Dear ATS Members,
Since full readings can sometimes take up to 2 hours, I can only offer 'Card of the Day'readings. Meaning one card for the next day. The following
Daily cards are for March 1:
reply to post by awakend
Meaning: Upright: Suspension, restriction, letting go, sacrifice
You will have to sacrifice your personal time in order to help out others. I'm afraid this weekend won't give you the rest you were hoping for.
reply to post by partyman
Meaning: Upright: Efficiency, routine, conservatism, methodical
Just a regular day spent taking care of bills, and counting whatever's left. This card has to do with handling your finances.
reply to post by silverwaters05
Meaning: Upright: Enthusiasm, exploration, discovery, free spirit
What a great way to spend the weekend! You will have a great time, and be relaxed and carefree for once. Enjoy!
reply to post by Rockdisjoint
Meaning: Upright: Balance, moderation, patience, purpose, meaning
This might go against your passionate, and spontaneous spirit,but tomorrow your patience will be tested in more ways than one.
reply to post by soyouthought
Meaning: Upright: Inspiration, power, creation, beginnings, potential
This is a very positive card for tomorrow, it wants to encourage you to go outside, and take a look around. Find something that inspires you to either
start a new hobby/ art, or just find a new joy in life and the little things.
reply to post by petite
Meaning: Upright: Speed, action, air travel, movement, swift change
Something that you've been waiting for to happen will start taking shape faster than expected. This card also means little miracles, so in a way what
you've been hoping for will come true faster than hoped.
reply to post by Pressthebutton
Meaning: Upright: Natural-born leader, vision, entrepreneur, honor
One of your great qualities as a good leader, / group manager will come to good use tomorrow. People will count on your guidance and help with solving
a little problem.
I wish everyone a great weekend, and TGIF!
edit on 28/2/2014 by Rainbowresidue because: added a thought