Originally posted by RationalDespair
reply to post by inverslyproportional
Well, does it seem fair to you that a majority can rule over the happiness of a minority? Take into account that the subject does not harm the
majority in any way; I have not heard a single rational argument that shows how same-sex marriage is harmful to others.
And you will not get one from me, as I have stated already, neither side is right here. Both are wrong and acting like spoiled rotten chchildren.
The governement has no place to decide what is and isnt love, marriage, in america, as we dont allow forced marriages, is based on persknal choice and
Thus the government has no legal authority to decide this either way. And both sides foaming at the mouth for the government to once again overstep
its legally binding limits in the hooes they will get what they want at the exoense of what others want is asinine.
I dont agree with gays or the gay life style, and in fact find both to be disgusting and morally reprehensible.
Thks doesnt make my opinion any more valid than the flamer who wants to be married to the same sex, we both have an opinion, neither matter, as
neither of us may decide what makes the other happy.
How can you claim it does no harm? It clearly will harm many others, as it will offend them and their god....like I care about their god either. Just
as it doesnt harm gays to not be married, what harm do they suffer? None at all, so how can harm be any viable reasoning?
Both sides are being idiots. Marriage is throughout all of time between aadam and eve, not adam and steve.
The gays and their supporters are trying to redifine it, which is very wrong. In an attemot to force others in society to acceot their abnormal
behavior as normal, which it isnt, as normal is defined by the majority, hence everything outside that being abnormal.
Gays coukd have teied to oush for civil unions to have equal financial partnerships to married straight folks, they reject this notion, as it is their
intention to try and force others to accept their behaviors. This is not about equal financial advantages, it is about human need to be accepted.
They are just going about this all wrong. The religious folks are doing the right thing, by denyiglng that marriage be redifined, because it is not
between man and man or woman and woman. They are dojng it for the wrong reasons though. Their god has already told them they are not to judge, either
his will or purpose, or others actions and desires. So they are also hypocritical.
If it were truly about marriage, and marriage alone, gays wold go find a priest, and have him marry them, there are plenty around that woukd perform
the ceremony.
It is about trying to force ones views on others, both sides are guikty, both sides are idiots, both sides will fail, as neither has even one single
logical arguement.
Gays want civil unions, they just also want to force society to agree it os ok to be gay, because all humans seek approval.
Just seems to be so obvious to me, I dont know how others do see it, I mean it is smacking all of you in the face while you are arguing semantics.
I dont have a horse in the fight, I am both and neither, so I am not biased one way or the other. I am not religious in any way, but I do see and
understandwhat marriage has always been, a show of the bond of love, historicalky between a man and woman, today a financial contractual joining.
Gays want marriage as a show of love? No not hardly, they can be married if it is a ceremony they seek to show the world they are loved be eachother.
They seek both a contractual financial joining, and society at larges approval of their actions. They will get neither if they continue to try and
chane the definition of marriage.
They need to go for civil unions, as they are outside the norm, the normal karriage should jot and would not apply. We have different names for
different things, gay and straight marriage are not the same thing, so should have different names.
The whole gay side of the arguement is that they are the same ajd normal, so deserve all the same things normal folks get to have, while never
acknowledging being gay is not normal, it is outside the norm, thus abnormal.
Gays=civil unions
Everyone wins, except the egos of those who want to force others, in the vast majority btw, to redefine long established and held cultural
I really dont see why it is such a big deal to call it a civil union, or for gays to have the same legal financial contracts as straights.
I think it boils down to everyone trying to prove their side correct, by any means it takes, which will ensure both lose, as neither will end uo with
what they want, and will probably have less than they started with.
edit on 27-3-2013 by inverslyproportional because: (no reason given)