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BLACKOUT! Numerous conspiracy sites offline in organized attack.

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posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by endats01

I have read most of your post and have put together most of my thoughts...

Mods forgive me but I feel I have to say it...

You seem to have a bad attitude so far... Your not the arbiter of taste or how things function.. I assume you have some form of training based on a highly literal point of view... a then b then c... all of which is fine...

the types of personalities can be worked with but it takes time... Most of these personality type can tell you how things logically work but they cant motivate people or inspire them to go the extra mile... they are the type that come in and manage but can not lead..

I am not making this personal. do not take it that way...

The relation this has to the post is simple...

The members here were suspecting a cyber attack
Several others have had interesting experiences with the net at other sites
A government official wants to thought control Ideas that disagree with the official story (social engineering)

ATS has better protection then the other sites as a gimme

The part I have the problem with is your thoughts over them having to do A because well you want them to... However this is great about here, for the most part
all subjects are welcome... Even dissenting opinions... 75% of the time here...

For a literal mind such as I feel you possess, the main thing here is this...

Take what you presented as an example...
1)its nice you know this stuff but subtly causing anger over a non issue will get you nowhere

2) when you presented it, you did no marketing over what your target audience level was at

3)no explanation given as a basis for any of your information

you assumed everyone is at the same level and gave no prelim explanation

4)no sources, no Photo's, no links in the responses... (most probably brushed off your responses...)

I am sharing this because I have several friends who talk, write, and manage the same way you do... I am not being mean or rude.. I know by your post I can take a good guess your are probably very proficient at what you do... but like those friends, lacking in grace and demeanor... I know multiple times I have had to smooth over those shattered relationships and angry associates..

(it was not fun going into one friends work and stopping various garbage... the friend however made it up to them by becoming mr. fix it with all their gadgets... car radios, computers, i-pads, lap tops, ect... it was bad enough his store manger had to have his help fixing her stuff then the district manager's stuff... the still call him a troll behind his back but they stopped to his face...)

So I ask a personal favor... Can you combine your post into one large one with explanations as to why it is not an active conspiracy.. even if it goes three post long using all the good words...

You may need to explain how that part of the internet works to the other users... the best rule of thumb for the post...

Put it at the level of someone who just logs on to their magic box and people talk back with them intext form...

those type of in depth responses get you mods giving you applause with other hear hanging on your every word...

If not my short understanding...

Hubs not really down
Problem on ATS's end

I will take an extra separate post to give the explanation I gave for the internet for a reference to this... for us hybrids who have recently discovered wheel go round, and food can be cooked in the hot hot ouch thing... keeps us warm

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by CUBD1

Yeah ATS got sucked into a Black Hole a couple of days ago.
Took forever for the pages to load.
But you know, that has always been the case for me with this website. At least for the last year or two.
I figured my Antivirus had to scan the hell out of ATS before loading it.
Lets face it, this place is like a Top Notch Private Classroom,
There are some real upstanding individuals,great minds,and great ideas.
But in the back row, there are a lot of dirtbags and potential dangers.

This has caused me hesitation at times, but realistically,
I think the Benefits Outweigh the Detritus.

It is The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by CUBD1

"GLP Server IP Has Changed.. It Will Take Up To 24 Hours For The New Address To Propagate...."

from glp

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by ripcontrol

The internet to my understanding

Lets go back three decades.....

A bunch of warehouses that stored various paperwork

You picked up the phone and called
(getting online)

Someone at warehouse picks up the phone
(search engine)

you tell that person generally what you want
(pressing enter after entering something)

They tell you where all the files might be with those papers similar to what you describe are at in various places
(search results)

You choose a cabinet or area of warehouse
(clicking on a link)

What is is that file

Phone company
(Internet Service Provider)

Sending a letter

Sending a post it note

Continuous sending back and forth of those post it notes

Leaving messages for others in the files

Adding a new file to the cabinet
(creating a new thread)


With the same analogy of a warehouse and phone lines

Different people available for searching the warehouse for you
(different search engines)

