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If it came down to it, and you saw no other option....would you start a revolution?

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posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

How long do you think it would take before the machine stopped for good? 1 week, one month, one year?

That depends on what you mean by "the machine."

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 04:43 PM
you dont need to kill anyone.

most people have "nothing" in the grand scheme of things, those that create these messes have "everything else". just take that away....everyone's at zero, everyone's equal.

Fight club might inspire you

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

I agree with everything you posted with the exception of your avenue of resistance. It is impossible to not "pay into" a system that is entirely tangled and global. Historic even. Hell they are at this point part of the human condition and our own history no matter our place of origin.

Also this hypothetical situation gives our government the chance to take an active role in ridding itself and the world of this "disease " as someone put it earlier.

I would guess that there are parts of the government that would LOVE to rid the country of this scum.

They would need the cold and rational resolve to follow through to the end though. The hard decision made to see it to the end.

No false peace. No more meeting half way with animals that have no honor or word they can be held to.


posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

If I may, I think he was referring to a "metropolis " type machine that keeps us alive and the great metropolis from destruction. That is an illusion. The "machine" would keep working since our "metropolis " is not limited to just our civilization. It is us. In fact this hypothetical revolution would be a function of the machine itself. As long as we are, the machine resides in our chest ticking away unnoticed.

Our heart is the real "machine" and our true "metropolis " is all human life and our collective voyage together... In what ever form we take.....

edit on 19-3-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by tadaman


Since I'm sure that ATS is frequented by shills, even if our OP isn't one himself I will say this:

You're days are numbered.

Of course, WW3 is likely to cut into the revolution plans initially, but I have faith the momentum in many countries will build.

As far as being involved in one, if I didn't have my wife to keep me sane I'd have been living in the woods years ago.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by tadaman

I can't believe that you would put this up on the Internet after seeing so many people talking about this site being monitored by the Government. I think you should just put this subject to rest until really needed.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 05:55 PM
The question is, would you or better yet could you even start one without being taken out first by TPTB

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 06:19 PM
There's no need for a war or violence to start a revolution. If enough people take their money out of the banks and stop buying anything that's not essential for long enough, you will have your revolution with an impact beyond your wildest dreams. The system will collapse and the powerful will be forced to negotiate. It's a bitter pill but I don't think a better alternative exists.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 06:41 PM
lol this topic and op itself seems a little.... entrapment some?
registered not long ago as well

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by tadaman
reply to post by sanitus

Well I used the term "revolution" for lack of a better word. In the end a revolution wants change. This hypothetical situation would really just be about revenge.

I agree with everything you just said BTW.

edit on 19-3-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

Wow,asking that question like you did in this day and age makes me wonder, along with the date you joined ATS. If people are smart they won't give your thread the time of day, not to be rude about it. You sound like an Obama cyber warrior to me, no offense.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by tadaman

If enough people did this they would no longer have their power and anything they do against the people would be null and void. Even Sleeper said, a soul is more than 1000X superman. We're all infinite parts of infinity. And we need to wake up. There would be no need for a revolution. We would say no, do our things, and be very aware of the needs of others, for we would be awake and more activated. Though I believe in Unity, or One(ness) in individual ways, not ONE, infinity is different than that, nonetheless, this is a very good video.

David Icke - Breaking The Spell & The Full Magnitude of Who We Are!
edit on 19-3-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:32 PM
Revolutions only happen in third world countries... where people have nothing to lose.
People in the developed world are basically domesticated animals.. Me included.

edit on 19-3-2013 by TheBlackHat because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by rjbaggins
reply to post by tadaman

I can't believe that you would put this up on the Internet after seeing so many people talking about this site being monitored by the Government. I think you should just put this subject to rest until really needed.

Horrible horrible irony in your statement. Government should not be monitoring this.

In fact, the circumstance for either of which should NOT EXIST!

How could the subject rest now that you just told me i'm being watched?
And what happens next? They bag me and take me to a black site?

In which case, this type of resistance is necessary... now..

What would you define as "really needed"?
When you yourself are in the back of a white van with no plates and a bag over your head?
"for your own good"?

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by seabag

I envy no class. What I envy is freedom. What I would like, in an idealistic world, is the idealism that America is "supposed" to be: The equal opportunity for all to be successful.

