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Euthanizing the Defectives.

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posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by pheonix358


All the politicians need to go. But that is a completely different conversation.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
kind of freaky to consider how quick we are to put them down for reasons that, if applied to people, would be considered criminal.

Well that is something people should think about and make it legally binding .

I do realize many people don't really want to think about their mortality sadly it leads to cases like terri shivo and countless others . people need to man up and not leave it to the courts to decide

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 10:05 PM
I'm not suggesting anything that Nature wouldn't have taken care of by itself if left to the natural order of things.

I have tried to be a good host, but it is now time for bed.
I will be back in the morning to address some more questions.

Good day.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 10:09 PM
Well, now there may be something to this idea, everyone. Let's explore it a bit. There may be characteristics of people that make them less than desirable.

Perhaps we can start with those capable of suggesting euthanizing kids. I believe I see a very serious deficit in human empathy and compassion there that rivals, if not exceeds that of an Autistic child.

* It's all hypothetical, right op? Nothing personal intended and I hope, taken. I hope I bring a moment to think about the nature of the suggestion though and how it can be used in ways you may not anticipate. Forced sterilizations and frontal lobotomies were once performed in this nation and considered solid and intelligent public policy. I wouldn't see benefit to returning to the darker practices of the past. Just my two cents.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 10:20 PM

Failure to function as designed = defective

Are you the designer? If not, who are you to say that they do not 'function' as designed?

If we can't understand how some people could turn out like this and not others, how can we be arrogant enough to think that we might know to what purpose these people are designed for?

It is possible that their purpose is to bring out the charity, good-will and patience in some people, and to bring out the intolerant, self centered 'you are imperfect so i cant be bothered with taking care of you cause you cant do it yourself' attitudes in others so that the rest of us can see the true nature of those involved.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by watchitburn

Hitler tried that. He couldn't complete the task because so many people have one issue or another.

No one is perfect. If you started out on that road there would be no one left to euthanize, unless you want the planet to yourself.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by watchitburn


2. A vast number of folks with natural, inborn, and/or accidental deficiencies end up making huge contributions to the lives of those around them in the lessons they teach about tenacity, compassion, love, patience, pluck, courage, determination, persistence . . . Those are priceless lessons.

3. Joining the globalist oligarchy in their rush to exterminate all but 200-500 million citizens off the planet is not a very admirable position to take, imho. BTW, tyrants have virtually always executed their useless idiot first followers almost immediately on successfully taking full control of the system. They can't afford to have their contrariness and anger at having to comply with the new order muck up the new order.

4. Folks not perceiving their own defects will certainly discover in due course that from GOD'S PERSPECTIVE, we are all quite defective.

5. Haughty judgment and hypocrisy are poor foundations for reasonable criteria and boundaries governing life in a social network and culture.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 10:37 PM
Something to consider ...

Famous Influential Autistic People

Albert Einstein
Amadeus Mozart
Sir Isaac Newton
Charles Darwin
Thomas Jefferson
Lewis Carroll
Pablo Picaso

You may want to do some research on Carly Fleishmann

She's like the Helen Keller of Autism.
She's non-verbal, incapable of speech, and it was thought she'd never be able to communicate until one day she when she was 11 she typed "Help Me" on a computer.

The girl is amazing, smarter than the average kid her age, and I'd wager smarter than most people.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by watchitburn

Explanation: S&F!

Awesomely confronting issue and I thank you for bringing up the subject!

Depending on the standpoint I take ... I have varying views on this issue and not all of them are compatible with each other.

On one hand ... all babies meet the definition of being incapable of taking care of themselves, for many years, regardless of their 'fitness' and so from this standpoint I would say that to do what your OP asks would be to wipe out any and all future generations.

Hence I would be against this on 'survival of the species' grounds ok.

However, on the other hand, I can see that society already does this in-utero with genetic tests for abnormalities and the offering of an abortion if the mother agrees to the termination of the pregnancy.

I currently have no issue with such medical practices as long as they happen prior to the third trimester [about 20-24weeks is where I draw the line ok].

Hence I would be for this on 'protecting the integrity of future generations genetic make up' grounds ok!

Personal Disclosure: As for those already born ... I think that the window of opportunity for such things has passed and we must as a civilized society endure such outcomes for better and or for worse ok!