File cabinets location in warehouse
(URL- uniform resource locator)

Hey I know what file cabinet what I want is in
(Favorite, bookmarks, specific URL)


Warehouse security procedures

You do not get to add to or remove anything to the files in the cabinets without approval

ID you show the guards at the warehouse
(screen name)

Guard ask for a code to be sure it is you

No unauthorized taking of material from the warehouse or entry- the guard on duty
(firewall )

Warehouse, Cabinet, or file closed to public
(404, website down )

To help pay for the cabinets and guards, salesmen get time to talk with you

Can range from a flier in the file
(advert on the pager)

to a you have to listen to it
(forced advertisement.. have to click on it to get to web-page)

A pop up book like advert in your file... relating to the material not required
(pop ups)

Some sections of the warehouse charge a fee like a club to get access to the cabinet
(pay sites)


So far we have a good idea what the net is from this

in response to this thread

Well we have central areas we process the phone Calls through.. switchboards

This particular case

Well other cabinets or warehouses were closed for various reasons
Multiple people called ATS part of the warehouse

At the warehouse only so many people able to answer the Phone
(read skeptic overlords description..much better then I could say..)

Switchboard operator could not handle all the calls
( overloaded program directing traffic)

Calls go unanswered, get pre-recorded message-

Now the CT's are saying
Warehouse section with conspiracies all had issues on the same day roughly same period...
Why would all the warehouse sections not be able to answer the phone on CT issues?

Especially after one of the owners of the Warehouse pets said he would be dealing with those whole call about that part of the warehouse.. shutting it down

Person with connections says switch boards reported everything is and was A-OK.(do not remember who)

Someone else is saying the message of being closed should have been clearer? (mind you people are only concerned with a place is open or closed..)

Do I have a proper understanding of this issue?


A part of the warehouse is hidden from the rest of the normal

You have to make a pre call and talk to a guy.. once you do he lets you in

Once in the warehouse, the normal warehouse security is not walking that area and fair game on the cabinets


did I get that right?

edit on 7-3-2013 by ripcontrol because: Looked back over my files in the caninet

edit on 7-3-2013 by ripcontrol because: 1984in cabinets are not fun

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by ANNED
His claim is that the very heavy traffic during a DoS attack will raise the sites rating with google and other search engines

In no possible way is that information correct.

Consider: if a site is "attacked" it's not accessible for real traffic.

Google does use quite a complex and continually evolving way to establish site ratings as it can be a very political and financial situation. I am not up to date on the latest developments, but site popularity and usability have been two long term metrics. If the link to the site goes through a search engine redirect then it does not matter if the website is up or down, the search engine still adds a plus one to the website visit counter.

Google has been quite proactive in tackling automated means to beat the system and establish better and more reliable metrics of actual public demand and website appropriateness. Admittedly I do not know where they are at with measuring overall internet traffic, but if they had a solid and reliable way to beat DDOS then it would not be the problem that it still is as the effects and repercussions are very similar to something that develops sudden mass exposure and appeal.

If ATS does consider the possibility that there is a coordinated attack against conspiracy sites then hopefully there is a list of IP address of incoming traffic in the minutes leading up to the attack. Cross reference this list with a similar list from the other sites before they dropped out and look for matching sources. Since some ISP use DHCP some of the sources will be masked and require more work to track down. The incoming packets from a fixed IP address will be easier to spot and help establish what kind of malware you are up against if you can get your hands on one of these machines.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by Destinyone

ATS allows authentication in plain text (HTTP). I don't understand why. Basically that means that anyone with access to the routers sitting between the Internet and the ATS servers can capture your password with Wireshark or tcpdump.
The ATS "anti-hacking" software consists of cookies. The system can be easily bypassed.

ATS is probably using an Asus RT-N16 WAP (Linux 2.6) device or something similar to shield its internal network.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by talkingaboutarevolution
ATS is probably using an Asus RT-N16 WAP (Linux 2.6) device or something similar to shield its internal network.

Um. No.

