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Baphomet is both God and The Devil

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posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by PassiveObserver

Dear PassiveObserver,

The god of the bible himself says He created all things good and evil. there is also I mean God did create Lucifer as well, and that doesn't sit right with me no matter how I look at it. Like why can't he just destroy Lucifer. Either God is not infallible, which is a scary thought like what if mankind is just a mistake like Lucifer was? Or they are in it together as part of the "test" or whatever. OR they are one and the same being. Like the term Scapegoat refers to Lucifer ("The Devil made me do it."). like what if the old goat is nothing more than a Alter-Ego of Gods.

God created all things. There is none good but God, it also says that in the bible. Now if all is imperfect but God, then, how are things good and evil? Do we choose to be perfect or do we choose to be better. What then is worse and better? Where is free will in your concept, do you take responsibility for your actions and if so then shouldn't you expect Satan to?

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by Sigismundus

But I (for one) am at a loss how you can be so blind to the ATBASH cipher connexion when it all fits so elegantly letter for letter.

One man's balderdash is another man's mathematical paranoia, I guess. The word simply does not belong in that cipher as anything other than a novelty.

Moving on:

Abufihima/et is a word that was 'suggested' (read: invented) by Arkon Daraul, which was the nom de plume of Idries Shah, who was much less than any sort of authority on Sufism, and especially Islam, which he conveniently expunged from his books on Sufism.

Idries died in 1996, but just about that time, Andrew Chumbley dropped the word in an interview with Robert Fitzgerald. Chumbley died in 2004; we know he was heavily, heavily influenced by Shah.

You and I both know that the guy that made the video did not know that. he just picked it up and ran with it, and who knows where he picked it up. It's like a nasty virus; I happen to not like the way his nonsense is twisting an already elegant and simple narrative.

What do you say we move on to the way the he uses Ayin?

That's my favorite.
edit on 7-3-2013 by Bybyots because:

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 03:45 AM
Baphomet is a representation of ancient wisdom, is compendium of sacred knowledge into one character, is nothing about good or evil, it holds in it self the natural science of alchemy of the solve et coagula, the Ram is the beginning of the Great Work, and is also is end, as it is on the Zodiac or in the Ouroboros of the Egyptians. The figure is both male and female, showing the two principles of the natural science, the "Sun is the Father the Moon is it's Mother". Is gesture is the initiation into the mysterious of the soul, and is also the Christian gesture of the holy trinity and the way the Hierophant will induce the trance to unlock the full potential of human soul into the initiate into the sacred mysteries of Isis, it's also a gesture use to heal, the body and soul . The torch represents Venus, or Lucifer "The light giver". I could go on and on, but i prove my point.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by PassiveObserver
Funny you post this. I have been giving this a ton of thought over the last 72 hours or so.

The god of the bible himself says He created all things good and evil. there is also

I mean God did create Lucifer as well, and that doesn't sit right with me no matter how I look at it. Like why can't he just destroy Lucifer. Either God is not infallible, which is a scary thought like what if mankind is just a mistake like Lucifer was? Or they are in it together as part of the "test" or whatever. OR they are one and the same being.

Like the term Scapegoat refers to Lucifer ("The Devil made me do it."). like what if the old goat is nothing more than a Alter-Ego of Gods.

I spend waaaayyy to much time thinking about all this, at times I think I have some kind of mental disorder, because these thoughts seem to take up most of my time, and I can't see how billions of people just keep doing what they do not knowing why they do what they do. 

edit on 6-3-2013 by PassiveObserver because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-3-2013 by PassiveObserver because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-3-2013 by PassiveObserver because: (no reason given)

And what if that 'lucifer' passage referred to Adam?
What if that was his iniquity?
What of the millions today who are drawn into meditation and 'going within" by the promises of discovering their "inner god hood"? And who don't realise that this same iniquity is often behind mankind's refusal to even obey the commands and sovereignty of their Creator? That they'd rather be their own god and creator?

Scripture from start to finish declares that there is only one God and Creator and that Our God is One. Scripture declares categorically that man is the created and the Most High is the Creator. Herein lies why man rejects his Creator and continually strives to save himself and continually rebuilds its own tower to Heaven. 

