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Possible Developments for next The 'Big One' SoCal on San Andreas Fault Line!

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posted on May, 14 2013 @ 07:09 PM
In last days we had a very strong solar activity and triple X solar flares, also in 4-5 days sunspot will be in Earth direction ..

Probably we will have have stronger seizmic activity worldwide in next days to days when 1748 leave our view, like I say in previous post I'm out from EQ predictions because of many reasons ..

Two solar flare of M class today from big sunspot 1745

Wildfire experts forecast above normal wildfire activity across parts of the western U.S. this sumer

Research helps paint finer picture of massive 1700 earthquake
May 14, 2013

"What we were able to show for the first time is that the rupture of Cascadia was heterogeneous, making it similar to what happened with the recent major earthquakes in Japan, Chile and Sumatra," Horton said.

"The next Cascadia earthquake has the potential to be the biggest natural disaster that the Unites States will have to come to terms with—far bigger than Sandy or even Katrina," Horton said. "It would happen with very little warning; some areas of Oregon will have less than 20 minutes to evacuate before a large tsunami will inundate the coastline like in Sumatra in 2004 and Japan in 2011."

posted on May, 15 2013 @ 06:12 AM
Sunspot 1748 don't looking good, still beta-gamma-delta configuration ..

We have one more X-class solar flare, so that's 4 for now ..

Will be very interesting to see is this complex group produce more very strong flares, but I think yes 1748 will be earth direction in some 3-4 days ..

Areas of "West Coast" and SoCal will probably have stronger seizmic activity in next days to days 1748 leave our view, also i try to find free time to monitoring but little possibility for that so precisely EQ prediction not possible

Also dangerous areas: Japan to China to Turkey to Italy, Indonesia to Tonga and west coast of S-C America ..

Think west Peru (maybe Chile also) will probably have very stronger EQ, guess in next 45 days EQ of M 7.5 + ..

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 02:53 AM
2013-05-15 20:00:05.0 11hr 51min ago 33.66 N 118.41 W 2 4.0 SAN PEDRO CHANNEL, CALIFORNIA
2013-05-16 05:23:52.8 2hr 27min ago 42.78 N 111.14 W 5 4.0 SOUTHERN IDAHO

Magnitude ML 4.0
Date time 2013-05-15 20:00:05.0 UTC
Location 33.66 N ; 118.41 W
Depth 2 km
46 km S of Los Angeles, United States / pop: 3,792,621 / local time: 13:00:05.0 2013-05-15
9 km S of Rancho Palos Verdes, United States / pop: 41,643 / local time: 13:00:05.0 2013-05-15;

edit on 16-5-2013 by MariaLida because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2013 @ 05:50 AM
We have two small eartquekes before 10 min close to Bakersfield, so I will post one possibility how I see things for possible foreshock ..

For me this area is one of interesting areas to watch also think stronger EQ's in this area around Bakersfield can become foreshocks for the "Big One" ..

Probably EQ of M 5.7 + also stronger, but that's hard to say ..

M 3.2 - 7km WNW of Pine Mountain Club, California 2013-05-16 10:04:58 UTC

M 3.3 - 16km S of Greenfield, California 2013-05-16 10:04:53 UTC

edit on 16-5-2013 by MariaLida because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2013 @ 08:17 AM
Keep these updates coming if you will. We appreciate the time it takes for you to research and post!

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by MariaLida
Sunspot 1748 don't looking good, still beta-gamma-delta configuration ..

We have one more X-class solar flare, so that's 4 for now ..

Will be very interesting to see is this complex group produce more very strong flares, but I think yes 1748 will be earth direction in some 3-4 days ..

Areas of "West Coast" and SoCal will probably have stronger seizmic activity in next days to days 1748 leave our view, also i try to find free time to monitoring but little possibility for that so precisely EQ prediction not possible

Also dangerous areas: Japan to China to Turkey to Italy, Indonesia to Tonga and west coast of S-C America ..

