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posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by Sigismundus
reply to post by Hongkongphooey

Hi again, Phooey—

You wrote, QUOTE:

“It really does not matter what the Torah has been expanded to be - because the only relevant parts needed for any religious people to learn are the 10 commandments - as Thy shall not kill, or Love Thy neighbour, etc. -

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth (BIBLE) i.e common sense…”


For ‘ANY religious people’ to learn ? Are you kidding? Why should anyone have to learn tribal priestly cult propaganda?

So…. riddle me this – tell me what is ‘common sense’ about such local tribal clan-god ‘commands’ as the 1st FOUR of the socalled Ten Commandments

“I AM YHWH the clan-god who led you out of Mitzrayim – you will have no other clan-gods before my face[s].

You will not fashion before my face[s] any graven idol--images

You will not utter my Name for ‘vain purposes’[i.e. for purposes of idolatry / spell casting etc.]

You will remember the Day of the Shabbat and keep it sacred…”

So…we can see that 4/10 of these commands ‘for any religious people to observe’ are nothing more than local cult restrictions of a middle eastern desert nomadic clan god with NOTHING universal in it (i.e. they make no sense at all to most cultures ancient or modern outside of the Levant)

Simply put, the 1st four of the 10 Commandments do not have any application to the wider world outside of Yahwistic Judaiesm – and the world outside of modern post Exilic Yahwistic Rabinnic Judaism is a very BIG world.

Since when did YHWH lead the goyim (i.e. gentiles / non-Jews = 99.99% of the world population) out of Mitzraym? What’s so universal or ‘common sensical’ about all this?

I don't know, I am not YHWH, ask him

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by asher

I've noticed if you follow your heart things pretty much always work out. and i think the bad people in this world don't have that ability. to many people are caught up in their own egos to try and change.

Are you implying that the Palestinian people are suffering because they are not following their hearts? Or are they suffering because that, in their hearts, is what they want to do?

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by asher

Originally posted by illuminnaughty
Of course its a hoax as every one knows that jewish people just love the goyim. They are brought up from a young age being told that we goy are lovely people. I guess I should throw in the anti semite card that way its sorted and people will go back to not caring. Its all lies made up by nazis. The talmud is a lovely book inspired by the spirit in the sky no doubt. So all you non believers will go to hell. Lets not for get that the jewish people are gods favorite, his chosen people.

edit on 20-3-2013 by illuminnaughty because: (no reason given)

that has to be sarcasm

Why? Because it is inconceivable to you that Jews can be compassionate or that there might be something of spiritual value in their beliefs? Are you so mired in your hatred that you assume everyone shares in your contempt?

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by asher

what have i said about the talmud that was not written inside it?

The following:

Approves of Sodomy...

Approves of Child Sacrifice to Idols...

Cursing Parents Allowed...

Allows Enchanting...

Bestiality Condoned...

Harlotry Lawful...

Blasphemy Allowed...

Not required to Keep Vows...

Murder Condoned...

None of those statements is in the Talmud. Those are racist interpretations placed on edited, out of context excerpts.

You also say this about the Talmud, or is it Judaism, or just Jews in general?

your right it is disgusting. i dont care why or who wrote this what i care about is the fact that people live by this in a disgusting way. i dont hate anyone. instead of criticizing me why don't you criticize the people who are actually living by this and making jews all around the world look bad?

show me my quote in this thread where i say jews only worship the talmud. the quotes from the book are the real thing. the facts are in the talmud.

Fair enough, you never said that Jews only worship the Talmud. You accused them of being the "Synagogue of Satan." As for the words you spewed coming from the Talmud, I posted an example of your own words treated in a similar fashion, remember?

who says anything is misquoted? those words are in the talmud so how can they be misquoted. its... my fault zionist follow this. once again i must say I'm...talking about all jews. I... affect our world through manipulation and murder. this thread... is evil itself.

You wrote every single word in the above paragraph, therefore it must be true, right?

show me my quote where i say i hate zionist and i have a problem with judaism. you say any mildly religious jew is a zionist and that is a lie. that is you grouping all jews in one category.

