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This unbelievable video just made the front page of

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posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by kalisdad

I agree, it used to be nationalized here until politics decided otherwise and society was upwardly mobile in general, the privatization of our transport and energy industries ruined things in the UK.

Nationalizing food industries would be a good idea too as subsidizing farming that have to sell for little profit to supermarkets who sell at inflated prices forcing consumers to pay more than 10 times the amount they would have paid 30 years ago for basic groceries whilst making major profits doesn't help the economy.

Strict sanctions on outsourcing, and higher tax bands for those that do would be a good idea too to get industry back to the the companies country of origin would be a major boost.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 12:04 PM
Awesome video. Thanks for sharing. Flagged, because everyone should watch this.

This is what I've been trying to say for a long time. And many others around here, as well. But when we talk about stuff like this, we're automatically branded as "socialists" or "anti capitalism."

Watch the video. What you are seeing is a result of corporatism, which in reality is so far from true, "fair" capitalism that it's not even funny. It's actually quite disgusting. And those people... that top 1% who own that massive stack shown in the end of the video-- the stack that was 10 times too large to even fit on the video screen.... those are the people who own the media companies and this is why they've been brainwashing so many of you into turning against your countrymen-- who, unless you're an 8+ digit multi-millionaire, or a billionaire, you are not grouped with. They want you to think, if you make over $100,000 or $200,000 a year that greater equality and distribution of wealth will harm you somehow, or that it is a really unfair system, and they will make allusions to socialism and communism to drum up memories of the cold war, and equate you with some of the traditional, historical enemies of the united states.... all very clever tricks. But none of them change the reality of the situation-- as you can see if you watch this video. If you make $250,000 a year, you are STILL getting screwed. Maybe not as bad as the janitor. But with a re-shuffling of the wealth, you would still have a bigger piece of the pie. And the extra slice for the guys at the bottom would come out of the pocket of someone who had more money than they could ever hope to spend in their lifetime-- not yours.

Please consider this. Perhaps even more importantly, please evaluate what you are seeing about this stuff in the media very critically always remembering that whether you watch your news on Fox, or CNN, or anywhere else, you are watching programming that is approved by a group so wealthy that you and I can barely imagine it, a group which wants to protect their unfairly large slice of the pie at any costs-- including your own detriment.

Something to keep in mind....

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 12:17 PM
with a profit based energy indutry, there is no insentive for change or innovation...
big oil does not profit from alternative energies

honestly, does anyone believe there have been no improvements in th efficiency of the auto engine, or are we stuck driving cars that barely get 30mpg?

Exxon-Mobile earned $10.7 billion in just 3 months of 2011
BP earned $5.6 billion and STILL managed to get government subsidies

corporatism has failed the Amerian people..

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by mee30

No regulation? You like fecal matter in your pasta?

It isn't the regulations, or the gov behind them, it's us... put into the very deliberate situation where we have to work to live and can't (or won't) take time out to reflect on why things are the way they are. We let a very few pay their way into more power and wealth because of our inattention and ignorance.

We let this happen... and now we are slowly becoming aware of it and how things could be.

We, collectively, seem to think we don't deserve to be comfortable... that the super rich are somehow more deserving... most of the .0001% inherited their empires. The few who innovated, good for them, but the majority of wealth of that magnitude was amassed by literally working other humans to death and paying relatively nothing for it.

Simplistically, should a very few have so much that they themselves can't properly comprehend it or ever spend it?

Rational, fair laws moving toward economic sanity and getting money out of our governance so that this is possible... or mass bloodshed... those are the two solutions.

I know which one I'd like to see. I also know which one is more likely...

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 12:49 PM
Not really that unbelievable when you watch the documentary "Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American dream". The top billionaires rig the game in their favor.

edit on 6-3-2013 by paadope because: youtube link

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by theabsolutetruth: EXTREME wealth, earning £100+billions per YEAR

The post I made is in reference to the Global Economics Forum report that I posted and another poster argued about this threads video being made by a bozo

As I've posted earlier, The Video Presented in the OP IS very misleading... Even for a 'bozo'

It IS Not explaining that U.S. Corporations are included in the Top 1% IN the USA
These Legal Tax Paying Entities; The Corporations, do not pay as much as one would think...