You speak like this is the case when it is an outright lie. Class warfare rears its ugly head in American principles just as it always has throughout history. You can dislike it all you want but when civilizations get to the point where a small selection rule and practically own the rest of the people, that is when revolutions and cries of freedom are heard the loudest. With wealth comes the illusion of power when in reality, the real power comes in numbers and unity, a mistake made all too often by the tyrants of time.

The enemy is unlabeled. It is unclear. The enemy becomes clear when the revolution begins. When a group stands on the principles of justice, fairness, and above all else - freedom, all who stand in the way of that will be the enemies. In America they are known as enemies of our Constitution, but when true revolution breaks out they will have to choose once again if they stand on the side of tyranny or the side of freedom.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

There are plans of action already available to us. One plan to be exact. The Constitution. It was created for this country and it stands as its commanding document. Albeit it does need to be built upon BY THE PEOPLE in order to ensure that tyranny does not rear its ugly head again, or at least has a harder chance to do so.

The Constitution is the ultimate stepping stone towards perfect government. It is what comes after the Constitution that decides how the tides turn. Our government used it, for the post part, as a stepping stone towards tyranny. In the right hands an minds it can be used as the final stepping stone towards true freedom and liberty.

But I digress, I have "thought" about it for many years. I have plunged myself out of the system, no longer surrendering to gutless taxation and materialistic enterprises. I have spread the word but the media and brainwashing on people is thick. No matter how much yelling and suggesting you do to people, regardless of how much they are opening their eyes to the corruption in the current times, until someone acts to start it moving forward, they will remain motionless in their processes.

Once reality is thrown in the face of the masses, they have no choice but to accept it rather than to live outside the box of rationale. When will the revolution come? Soon. When all the pieces fall into place. When they least expect it.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by n00bUK
Whats this other option? Because to me, there has been no 'other option' ever.

Every legal path is blocked by the establishment we're trying to fight - There is no other option, a revolution which causes our coutnries to crash and go back a few decades is the only thing that will sort this out.

No mainstream political party is a game changer, they may say they have relevent policies but it ends there - its still the same system ran by the same people at the top.

There is no other option and there never has been
edit on 19-3-2013 by n00bUK because: (no reason given)

The only other option is nonviolent resistance. But, in order for that to work, a significant portion of the populace must resist and a large enough percentage of the population will never be organized. too much sectarian diversity loving BS for a peaceful unified front to be created. war is the only option.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by tadaman

WHY?? would someone just want to go out and rack up the highest body count they could???
I have already started a revolution!
I have opted out of "their" system and skirt the rules best I can all the while staying squeaky clean.
I do not eat their fast food, I do not use their banks, I educate people when and where I can, and some are beginning to see I'm not nearly as crazy as some people used to say I was.
You see, I was born poor so I do not have the same big dollar needs as many seem to think they need.
I live a simple life, but it is a full one.
I have my wife, dogs, friends and family in that order.
Friends come before family as I choose who my friends are, but I was stuck with family.
You see, no need to go out killin, let them die off a slow and painful death!
Sometimes it is better to MAKE your enemy live, than to end their suffering.
Hope it helps

^^^^ This. If you have to fight for your life &/ or the lives of people you care about, not an option. Do all you can to finish it, but don't start it.
(There was a conversation, somewhere, today about the forming of a "black market", barter, etc that is already going on. I have no idea where I read it. But that, imho, is what we need to do.)

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 03:40 AM
To everyone saying that I should be worried about even talking about this...I say YOU SEE!!

but really. Why? This is no different than saying that if the Mob were to hit you up for protection money and you were to say that you would rather do what is as equally dumb as it is justified: defy them and use the same violence back at them.

I dont have an army of armed people I can send here or there to hurt people if they defy me. I am not even saying that I would lift a finger against them. I am saying that if life liberty and justice was taken from me or attempted to be taken that I would not hesitate to retaliate.

We have stood behind any number of people when faced with a similar situation abroad and supplied them with everything from weapons, to money, to public sympathy. What? The buck stops at our border once it is about us?

It is unconscionable to expect to live under a system or RULES, not law, that would deny me life liberty and justice. Sorry, I am too indoctrinated in American culture to erase that from my mind.

Perhaps it is all the years pushing every agenda and war under the guise of "liberty", "justice" or "equality" for others by TPTB that make me expect as much for myself.