Think west Peru (maybe Chile also) will probably have very stronger EQ, guess in next 45 days EQ of M 7.5 + ..

2013-05-23 17:19:02.01hr 48min ago 23.10 S 177.02 W 153 7.4 SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS
2013-05-20 09:49:04.0 44.92 S 80.60 W 10 6.8 OFF COAST OF AISEN, CHILE

Also here last prediction for stronger seizmic activity in 2-3 days ..

Earthquake swarm Off The East Coast Of The Kamchatka Peninsula

Solar Flare of M 5.0 and Very Big CME

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by MariaLida

Originally posted by MariaLida
Sunspot 1748 don't looking good, still beta-gamma-delta configuration ..

We have one more X-class solar flare, so that's 4 for now ..

Will be very interesting to see is this complex group produce more very strong flares, but I think yes 1748 will be earth direction in some 3-4 days ..

Areas of "West Coast" and SoCal will probably have stronger seizmic activity in next days to days 1748 leave our view, also i try to find free time to monitoring but little possibility for that so precisely EQ prediction not possible

Also dangerous areas: Japan to China to Turkey to Italy, Indonesia to Tonga and west coast of S-C America ..

Think west Peru (maybe Chile also) will probably have very stronger EQ, guess in next 45 days EQ of M 7.5 + ..

2013-05-23 17:19:02.01hr 48min ago 23.10 S 177.02 W 153 7.4 SOUTH OF FIJI ISLANDS
2013-05-20 09:49:04.0 44.92 S 80.60 W 10 6.8 OFF COAST OF AISEN, CHILE

Also here last prediction for stronger seizmic activity in 2-3 days ..

Earthquake swarm Off The East Coast Of The Kamchatka Peninsula

Solar Flare of M 5.0 and Very Big CME

Here is prediction to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy area for M 8.0+ to come also for stronger activity to "West Coast"..

Originally posted by MariaLida
reply to post by westcoast

Tnx nice to see you, very nice book

Think probably we will have EQ of M 8.0+ in next months or max one year somewhere around this last EQ's ..

Originally posted by MariaLida
Still very unstable there, probably more will come ..

2013-05-22 20:08:30.0 16min ago 52.57 N 159.55 E 20 5.0 OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA
2013-05-22 06:36:37.0 53.03 N 159.90 E 31 5.2 NEAR EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA
2013-05-21 14:51:19.0 52.57 N 160.65 E 25 5.6 OFF EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA

Dangerous time for strong EQ in next 48 or 72 hrs for this area also worldwide sensitive areas ..

Solar Flare of M 5.0 and Very Big CME
edit on 22-5-2013 by MariaLida because: (no reason given)

Earthquake swarm Off The East Coast Of The Kamchatka Peninsula

EQ of M 7.4 South of Fiji Islands

Solar Flare of M 5.0 and Very Big CME

Also here prediction for stronger activity to "West Coast", M 5.7 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ..

2013-05-24 03:47:09.06hr 50min ago 40.16 N 121.08 W 10 5.7 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA

edit on 24-5-2013 by MariaLida because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by MariaLida
Fortunately EQ was not shallow and not close to nuclear plant, but many homes was destroyed also hundreds reporter of dead ..

An Iranian official quoted by Reuters said hundreds of dead were expected as a result of the quake. "It was the biggest earthquake in Iran in 40 years and we are expecting hundreds of dead," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. ;

2013-04-16 10:44:20.0 1hr 47min ago 28.14 N 62.08 E 87 7.8 IRAN-PAKISTAN BORDER REGION

Magnitude Mw 7.8
Date time 2013-04-16 10:44:20.0 UTC
Location 28.14 N ; 62.08 E
Depth 87 km
Distances 611 km NE of Muscat, Oman / pop: 797,000 / local time: 14:44:20.0 2013-04-16
191 km SE of Zāhedān, Iran / pop: 551,980 / local time: 15:14:20.0 2013-04-16
85 km E of Khāsh, Iran / pop: 69,603 / local time: 15:14:20.0 2013-04-16

Some predictions of this strong earthquake ..

