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Official - Leadership vote at 130pm WST - GILLARD to face off for PM!

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posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Gillard and Swan have been re-elected as leadership

edit on 21-3-2013 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

I stand by my previous comments.....shadow men were in panic mode and spoke to those wanting rebellion to back off.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Kevin Rudd, has pulled out!

That is because he does not want to lead labor to their huge loss in September. He will come back in as opposition leader after the election and try to beat Abbott.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 01:01 AM
Smells of a set up for the disaffected. Both major parties have idiots for leaders.

Still hope that Liberals may change leaders before the next election but I don't know. Aussie politics seem to be a copy of US Elections. Vote for either but 'They' will get what and whom they want regardless.


posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 01:05 AM
Gilliard is still PM. There was no other nominees to challenge her.

What a joke The labour party is divided, and falling apart at the seams. Now we wait for the Mad monk to reply.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Kevin Rudd, has pulled out!

If only Gillards dad did the same.

This news got my hopes up yet turned out to be anticlimactic once again.

The ALP is a train wreck and on the other side we have the very likely prospect of Abbott as leader of our country.

I am too wondering what may have caused Rudd to pull out? for the party to have any chance what so ever,I thought they would have to vote him back in.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 01:13 AM
Murdoch tries his best to control elections here in Australia, the media he owns is constantly dumping on the Labor Party. He did the same with Fox News in America, Dumping on the Democrats.

He lost there, he will lose here. Our Media Whores are a disgrace.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 01:23 AM
Just came out of a meeting to face this............

What a total mess.

We are doomed.

we have NO choice.

What a complete cock up.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 01:27 AM
Hmm.. I have a theory!
See, Simon Crean last night said:

‘’ I spoke with Gillard personally, I gave her my backing and told her to get it together ‘’

Then, he comes out this morning and says :

‘’ I back Kevin Rudd I demand a leadership spill ‘’

.. everyone KNEW a leadership spill was coming, but when was the question.

Crean forcing it this morning was a brilliant move. See, it would have forced all the Rudd supporters out of the shadows. Effectively Gillard smoked all her opposition out… which is why I think rudd pulled out at the last minute. He figured it out..

3 more months of Gruesome Gillards games she’ll have even lower approval and more enemies in her party. I’m thinking Rudd has perhaps chosen to wait until it’s a sure thing.

… I hope!

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

Oooooo Mr clever pants hey, never thought about it that way.

Makes total sense when you look at it that way.

They will be begging him to come back by then!!!

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 01:55 AM
My theories

1) crean and Rudd worked on this outcome to further improves Rudds image (the good bloke)
2) crean and Gillard were in on it knowing Rudd wouldn't have the numbers and thus shutting down media speculation.

Rudd should never have been ousted, but I don't want him back. Gillard isn't doing an amazing job, but a lot better than the media is presenting.

At the end of the day at least Abbott still isn't pm
hopefully I'm saying the same thing in September.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 02:21 AM
Kevin Rudd is only interested in Power, the guy is spineless. After last march he was never going to contest a ballot that he wasn't assured of an easy victory in.
I find it more interesting the numbers of the no confidence motion, and despite the Labor Party's suggestion, I don't think the issue is dead at all.
After all the Labor party is "Rudderless"

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by izero

Was thinking Crean might of been setup and thrown under the bus too, to end this speculation once and for all.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by surrealist

Yeah a definite possibility, but would he be so gullible? He's been around a long time.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

the whole thing was a simple show of power .............they are all too scared for their Jobs (Simon Crean) was the 1st example ...... The red headed bitch will sack anyone that goes against her & the policies she flaunts even if they are stolen from someone else!!!!!!!!

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 05:14 AM
Rudd supporters quitting left and right...

Body count: Rudd supporters quit their posts

Kevin Rudd supporters have begun quitting government leadership posts in the wake of today's aborted leadership spill.

Four MPs, including chief whip Joel Fitzgibbon, have followed the departure of cabinet Minister Simon Crean, who was sacked for his role in bringing on today's leadership spill, which was ultimately not contested.

