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Reincarnation and the "Little Deaths"

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posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Murgatroid
I became convinced about reincarnation last year after I realized that counterfeit religion is all one huge lie.

When I began to see that reincarnation was connected to false religions, that's when I knew that it was just another ploy to mislead people away from the truth.

"Why would Satan bother coming up with a big lie about reincarnation? What's the point?"

Mankind has an innate desire to commune with God. It is in our nature, because God put it there. Satan will use any means available to lead people away from God. He doesn't have to get people to believe there is no god, he simply has to get them to not believe in the Christian God. A simple way for him to do this is with counterfeit religious experiences such as "reincarnation past-lives."

Reincarnation -- Satan's Second-Biggest Lie

Hinduism, Buddhism, and New Age beliefs are deceptions.

Through Hinduism and Buddhism, and their core belief of karma and reincarnation, Satan has deceived many people into accepting and believing that by doing good works, a person would qualify to have his spirit elevated from one lifetime to the next in order to eventually reach a state of spiritual ‘enlightenment’.

I believe even rational and logical thinking persons can choose to believe in ‘reincarnation’. This is because they have been deceived by demonic spirits. They are rendered blind to reason and logic regarding spiritual matters.

Through Hinduism and Buddhism, Satan and his fellow demonic spirits have deceived many generations of people in large parts of the world into unwittingly allowing their bodies and souls to be possessed. This permits the demonic spirits to 'reincarnate' in them serially.

Satan inspired Hinduism and Buddhism with the core beliefs of Karma and reincarnation.
The concept of reincarnation has been debunked by the concept of demonic spirit possession explaining all the ‘evidence’ proffered for reincarnation.
Hence reincarnation is a lie and Hinduism, Buddhism, and New Age beliefs are deceptions. They bear the signature of Satan. Source

What does believing in reincarnation have to do with wanting to reach with God?
Believing that you may evolve into another creature to continue your "lesson" on Earth, how the heck is that trying to reach God?

Plus, your post just contradicted yourself if you believe in Satan.
Yep, can't believe in reincarnation because it's Satan's mind games, oh no but believing that Satan is real is perfectly fine.
All you other religions are devils work!!! devils work I tell ya.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 03:06 PM
That's a lot of stuff to think about OP. And most people never take that much time, in depth, to study about death cycles or reincarnation because those thoughts can easily end up in the area of unanswerable questions.

These unanswerable questions.... are too much to bear for some folks. Therefore, those folks need religion to comfort themselves of the black abyss of unanswerable questions.

Other folks are much more adventurous and by self-determination have studied all the thought systems available. Still, these people are guided by ego ... they search and search .... rather than to be reborn, in cyclic universal fashion their goal is to liberate the soul.

And I didn't see yet that anyone posting material from the text of the Tibetan Book of the Dead which is entirely relevant to the question of >> reincarnation or liberation

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 03:06 PM
Good Post, loved it! So now expand it some. Let's concider reincarnation and side step it a bit. What if you were living 10 lives at the same time? Each time you made a choice, heads or tails another you picked tails while now you just picked head's?
How else would you explain some dreams you never been or remember being there in the first place? If your mind create images from the past only knowing you have never been there, How did they get there in the first place? Or meeting someone for the first time somehow you know each other only never met before?
Somehow reincarnation is deeper and more confusing as time go by. Lets hope it goes deeper and becomes clearer in times coming.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

only a select group of us are part of "god" i.e his "chosen people" p.s its not the jews, we are here experiencing the world he has created through "human" eyes however we are still very much part of the "one" or "whole" that is what you call god.

the rest of you were just created for the same purposes as the animals that roam this planet. for "experience" purposes almost like a simulation if you will, except with a couple of hidden glitches or mods...those who are truly one with the light one, and part of him are those "mods" we look human but are far from it, in every other sense of the word.

i am here as an observer for "god" as you call him, i am not a judge just a vessel in which he can experience his creation first hand, once this vessel expires i am to return to myself and find other means of experiencing my creations.

there is no such thing as a christian god, or Hindu, or Islamic, etc....

hes not an old human man, with a white long fact IT doesn't have a gender or race or has evolved past that point, it has become light...which is the ultimate step of evolution in this universe sphere... he who is light can be anywhere at anytime and everyplace, he who is light creates and destroys..

this is too deep for must of you to understand.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 03:20 PM

However—If we only get one lifetime, then perhaps we should treat each sleep as a “little death” and place the importance of a lifetime on every single day. Give it your best shot no matter what you believe! Each day is up to you—the shape of your life is molded by your own hands

I believe Christianity today does not teach reincarnation because of fear. Fear that people will not live like you advise in the above paragraph.