Originally posted by MariaLida
We have this two interesting EQ's in last 40 min, probably stronger activity & EQ to come in next days ..

Originally posted by MariaLida
Ok I will post some dangerous days for strong seizmic activity for rest of 2013, that days can effect San Andreas fault to rupture in very strong EQ ..

Also dangerous location from Japan - China - Turkey - Italy to have very strong EQ's with many casualties ..

Next days to end of April (next 35 days) and days from 16 to 23 June, also we will have super full moon for this year on 23 June ..

Perigee - Jun 23 11:11 356989 km ++ F- 0h

Full moon - 2013 Jun 23 11:34

I expect at sensitive area very strong EQ of M 8.0 + from 16 to 23 June, for next 35 days we have several very dangerous days so I will post danger for all 35 days and we probably will have very strong seizmic activity worldwide and probably EQ of M 7.5 + ..

Originally posted by MariaLida
Still unstable there also nuclear plant is only 90 km up at fault line ..

Hope nothing strong will come but have possibility one more equal or stronger EQ to come here or at this fault line in next months, also think have more % to north to Turkey from south of last one M 6.3

edit on 16-4-2013 by MariaLida because: (no reason given)

"I expect at sensitive area very strong EQ of M 8.0 + from 16 to 23 June, for next 35 days we have several very dangerous days so I will post danger for all 35 days and we probably will have very strong seizmic activity worldwide and probably EQ of M 7.5 +"

I will post more info and how I see things for coming days about June month, in original prediction is posted from 16 to 23 I will change that little and say more ..

Think from June 5 to June 23 we will have have very strong EQ of M 8.0 + or lower magnitude and dangerous EQ in dangerous and probably populated location also probably with many casualties, very dangerous time for strong seizmic activity worldwide sensitive area ..

Also think area of West Coast will have strong EQ, probably SoCal SA fault and Elsinore fault area around L.A. or Mexicali ..

I just want to make you aware of this and hope this can help ..

Peace ..

edit on 24-5-2013 by MariaLida because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by MariaLida

I don't even care how you do it ....I just know that you nailed it.

Although I truly hope that the West Coast stays safe and no bigger ones come!!!

posted on May, 24 2013 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by MariaLida

Hello Maria, could you just specify the places where you predict those EQ? It is not clear to me.
Thank you.

posted on May, 26 2013 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Tianmat
reply to post by MariaLida

Hello Maria, could you just specify the places where you predict those EQ? It is not clear to me.
Thank you.

It is not clear to me how is possible to specify more preciously place from last predictions just don't get it I'm not a magician, also if you know any person what predict more accurate or precisely from me post here who knows maybe I miss that ..

"Dangerous time for strong EQ in next 48 or 72 hrs for this area also worldwide sensitive areas", area of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy Russia also M 8.0 + ..

"Also think area of West Coast will have strong EQ, probably SoCal SA fault or Elsinore fault area around L.A. to Mexicali .."

Also if you read thread you'll understand and it's already post, don't want to make mistakes also don't have free-time to monitoring maximum to post more precisely and need to be active 24 hrs for that, also it's very very ungrateful for me to predict one place and fail-miss possible catastrophic EQ ..

In last 15 months that did not happen to me and more of 95 % over M 7.0 + EQ was predicted on other forum ..

I what to people can rely on EQ prediction or my prediction not to lose hope and faith in similar, anyone predicting EQ's today and that's means nothing, EQ prediction is only accurate predictions in mostly % ..

And that people only destroy reputation and faith in EQ prediction also making confusion all the time, me and some persons have very difficult road to build that people believe and have faith in EQ prediction etc ..

Need time for that, I will go in retirement in next years then I will be 24 hrs in this, hope to that time more people will join me in accurate EQ prediction so then we can make some very useful EQ predictions ..