Key Rudd supporter Joel Fitzgibbon, has said he will step down as the government's chief whip at the next Labor caucus meeting.

Two other government whips, Ed Husic and Janelle Saffin, resigned this evening.

The Parliamentary Secretary for the Pacific Islands, Richard Mearles, also announced his resignation. "In the circumstances of today's events I believed this to be the appropriate course," he said.

"I'm surprised Kevin Rudd didn't stand," the former Minister for Arts and Regional Development, Simon Crean, told the ABC's 7.30 Program. "He has only got one obligation now and that is to back off".

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by gps777
The ALP is a train wreck and on the other side we have the very likely prospect of Abbott as leader of our country.

Agreed. I vote ALP, but I'm not confident I will this time, since they've clearly got some problems. But I sure won't vote LNP, Tony Abbot and Campbell Newman are not people who I want as leaders. The only thing worse than them is Bob Katter. Anyone who is even considering voting for the LNP should have a look at how well Newman did in QLD.

Originally posted by gps777
I am too wondering what may have caused Rudd to pull out? for the party to have any chance what so ever,I thought they would have to vote him back in.

Think about what would have happened if he decided to go ahead, and was chosen to become the PM... Everyone would say that he can't keep his word, and Labour would definately lose at the next elections (which would have probably been early).

In my opinion he's got some sort of a long term plan. Maybe he wants to climb up to some other position, or become the PM, or opposition leader, at a later date, with the ability to boast that he always kept his word.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Hmm.. I have a theory!
See, Simon Crean last night said:

‘’ I spoke with Gillard personally, I gave her my backing and told her to get it together ‘’

Then, he comes out this morning and says :

‘’ I back Kevin Rudd I demand a leadership spill ‘’

.. everyone KNEW a leadership spill was coming, but when was the question.

Crean forcing it this morning was a brilliant move. See, it would have forced all the Rudd supporters out of the shadows. Effectively Gillard smoked all her opposition out… which is why I think rudd pulled out at the last minute. He figured it out..

3 more months of Gruesome Gillards games she’ll have even lower approval and more enemies in her party. I’m thinking Rudd has perhaps chosen to wait until it’s a sure thing.

… I hope!

Now thats a brilliant theory! Although it cost Crean his job, he may have known that he'd get kicked out regardless of what he does (or didn't realise he would be getting kicked out for this). If your right, Rudd was even smarter than what I thought, but in any case I'm sure he made the right decision.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by jmsbkr
Kevin Rudd is only interested in Power, the guy is spineless. After last march he was never going to contest a ballot that he wasn't assured of an easy victory in.
I find it more interesting the numbers of the no confidence motion, and despite the Labor Party's suggestion, I don't think the issue is dead at all.
After all the Labor party is "Rudderless"

Rudd is interested in Power? Then why was he the one outed, and Gillard came in?

Agree with the rest, the issue isn't fully resolved, and voters are going to put this down as a minus against the ALP (bad thing considering they might end up voting for LNP, possibly good if they go for alternatives).

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
reply to post by Agit8dChop

BETTING agencies have hoped onto the political chaos in Canberra and have given current Prime Minister Julia Gillard an outside chance at $6.00 to retain the top job, while Kevin Rudd is the re-hot favourite at $1.10.

Read more:

With the benefit of hindsight, I hope you had a bet on Gillard

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by salainen

Did he but? He's an old political dog, he's got friends on both sides no matter who's in charge.
Crean will survive this, either with Gillard or Rudd at the helm.

I think Rudd though has lost some friends out of this, it seems some people would have preferred he challenged and lost than keep his job to fight another day. The numbers are crucial and its a tight game, 2/3 votes can make the difference.

I think Rudd's banking on things getting so bad that the entire caucus will be forced to line up outside his office and kiss his hands...
.. and he might just get it..unless someone else comes along in the next 3-4 months.
edit on 21-3-2013 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

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