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Jesus Christ was a Demigod

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posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 10:23 AM
Might wanna actually read the entire thread before making with the absolute denial of all explanations prosaic.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

I always knew they knew, you know. Thanks for this interesting post Unity

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 10:32 AM
As an experiencer of both ET and guides/HS and family/Family, there is quite a difference. The latter is the hitting the jackpot in life, the gold, and then you are telling all ETs to turn the dial up in their love.

This is quite a good look at ET. I watched it wondering if it would stir a pot in my memories and it more than did that. Just under the veil of forgetfulness, which sometimes lifts for me, there were some very intense feelings of anger, directly to the 3 races who will they said would never leave here and that the governments are afraid of. Very intense as if I had been directly hurt by them or family had been or knew of this in a most direct and intense way, because it was quite a reaction.


ALIEN RACES RUSSIAN SECRET BOOK ! PART 2 of 3 12 20 2012 (for part 2 and 3 you have to skip ahead about 4 min to get to the second part past the weird intro)


Some of this stuff is already known, ie. greys, the neutral or benevolent kind, overseeing the planet Not to be confused with the royal reticuli zetans who are a part of the annanuki.

Et is not the same thing as Higher Levels, Higher Grades. Just saying.
edit on 25-3-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 10:41 AM
Aliens from this plain are not able to travel the distances of space and beings from another realm are infact angels and revelation tells us that there is war In heaven right now, stars are refered to as angels falling. Satan is fighting up their and volanterily give up his angelic body to reside on earth in coming years. Maybe he's the one that has they key to bottomless pit where the fallen angels reside Enoch speaks of.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 10:48 AM

There are stars billions of years older than ours, and quite frankly we just discovered electricity officially in this last cycle a short while ago. So to say it would take too long to reach us is ludicrous since we have anthill science, and its the wrong kind, to support the fuel industry, rather than Keely's/Russel's and Tesla's, electric universe, harmonic resonance theories. Stargates are very real.

However, also speaking of plains dimensions. Once you leave our solar system clocked by our star, they're all different out there, not on our plain at all. All the systems are on different clocks and different frequencies depending on their stars, and its like a patchwork quilt or collage. There are infinite frequencies and infinite clocks, ie realms associated with time itself, as a program even within our system. And while we can't interact up the layers, it doesnt mean they can't interact down or up.

We're the limited ones. Not them.

Nor do they do speed of light caps. They wouldn't take long by our clocks to traverse the solar system, or galaxy.
edit on 25-3-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by STARTRUTH49

Let me make this short. God is a Spirit. Mary was a human being. The Son born of Mary is fully God and fully man. The reason for this was to defeat Satan by offering his pure and holy life as the only sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Jesus was crucified and after three days rose from the dead in order to defeat the chains of death which was upon all mankind due to sin. Jesus Christ is exalted above every created thing and every name that can be named. The only pardon for your sin you will ever receive is now offered by Jesus, but to get it you have to believe that He is the Son of God, and that what He did on the cross is for you, and then you have to accept that and Him as your King and Lord. If you do not do this, you are still under the curse and condemnation of death because you come from Adam. Those in Jesus have been reborn and cannot die spiritually and will be transformed physically when Jesus comes back for His people and to fight His enemies and cleanse the Earth of them. But you are allowed to choose today if you will accept Him or fight Him. The choice is yours, but if you don't make any choice, it is still made for you but sin and because you come from Adam, and you will be destroyed at the judgement of God.

This is the Gospel in a nutshell. The decision is yours.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by resoe26
Is it possible that Mary lied and did have intercourse out of marriage?
-This being why she lied, because she was not married and didn't want to get stoned?
---Or maybe its all a fable?

Yes but... you realize that the birth of jesus is really similar to the "birth" of superman right?

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by draknoir2
Debunking "UFO´s" in Bliblical Paintings

This thread shows quite good associations with similar pictures and I can agree that's what they are representing. Also it makes sense since how can Religion that claims the Sun revovles around the Earth, that all created is creation of God where god is someone in the skies, so how would religion then show drawings of ETs, makes perfect sense. SO biblical paitings is not the one to be looked in when searching evidence of sightings in the past.

The Nuremberg sightings however, and they are correctly not in that thread, do not account for the same motives in the paintings, especially when they were retelling a story that did happen. Whether meteorites or UFOs is anyone's guess.

Columbus sighting, to me does account for a possible sighting of a UFO, afterall not all UFOs are proven or suggest man-made.

And if we go to the paintings of Caves, that many Native Americans have claimed to see and their drawings petroglyphs, etc to represent, then here is where evidence of UFOs in the past could be looked for.

And if someone like the OP will talk about Demons, Angels or anything that comes from religion. you've mistaken the forum OP!!!

