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Baphomet is both God and The Devil

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posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 10:53 PM
Is it possible God and The Devil could be one in the same based on our own internal prejudice? I guess depending on what side of the fence you're on (moral or immoral) would be the primary factor of how you view God. If God were to show oneself in a final judgement then I would imagine those who lived ungodly lives would see God as the Devil and those who lived Godly lives would see God as the righteous and true ever loving God.

Here's the video about Baphomet which is exploding with awesomeness done by some Jamaican guy who's cracked the code.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by libertytoall

Dear libertytoall,

Well, an ungodly life is one where we only care about ourselves and others that we love. A godly life is one where we love God with all our hearts and our neighbor as ourselves. That pretty much means that people that people choose to be alone and experience eternity by themselves. Satan promotes our selfishness and God promotes the opposite. Not the same and not one.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by libertytoall

That's exactly what Baphomet represents. Everything. Light dark male and female. To me it's there's no good and evil just different extremes of one thing. There's two ends on a see saw but its really just one thing.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by libertytoall

So, you realize that 'Baphomet' has no translation in to any language, so putting the word in a gematraic calculator will only produce results that are as vague and ambiguous as the the word itself. Garbage in. Garbage out. (GIGO).

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by libertytoall

That was a very interesting and informative video!

Thanks for sharing.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 12:28 AM
Well, God is everything, the encompassment of ALL.

Since there's free will, baphomet would be an affinity for negativity and empowerment through suffering, such as Child sacrifice.

Thats why I think most US leaders and Icons invoke the horn-sign. Sandy Hooks. late Emilie Parker was doing it in most online photos. Why?

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by libertytoall

libertytoall, thank you for taking time to share with others and 1 your data on the baphomites. It seems logic in what was shared somewhat related to placing judgment and hatred on others being able to REFLECT back upon the, makes sense.. For there to 1 Subjectively there is Only 1 Judge who can actually SEE within a SOUL/SPIRIT/INTERNAL ENERGY for what it is. This is what makes the the TRUE Judge. And when others try to it can place their energies in negative positions for they cannot truly see what the can see. The who CREATED and is the JUDGE.

In reference to the being both the ENERGIES as described in your OP as GOD and DEVIL 1 is not sure, for 1 was Created by the other... With that it is interesting that there was something present upon many of the images presented in this video.. 1 shall allow your mind to guide and ask WHY if you detect?

Thanks for the informative data on the baphomites.


posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 01:01 PM
Interesting vid,although I can't agree with his original etymology that Bahomptmet is Greek when it was in fact Kemetian Banebdjedet,the rest of his etymolgy I cannot comment as I have not done the necessary research on it, but the meat of the vid is largely correct,for a similar take on the subject visit here.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Bybyots

Hi Bybyots

Actually, the code word BAPHOMET is actually a Hebrew ATBASH (reverse) Gematrial Cipher for the Greek term SOPHIA ('wisdom / understanding / enlightenment")

ATBASH Gematria reverses the order of Hebrew consonants so that Aleph becomes TAV and Beth becomes SHIN etc. - sort of like making A = z and B = y and C = x and D = w ... etc. etc. in English.

Aleph (=Atbash TAV)

Beth (=Atbash SHIN)

Gimmel (=Atbash RESH)

Daled (=Atbash QUPH)

He (=Atbash TZADEH)

Vav (Atbash PHE)

Zayin (=Atbash QAYIN)

Chet (=Atbash SAMEK)

Tet (=Atbash NUN)

Yod (=Atbash MEM)

Kaph (=Atbash LAMED)

Lamed (=Atbash KAPH)

Mem (=Atbash YOD)

Nun (=Atbash TET)

Samek (=Atbash CHET)

Qayin (=Atbash ZAYIN)

Phe (=Atbash VAV)

Tzadeh (=Atbash HE)

Quph (=Atbash DALED)

Resh (=Atbash GIMMEL)

Shin/Sin (=Atbash BETH)

Tav (=Atbash ALEPH)

Ancient Hebrew uses no letters as pure vowels, but used consonant replacements e.g. the consonant YOD for the ee sound etc. (Aleph is actually a gutteral consonant represented normally by the apostraphe (') but sometimes also for our letter A-sound.