In a nut shell, but at a smaller scale, we're using essentially the same attack mitigation hardware/software as Amazon.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 01:35 AM
From what I saw the other day this seems to be an actual problem with the Internet itself than problems with conspiracy websites - while I did traceroutes to ATS from where I live here in Pennsylvania, there were several "links" out in New York. As far as what's actually going on is anyone's guess. At first it just looked like issues with the current storms going on, I.E. the big snow storm in Chicago, Virginia, etc. But that doesn't explain why there would also be issues out in Anaheim, California at exactly the same period of time. Perhaps the net is getting an upgrade?

Google Fiber

China demands all new homes install fiber optic networks
edit on 7-3-2013 by Time2Think because: added links

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by ripcontrol

It's hard to follow what you're saying -- or, trying to say. But let me attempt to clarify.

Whenever sometime important needed to be expressed to our members with regard to website operations, issues, and problems, we've been exceptionally forthcoming -- all the way back to our first migration from shared hosting to our first dedicated server in 2004.

The thing is, in my experience as someone who's built and hosted websites since it was possible to build and host websites, this was just barely above a non-event.

We have layers of proactive defense.

We feel our domain was some sort of "collateral damage" with regard to someone angered at conspiracy sites in general.

Our actual downtime was minimal.

Our actual "slow time" was tolerable.

And the effect on our real traffic as reported by Google Analytics is just about -- well -- nothing.

We won't, and do our best not to, fan flames. It's unprofessional.

But... we do our absolute best, and spend as much as we can, to ensure this site stays up (seven servers are dedicated to that effort). We do it quietly. Why? Because the best IT staff is the one you never notice.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

I'm curious to your thoughts on this, I'm not very familiar with the digital world. I was speaking to a friend who owns a few different online services and within their network (social that is) quite a few have been complaining of DDoS and other attacks.

While I am quite reserved to start pointing fingers randomly across the world directed at make belief threats... Part of me wonders if there is an (attempt at?) extortion ring operating.

So in the old days a fellow might walk into a local store, get real mad and tear the place up. Might destroy a few displays, steal some stuff, could even beat up the owner.

The world has gone digital.

What are the chances that websites will be attacked, and a few hours (days?) later, DDoS solutions are offered in a sales pitch?

Curious to your thoughts. Not implying that is happening, but interested in the angle.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by youhup
reply to post by fr33kSh0w2012

I dont' know if you were joking but i am asking you what you think about remote thought extraction or manipulation and control of thought at the creation point .Any secret projects you know in that area?

Yes, many they use scalar waves and positron arcs to mess around with peoples minds.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 04:22 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

And you obviously do a fine job protecting ATS since here we are, still. But what concerns me now (and i'm far from knowledgeable about the inter-web, so shoot me down if i'm wrong) is that you've just broadcast what type of security you use (i'm guessing the nefarious will know/find out what Amazon uses) and that you have 7 servers to knock down.

This may mean sh*t-all, just don't wanna see my eye to 'real' world closed. Btw, nice avatar - i'm damn sad to see the show end next season....

ETA: Sure TPTB will already have easy access to the info on your security, but what about the rogue nut-jobs among us with computer skills and an axe to grid/errant ego to satisfy?

edit on 7-3-2013 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by McGinty
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

ETA: Sure TPTB will already have easy access to the info on your security, but what about the rogue nut-jobs among us with computer skills and an axe to grid/errant ego to satisfy?

You have a good point.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by talkingaboutarevolution
ATS is probably using an Asus RT-N16 WAP (Linux 2.6) device or something similar to shield its internal network.

Um. No.

