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If it came down to it, and you saw no other option....would you start a revolution?

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posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 08:56 AM
If it came down to it, and you saw no other option....would you start a revolution?

It wouldnt be hard considering the times we are living in and the emotional state we are all in. We are in survival mode.

It wouldnt be to would be to simply kill as many of them as possible. By "them" I mean the political class and the captains of the banking industry. I am not even suggesting limiting it to a single country. I am asking if you would start a world wide revolt. No borders, no limits. The whole planet would be fair game.

If you had nothing to lose, would you go to war?

I am asking out of sheer curiosity. Answer if you will. I am not a shill or some paid government cyber warrior.

I am not asking out of some hidden agenda.

I guess I just wanted to say that I would and the question is just my way of saying so. I dont know. I have been thinking about it. What would it really take? The impact of it. I honestly dont care any more. My blood boils.

If I couldnt have my child or my wife. If they were taken from me, and I had nothing to they are all that I have, I would. I would go to war. I would invoke all that is SHIVA and become the destroyer of worlds...

You could say that I am crazy. I guess so. I think we all have our limits. If I was brought to mine, I would not shut down. I would explode.

I am not going to do anything. No need to worry about if I am some sort of psycho or something with like charts and plans, like a character out of "fight club".

I am simply being honest about what is a real subject on our minds. I have entertained it. In the end I have noticed that I would be capable of it. I am not even ashamed of it. I cant deny it. I would.

Now, back to the real world and reality.

Again, I am a stable normal person. No need to worry about a thing. I am a normal guy and I have what I am most concerned with in this world (which is not revolutions). My family. Just saying, without that, I would not be.


edit on 19-3-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 08:58 AM
I plead the 5th.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:03 AM
Whats this other option? Because to me, there has been no 'other option' ever.

Every legal path is blocked by the establishment we're trying to fight - There is no other option, a revolution which causes our coutnries to crash and go back a few decades is the only thing that will sort this out.

No mainstream political party is a game changer, they may say they have relevent policies but it ends there - its still the same system ran by the same people at the top.

There is no other option and there never has been
edit on 19-3-2013 by n00bUK because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by n00bUK

well honestly, I would be selfish if I could. I am not going to deny that.

If I could live in peace I would. If like for example:

I was taken to prison for refusing to pay some new tax or something, or because I was targeted (for what ever reason) for ruin, and I couldnt live and enjoy my family....I would spend every living moment trying to get out of jail and going to war with them.

If not, I would keep my head down and just take it. In the end I would go through hell and back if it meant my wife and child could have a "normal" life.

They really are all that is stopping me from saying screw it, and picking a fight. I hate violence, but I dont throw it out as an option all together in life. If I had to I would. If it was avoidable, which I think it is, I would just live and let live.

I think it is all relative really. If you can live in peace why not? You have to have a reason for your war. If not, there is no point in fighting. What would you fight for if all you had was spite, rage and hate? Whats the point?

Revenge can be that thing you fight for, but honestly it is better to fight FOR something than simply against something.

BUT if that was all you had, it wouldnt be any would just not be a victory in the end, even in triumph.

It would simply be what it is, punishment. Thats all.

edit on 19-3-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by tadaman

You may call it a revolution, but the main stream media would call it a crime spree.

And people would believe that. You'd go down in history as another Adam Lanza or Charlie Manson. Remembered, even by your family more than likely as either a bad dead person or at a minimum...crazy.

A idea may start with one person, but it takes many to have a revolution or civil war.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:23 AM
The last revolution the USA had just shifted the power and that was it. We have been led to believe that the common person did better, but that was a lie. The regular people did not have any change for the better, just another batch of people in charge.

No revolution because it will not help. It will probably get worse. Just another batch of power hungry people in charge.