And the LORD told him: "Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king." 1 Samuel 8:7

While they were listening to this, he (Jesus) went on to tell them a parable, because he was near Jerusalem and the people thought that the kingdom of God was going to appear at once. He said: “A man of noble birth went to a distant country to have himself appointed king and then to return. So he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas. ‘Put this money to work,’ he said, ‘until I come back.’

“But his subjects hated him and sent a delegation after him to say, ‘We don’t want this man to be our king.’
Luke 19:11-14

It has always been that man fights his very own Creator. Always. And out of this fighting it is wicked men that create a Creator in their own warped and wicked self image and likeness. That 'Baphomet' stems from a wicked imagination that fully believes its 'god' is a bisexual androgynous entity who loves to tell its worshippers to "do what thou wilst".

Perverted minds can never see how Holy and Good Our Creator truly is.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 07:10 AM
Baphomet is the that dark giant dude out of that awesome movie called Nightbreed. It had monsters, zombies, people, cops, zombies, monsters, people, scary monsters and lots of explosions.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 11:34 AM
Not a big fan of the whole Baphomet thing myself though I certainly understand it.
I do have a phrase used to trigger insight into many things.

"Their is Only God"

No Anti-God, no combination of God and Anti-God.

Monotheism means One God.

Only God and all that derives from that thought. Now don't go getting a swelled head now... LOL

Best Wishes,


posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Frater

"Their is Only God"

No Anti-God, no combination of God and Anti-God.

Monotheism means One God.

How many times did Jesus claim to be a god, and then referred to his father as a separate entity? More than once has his choice of words fuzzed the distinction.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by libertytoall
The devil got killed by Santa and his reindeer, everyone saying it was accident but, I'm not buying it.

Yea Santa did it, he kilt him.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by OOOOOO

The devil got killed by Santa and his reindeer, everyone saying it was accident but, I'm not buying it.

Yea Santa did it, he kilt him.

Did you know the traditional myth of Santa Claus is based on the Norse god of war, Odin? Funny how that happens.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity
Yea look up the Devil in the Tarot deck.
Goes back to old testament, is interesting what it says or even the Devil or Satan, in Tree of life Zohar

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 01:54 AM
Baphomet has another name PAN

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 11:20 AM

Text I mean God did create Lucifer as well, and that doesn't sit right with me no matter how I look at it. Like why can't he just destroy Lucifer. Either God is not infallible, which is a scary thought like what if mankind is just a mistake like Lucifer was? Or they are in it together as part of the "test" or whatever. OR they are one and the same being.
reply to post by PassiveObserver

@ PassiveObserver

I don't know your age but you are being taught as we speak. The beginning of fear of the Creator is the beginning of wisdom. You have wisdom because these things are in your mind. God will separate the sheep from the goats and the sheep are His fold.

As God created the heavens and the earth and all was good in His creation, He then did a marvelous thing. He cast the evil one from the midst of the celestial creation into His terrestrial creation. There are several thoughts on this subject alone. Why did God cast this evil creation from the celestial realm? This universe is a prison of sorts and it is a temporary one at that. It will pass away just as it was created. Meanwhile it is a schoolhouse for His creation.

Of all the millions of planets in this terrestrial universe God choose to cast this goat down to this planet. His nature is to become like unto God and this is his entire goal. He cannot create but he can mimic and that is his purpose. Lucifer is a tool and when this school is out we will get our scores while Lucifer will then be sentenced. You and I are in school and God is the principal while Jesus is the teacher and we are the students.

God could never show you the truth without your understanding the opposite. How else would you know the truth? If everything was cold you would never have the knowledge of hot. All creation has a opposite including your mental capacity. If love was foremost then hate would not be understood. In order to have choice you then must have an opposite and in order to understand both hate and love you must have a choice. Lucifer is that tool of choice that was instituted in the garden. He is nothing more than a tool of teaching God's students.

I have heard many people chide the Father and His Son simply because they do not understand. Their understanding is by choice and of their own individualism. Love of God and His Son is not the same as love for your parents or siblings. Each love is different from one another while the love for the Father is the greatest of all. The love of country is different than the love of your spouse or child. Every love has its own meaning.