Bill Gates is the Second Wealthiest Man In The World with $57 Billion USD.
The Wealthiest Man is from Mexico with $73 Billion USD.
Who are the People you know of that are "earning £100+billions per YEAR"~
If you will;
Please provide a link supporting the claim the World's wealthiest People are earning Over $200 Billion+ USD annually...thx ~rore

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by roreagin

Perhaps you could try reading the post I made with a link to the report on page 15, I quoted clearly, all the posts after are quoted clearly.

Please refer to the posts and quotes in context, relying on 'chinese whispers' isn't such a good strategy.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Blue_Jay33

They could issue a flat tax, no deductions for family incomes over $250,000 at 12%.
Any family income under 36K a year no tax, build the middle class back up. And encourage families to raise there kids instead of working. Then build a flat tax system tiered, 50K at 3% for example this would include state and federal taxes. Simple solutions to create equality that will never be adopted.

why have an income tax at all?
it seems to me, that a national sales tax would make more sense. you make $30,000 a year, you get taxed on what you spend. make $1,500,000 a year, you get taxed on what you spend.

taxation on wages is an awful idea, especially with the loopholes that are allowed.

and I don't even want to think about the subsidise that these billion dollar industres are getting...

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 02:04 PM
double post...

interactive map of corporate subidies and incentives

list of corporations that have their taxes paid via the Federal government tax breaks
edit on 6-3-2013 by kalisdad because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

I am on disability for medical issues. One of those ultra poor people this country treats worse than animals. Yes I get a monthly check and so called insurance, if you go to certain doctors and only need certain things. If it’s something they don’t pay for you buy over the counter things and/or suffer. They call this the best country in the world, that’s a laugh. All these politicians that buy their office, and if accidentally people voted aren’t who they want there is a recount to make sure they get it their way. In all honesty I think it’s nothing but trash, yes the ultra rich have everything they want think they are God control what other people do, think, buy and say. In my eyes they are more pathetic then the most poor person on the planet. People need to wake up and began to fight back. Say this is enough you people need to distribute the wealth, period! Otherwise a revolt is going to happen in this country and nobody will win except I forgot those losers in the media so TV will get ratings. Anyone with any descent ideas are overlooked because they aren’t part of the for lack of a better word ‘mob’ ruled government and ultra rich.
What can be done? Without the revolt I spoke of which would take decades to recover from I am not totally sure. A starting point would be install some people in government who can count and are unbiased, erase the national debt completely mark it paid. Lower the cost of living to let peoples wages catch up. Quit depending so much on automation, the next cell phone and laptop to come out every minute and people work. Then of course the ultra rich pay their share (I am not talking about just taxing a little, and raising taxes on wages on everyone else like they done) I mean quit raising payroll tax and the ultra rich pay 20-40%. Make them sacrifice a little. This plan may hurt for a few years our productivity but not like a revolt would cost lives, and a complete collapse of the economy taking decades to overcome. That is a start plus putting Mars and space on hold for a few years who cares how the universe began right now if people here are suffering because of rich morons curiosity. feel free to reply to me about this at [email protected]

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by theabsolutetruth
reply to post by roreagin

Perhaps you could try reading the post I made with a link to the report on page 15, I quoted clearly, all the posts after are quoted clearly.

Please refer to the posts and quotes in context, relying on 'chinese whispers' isn't such a good strategy.

I don't use the Chinese Whisper thingys
I found The Source link, which helped me to understand this post of yours: "This is about the top 100, the 1%, of EXTREME wealth, earning £100+billions per YEAR"
What the Source Link tells me is, on average, the TOP 100 Billionaires individually earned about $2.4 Billion USD last year.
Some made quite a lot more than $2.4 Billion and others made significantly less...

For example: Bill Gates increased his March 2012 $61 Billion USD to $66.8 Billion USD as of March 2013...
Nearly a 10% increase... ~rore

Source Link at:
The Source Link states: "The top 100 billionaires added $240 billion to their wealth in 2012... See Ref # 28
Ref. # 28 links to:
edit on 6-3-2013 by roreagin because: spelling

edit on 6-3-2013 by roreagin because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-3-2013 by roreagin because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by kalisdad
double post...

interactive map of corporate subidies and incentives

list of corporations that have their taxes paid via the Federal government tax breaks
edit on 6-3-2013 by kalisdad because: (no reason given)

Thanks man,,, great post this is what it is all about,,,,, I still can't believe this.. and fox news tell us the middle class wants Santa Clause But you never here about these Billions of tax payer money going to these company"s The Banks would be out on the street, if it wasn't for the Billions given to them by the Dems and Rep every month

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 06:41 PM
I read the first couple of pages of this thread about 10 hours ago, I haven't seen consequent posts so am not aware of the current direction tat this thread has taken nor the current arguments, so forgive me if this post appears out of context, although I am referring to the op. and it's only a brief point.