So if you take the coded term Baphomet (= B-PH-O-M-T in Heb.) (the long O is represented by a VAV in Hebrew) and run the ATBASH GEMATRIAL CIPHER equivalents you will get the following.

B (beth) = SHIN
PH (phe) = VAV
O (vav) = PHE
M (mem) = YOD
T (tav) = ALEPH

= S (shin) + O (vav) + PH (phe) + Y (yod) + A (aleph) = SOPHI'A

Gematrial puzzle codes were connected with ancient middle eastern 'widsom schools' (the Sumerians used Gematria to encode the names of their kings ('the number of the king is the number of his name' ) as early as 2500 BCE and works in any written language, not just Hebrew (e.g. Greek, Akkadian or Sumerian)

Clear as mud?

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 02:47 PM
Funny you post this. I have been giving this a ton of thought over the last 72 hours or so.

The god of the bible himself says He created all things good and evil. there is also

I mean God did create Lucifer as well, and that doesn't sit right with me no matter how I look at it. Like why can't he just destroy Lucifer. Either God is not infallible, which is a scary thought like what if mankind is just a mistake like Lucifer was? Or they are in it together as part of the "test" or whatever. OR they are one and the same being.

Like the term Scapegoat refers to Lucifer ("The Devil made me do it."). like what if the old goat is nothing more than a Alter-Ego of Gods.

I spend waaaayyy to much time thinking about all this, at times I think I have some kind of mental disorder, because these thoughts seem to take up most of my time, and I can't see how billions of people just keep doing what they do not knowing why they do what they do.

edit on 6-3-2013 by PassiveObserver because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-3-2013 by PassiveObserver because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-3-2013 by PassiveObserver because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 03:04 PM
Baphomet is Yin and Yang.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Sigismundus

Actually, the code word BAPHOMET is actually a Hebrew ATBASH (reverse) Gematrial Cipher for the Greek term SOPHIA ('wisdom / understanding / enlightenment")

Actually, that's very creative, but no, it's not.

That's all completely made up. If you would like to decide that Baphomet is a Hebrew code for Sophia, go ahead, you stand in a long line of other creative guessers.

One cannot take a word that has no meaning and plug it in to a Hebrew based code calculator, especially backwards with the vowels removed, and expect anyone to take the results seriously.

That's just one small thing that I have found wrong with the video. The whole thing is a mess. But we'll take this slowly. I'm bored.

You can twist and turn the word all you like backwards and forwards and it will continue to yield up nothing because the word has a basis in nothing; at least nothing to do with that video.

Clear as mud?

Is it?
edit on 6-3-2013 by Bybyots because:

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 03:45 PM
Don't think so, or God would have written about it in the Bible. Not once does he claim to be Baphomet.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by libertytoall

Well, an ungodly life is one where we only care about ourselves and others that we love. A godly life is one where we love God with all our hearts and our neighbor as ourselves.

If I were a god, I'd prefer it if everyone hated me and loved each other for it, rather than everyone loving me and hating each other for it. See, they wouldn't be able to kill me, so eventually they'd grow out of that phase and take another tact - supersede my power and authority. Become better, greater than me. In this sense, not only were they united in a cause, they were united in the name of transcending my character and qualities.

My children used their hate for me to become better than me. Epic trolling is epic.

edit on 6-3-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by WhoisBlueFairy

Don't think so, or God would have written about it in the Bible. Not once does he claim to be Baphomet.

If I don't explicitly state that I'm a male, it surely follows that I must be female, correct? Flawless logic, sir. I applaud your superior intellect.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity


If only GOD wasn't everything he never claimed to be!

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by Bybyots

Hi Bybots

Not so fast.

I don't think any clear-thinking, open minded person who examines the term B PH O M T and the corespondent SOPHYA as it occurs in clear Atbash Gematrial Cipher can immediately dismiss out of hand (without any evidence) the co-relation as easily as you seem to be able to do !