Who are we going to put in charge? A medical doctor who will side with the medical community and allow them to suck all our money away? A scientist who will shift the money to science? An importer who will sell our jobs to other countries, or an agricultural organization exec who will force us to eat more crappy poisoned food. You name it, everyone wants power who would be interested in taking over. The middle class wants control, the legal system wants control. Everyone tries to make us fear. Too late, all of the above have happened, the country is severely divided.:shk:

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by tadaman
I will tape a hacksaw blade to a cat and have it ready to lower over the fence at the FEMA camp they are putting you on a list for after such an admittance. After the cat hits the ground you are on your own.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by tadaman

Christopher Dorner??

Is that you?? I thought they got you in that cabin????

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:25 AM
Revenge is a powerful emotion it can keep you alive. But I see what your saying. If I lost my family I would fight also. My family is the very thing that is my existence, without my family , I would be trying to find alliances, organizations, that are planning a revolution. I am sure if one looks hard enough their are plenty of resistance groups gearing up. I would go crazy if my family was taken or killed. I hate even thinking about it.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:28 AM
Cointelpro much?

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:29 AM
Having read the ops question and what all he is stating the answer is:

And there is the reason behind that answer. You do not start an armed conflict without a goal and the drive to win. The moment you do, you lose. It makes no sense to have none of those, even when it seems hopeless, cause then the other side has already won, just biding time to make the final strike. If you are going to start something, you have to have the drive, the will and the backing to see it through to the end and to fight to win. If you do not set up goals or fight to win, then the battle is lost before the first punch.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:32 AM
If the majority of people wanted a revolution it would've happened already. Truthfully, the majority is fine living their lives the way it is—being led by the harness. They don't want chaos, upheaval, dissent, revolution; they want McDonalds, reality TV, Walmart, and the relative comfort of ignorance.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by LesMisanthrope

If the majority of people wanted a revolution it would've happened already. Truthfully, the majority is fine living their lives the way it is—being led by the harness. They don't want chaos, upheaval, dissent, revolution; they want McDonalds, reality TV, Walmart, and the relative comfort of ignorance.

I think you are spot on!

The majority of Americans are relatively comfortable. Even though most Americans are concerned about the direction of the country, and many are vocal about it, you’re correct in stating that most don’t want chaos or revolution because it simply isn’t THAT bad. If anyone was to start some semblance of a revolution it would look more like ‘Occupy with GUNS’ rather than any serious effort, and it would be quickly crushed with nary a whimper.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by tadaman

WHY?? would someone just want to go out and rack up the highest body count they could???
I have already started a revolution!
I have opted out of "their" system and skirt the rules best I can all the while staying squeaky clean.
I do not eat their fast food, I do not use their banks, I educate people when and where I can, and some are beginning to see I'm not nearly as crazy as some people used to say I was.
You see, I was born poor so I do not have the same big dollar needs as many seem to think they need.
I live a simple life, but it is a full one.
I have my wife, dogs, friends and family in that order.
Friends come before family as I choose who my friends are, but I was stuck with family.
You see, no need to go out killin, let them die off a slow and painful death!
Sometimes it is better to MAKE your enemy live, than to end their suffering.
Hope it helps

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 09:57 AM
So far I agree with everyone for the most part.

with the exception of the cointel comment. BUT that was expected. I would have said it myself.

Honestly though, it would be doomed for failure. That is why I specified that you wouldnt do it to win. You would lose and be marked as some sort of mass murderer even if you just went after the power elite.

That is also why I guess why it would be like suicide by swat.

I guess it comes down to if you have the type of personality that "takes as many of the SOBs with you" or not.


and I also take issue with the other comments about me being a mass murderer as well....this is just me trying to be as honest about this as possible.

I thought I would just clarify one thing since I did say that in an extreme situation I would be capable of this. I wouldnt defend myself from cops or any other security forces employed against me. Its the ones I went to war with or nothing. No collateral damage. I wouldnt want good brave men to pay for doing their job.