If it was taught in church's the hold over people, the control, would be lost. They fear people will live each day as meaningless because they will continuously get chances instead of the one chance that is preached today.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by infoseeker26754
Good Post, loved it! So now expand it some. Let's concider reincarnation and side step it a bit. What if you were living 10 lives at the same time? Each time you made a choice, heads or tails another you picked tails while now you just picked head's?
How else would you explain some dreams you never been or remember being there in the first place? If your mind create images from the past only knowing you have never been there, How did they get there in the first place? Or meeting someone for the first time somehow you know each other only never met before?
Somehow reincarnation is deeper and more confusing as time go by. Lets hope it goes deeper and becomes clearer in times coming.

That has to be the craziest most interesting idea I've ever heard of about reincarnation. Bravo!! Bravo!!

I never thought of it like that, hmm thought provoking

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 03:45 PM

Are our many sleep and wake cycles simply the "little deaths" in an even bigger reincarnation cycle?

It was a long time ago for me but I learned that "little deaths" doesn't refer to the sleep/wake cycles, it refers (in Western terms) to the Tantric yoga meditations specifically related to sexual orgasms. Please correct me if I am wrong.

By the way OP.. do you feel more at "home" when you are sleeping or when you are awake? I have always found myself to be more comfortable in the dream world state. The awake time is enough to service the needs of the physical requirements, food, water, etc, the material world is for the consumption and reproduction process.

When I looked at the Tibetan Book of the Dead (it's intimidating book, for sure) it is repetition! Rinse and repeat!
And the experiential journey of the soul beyond death is described using psychedelic imagery.

Underlying the transmigration process of the soul is another concept of 'surrender'. When faced with the psychedelic images and our remaining ego artifiacts (after death) the experience is too overwhelming .... we fight the illusion after death, thereby, maintaining our ego, and in this defiant act, refuse to surrender at the prime moment -- which leads to the choice (we made it) to reincarnate in material worlds.

I do believe that there are 'soul artifacts' carried over from one material life to another, these artifacts are bridges between different worlds, and those bridges are not for us who are alive, breathing and eating and laughing at existence. We have to wait for the time when we die to negotiate the afterlife... that is why the Tibetan Book of the Dead has given us the instructions how to self-liberate during the journey.

There probably other ATS members better equipped to explain it than I am.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Bleeeeep
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha

I don't see where you gave your opinion on rather it is really real or not. Just a bunch of things to consider.

So, do you think it's real?

I left my personal belief out of the OP. I just wanted to draw on some of my observations to get some other opinions on the thread without advocating any particular stance. I do believe in reincarnation, but as my post shows, I don't have a lot of support or confidence in that belief, and it just becomes a belief I take for granted.

I have had some of those major intuitive encounters that tell me, "I've been here before," or "I don't trust him/her," etc. And like I said, I do look at the sleep/wake cycle as a miniature version of the death/rebirth cycle. It's all circumstantial and interpretive, but yes, I do believe in reincarnation.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by DaphneApollo
I also have a reincarnation story and do believe in it. But, I won't tell it here, too long.

By all means, please add it to this thread! Or if you feel like it's better suited for a unique thread, go for it! Either way, I'm sure we'd all love to read about it.

edit on 10-3-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by XxkingofosirisxX2014

Oh, I've heard lots of those dream rules:

"You've seen everybody in real life that you see in your dreams." Rubbish!

"You can't die in your dream because then you die in real life." Rubbish!

I seem to have broken every rule I've heard. I've had dreams where I was different skin colors, different ages, different gender, had different lives, in different places, on different planets, paradigms etc. I've had dreams where I was totally blind and could only feel my way around in the dark. I even had a dream recently where I had deja vu in the dream and woke up thinking, "Wait, I never did that before!"

I'm not saying these are all memories of past lives, but they do put a damper on those who say dreams are just jumbled imagery from your daily life. If that is the case, maybe some peoples' dreams are just more creative and imaginative than others.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by BROB51
I love the way you look to the world of nature to find answers rather than what scientists "study". Nothing can tell us more about ourselves than the natural world

Science is important too and I am a science-minded person. But I am also a spiritualist person and value nature's lessons as well. Science is just observation of nature, isn't it? Personal observations are indeed scientific data; qualitative data, instead of quantitative.

They are both essential in looking for truth, and I think they can be combined and reconciled in a harmonious way.

edit on 10-3-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by SayonaraJupiter

Are our many sleep and wake cycles simply the "little deaths" in an even bigger reincarnation cycle?

It was a long time ago for me but I learned that "little deaths" doesn't refer to the sleep/wake cycles, it refers (in Western terms) to the Tantric yoga meditations specifically related to sexual orgasms. Please correct me if I am wrong.

I have no doubt that you are correct, but for the sake of this thread, let's just pretend that we're talking about sleep as in the literal context of the quote, "Sleep, those little slices of death..."

By the way OP.. do you feel more at "home" when you are sleeping or when you are awake?