Every single thing you have posted betrays a profound hatred for Jews and anything Jewish. You seek to mollify this by pretending that you make some sort of distinction between "all" Jews and the Jews you hate. The problem is, you have never really explained what standards you use to define a "good" Jew. One who hates Israel?

you can go back and read all my words for yourself. i challenge you to do this

I challenge you to read your own words as though you were someone else. Someone who knows nothing about your beliefs, an objective person who sees only the words you choose to use. Nowhere do you cite any sort of outside source, objective historical account or informed reference. All you have is violent opinion and personal belief.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by asher

you get the idea. ATS and its moderators are a hoax. look through that pages of this thread and notice how byrd only post when i have stopped. she got springer to move this thread and now even after she was proven wrong and admitted to being wrong they keep this thread in the hoax bin. its a cover up as usual. nobody can say anything bad about israel right? we can talk bad about america but israel is off limits because they are the holy ones? with there disgusting man made laws and lawyers who manipulate words. notice how even when i give examples of how im not talking about all jews this DJW001 guy who is obviously a zionist jew says.

You are asking people to hate Zionists, ie; Jews.

no your wrong just because your a jew doesnt mean your a zionist. watch the language he is using. he is the one lopping all jews together. in his mind a attack on one is an attack on all. and thats exactly how they fight there battles. they dont care if they hurt women or children. i dont care what context its in the talmud used for evil. not by me but by zionist. i have noticed his way of talking since he first posted. like a lawyer

Please re-read what you wrote in its entirety. First, you peevishly insult the ATS mods and management because, in their objective opinion, your OP contained deliberately deceptive material; a text taken out of context and distorted for propaganda purposes. Then you interpret this as part of a Zionist conspiracy. Then you try to defend yourself by saying that you're not talking about all Jews. This is like a racist saying that he doesn't hate all Blacks, just the ones with dark skin.

Next comes the clincher: "this DJW001 guy who is obviously a zionist jew...." Really? Is it obvious? Why? If you knew my posting history, you would know that I once spent weeks defending the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan independence movement. Does this mean that I am obviously a Tibetan Buddhist? No, here's the give away: it's because I talk like a lawyer. Why should sounding like a lawyer mean that I must be a Jew? Is it because you think that all lawyers must be Jewish?

Rather than reveal more of yourself by defending this thread, why don't you take some time to do some research, think about what you have learned, decide what it is you really want to say, and start a new thread in the appropriate forum?

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by asher

I've noticed if you follow your heart things pretty much always work out. and i think the bad people in this world don't have that ability. to many people are caught up in their own egos to try and change.

Are you implying that the Palestinian people are suffering because they are not following their hearts? Or are they suffering because that, in their hearts, is what they want to do?

i wasnt implying anything i was only answering unity99s question.

Originally posted by Unity_99
There is an aspect to everythign I don't know about. When you read into things, bad plans or procedures, does this mean you are making it happen, ie law of affinity or attraction? Does anyone know about these things. What does the old proverb of the monkies: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, really mean?

And if that is so, how could you function in this world without seeing what is around you to try and change it?

what are you implying?
edit on 21-3-2013 by asher because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by DJW001

Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by asher

You also say this about the Talmud, or is it Judaism, or just Jews in general?

Originally posted by asher
]ETA: this isnt really about jews per say. its about the rothschilds khazars and zionist. there are plenty of israeli jews who are against zionisim.

i mentioned that this had more to do with the rothschilds khazars and zionist than all jews of the world. just because some priest assault little boys doesnt make all catholics bad. and just because a small group of radical muslims suicide bomb doesnt mean all of them are evil.

once again i dont hate all jews for the actions of zionist. there are many jews who are also against zionism

im not saying all of israel because there are people in israel that dont support the government just like americans dont like theirs.

like I've said before i am not talking about all jews i am only talking about rothschilds khazars and zionist.

once again i dont hate jews. this thread is about the evil of zionist israel.

these are my quotes trying to tell everyone that im not talking about ALL jews. ONLY the few radicals who happen to be in charge. do not twist my words

Fair enough, you never said that Jews only worship the Talmud. You accused them of being the "Synagogue of Satan." As for the words you spewed coming from the Talmud, I posted an example of your own words treated in a similar fashion, remember?

who says anything is misquoted? those words are in the talmud so how can they be misquoted. its... my fault zionist follow this. once again i must say I'm...talking about all jews. I... affect our world through manipulation and murder. this thread... is evil itself.