Yet another reason why this wouldnt be very productive...BUT it is what it is.

edit on 19-3-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by tadaman

You would need a list, similar to the deck of cards during the early years in the gulf war.
But who would you take first?
Who is the top of the power structure?
That is the real problem.
If you really need to know what the human is capable when their world, family, life has been destroyed, look to what the Palestinian does.
After decades of their open air concentration camp and attempted genocide of their people, they snap sometimes.
Top of your list, educate yourself on the israeli terrorists, then share the truth!

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by g146541


Random acts. That would be the nature of the aggression. This would be more akin to revenge than a revolution actually. BUT since "hypothetically" !!! it would be against banking and monetary leadership as well as the political class, I guess it would depend on where that situation brought you and who was near you. If its one city or another or one country or another....

your targets would be anyone you could identify as being part of the problem, the infamous PTB.....the power elite.

If you got some sort of support or not it would be irelevant. You couldnt use it. You would essentially be a free lance assassin with a "light" cause....

it would really be about revenge. Its not like you would expect lasting change from what you would be doing. It MAY change for a while if you were like super man and could get rid of them all, but that change wouldnt be eternal.

You wouldnt be able to be politically minded. It would be about something much more simple.

I feel like I opened a can of worms here. lol

I dont like to even describe this hypothetical situation, BUT I did start it huh, I just dont want to give off the impression (more so than I have) about being serious about all this.

I am thinking aloud here. I wouldnt be one to say "never" is all.

This may have been better in the rant section....

I dont really care. I know my connection is being monitored and since I used certain key words I have gone through a few filters and may be on yet another one of those lists. It doesnt really matter.

In the end if I wanted to be a real revolutionary I wouldnt have mentioned it. This has consequences and I honestly cant be bothered to worry about that. Life...

What did Alinsky say about real revolutionaries? "put on a suit, cut your hair and infiltrate the system".

I dont have long hair and am not even close to being some sort of leftists (or right) fringe person. I am just a very idealistic and moral person who sees the world earning a special place in hell day by day and have stopped caring about the details of it all.

When dealing with Evil. What I see as real evil. The gloves would kind of be off is all. Who cares at that point?

edit on 19-3-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 11:16 AM
In the U.S.A., we have a revolution every election cycle. It ebbs and flows with popular opinion. Anyone who would actually consider a real revolution would definitely not post an answer to this question on this site.

Our way of doing national business is far superior to all other forms of government, STILL. And, there have been no real contenders to it.

If anyone wanted to start a "revolution", all they would need is their voice, a pulpit, and some REALLY gullible followers. I am sure that our government has a very scrutinizing eye for these kinds of people, and routinely puts them back into their proper civilian place.

Political/governmental change can only occur by way of civil discussions. Start a blog. Join a political party. Speak your mind. But, for the sake of humanity, do not consider violence, ever. It will doom your movement. Take a clue from Dr. M. L. King Jr. The real revolutions occur within the minds of the masses. If you can't influence them, you can't influence anything.

Revolution... psssh. Any alternative to what we have now, would be absolute garbage.

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by sanitus

Well I used the term "revolution" for lack of a better word. In the end a revolution wants change. This hypothetical situation would really just be about revenge.

I agree with everything you just said BTW.

edit on 19-3-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2013 @ 11:47 AM

The majority of Americans are "comfortable".

That is a good one.

Let me rephrase that for realism sake. The wealthy Americans are comfortable. The wealthy Americans make up a very small portion. The rest of the Americans are brainwashed on the idea that if they "work hard" and "follow the dream" they too could become wealthy.

Not only that, but it takes a portion of wealth to have a successful start to a battle. Nothing major, but the ones who are against revolution are only there because they have the wealth. Take it away and they are just like every other man and woman in this dying country.

The question is: if given the chance would I start a revolution? Would anyone? We all have the chance, and the answer is not "if" the answer is "when" will I decide to start that revolution?

Because I can and I will.

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