To share all that prediction from persons with reputation in one place to find and calculate best solution and make very precisely prediction, that's my dream which is still unreal but I hope very much and believe that will happen one day if we still be "around"
also in some people ..

I can tell you that one person is interesting to me what posting online and making original mostly accurate EQ prediction also I respect work from him but unfortunately he use only some 3-4 influences to make forecast, I would be very happy to meet him and probably in future I will go to him but he is far in Australia ..

In time ahead I will make less and less predictions because have very much obligations and work, main reason I don't want to make mistakes and especially speculate in EQ prediction, it's better do not make EQ predictions from some speculate and fail predictions etc ..

Hope very much that day will come my friend
, I can do that be my self or we, I need help from others but others mostly making some copy staff from already originally predictions from 2 mostly accurate EQ forecasters, nothing to learn or to see something what I don't know ..

I'm hungry for knowledge about EQ's but can't find more info also free time ..

I repeat one more time for possible EQ predictors or forecasters that have more of 15 very different influences for possible strong EQ and you need to know all about or to be good in every that field, also need to be calculated and combine precisely to make accurate EQ prediction, to know all possible EQ historic information or earthquake "knowledge" for that area and ability to fell things especially in advance ..

That's very difficult or complicated and it is hardest challenge in my whole life, also it is necessary to have much free time and I just don't have that also because of that I'm out from EQ predictions for how ..

Good luck to all, Peace ..
edit on 26-5-2013 by MariaLida because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 02:41 PM
2013-05-29 14:38:00.04hr 41min ago 34.31 N 119.91 W 7 4.8 SANTA BARBARA CHANNEL, CALIF.

4.8 5km W of Isla Vista, California 2013-05-29 16:38:03+02:00 8.0 km deep

edit on 29-5-2013 by MariaLida because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2013 @ 06:49 PM
That's good news, just hope they will finalizing this soon as possible ..

State Senate Passes Earthquake Early Warning Bill, Now Heads to Assembly

May 29, 2013 7:55 AM

Sacramento, Calif. – The California State Senate approved Senate Bill 135 today, which would require the development of a comprehensive statewide earthquake early warning system in California.

The bill, authored by Senator Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima), passed 39-0 and now goes to the Assembly for consideration.

posted on Jun, 2 2013 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by MariaLida

I thought earthquake early warning system in California will be finalized much much sooner, that's really bad news ..

California senate approves earthquake early warning system
Thursday, May 30, 2013

The measure is headed to the State Assembly for a full vote, but if it passes, it could end up on the governor's desk by mid-September. If the governor signs off on it, it could be two more years before California gets its early warning system in place.

Predicting earthquakes in China

The tragic magnitude-8 earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan in 2008, which caused more than 80,000 deaths, sparked tremendous public criticism of the government and accelerated research into early warning systems. Since then, China has established the Institute of Care-Life in Chengdu that has developed the world's largest earthquake early-warning system covering 400,000 square kilometres. The Chengu system has been a prototype for other stations around the country and has successfully received early warnings of over 1200 earthquakes.

The combination of the early warning system plus greater connectedness of the population has already shown benefits in terms of disaster preparedness. When a magnitude-4.9 earthquake struck Yunnan on February 19 this year, residents in the area received warnings via cellphones, microblogs and on websites. When a magnitude-7 earthquake struck Lushan on April 20, an early-warning alert went out 28 seconds before.

Although a few seconds may not seem like much, experts say even a three-second warning can help to save lives while a 20-second alert can help reduce the casualty rate by 63 per cent.
edit on 2-6-2013 by MariaLida because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2013 @ 02:13 PM
Two EQ's today on same location, Salton Sea ..

