean pdw (personal defense weapon) that's what dhs calls them

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 08:19 PM
Kind of cold for a Man's own wife to do that, but what kind of an ignoramus fires guns inside their apartment, can you imagine being this guy's neighbor? What is wrong with heading down to the local shooting range? You see now, it's people like this that give firearm owners a bad name. Luckily, most are more level headed citizens. ~$heopleNation

posted on Mar, 29 2013 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by yourmaker

Originally posted by pacifier2012
Until Anders actually killed people in Sweden there was no actual law he broke either. Although you can be arrested for showing signs that could endanger others.


The conclusion is, anyone preparing for civil war in the US has a mental problem so yes, they need locking up to protect themselves and others from random acts of violence.

LOL... the government has the biggest fn mental problem there is then hahaha


Firstly, Norway, Tasmania or USA. People plan to kill everywhere in the world. (Your first fail)
Secondly, you missed the point anyway (2nd fail)
Thirdly, lets take away your government and see how long you'd survive in the chaos. You;d probably cry and hide under your bed screaming for the Police (Oh that's right, they are government aren't they!)

The fact is , if you are planning for a local war, you need locked up before you hurt someone because you have a mental problem.
edit on 29-3-2013 by pacifier2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by daryllyn
He was really stupid about it, though. Not saying he should have been hauled off necessarily, but, he was firing guns in an apartment building and telling the neighbors 'not to be alarmed by any gunfire'.

Well said daryllyn!

I have a neighbor who likes to walk her attack Doberman Pinscher around the neighborhood without a leash. She has him on verbal command. She has trained him well, to a point I suppose because, with each person they encounter, he will give his alert bark and charge right at them as if it is going to attack. Then she will yell "Halt, return!!" and the dog will obey.

Well, I have a 6 year old and he is a vulnerable little fellow who plays in our front yard, and this is a bad situation. I tell her this is unacceptable and it is going to end one way or another. She tries to impress me that I do not understand what a great dog trainer she is and that I do not know that by her verbal command she has complete control of the dog. I do not understand dogs, etc.

I tell her that I was on pistol team in college and was in Field Intelligence. I am an expert with a 9mm. But I do not go around the neighborhood firing rounds off my weapon in random directions, reassuring everyone who expresses concern that I can do it as I please and to not worry because "I am an expert marksman and they are not in danger." Plus the dog has free will, and my weapon does not.

I had to call the county to get her to stop. Some people are just friggin nuts.

edit on 30-3-2013 by TheEthicalSkeptic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by pacifier2012
Firstly, Norway, Tasmania or USA. People plan to kill everywhere in the world. (Your first fail)
Can't you read? You said Anders shot up Sweden, I said Norway, then you tell me I fail? lol..

Thirdly, lets take away your government and see how long you'd survive in the chaos.


You;d probably cry and hide under your bed screaming for the Police (Oh that's right, they are government aren't they!)

No, no and no.

The fact is , if you are planning for a local war, you need locked up before you hurt someone because you have a mental problem.

As opposed to preparing for a foreign war which is of complete sound mind and judgement.

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

omg OMG! He had tear gas and pepper spray grenades!!!

These are for the sole use of the Police forces so they can be unconstitutionally used to torture and intimidate peaceful protesters! Welcome to North Koreanamerica, brother!

...but srsly, it's really AWFUL that you can't trust a family member anymore, that a wife or husband is more accountable to the State and its Police than to his/her lover.

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