posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 10:43 AM
Hey all, I'd like to report an update on my father-in-law. After nearly a year-and-a-half since he took the alternative treatment plan outlined in
this OP, doctors have finally admitted to him that he is cancer-free. Of course, they still wouldn't admit that it was the natural cure, but instead,
they took credit for it.
I knew right from the start that he had defeated his cancer with this plan and in the couple of months following it, three separate doctors had
admitted he had done something but wouldn't tell him that he was cancer-free. His original doctor told him he had tripled his expected life span and
admitted that his prostate that was once hard, was now soft. The 2nd one at a different clinic also said he was soft, but wouldn't admit he was
The 3rd doctor, last summer, we didn't even tell him about his cancer. G visited him over his swollen prostate and infection that he had developed. I
was able to sit in the room after the appointment because the Doc wanted to talk with his daughter and myself. After discussing the history of his
infection, I asked the doctor, "What about his cancer?" The doctor looked at me in confusion and said, "what cancer?" After we told him the
history of his cancer, he got pisst off and left the room. Came back a few minutes later with his medical records from the original hospital and
looked G straight in the face and said you didn't beat your cancer. What an arse hole.
I knew full well at that point that G had defeated his cancer, but they still refused to admit it. Anyways, a couple of months ago they gave G some
powerful meds for his swollen prostate, because even after he had defeated the cancer, the swelling didn't go down and he had some problems from
that. Other symptoms did go away, such as the lower back pain and his PSA levels. All along G refused to do another biopsy, so he had to rely on a my
word versus their word, so he lived with the stress of having this disease all this time.
Until now. They finally admit he is in remission and it's because of the meds they gave him. LMFAO. So, for more than a year his only option was
surgery, chemo or radiation. They never offered him anything else, let alone some simple pills he could pop. The meds they did finally prescribe him
were for the swollen prostate (that 80% of men his age have) that was causing him some major problems with his urination, even having to wear a
catheter. The pills worked for the swollen prostate and it wasn't long the old feller was pissing like an 18-year-old again. It was at this time they
finally admitted to him the cancer was gone.
My only question for these arse holes is if all it took was a pill, then why didn't they offer it to him in the first place instead of only three
options: surgery, chemo or radiation.
What a joke! Listen up people...this treatment plan did work for G and don't ever let anyone tell you that doctors and their Big 3 voodoo's are your
only option when it comes to saving your life. Cancer doesn't have to be a killer, not all the time. I admit, it might not work for some, but it will
work for most and it's definitely worth the try. It's only three weeks, so what have you got to lose?
And I highly recommend anyone who even feels off with their health to try this plan. It cleanses out all the toxins in your body in a very healthy
way. And, who knows, you may prevent something from occurring. If you take this plan and you aren't currently fighting cancer, you can keep white
meats in your diet plan, such as chicken and turkey, so that you don't lose too much weight.