Actually there are 22 main gemmatrial systems in Hebrew and a host of smaller rarer and more esoteric ones - I've seen more than 75 of them listed in a book which are named according to their Aleph-Betic Cipher Type - e.g. Mishphar Gadol, Misphar Kidmi, Misphar Hechrachi, Mishphar Katan, etc.

Gematrial ATBASH CIPHERs being the most common of all of them (being a relatively simple replacement aleph-beth system) and kind of fun to play with.

Interestingly, the Arabic term used by the Sufis = ABU-FIHAMET = ('father of Wisdom') is also very similar to the overall tonal sound of the term BAPHOMET, although there are some pundits who try to force 'ABU MUHAMED' ('father of the prophet Muhammed') into a possible origin for the word

Here are some Hebrew gematrial links since you seem unaware of them - might be a fun project for you to take a Hebrew course as well to see how these things actually work.

The term 'Gematria' of course derives from a Greek term : 'GAMMA + TRIA' ('Gamma' is '3' = since Gamma is the 3rd letter of the Greek alpha-bet) and was widely used in ancient (and mediaeval) coding systems, very popular with esoterica (e.g. in the Hebrew & Aramaic Kabbalot) and other cipher systems.

Hugh Schonfield (a Dead Sea Scrolls scholar) is responsible for popularising the Atbash SOPHYA connection to BPHOMT = rendered in Hebrew becomes בפעמת; interpreted using Atbash, it becomes שופיא, which can be interpreted as the Greek word "Sophia" (see my original post above)

There is so much to this subject to review it would take several posts, but this at least should be a start...

Does this help clarify things for you at all, or do you want more?

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Sigismundus

Filling a text box with a bunch of text concerning gematria does not in any way make the word Baphomet any more worthy of being subjected to gematria.

I know what gematria is, you have to know that, right?

Now, would you care to elucidate on the etymological origins of this word?


That's another pseudo-word that the creator of the video tries to tie in to the mess that has nothing to do with Baphomet.

Thanks in advance,
edit on 6-3-2013 by Bybyots because:

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Bybyots

Hi Bybyots

You wrote:


"Would you care to elucidate on the etymological origins of this word ABU-FIHAMET ? That's another pseudo-word that the creator of the video tries to tie in to the mess that has nothing to do with Baphomet.”


The term Abu-Fihamet derives from two Arabic words

ABU meaning 'father of' or 'source of,'
FIHAMET (from the Arabic root word fehm), meaning 'wisdom' or 'understanding’ or ‘Gnosis’ or ‘Sophia’

Abu-Fihamet would simply mean ‘Father of Gnosis’ or 'Source of All Esoteric Wisdom' - but I do not see it necessary to posit Abufihamet as the etymological root for BAPHOMET when we can clearly see the term is actually derived from the Hebrew Consonantal ATBSH gematrial Cipher for SOPHIA i.e. (‘gnosis/secret wisdom/esoteric knowledge’)

Curiously when the two Greek Attic terms are combined: e.g.

Baphe (immersed for dying) + Metis ( Wisdom / Gnosis / Esoteric Knowledge)

Taken together would produce ‘Bapho-Met’ (i.e. in a purely Greek context

“Baptism (being bathed/dyed) of Wisdom”

or Immersion into Knowledge]

Some Kabalists see the term BAPHOMET via coded backward lettering: tem. + o +. H +. P +. ab., in which they attempt to make BAPHOMET out as an abbreviation for the Latin phrase

Templi omnium hominum pacis Abbas,

= 'Abbot of the temple of peace of all men.'

But this seems forced to me (primarily because of the grossly non specific denotations of any abbreviation code with too many blanks which can be filled in by anything)

But I (for one) am at a loss how you can be so blind to the ATBASH cipher connexion when it all fits so elegantly letter for letter.
What gives?

edit on 6-3-2013 by Sigismundus because: stuttering commpputterrr

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 12:25 AM
Baphomet = Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

You can NOT possibly argue the TRUTH in the above equation.

edit on 7-3-2013 by odd1out because: Spelling challenged

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