Also as long as we are not talking about people in a coma then the clearest way is to ask them PERSONALLY whether they wish to remain alive or not and we should respect those wishes.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by watchitburn
Why would I? I provide desirable services to the population, I am self reliant. I require no supervision to perform my daily actions.

I prefer superhearing, myself. lots more fun listening to random conversations all at once

What the OP proposes is nonsense. It's presuming his own will onto others, that at their own benefit, they're better off dead. Intolerable!

Just hope it's a passing rift...

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 11:21 PM

have you no compassion at all?

now i'am not one to get all emotional about other peoples problems, or disabilities.
frankly it's not my problem. but if i came across a human being with mental, or even physical disabilities, and they need help and nobody was there to provide for them, i would help them.
because they can't physically or mentally provide for themselves. and it's just the right thing to do.

i live with a retarded man, "uncle jimmy".
and i care very deeply for him.
he loves,
he laughs,
he cries,
he sings, (not very good i might add)
he goes to work, everyday.

he is not a drag on society, in fact he pays taxes, s.s. and all the rest.
something more than 50% of this country doesn't do.
but a person like you would take one look at him, and decide to off him, because he is a retard.

what this country needs more than anything is family, and love.
not some bureaucratic intellectual, who thinks he can improve society by offing human beings that don't meet his standard of intelligence.

but hey at least joseph goebbles would be proud of you.

do society a favor and keep your thoughts to yourself.
we have enough wackjobs to deal with already.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
Not that I believe in that sort of thing. I seen shows (on PBS) about quality of life and the decision to Euthanize for people. You'd be surprised how often what you are touching upon happens even now. When I googled it i got this questionnaire about pets...

kind of freaky to consider how quick we are to put them down for reasons that, if applied to people, would be considered criminal.

When to euthanize...

If my son was born and a law was in place to destroy all defectives my son would be dead shortly after he was born.

His legs were backwards and his feet were clubbed.
After two years of surgeries and having plaster casts changed on his legs and feet weekly he was almost normal.

I asked the doctor what restrictions would there be after treatment had been compleated.
He said no restrictions at all.

I immediately started him in football and baseball as soon as he was old enough.
Next I had him begin lessons in martial arts.

He has excelled in every sport he played in and was a valuable player.

He is now a black belt in Martial Arts and has won many tourments.

And he has his own profitable business, a beautiful wife and three children and one granddaughter.

He has been a joy to me and other people all his life.

I do not hate you but I hate your mind as it is so horrid I can only imagine how evil you must be.

I beg you to not spread your defective and heartless seed and create a child.

Oh, maybe you really are not only mentally defective but could be physcially defective. hate yourself.

Oh, do tell me how my 21 yr. old grandson can be made to hear. He is deaf.
We had done it all, implants and any other treatment made available.

He is attending college now and is pure joy to me.
He has taught me so very much about life.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by watchitburn

So these parents are willfully subjecting their children to a lifetime of hardship, frustration and ridicule. They may be able to convince themselves otherwise, but that's the world we live in. It's not fair, but when has life ever been fair?

Frankly, I think it's just selfishness on the parent's part, or denial. But this is just my opinion.

What if their minds work perfectly fine, but the hardware prevents the intended responses and actions to translate into what they were intended to, and that is what the rest of us are seeing? I think that would be my worst nightmare. A mind trapped in a brain and/or body that doesn't cooperate with my intentions.

So, I think. In the best interests of these unfortunate individuals, their parents in the long run, and the species as a whole, that these individuals should be euthanized as soon as it is determined that the situation can not be corrected by medical means.

You do realize, don't you, that you have just described, every new parent and Every newborn human that has ever existed?

Can you not agree that it is virtually every Human life that is subject to hardship, frustration and mighty doses of ridicule?

Like "original sin" (if you believe in such a thing) those sufferings touch All humans, to some degree, throughout their lives'.

Yes, that is the World in which we live.

All of us who live.

You don't get a "free pass" just because you happen to be "disabled"; that would not be "Fair"!

And BTW, "minds (that) work perfectly fine, but the hardware (that) prevents the intended responses and actions to translate into what they were intended to (be)", describes to a "T" the basic existence of EVERY newborn human!

And, sadly, there is nothing that medical science can do to change so sorry state of affairs; only Time can "cure" the newborn's "deficiencies" as you would have them characterized.

That is, unless you have the poor thing euthanized for it's own good before it has even a chance to outgrow its "defects".

Get outside of your head once in awhile.