I am currently watching UK television, something I don't often do and is usually only as a background noise as to what I am doing, which is the case now. Just switched on to a comedy show and they are discussing European politics and what has struck me is a mainstream comedian stating that the system is obviously wrong and isn't working. I just think that things are changing, the awakening is happening. Many of us on AT have spoken of this for years and been ridiculed, i have suffered being called an headcase by family & friends on fbook for having the odd rant, people saying it doesn't effect them -so what.

But now we see this kind of thing in being said in mainstream mndf**k tv, maybe the masses will become aware, maybe change will come. I hope so although I can't think of a good solution to the problem without some form of initial suffering. I'm also just a little wary about if there is any underlying reasons behind this sudden media disclosure in sheeple style.

I hope it comes good for us all but if the change means our generation taking the brunt of the suffering then I ask you to just think beyond the near future.

Good luck to us all, stay good and your happiness will be pure

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 07:28 PM
Back before I opened my eyes to this stuff I tried to get a job as a financial analyst. Had a hedge fund manager tell me I didn't have the "pedigree". Didn't think much of it and did my own thing. I guess what he was trying to say is daddy didn't sell his soul to the devil for the illusion of owning worthless material possessions on earth and since he wasn't willing to poison, kill, or destroy the earth for financial gain then I may have to find out what its like to be a real man and have to do some hard work in my life. So that's what I did, maybe next time I see him I'll crush his soft, silky little manicured hand with my vise like grip that comes with hard work. Haha


posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by jaron

I had an idea that if the SEC would simply ban all Wall St. "trading products" that can't be simply explained by a stock broker (and not a physicist - really, I'm serious), ban the hiring of physics grads from the top tier universities by Wall St. brokerage houses, eliminate all trading debt and credit that can't be explained using common financial industry language by a mid-level brokerage trader, and yank all pico-second stock flipping machines off the Wall St. extranet, then we might just be able to get a start on getting an idea about how to get a handle on exactly how much money is actually in play - including where the hell 7 trillion dollars (so far) of our Treasury's money has disappear to over the last 4 years or so.

As far as the top 1%, maybe if we simply cut them off right now, let them keep what money they can adequately detail as genuinely belonging to them, but made it illegal for anyone to ever do any financial trading business with them ever again, and started over from the 2% on down, but with all those convoluted trading products (the kinds that require a physics PhD to fully detail - making them impossible to actually regulate by anyone ever) eliminated and outlawed, then we might just have a shot at surviving the next 5 years without a forever collapse of literally everything that is connected to any monetary system in existence right now.

If not, then we're looking at a "look out below" tipping point that'll be thrilling in its scope, intensity, and sheer originality. I'm just glad that I'm broke on my ass, and will be able to watch it all fly apart from the bleachers.

edit on 3/6/2013 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

The trillions unaccounted for are possibly in part from untraceable grants and tax incentives that aren't followed, hundreds of millions for many companies in many states. GM is just an example, there are so many more.

In the end, the money that towns across America gave General Motors did not matter.
When the automaker released a list of factories it was closing during bankruptcy three years ago, communities that had considered themselves G.M.’s business partners were among the targets.

For years, mayors and governors anxious about local jobs had agreed to G.M.’s demands for cash rewards, free buildings, worker training and lucrative tax breaks. As late as 2007, the company was telling local officials that these sorts of incentives would “further G.M.’s strong relationship” with them and be a “win/win situation,” according to town council notes from one Michigan community.

Yet at least 50 properties on the 2009 liquidation list were in towns and states that had awarded incentives, adding up to billions in taxpayer dollars, according to data compiled by The New York Times.

Some officials, desperate to keep G.M., offered more. Ohio was proposing a $56 million deal to save its Moraine plant, and Wisconsin, fighting for its Janesville factory, offered $153 million.

But their overtures were to no avail. G.M. walked away and, thanks to a federal bailout, is once again profitable. The towns have not been so fortunate, having spent scarce funds in exchange for thousands of jobs that no longer exist.

One township, Ypsilanti, