posted on Mar, 17 2013 @ 04:25 PM
I have been reading through this and I cannot take it anymore. I have to reply and apologize if this has been stated already.
First off I noticed this myself at an ABC liquor store and I questioned it myself, did not seem right, like the state wants to know how often you
purchase liquor, Personally,
ITS NONE OF THEIR DAMN BUSINESS!!!! *But that’s how I personally feel about it.*
Then I start looking at a bigger picture from a sociological perspective. It should not come as a surprise to anyone here that we are being socially
engineered. We also are aware of the data centers that store and track our habits.
Now let’s look at the info on a driver’s license and how scanning it can be helpful to this cause. A driver’s license / I.D. contains info that
can be used to separate you into different categories and demographics in research studies; for example the age and race of people smoking and how
often they purchase etc. Then they can separate this down to National, state, and local areas that have the most smokers in this example because of
the address info on the id.
This is just one example of how this can be used, which is highly possibly in my eyes. We all know the gov likes spending money on research. Anyone
who has taken a college level psychology or sociology class should understand that this can and really does happen.
Like I said, I do not like this and I no longer go back to the liquor store myself. If I want it that bad I will go to a bar or send someone else to
the liquor store that does not care
edit on 17-3-2013 by IntrinsicMotivation because: grammer