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Stunning Corn Comparison: GMO versus NON GMO

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posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by VeritasAequitas

No spent 20 years on a farm think I am qualified.

I spent 20 years in school... but that doesn't make me a teacher.

You could live in a garage but it wouldn't make you a car.

Where do these poeple come from? Too bad they don't teach logic on farms.....

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Plotus
I was under the impression that GMO corn or 'plants' would not put out viable seeds from their plant. In other words you had to get gmo seeds every year, not just harvest seeds from your grown crop.

I find it interesting that nobody else wants to comment on this.
Tell me it's not all about the almighty dollar.

And to the people saying organic veggies are more expensive? Sorry, haven't found that to be the case at all. Especially when you can harvest your own seeds for the next year. I don't use any pesticides except hot pepper juice spray on my veggies. Some years are better than others, but I always have enough to can.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by Blarneystoner

Where do these poeple come from? Too bad they don't teach logic on farms.....

Oh man that killed me!

Ok...time for me to breathe.

Don't expect any straight answers from him/her, I'm still waiting on a response to the questions I posed about their own posts earlier only to be told that I was off topic and irrelevant

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by Blarneystoner

Reading stuff on the internet doesn't make a person a "scientist" now does it.

Really where do those people come from?

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 03:20 PM
what's truly amazing is how folks think the top down baloney means it's ok to ingest - pigs won't eat it.
Jeff Smith -'the Seeds of Deception' is well worth the read and here is his url:

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 03:28 PM
Ya'll are kinda "corny" about his stuff. A few points:

1. Your body does not digest anything beyond a molecular level. The molecules are the same from NGMO to GMO. Fact. Your body does not know the difference.
2. Corn and all other planets get their nutritional value from three places --all environmental (water, air, soil) It makes sense that mass produced over worked fields would be low in all minerals /nutrients as listed missing.
3. Taking control of our food supply on this planet will help ease global disruptions in food systems from war or climate change. In the end, your offspring will eat GMO food, and be healthier than you because of GMOs.

Please don't ignore the severity of this debate on the impoverished people of this planet, not your organic hipster feelings or worries about technology in seeds. I mean the rest of the planet. Find a more meaningful cause to worry yourself about, like starving babies or malnourished pregnancies. The fact is GMOs save lives and give inexpensive food to world charities. Don't be a self serving, annoying food snob on this mostly starving planet. There I said it.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
What about GM rice? rice on its own causes malnutrition but researchers have made "Golden Rice" which contains vitamin A and this will save millions of people in the thrid world BUT due to people protesting about GM foods the institute who made this "Golden rice" did not get more funding so millions of people in the third world will still starve.
The institute who made it Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Institute for Plant Sciences planned to give the rice strain for free to any country asking for it.
We have to go the GM route with all that's happening with the world and enviroment, we need to be able to grow stronger foods to be able to grow them in places where we could not before.
Like I said test it and label it but we must do this for the sake of humanity.

All this GM food that grows faster, larger, quicker that non GM food still requires one thing: petroleum based fertilizer. That has to be transported and distributed to all the farms.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by chiefsmom

Originally posted by Plotus
I was under the impression that GMO corn or 'plants' would not put out viable seeds from their plant. In other words you had to get gmo seeds every year, not just harvest seeds from your grown crop.

I find it interesting that nobody else wants to comment on this.
Tell me it's not all about the almighty dollar.

And to the people saying organic veggies are more expensive? Sorry, haven't found that to be the case at all. Especially when you can harvest your own seeds for the next year. I don't use any pesticides except hot pepper juice spray on my veggies. Some years are better than others, but I always have enough to can.

This corn seeds farmers buy (Non-GMO or GMO) are hybrids. They are designed to be ugrown for a specific purpose. If you save somes seeds from them for the next year, the next crop will usually be nothing like the prior one. It is like fruit trees, if you take fruit from a grafted tree and plant the seeds, it probably will taste nothing like the original. It actually makes more economical sense for them just to buy new seeds every year. Is that what you where asking?

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by stormcell

Thats why they are trying to make food that doesn't need petrolium based fertilizer....
Like the guy above says we need this to happen for the sake of the hungry in the world.
I agree test it but to just dismiss GM food when it will save so many people from starving....have you ever met anyone who is starving to death? I have and I do not want children of the world starving. GM food will help so many but many here dismiss it without any real facts.
At the end of the day the link for is just trying to sell their seeds so of course they will trump up evidence to scare people to buy their seeds and not gm ones.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by boymonkey74 Moth DNA isn't part of corn since we started to plant it. What we did is breed different kinds of corn together to make a strand that would better withstand nature. Moth DNA to withstand fungus and what not is not what we did and/or wanted.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by stormcell

Thats why they are trying to make food that doesn't need petrolium based fertilizer....
Like the guy above says we need this to happen for the sake of the hungry in the world.
I agree test it but to just dismiss GM food when it will save so many people from starving....have you ever met anyone who is starving to death? I have and I do not want children of the world starving. GM food will help so many but many here dismiss it without any real facts.
At the end of the day the link for is just trying to sell their seeds so of course they will trump up evidence to scare people to buy their seeds and not gm ones.

yes because the same company that allowed dioxins to rot the people in Alabama, really cares about making food that doesn't require petro based fertilizers. lmfao

i know, we'll poison ourselves to stay alive, how's that for a plan????????