2013-06-03 19:04:10.005min ago 33.23 N 115.62 W 4 4.1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA

4.1 9km W of Niland, California 2013-06-03 21:04:10 UTC+02:00 3.7 km 33.225°N 115.623°W
3.1 9km W of Niland, California 2013-06-03 14:43:34 UTC+02:00 1.9 km 33.233°N 115.625°W

edit on 3-6-2013 by MariaLida because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 07:39 AM
2013-06-07 03:17:54.09hr 08min ago 30.07 N 114.20 W 10 4.8 GULF OF CALIFORNIA

M 2.2, San Pedro Channel, California7. lipanj 2013 14:03June 07, 2013 12:03:55 GMT
M 2.7, San Pedro Channel, California7. lipanj 2013 13:47June 07, 2013 11:47:08 GMT
M 3.0, San Pedro Channel, California7. lipanj 2013 13:25June 07, 2013 11:25:31 GMT
M 2.9, San Pedro Channel, California7. lipanj 2013 13:19June 07, 2013 11:19:44 GMT

posted on Jun, 11 2013 @ 11:49 AM
2013-06-11 15:02:16.01hr 43min ago 30.02 N 114.05 W 10 4.4 GULF OF CALIFORNIA
2013-06-11 14:07:47.02hr 38min ago 24.20 N 108.81 W 20 4.7 GULF OF CALIFORNIA

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 03:10 PM
I haven't had time to check USGS but a buddy of mine in LA said he just felt some rumbling within the last hour or so. If I get a moment, I'll check USGS.


Ok, just looked, it was a 3.1, not a big deal.

3.1 5km S of Redlands, California 2013-06-19 15:11:50 UTC-04:00
edit on 19-6-2013 by lasertaglover because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by MariaLida
reply to post by MariaLida

Terremoti Italia dal 1900

24 Marzo 2013

Here you can see some earthquake history for Italy ..

Possibility for M 6.0 + in dangerous time posted above in Italy, Turkey China also very dangerous areas ..

Some possible location for next strong EQ in Italy ..
edit on 24-3-2013 by MariaLida because: (no reason given)

Originally posted by MariaLida
Location for possible EQ of M 5.5 + ..

I think EQ will very probably come somewhere on image below around town Barga, more south from dangerous area image above .. Map

Think this is most dangerous location for Central and Northern Italy, in time ahead or next 70 days ..

Also have possibility that EQ will appear in next 2-3 days ..

EQ of M 5.3 at some 10-20 km from dangerous also predicted area in Italy ..

2013-06-21 10:33:58.051min ago 44.18 N 10.14 E 2 5.3 NORTHERN ITALY

edit on 21-6-2013 by MariaLida because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by MariaLida
"I expect at sensitive area very strong EQ of M 8.0 + from 16 to 23 June, for next 35 days we have several very dangerous days so I will post danger for all 35 days and we probably will have very strong seizmic activity worldwide and probably EQ of M 7.5 +"

I will post more info and how I see things for coming days about June month, in original prediction is posted from 16 to 23 I will change that little and say more ..

Think from June 5 to June 23 we will have have very strong EQ of M 8.0 + or lower magnitude and dangerous EQ in dangerous and probably populated location also probably with many casualties, very dangerous time for strong seizmic activity worldwide sensitive area ..

Also think area of West Coast will have strong EQ, probably SoCal SA fault and Elsinore fault area around L.A. or Mexicali ..

I just want to make you aware of this and hope this can help ..

Peace ..

link to MariaLida's post with quoted prediction

Hmmm, turns out this wasn't very helpful at all.

You posted this on May 24th.
The largest earthquake since that time has been a Mag 6.7 Mw SSW of Singaparna, Indonesia. Was this one of the "worldwide sensitive area..."?
There also has not been a "strong EQ" on the San Andreas or Elsinore faults.

No mag 8+, no mag 7.5 worldwide, no "very strong EQ of M 8.0 + or lower magnitude" in a populated location with many casualities.

So, MariaLida, do you consider this prediction a failure?
edit on 6/24/2013 by Olivine because: to add link to quoted material.

edit on 6/24/2013 by Olivine because: toned it down

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