posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:13 AM
Typical politician. They are NOT doing what is in the best interest of the citizenry, rather they push ideas like gun control because of political
pressure, which usually involves lots of money changing hands. I think with the gun control issue, the higher ups who are applying the pressure are
doing so with a nefarious idea in mind. So the actual conspiracy to disarm Americans, which is truly what the goal is, does not go past a few people
at the top. They simply use whatever logic and means at their disposal, which is a lot of political pressure, to achieve their goal, while those under
them have no real idea what the true purpose is.
I literally hate the idea of politicians in the first place, simply because of what US politics has become. This is not what politics was intended to
be, and I will stand by my claim that there are very few members of Congress with clean hands. Politicians may go in honestly, but they come out quite
corrupt, and somewhere along the way they lose their focus, which is to represent the interests of the people. And another problem is that people will
start complaining to their politicians, and the politicians think that is what the people want.
This is wrong. Think of how many people are not complaining because there is nothing to complain about. This is how the majority gets screwed over by
the minority, in my opinion. The bunch of crybabies who have no grasp on American government, and definitely do not understand or respect the
Constitution, are the ones complaining about guns, failing to take into account the reason for the 2nd amendment. It is not so Joe Blow can shoot at
targets on the weekend, or so someone can go out hunting. NO NO NO. The 2nd amendment is the main tool of American democracy. Once you understand
that, there is absolutely no way you can call yourself a true Patriot and still want to see guns taken away.
And notice how this all started with "regulations," and not taking away guns? Well, no matter how many things come in between, it is obvious the
goal is to disarm Americans. And since it is happening the way it is, with so many measures in between instead of outright confiscation, everyone
should wonder who is pulling the strings, and who really is pushing this agenda.