Funny you should ask. I have a hypersomnia sleeping disorder (check the username.) I actually spend about 12 hours sleeping in a 24 hour cycle. I will have spent about half, or more, of my existence sleeping.

My waking life may be a doldrums, but I usually just go with the flow and enjoy it anyway. However, I do look forward to when I can sleep undisturbed. I do feel at home, at peace, in that 12 hour block.

Thanks for your contributions and I have been meaning to check out the Tibetan Book of the Dead. It's been on my reading list for a while

edit on 10-3-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-3-2013 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 05:33 PM
cool thread.

All I know is that spirits exist and they can enter us. I've been fighting the enlightened ones for around 3 years and they have my DNA they have used this 4 times on me so far, I don't really expect anyone to believe this as you don't have a reference point and how can you imagine something when you haven't experienced it.

The problem with the false religions is that they are all based on the worship of Saturn but the elites have to base a lie on the truth otherwise it won't sit right with us, Apparently Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and the Greek and Egyptian gods are all based on Saturn worship or astrology.

I don't know if we reincarnate I do believe we have a part of a spirit inside us which is to experience life in our bodies as the spirit can't but when we die we go back to the spirit give it our experiences and thats the end.

Carlos Castenada writes about this in the Art of Dreaming a book that if its made up then what an imagination this guy has.
edit on 10-3-2013 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

Funny you mention this, I remember this dream I had about this church I had never seen before, never thought anything of it until my mum decided to move us to a new town. Now I had never been to this place before not even close and just as you are heading in to the town what do I see the church I had dreamed about long ago and got that daja vu?. (spelling) feeling. How could I have dreamed about this church if I had never seen it before?.

Still wonder about it to this day, I though maby I was on the right track in life since I had that daja vu feeling. Maybe it's like how you say living 10 lives at a time...

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by MamaJ

However—If we only get one lifetime, then perhaps we should treat each sleep as a “little death” and place the importance of a lifetime on every single day. Give it your best shot no matter what you believe! Each day is up to you—the shape of your life is molded by your own hands

I believe Christianity today does not teach reincarnation because of fear. Fear that people will not live like you advise in the above paragraph.

If it was taught in church's the hold over people, the control, would be lost. They fear people will live each day as meaningless because they will continuously get chances instead of the one chance that is preached today.

Yup, your's all about fear and control. They don't want everyone running around stealing and doing whatever the hell they want. They want order.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 07:29 PM
Food for thought. Like so many things in life, whether you believe it or not doesn't necessarily matter because it either is or isn't truth.

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 07:37 PM
Christianity as the one true religion? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA what a joke!

Talk about deluded and brainwashed. I hope people have been paying attention to the roman catholic church and whats going on with the pope abdicating. and for those of you who say " oh he is tired and is too old" err turn those gold fish memories back 10 yrs when John Paul II was a vegetable on a wheel chair and he still didnt quit.

The reason the current pope is jumping ship is because of all the sexual scandals going on in the church. Your so called Holier than thou house of god is nothing more than a putrid and rotting hell house for sin and corruption. not to mention all the thousands of cases of child abuse and other carnal acts that they have tried to hush up.

But sure slam other religions as hard as you can so that nobody looks at yours and points out the obvious.

If there is a devil it is surely at the head of the roman catholic church.

As for reincarnation I like the idea that everyday is a new life as it certainly is. I live 2 lives one in my dreams and one when I awake. And if the afterlife is anything like the dream world I will be just fine
(practice lucid dreaming and you will be able to shape the afterlife into anything you desire )

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by NarcolepticBuddha
Very nice thread!

Your right, at least I think, that every day is a brand new day. Today is the day to right the wrongs of yesterday. This minute is the minute to right the wrongs of the last minute.

I had this conversation very recently with someone very close to me.

My opinion was that a once go around was not enough, as in one lifetime, and they said you have a new lifetime everyday. She's right!

I know that the soul is immortal. It is never born or dies, but manifest and un-manifest. Birth is the end of death, death is the end of birth. All good things come to an end and a beginning.

In the micro, everyday is a new chance. In the macro, every lifetime is a new chance.

We can come to live right, in the micro and macro!

Tick Tock

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 07:46 PM
Bravo on your thread, NB! Standing ovation!!

And, S&F, for sure!

I will have to contribute later, as I am on my way out the door for work and just now saw this.

Very intriguing!

I guess I do have time to post the link to my thread on this topic, if you ever want to read my opinion...

posted on Mar, 10 2013 @ 08:10 PM
Of course we reincarnate, but there's more than a few good reasons why we forget everything. Think of how sad it would be if you could recall all the beautiful places and people you have loved prior, then realizing it's all faded into oblivion. It hurts like a mo-fo, and nobody real gives a flying fox.
edit on 10-3-2013 by Doomcake because: (no reason given)

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