You wrote every single word in the above paragraph, therefore it must be true, right?

no. the synagogue of satan quote is from the bible. you are the one who took words out of what i wrote. what i said was

Originally posted by asher

who says anything is misquoted? those words are in the talmud so how can they be misquoted. its not my fault zionist follow this. once again i must say I'm not talking about all jews. I'm talking about the few who take this seriously and affect our world through manipulation and murder. this thread can go into many categories. the zionist rothschilds are the NWO. im not saying the talmud is evil itself. but the radicals that live by this (rothschilds, NWO) are.

why would you twist my words to try and make your point? dont you realize you are just detracting from your own credibility. you've just given proof that you are lying. i noticed you lying the first time and called you out on it and now you bring up the fact that youve lied again to try and help your argument?

Every single thing you have posted betrays a profound hatred for Jews and anything Jewish. You seek to mollify this by pretending that you make some sort of distinction between "all" Jews and the Jews you hate. The problem is, you have never really explained what standards you use to define a "good" Jew. One who hates Israel?

a good jew has the same standards as any good person. certainly not someone who thinks its ok to push people out their homes and kill their children
edit on 21-3-2013 by asher because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by DJW001

Originally posted by asher

Originally posted by illuminnaughty
Of course its a hoax as every one knows that jewish people just love the goyim. They are brought up from a young age being told that we goy are lovely people. I guess I should throw in the anti semite card that way its sorted and people will go back to not caring. Its all lies made up by nazis. The talmud is a lovely book inspired by the spirit in the sky no doubt. So all you non believers will go to hell. Lets not for get that the jewish people are gods favorite, his chosen people.

edit on 20-3-2013 by illuminnaughty because: (no reason given)

that has to be sarcasm

Why? Because it is inconceivable to you that Jews can be compassionate or that there might be something of spiritual value in their beliefs? Are you so mired in your hatred that you assume everyone shares in your contempt?

that post actually was sarcasm by the way

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 09:43 AM
here is more information about the talmud. if anyone doesn't want to take my word for it then i suggest looking up this information yourself. unlike in the past it is now easy to find this information.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 09:45 AM
"you think you know lame yet don't know the difference between a Freudian slip and a typo. "

Take a typo, call it a Freudian slip. Lame tactic. Especially considering that Freudian slips are a psychological process attributed to speech, not typing. Go learn

"Your tactics are as superficial as your Faith. You say you can't spell out God with the O included because it is forbidden to speak in vain... you are beyond sorry or redemption. A Prayer has no sanctity to you and none of your Prayers will be heard in Heaven, Take it to your father of lies. "

A Prayer has no sanctity, and none of mine will be heard in Heaven. That's a shame considering that on a daily basis I pray for peace in the world, for senseless hate to end, for G-d to reveal himself in the world and bring forth his redeemer. The last time I prayed for something selfish was 2 weeks ago when I was very ill and I prayed that G-d send me some medicine as I'm without health insurance. 1 hour later I got the anti-biotics I needed from a friend in the yeshiva. G-d Bless.

"Your purpose here was to accentuate the hypocrisy of the "chosen ones" and show just how heartless you all are because you, least of them all, are as afflicted with delusions of grandeur as all the rest of your tribe. "

I'm so heartless that I steal candy from babies. Only Arab babies though. Oh, and Chinese.

"yeah, I'm the lame one for asking for the origin of the evil you so covet. "

I covet evil? There's no basis for this comment, therefore it holds no merit.