If I were to be detained for writing this, or be punished for writing this, then it MUST be written.

I will tell you this though, any government that would take me as prisoner for just talking about this like it was some sort of sin would make an enemy of me real quick. There is NO FEAR that can motivate a human mind to shut down and accept perpetual suffering and injustice. Maybe for a while but it is absurd to expect that any people could tolerate that for ever.

I am sorry, if this bothers you then you may be deluded into thinking that it is some how acceptable to be a tyrant towards your people.

What ever. At that point, screw you guy. You would probably kill me under the right circumstances any ways so I have no urge to appease you. This is for the rest of us mortals who have to deal with the aspirations of mad men in power and suffer the consequences of their twisted ideas.

So what ever. I am not the lay down let die type....This is looking more and more like it NEEDED to be said. If this is punishable then it is also true.

edit on 20-3-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by tadaman

Well said.

Irrationality is the boogie man that people fear thinking that people are going to get black bagged and taken away for speaking about these things. By doing so, the government knows they only create a martyr. It wouldn't happen.

But, they are not above such tactics as taking you down for something else. It has been done with the mob, it has been done countless times in modern instances - the creation of an excuse to take the people down that might pose a threat to the established ideals. Especially now with "conspiracy" being a sentenceable crime, more and more people need to watch how they word their ideas.

The fact that it is being said is evidence enough that it needs to be said, that we are there. There have been the peaceful attempts at reasoning - voting, protests, writing our leaders - all has been exhausted and has become controlled under the system. I would be the first to admit that peaceful resistance would be the ideal way to go, and it would work, but we are raised and fed the ideology of individual arguments composed with a class mentality. The people are brought up to be divided on meaningless issues that keep them from ever working towards a common goal in peaceful mind. It is a tried and true system and the powers in office know exactly how it ticks.

In my mind, and as time goes by in the minds of more and more people, revolution becomes necessary. The only ones who see it as unnecessary are blinded by idealism or the false state of comfort they live in while everyone else suffers.

posted on Mar, 20 2013 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by TheNewRevolution

I agree.

And as far as violence not being a viable option...look to Greece.

They have been seriously threatening with a violent uprising. Look it up. People are at that stage there.

You know what happens? Politicians begin to fear for their lives and actually listen to what they people want done in THEIR county. You think that the Greek parliament would have unanimously voted against the new proposed plan of leeching 10% of all savings if they werent scared for what the public reaction was once they left that building?

You think the Greek army would have publicly declared that they would not quell an uprising if they werent fearful of the truth behind it?

Now you think Obama would even consider eliminating the judicial system and making preemptive and indefinite detention a possibility if he thought that he may have to hire private security like the Greek political class had to?


It is a real option in the REAL world.

I have written to my representatives in the past. I have gone to city council meetings. You know what came of all that? Spam mail....thats all.

At some point you need to realize that we need to negotiate from a position of power. If not you are begging.

Its like a child begging for you to buy a toy or dont even acknowledge the real need to even listen to them. Compared to your doctor saying "take this pill sir, or you will die".....

if there is no consequence for doing a bad job, what is the point of elections? They can simply say screw you, either I or the next guy will do what WE want. Like an employee giving you the finger after you watch him steal from the register and not being able to fire him because they are all in on it and will kill you in the parking lot. We need to put things into perspective.

Because our leaders have such a grave responsibility that can literally ruin our world and countless lives they need to realize they have bigger consequences to deal with when they take that all for granted.

You ruin our countries, bankrupt and make homeless millions of our people, and employ heavy handed tactics against us?....then you may die MF....THAT is the consequence for that level of criminality.

Not, "Oh I dont like you anymore, no more public office for JUST YOU....but your friend with all that campaign money, he is "legally" a valid candidate for election.."

No. Just no.

If you threaten to imprison me, torture me, maim me, kill me, hurt those I love.... then that is the game you are playing. Same rules then bub. You then put yourself in the position to be killed and have everything you use against us used against you. We are a mirror. Heavy handed tactics, threats, and everything else call for an equal and opposite reaction. This is basic and true for anything you can think of. Sorry.

If you put me in jail for writing this for example, then maybe I should punish you in response since I have not done anything to anyone but YOU HAVE, to me in that instance.

If you DO respect the system and true LAW, then I will as well. If not, Why should I? Karma?....yeah, right....

edit on 20-3-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

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