The scriptures tell us to love our neighbors as ourselves and to love those that hate us. That love is not the same as love for the Father. We are not to revere the evil ones but instead to not interfere with their lives or to deliberately bring harm to them. We are to live in peace if it is possible. The love for an enemy is not to kiss that group of vipers and bestow the blessings of God upon them. That is greatly misunderstood and contrary to what the Apostles have taught. We are to love our enemy as well as dislike the enemy. How could God expect His people to bestow godliness upon the same creatures that He Himself will hate and destroy? We are to leave the judgments to the Lord and try our best to live in peace. Lucifer will be destroyed in the final judgments of God.

posted on Mar, 9 2013 @ 11:36 AM
I "thought" (from the Egyptian god Thoth)
that this representation of the dual "natured" (Egyptian goddess Neter)
God was Abraxas.

Also our classic OT God doesn't sit quite right either.
God asking Abraham to kill his son out of devotion to him
then at the last second saying "Just Kidding!" ?
Is this God or a new member of the TV show "Jackass?
edit on 9-3-2013 by sealing because: God

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 07:34 AM

reply to post by libertytoall

So, you realize that 'Baphomet' has no translation in to any language, so putting the word in a gematraic calculator will only produce results that are as vague and ambiguous as the the word itself. Garbage in. Garbage out. (GIGO).

Actually "Baphomet" does have a translation in one particular language that is of great interest.

Sanscrit "Bahumed or Bahumat" respectively... Research on the Wikipedia suggests that his image was worshiped by the Knight's themselves and this is what it has to say with regards to it.

Gauserand de Montpesant, a knight of Provence, said that their superior showed him an idol made in the form of Baffomet; another, named Raymond Rubei, described it as a wooden head, on which the figure of Baphomet was painted, and adds, "that he worshipped it by kissing its feet, and exclaiming, 'Yalla,' which was," he says, "verbum Saracenorum," a word taken from the Saracens.

But the Saracens themselves where not just Muslim, many where also Hindu's whom had been converted to Islam!

In fact the more research you do the more you discover that supports the theory that Jesus Christ called "Balaam" by the Jews was in fact a "Vedic" or holy-man, because Sanscrit was the main written language of the time that was widely regarded as the language of priests and learned holy men!

Before you are misled by others whom would lie to you about the true meaning of Baphomet... Or why the templers worshiped it as a deity, perhaps I should enlighten you on it, before you read other peoples LIES and rubbish. It is not a symbol of SATANISM although they have stolen it. Niether is it an INSULT to the Prophet Muhammed (Moses) as they claim on the Wikipedia.

Although I have little doubt about the claims that some Knights where found to be spitting or peeing on the image of the Cross. Not when you read what the Jew's had to say about Jesus in the Talmud:

Sanhedrin 106a: Says Jesus' mother was a whore: "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b of the Soncino edition, it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men.

In fact the more you read, the more horrible blasphemies you find about Jesus Christ.

While it is the standard disinformation practice of apologists for the Talmud to deny that it contains any scurrilous references to Jesus Christ, certain Orthodox Jewish organizations are more forthcoming and admit that the Talmud not only mentions Jesus but disparages him (as a sorcerer and a demented sex freak). These orthodox Jewish organizations make this admission perhaps out of the belief that Jewish supremacy is so well-established in the modern world that they need not concern themselves with adverse reactions.

For example, on the website of the Orthodox Jewish Hasidic Lubavitch group--one of the largest in the world--we find the following statement, complete with Talmudic citations:

"The Talmud (Babylonian edition) records other sins of 'Jesus the Nazarene':

1) He and his disciples practiced sorcery and black magic, led Jews astray into idolatry, and were sponsored by foreign, gentile powers for the purpose of subverting Jewish worship (Sanhedrin 43a).

2) He was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone (a brick is mentioned), was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent (Sanhedrin 107b; Sotah 47a).

The REAL meaning of Baphomet can easily be explained it's comes from an ancient tablet that was found in Syria & Damascus which was inscribed with the following:

Bahu - Great Sublime Things
Mat - To Know or Understand
Med - Believe or Belief

Bahumat or Bahumed = Baphomet!

This was accompanied by a pictogram of hieroglyphs which stated:

The Glorious threefold Deity, will descend and unite himself to the Nature of man upon Earth, to establish an eternal Kingdom after which he will ascend into the Heavens.