You might find that there is a whole World existing just beyond your fingertips.

But be aware, that World might not give a flying fig about your sensibilities.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by watchitburn
I understand that this topic is going to be not well received by many.
And that's OK, I can take the criticism and hate that will be coming. I welcome all perspectives to help me understand the opposing thought process.

I will state up front that I am not a parent, I don't have any kind of emotional attachment to children of my own. So maybe I'm just not grasping the whole parent/kid thing. But I understand the concept, and where parents will be coming from. (You love your kid and don't want any harm to come to it/them)

So here we go.

I have seen many autistic and/or otherwise severely physically or mentally defective children and adults. And frankly it baffles me why anyone would choose to inflict that life on another living creature. Let alone your own flesh and blood.

If we had the technology to fix everything it would be different, but we don't. So these parents are willfully subjecting their children to a lifetime of hardship, frustration and ridicule. They may be able to convince themselves otherwise, but that's the world we live in. It's not fair, but when has life ever been fair?

Frankly, I think it's just selfishness on the parent's part, or denial. But this is just my opinion.

What if their minds work perfectly fine, but the hardware prevents the intended responses and actions to translate into what they were intended to, and that is what the rest of us are seeing? I think that would be my worst nightmare. A mind trapped in a brain and/or body that doesn't cooperate with my intentions.

So, I think. In the best interests of these unfortunate individuals, their parents in the long run, and the species as a whole, that these individuals should be euthanized as soon as it is determined that the situation can not be corrected by medical means.

Ok ATS, let me have it.
What are your thoughts?

So, judging by this post and your past ones, I can safely assume that your perfect society would be a mixture of 1984 and Brave New World. Please, for the safety of the human race never never NEVER go into politics, okay? I'm 100% serious on that by the way.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 12:27 AM
I'm saddened by this.

And somewhat speechless.

Some see raising a healthy child as a burden, hence abortions.

This topic is unsettling and disturbing.

edit on 9-3-2013 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by watchitburn

Originally posted by freedomSlave
with what the norm is in society and societal views on this , it would seem you are the defective one among many of us , are you going to off yourself

You are just being rude, but I'll answer your question anyway.

No, I have no intention of offing myself.

Why would I? I provide desirable services to the population, I am self reliant. I require no supervision to perform my daily actions.

You are advocating the wholesale extermination of mentally handicapped people, you have no right to complain about someone being "rude". You really are a sick individual, you know that. And no, that is not me being rude, that is me stating a fact.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by beezzer

For some reason I tried to click on your signature. Nothing happend. Would have liked to have seen it.

As a divorced parent of a little guy who kicked cancer's ass, I agree with your sentiment. I know you don't believe me but rock on Beezer. You remind me of my cousins who have given me some of the most amazing experinces in my life but with whom I have stood toe to toe with in drunken screaming matches about politics only to late once again have the most amazingly life long lasting experience, ususally laughing until I couldn't breath. My kind of folks.

edit on 9-3-2013 by ColoradoJens because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by Antonio1
You are advocating the wholesale extermination of mentally handicapped people.

I don't think he means killing the ones that are living but preventing the ones that will be born mentally handicapped so they don't have to go through what is perceived to be a mental hell?

I think with this particular subject it's best to "live and let live"
If someone wants to raise their mentally handicapped child then it should be their right.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by ColoradoJens

My son, my awesome beautiful, wonderful son is blind in one eye and partially blind in the other. He is happy and healthy and contributes.

As a father, I can appreciate your love and attitude towards your child.

I am just so disturbed that this topic can even BE debated.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by ColoradoJens

My son, my awesome beautiful, wonderful son is blind in one eye and partially blind in the other. He is happy and healthy and contributes.

As a father, I can appreciate your love and attitude towards your child.

I am just so disturbed that this topic can even BE debated.

It sometimes is hard in this world being a responsible parent and adult. I know I have failed on many occasions. I hope, and it is really my hope, that I can continue to mature, gain wisdom, and love this world and all that I have been afforded -somehow transmute my minimal knowledge and feeling of good will to my kids. That with the reality of bad things that exist comes the ever powerful notion that we as humans can overcome. Sorry for the sap...btw, when are you stateside again or am I wrong about being in Germany? Perhaps I've overstepped my bounds. And please extrapolate on the sig. It is very enticing.

edit on 9-3-2013 by ColoradoJens because: (no reason given)

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