reply to post by Bybyots
Hi Bybyots
You wrote:
"Would you care to elucidate on the etymological origins of this word ABU-FIHAMET ? That's another pseudo-word that the creator of the video tries to
tie in to the mess that has nothing to do with Baphomet.”
The term Abu-Fihamet derives from two Arabic words
ABU meaning 'father of' or 'source of,'
FIHAMET (from the Arabic root word fehm), meaning 'wisdom' or 'understanding’ or ‘Gnosis’ or ‘Sophia’
Abu-Fihamet would simply mean ‘Father of Gnosis’ or 'Source of All Esoteric Wisdom' - but I do not see it necessary to posit Abufihamet as the
etymological root for BAPHOMET when we can clearly see the term is actually derived from the Hebrew Consonantal ATBSH gematrial Cipher for SOPHIA
i.e. (‘gnosis/secret wisdom/esoteric knowledge’)
Curiously when the two Greek Attic terms are combined: e.g.
Baphe (immersed for dying) + Metis ( Wisdom / Gnosis / Esoteric Knowledge)
Taken together would produce ‘Bapho-Met’ (i.e. in a purely Greek context
“Baptism (being bathed/dyed) of Wisdom”
or Immersion into Knowledge]
Some Kabalists see the term BAPHOMET via coded backward lettering: tem. + o +. H +. P +. ab., in which they attempt to make BAPHOMET out as an
abbreviation for the Latin phrase
Templi omnium hominum pacis Abbas,
= 'Abbot of the temple of peace of all men.'
But this seems forced to me (primarily because of the grossly non specific denotations of any abbreviation code with too many blanks which can be
filled in by anything)
But I (for one) am at a loss how you can be so blind to the ATBASH cipher connexion when it all fits so elegantly letter for letter.
What gives?
edit on 6-3-2013 by Sigismundus because: stuttering commpputterrr