In August, 2003, Monsanto and its former chemical subsidiary, Solutia, Inc. (now owned by Pharmacia Corp.), agreed to pay $600 million to settle claims brought by more than 20,000 residents of Anniston, AL, over the severe contamination of ground and water by tons of PCBs dumped in the area from the 1930s until the 1970s. Court documents revealed that Monsanto was aware of the contamination decades earlier.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by LittleBlackEagle

There are other places researching GM foods, many of them are universities here in the UK which do it not for profit.
We in the UK are still testing GM products and to this date no GM product is grown in the uk countryside.

I do not know much about your US company but I trust what we are doing over here.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by LittleBlackEagle

There are other places researching GM foods, many of them are universities here in the UK which do it not for profit.
We in the UK are still testing GM products and to this date no GM product is grown in the uk countryside.

I do not know much about your US company but I trust what we are doing over here.

must be nice and did you ever wonder why you have no GMO's growing in the UK since they have been available since the 80's? because someone in your country that has power, cares about your health or monsanto hasn't found their price. here in the US monsanto could market sulfuric acid in foods and they could get away with it.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by LittleBlackEagle

Personally I blame the Sun newspaper they printed so many horror stories about GM food that public opinion swayed our government to slow it right down. But recently people are understanding the benifits that GM food will bring the world so public opinion is getting more open to the thought of it.
We in the UK lead Biotech research and we have been testing it since the 80's.
I do not know the ins and outs of it but I understand the good GM food can do so we will continue testing it to make sure it is safe.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
Considering all corn has been genetically modified since we started planting it, as long as it is tested I see no problem with it.

Please know the difference between plant BREEDING and the current definition of GMO genetically modified - they're very different.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by thebtheb

Yes and please read the thread and understand you are the 8th person to say so....

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
If it helps solve the world food problem, making it last longer better for you etc I see no problem with it.
Of course test it but the positives in GM food to me make it a subject that we need to study more and make food better for everyone.
It could save millions of people.

That is the worst BS I've ever heard, about solving the world's food problem. Let me see, it's been around for over nearly 15 years, and I don't see any world food problem being solved. There was already before GMOs existed, a surplus of food for this planet. It's distribution and no one's going to distribute it to anyone who can't pay for it. So the main consumers of GMO are not the ones that needed to be bed in the first place. That lame excuse they give about "feeding the world" is BS of the highest order.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by thebtheb

No point answering that..If you read the whole thread maybe you would have read other reasons why we need gm food.
Oh sod it Iam outa this thread.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
reply to post by solongandgoodnight

It angers me to know that most of the food that is grown and fed to humans isn't nearly as nutritional as it was a couple decades ago. What also angers me is that a lot of people don't know or just don't care.

As you said, if this study is correct, then the differences in comparison are massive.

There are plenty of studies supporting that food from just 50 years ago was more nutritious. One that I read had saved samples from post WW2, and compared them against samples from today, not even GMO ones, and the differences are obvious.

Most of the reason food is not as nutritious is because a lot of the breeding going on has been to make it easier to process and to deal with for the manufacturers. Wheat has been bred to have more gluten, and stronger types of gluten - all so it will be easier processing and packaging. Gluten is added to bread too. And people wonder why there's gluten intolerance.

posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by JrSkeptic
Ya'll are kinda "corny" about his stuff. A few points:

1. Your body does not digest anything beyond a molecular level. The molecules are the same from NGMO to GMO. Fact. Your body does not know the difference.
2. Corn and all other planets get their nutritional value from three places --all environmental (water, air, soil) It makes sense that mass produced over worked fields would be low in all minerals /nutrients as listed missing.
3. Taking control of our food supply on this planet will help ease global disruptions in food systems from war or climate change. In the end, your offspring will eat GMO food, and be healthier than you because of GMOs.

Please don't ignore the severity of this debate on the impoverished people of this planet, not your organic hipster feelings or worries about technology in seeds. I mean the rest of the planet. Find a more meaningful cause to worry yourself about, like starving babies or malnourished pregnancies. The fact is GMOs save lives and give inexpensive food to world charities. Don't be a self serving, annoying food snob on this mostly starving planet. There I said it.

I would love to actually take your arguments seriously, but after all the research I've done, I simply can't. The problem with GMOs is in the structure of the proteins. Research it. There already are a plethora of studies and results showing what it does to mice, and hundreds of testimonies from farmers that it's made their animals sterile and that this side effect disappeared when they stopped feeding them GMO corn. I really don't know what other proof anyone needs, except that you'll probably say something like since it wasn't "officially" announced, it the studies can't be true.

The feeding the world thing - again, show me evidence that it's working or that any attempt is being made to feed the world. It's not hipster, organic feelings in my case. It's logic and common sense for me.

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