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by STARTRUTH49

Jesues Christ was a son of a God and son of man. According to ancient wisdom Mary was artificially inseminated by a sky God from the order of Melchizedek to show man what was coming, that being a new earth and a new man. As it is said how could people follow a star that apparantly stopped over the place where Mary gave birth. No heavenly body can just stop if it were not a craft of some kind Someone had to plant the seed thought in human consciousness that in the years to come these seeds would finally take root in mass consciousness.

I remember pre-existing as a unit of Consciousness prior to taking on a human Body. Because of that, it's not hard to consider the Unit of Consciousness that would be eventually known as Jesus, to enter the womb and spark up gestation in Mary. I think there is more to it than that. The regular person taking on a body which originates from 2 humans, gives that person all the difficult to deal with animalism/lust/hunger/ego/etc, based on the human body. However with Christ only having the body originate from 1 human, then it could be said there was only half the amount of "things" to overcome.

Christs Mission was his own Initiation of sacrifice and to bring seed thought to shift humanity out of a cloud a dark mass Consciousness. Removing dark accumulated karma that mass consciousness created, had Christ not done this we would still be controlled by those forces that keep humanity in the dark. He did Not die for our individual sins here on earth, that everytime we sin we should run off to the church donate money and ask for forgiveness, although there is truth in this healing process/ method.

I think he did die for sins/karma of the world which when you die is the thing that keeps you coming back here or keeps you in the lower astral realms. But by claiming Christ, genuinely, you have a 1 way ticket out of here.

More and more sightings are going to keep taking place in the future until the One returns, yes on a space craft, alien ship, sky craft call it what you will and this will be the begining of a new world order and a new man on earth.

Yea I don't think CHrist will come back on any UFO. It will be through the Spiritual Realms which are all around us and we can access as well. We will start getting clearer views of the SPiritual realms through all the technological breakthroughs over the next 100-300 years that will give us access through Tech to Spirituality Machines that will prove God, Jesus, etc

It also amazes me that the dogmatic franchises (catholic church) are well aware of the truth but they keep the truth from man, have you ever wondered why? and yes not all those of the catolic order do this, it was those of the past and now catholosism is paying the price for it, why not reveal the truth now? Oh i heard someone once saying that it will bring caos into the world. that makes me think of the ancient adage, " Harmony through conflict"

The Blind lead the Blind. In most cases the leaders of Churches are merely book learned and all doctrine, but no dircet experience. They just spew back the things they've been taught.
edit on 25-3-2013 by dominicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by dominicus

That is what I got in the story real or metaphor of his death on the cross. To be perfectly clear, if he died, he was murdered. Not sacrificed. That is a very dark mesapotamia dark code of ritual in the bible that they kept as their way to lay seige to light souls, for in the chess game, dark (metaphor) cannot overcome the light pieces (metaphor), at all. Period. But they lay siege to them, compromise, and work to lower their frequency into their traps. And, so we have a code in the Bible that is ancient black ritual arts given to the "sensitive" royal and elite members to do this: Deuteronomy 28:53-57

In this way their rituals and murders lower the frequency of earth, and dumb down the populations. Along with animal sacrifices.

Don't believe in any association with Sacrifice nor do I believe the Family of Love above does either.

Christ did not come to sacrifice himself.

Mom/Dad did not send Christ into sacrifice himself.

But, there was foreknowledge, for there is No Time, that this event took place, what would happen, what often happens in this world should one teach the message of go within and free the mind. After Bruce Lee gave a powerful interview with Burton, he died, for example.

So in his ministry, should his ministry have been that literally, or if it was metaphor, then it is similar to the Tao, and even Bruce Lee has given it. The foreshadowing of the Crucixion was in his writing in the sand with his finger.

They brought up the law and he showed, that the law was a dark side distortion, for they did not even know that the real law was Love. Not karma, but Love, healing, counseling, and learning of lessons, where all learning would further self and whole ultimately, thus didn't just have to be redone endlessly in karma, but would add to the whole, but healing and working through train wrecks in ones life was an important part of healing and learning.

So the rules aren't what they think.

And if they were, if karma were real and not false, they could never have put an innocent man to death, and by such a torturous death at that! So that murder VETO'd KARMA and not only that, exposed it as a blatant LIE.

In fact, then what is true, is a trapped mind. What we think we believe and radiate out as frequency and this can prevent us from getting out of these levels and thus keep us under their thumb perpetually if there was not LOVE from on high, coming in and helping out, to OPEN OUR MINDS. Free the mind. Deprogram. Love.

I personally believe that Christ's body, DNA, was probably ET as the OP says, however, in soul, would suggest he was from Beyond all the universes, a Higher Up, of Family, the Creators, the Parents to our Spirit Child/Soul.

In short, a Tree, to our seed. He, Michael, the Family, are the Trees. We're the child seeds. Michael, Christ (and there is a link to Adam/Michael and Christ). So in a sense we are children of Jesus, but we can say we are children of Michael too. They are the Trees, we are the seeds.
edit on 25-3-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by STARTRUTH49

You watched Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief last night on TV?