"When Christ was murdered it was your tribe that sought to steal His glory and supplant Faith into your own greedy little pockets. "

When did greed come into this conversation? Why would you say I'm greedy? Is it because I'm Jewish? Is that another angle for you to create hate for the Jews? Hitler said Jews were greedy too.

And Asher. There you have it - a few posts up DW100 or something like that quoted all your bulltenslachen that you've been sharing. I didn't even have to do it - and I gave him a *star* for the good job, though I personally believe his time could have been better spent. I also hope you realize that your user-name on ATS, Asher, is a VERY VERY Jewish name

End the hate.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by asher

Look up the Gemora that goes along with that Talmud tractate and post the information here. If you don't then posting a video that doesn't reference it means nothing

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by Crabmeat

asher is a hebrew name. that guy didn't quote my words. he quoted my questions that were aimed at you and he quoted something i said after he took out half of the words. i really dont want to reply to you but i just thought i should clear that up

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 10:48 AM
here is another video for this thread. i encourage everyone to read this thread from the begining and see why this was wrongly put into the hoax bin and how my words have ben twisted to make me seem hateful. i also encourage everyone to look up this information yourselves.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by asher

By using Youtube/MSM as your medium to obtain information you won't just fail in this hate-genda but you'll also fail in life.

Also - I tried to watch the video you posted, "The Generals Son" and this guy is lying out of his toochus. The allied forces coerced/bargained the Palestinians to share the land with the Jews.

Dude. You seriously need to go learn your history. Smh.
If you want to believe falsehood nobody can stop you but you really shouldn't parade it on this website. If you continue to, are found to be full of bullpoop and are moved to Hoax, you shouldn't complain about it.

edit on 21-3-2013 by Crabmeat because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-3-2013 by Crabmeat because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 07:15 PM
actually looking at the comments on ATS about israel it seems people are finally fed up with the zionist.

posted on Mar, 21 2013 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by asher

after reading the POTUS speech in Israel it seems like the ball is in their court to be the change they want to see

... one can only hope they find the compassion for others

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by asher

a good jew has the same standards as any good person. certainly not someone who thinks its ok to push people out their homes and kill their children

Do these same standards apply to Arabs? Hamas is dedicated to pushing Israeli families out of their homes and killing their children. They literally dance in the street when their missiles kill Israeli civilians. These Israelis have lived there for generations. Well? This is not a rhetorical question.

posted on Mar, 22 2013 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by g146541

Brilliant. Completely and utterly brilliant comment.

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by asher

a good jew has the same standards as any good person. certainly not someone who thinks its ok to push people out their homes and kill their children

Do these same standards apply to Arabs? Hamas is dedicated to pushing Israeli families out of their homes and killing their children. They literally dance in the street when their missiles kill Israeli civilians. These Israelis have lived there for generations. Well? This is not a rhetorical question.

yes they do. but in this situation israel is the aggressor. the Palestinians where there before them. no killing is justified on either side. im not condoning violence on this thread i only want people to know who the rothschilds and zionist are what they have done and why they think the way they do.
edit on 23-3-2013 by asher because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2013 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by asher

yes they do. but in this situation israel is the aggressor.

But the Palestinians are firing missiles at the Israelis. Doesn't that make them the aggressors?

the Palestinians where there before them.

And the Jews' ancestors were there before the Arabs. Besides, many of the people living in the era during the mandate were really Turks and Egyptians. How do you sort out who the "right" people are. The simple fact of the matter is that the first European Jews who settled in the area bought and paid for the land. They legally own it. Period.

no killing is justified on either side.

I can agree with you there.

im not condoning violence on this thread i only want people to know who the rothschilds and zionist are what they have done and why they think the way they do.

You haven't even come close to that. You have posted propaganda from an Anti-Semitic website that distorts Jewish legal philosophy. And you have not shown that anyone, especially the Rothschilds, makes Talmudic reasoning the basis for their actions outside of the Jewish community.

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