And it is very interesting to note that both the Hebrew & Islamic text condemn the practice of walking through fire but if you turn to the new testament and see what Daniel has to say about it, you will read:

Daniel 3:35 "Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods."

Further more ask either a Rabbi or a Imam what he can tell you about the Sword of Moses and you will hear all about Magic... A practice condemned by the western church, but they openly embrace the old testament and the lies within it.

Some people mistakenly associate it with the Goat of Mendes, but if you read about that by following the link on the WIkipedia, they decry it as fancy by occultist's like Levi & Crowley although it's worth noticing Mendes & Damascus are most certainly on the gulf of both Syria & Egypt.

How can it be that Christ is mentioned in both the Torah & the Quran? Unless the truth of the matter is, his mother may well have been Jewish & his Father a Muslim, but dont forget the Talmud also teaches Jews that it is OK to LIE!

edit on 27-9-2013 by noadvertisement15 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by noadvertisement15

I'm gonna need a minute to breathe after all of that. Wow! Research does unveil wonders, doesn't it? Thank you for sharing.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 11:12 AM

reply to post by noadvertisement15

I'm gonna need a minute to breathe after all of that. Wow! Research does unveil wonders, doesn't it? Thank you for sharing.

Your welcome, I guess Satanist's could argue that it is still satanic in the sense they have reversed a pentagram over what some would consider to be a sign for Christ just like the inverted Cross, but then they're mostly idiots anyway, because SATAN is only a Servant of the Devil whom is associated with WRATH, the Devil is most certainly not Satan in either Scripture he has a totally different name. People can go find it if they're really that eager to gain a ticket to Damnation! Maybe they'll roast in Hell along side the Jews who insist Jesus is there roasting in Dog Poop!

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 11:17 AM

I "thought" (from the Egyptian god Thoth)
that this representation of the dual "natured" (Egyptian goddess Neter)
God was Abraxas.

Also our classic OT God doesn't sit quite right either.
God asking Abraham to kill his son out of devotion to him
then at the last second saying "Just Kidding!" ?
Is this God or a new member of the TV show "Jackass?
edit on 9-3-2013 by sealing because: God

Isaac from The Binding of Isaac story represents Abraham's Ego
The hardest thing for humans to give up is their Ego
edit on 27-9-2013 by dodol because:

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 11:35 AM


I "thought" (from the Egyptian god Thoth)
that this representation of the dual "natured" (Egyptian goddess Neter)
God was Abraxas.

Also our classic OT God doesn't sit quite right either.
God asking Abraham to kill his son out of devotion to him
then at the last second saying "Just Kidding!" ?
Is this God or a new member of the TV show "Jackass?
edit on 9-3-2013 by sealing because: God

Isaac from The Binding of Isaac story represents Abraham's Ego
The hardest thing for humans to give up is their Ego
edit on 27-9-2013 by dodol because:

This is true and it is one of the primary reasons that the real Devil was cast out of Heaven, because when God commanded him to do something, he showed Pride and had no humility or penitence...

And before people start up with Lucifer (no thats Pride another of his agents) tantalizing isn't it, the Devils real name, concealed completely along with why he was cast down and hidden from sight and most certainly not within the Christian Holy Bible.

edit on 27-9-2013 by noadvertisement15 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by noadvertisement15

It's all much ado about nothing.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 05:10 PM

reply to post by noadvertisement15

It's all much ado about nothing.

Yeap, it's all a bit of a ball's up to be honest... Just a great excuse used by the Church or Religion in general to do unspeakable horror and get away with it, not just against Islam itself, but also against the Jew's (although with what they write it's easy to see why they're all still killing each other!) and as for Christ, Balaam or Isa well he really is the poor Scape-Goat isn't he.

Still need more un-refutable proof?

Well let's see, what else is considered FORBIDDEN;

Deuteronomy 18:10

10 There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead.

Trusty Daniel has something to offer about that as well...

Daniel 5:7

7 The king cried aloud to bring in the Astrologers, the Chaldeans and the Soothsayers!

Erm, hold up - Come again... Didn't we just get told Divination or Fortune telling and Interpreting Omen's is forbidden?

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