In a nut shell, but at a smaller scale, we're using essentially the same attack mitigation hardware/software as Amazon.

nmap yields:

22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 4.3 (protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: 1024 d3:75:74:99:f6:61:c7:83:07:cf:7f:6d:4a:09:ea:1e (DSA) |_2048 60:36:ad:9b:a4:bc:30:85:2e:ac:45:e7:7c:2a:f4:e0 (RSA)
80/tcp open http Apache httpd |_http-methods: No Allow or Public header in OPTIONS response (status code 301) | http-title: - Conspiracy Theories, UFOs, Paranormal, Po... |_Requested resource was
443/tcp closed https
Device type: WAP|webcam|general purpose|printer|remote management|firewall Running (JUST GUESSING): Asus Linux 2.6.X (99%), Linux 2.6.X|2.4.X (99%), AXIS Linux 2.6.X (94%), Lexmark embedded (93%), Dell embedded (93%), WatchGuard embedded (93%), Linksys Linux 2.4.X (93%) OS CPE: cpe:/h:asus:rt-n16 cpe:/o:asus:linux:2.6 cpe:/o:linux:kernel:2.6.22 cpe:/o:axis:linux:2.6 cpe:/o:linux:kernel:2.6 cpe:/h:lexmark:x644e cpe:/o:linksys:linux:2.4 cpe:/o:linux:kernel:2.4 Aggressive OS guesses: Asus RT-N16 WAP (Linux 2.6) (99%), Tomato 1.28 (Linux 2.6.22) (99%), AXIS 211A Network Camera (Linux 2.6) (94%), AXIS 211A Network Camera (Linux 2.6.20) (94%), Linux 2.6.16 (94%), Lexmark X644e printer (93%), Dell Integrated Remote Access Controller (iDRAC5) (93%), Dell Integrated Remote Access Controller (iDRAC6) (93%), Linux 2.6.15 - 2.6.24 (embedded) (93%), Linux 2.6.18 (93%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal).

You recently changed your Apache configuration to detect Tor and implemented a detection system for disposable e-mail addresses.

I still don't get why you allow authentication in plain text. It allows NOCs and other com operators to read all credentials and posts. Shouldn't ATS protect the privacy of its users. Most people use the same e-mail / password combination for all their online accounts. So harvesting is a walk in the park.

I personally don't care, because I use complex passwords for every account I have (100 characters or more) and my very own two-factor authentication device.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by fr33kSh0w2012

It took you some time to respond there.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 06:43 AM
Also suggest that ATS adds the following rules:

ACCEPT icmp -- state NEW
tcp -- tcp dpt:22 state NEW recent: SET name: DEFAULT side: source
DROP tcp -- tcp dpt:22 state NEW recent: UPDATE seconds: 600 hit_count: 4 name: DEFAULT side: source
ACCEPT tcp -- tcp dpt:22 state NEW

or adds sshguard to its server.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 06:44 AM
Odd... ATS is still alive and kicking.

Kind of insulting...

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 06:46 AM
People who call other people with computer skills "nut jobs" should try to read a book. They may learn something.
Furthermore, there are white hats, black hats and gray hats. Don't expect people to know the difference.

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by talkingaboutarevolution
People who call other people with computer skills "nut jobs" should try to read a book. They may learn something.
Furthermore, there are white hats, black hats and gray hats. Don't expect people to know the difference.

OK, that's definitely the single most ignorant reply i've had the displeasure to read on ATS.

You tell me to read a book... Try reading my post you replied to

But, alas it seems that would be in vain, because, sadly, you lack any grasp of grammar or basic comprehension of syntax. If you possessed these everyday faculties you would have noticed that my statement very clearly suggests there are perhaps 'nut-jobs' among us whom also posses computer skills.

The worse kind of idiots are those that do the very thing they are (in error) accusing other people of. They may claim either ignorance or hypocrisy, but neither are to be held in any esteem.

Please take your own advice and read a book, but please learn to read while you're at it

posted on Mar, 7 2013 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by talkingaboutarevolution
People who call other people with computer skills "nut jobs" should try to read a book. They may learn something.
Furthermore, there are white hats, black hats and gray hats. Don't expect people to know the difference.

There are also green hats, blue hats, purple hate and hats of every color... Believe it or not, Hats also come in a variety of shapes and sizes AS WELL as colors.

AND, some hats are even multicolored.... Although that is more rare.

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