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

makes you wonder what was is known by some

Both of the paintings in your post are actually easily understood with some art history background. The Golden Disk is a physical depiction of the Holy Spirit, with the rays symbolizing the power coming down from the Holy Spirit. With our modern eyes, we see a disc UFO, but that isn't what the artist was doing. They also would put the golden disk behind the head of holy people, which evolved into a halo.

The OP post is VERY loosely tied to aliens by the way...really belongs better in the religion forum. Unless you're claiming that Jesus is an alien (which, technically, he'd be a hybrid...half from the Earth, half not)..

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by FraternitasSaturni

Originally posted by resoe26
Is it possible that Mary lied and did have intercourse out of marriage?
-This being why she lied, because she was not married and didn't want to get stoned?
---Or maybe its all a fable?

Yes but... you realize that the birth of jesus is really similar to the "birth" of superman right?

Truth clothed in a diffrent form is still the truth, so yes Jesus is very much like superman, but im sure he is s bit of a philosopher with super powers of sorts, im sure of it.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 02:12 PM
Yes, well I have likened Christ to Superman in the system. And while I think the SS tried to make their god type man, the Family depicted a light code in superman, the upside triangle on his chest, is the Family and Equaility of Infinite Progressed Family or the Abundance as opposed to the triangle/pyramid, enslaving others, winterlands and scarsity/hellzones. The Family, Challice, is always in service of others, or hero mode.

Anyway, I always liked superman, now I sort of know why he was my favorite of the superhero's.

Oh, and in my post about the types of 3D and roughly around that channel ETs, the royal zetans should give us the clue, for the Egyptian pharoahs were of this hybrid class, and hence the cold unfeeling elites are zetans. But they were infiltrated and overtaken by the reptilians here. I've never known if it was annanuki or the reptilian arrival that took out Mars and Lemuria several million years ago, but I suspect the reason I have so much anger at the reptilian dark side murderous negative slavers is because they did, and are worse even than the annanuki. But that is just a theory. In fact, it may be that they turned the annanuki against itself when Atlantis went down.
edit on 25-3-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

makes you wonder what was is known by some

Both of the paintings in your post are actually easily understood with some art history background. The Golden Disk is a physical depiction of the Holy Spirit, with the rays symbolizing the power coming down from the Holy Spirit. With our modern eyes, we see a disc UFO, but that isn't what the artist was doing. They also would put the golden disk behind the head of holy people, which evolved into a halo.

The OP post is VERY loosely tied to aliens by the way...really belongs better in the religion forum. Unless you're claiming that Jesus is an alien (which, technically, he'd be a hybrid...half from the Earth, half not)..

Im not sure if you knew the artist and his intent but agreed this could be debated. Yes that is what im claiming I thought it was what i said in one of the answers to a post in this thread. Son of man and son of God, Hybrid of future man. You are very wrong to think this post should be in the religious form, aliens and ancient spirituality are tied together like twin serpants ascending up a tree. The truth of this is found in all ancient knowledge. So YES that is what I am claiming !

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by STARTRUTH49

It’s never been a such thing as this Jesus Christ dude. Jesus Christ is nothing but a fable, a made up story to bring goodness to this evil world that the western people have utterly destroyed.

The bible was mainly written because some one saw the future of how the western mentality will ultimately end civilization.

edit on 25-3-2013 by IamJewish because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

You are certanly no natural born psychic cause your wrong, never heard of that !

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by IamJewish
reply to post by STARTRUTH49

It’s never been a thing as this Jesus Christ dude. Jesus Christ is nothing but a fable, a made up story to bring goodness to this evil world that the western people have utterly destroyed.

The bible was mainly written because some one saw the future of how the western mentality will ultimately end civilization.

The Bible wasn't written by some one at some time.

What does any of this have to do with Aliens and UFO's?
edit on 25-3-2013 by draknoir2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by IamJewish

It’s never been a thing as this Jesus Christ dude. Jesus Christ is nothing but a fable, a made up story to bring goodness to this evil world that the western people have utterly destroyed.

Yeah Oooooha Kaaaaayyyyyy. Proof please.

If Jesus is a fable then so is Buddha, Socrates, Plato, George Washington, Lincoln, and also in a few hundred years, you also will be a fable, just like Soloman, Moses, Noah, and myself as well. Cool story bro, we're all fables

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by draknoir2

Originally posted by IamJewish
reply to post by STARTRUTH49

It’s never been a thing as this Jesus Christ dude. Jesus Christ is nothing but a fable, a made up story to bring goodness to this evil world that the western people have utterly destroyed.

The bible was mainly written because some one saw the future of how the western mentality will ultimately end civilization.

The Bible wasn't written by some one at some time.

What does any of this have to do with Aliens and UFO's?
edit on 25-3-2013 by draknoir2 because: (no reason given)

Good question, because...what in gods life does aliens and UFOs have to do with Jesus and god?

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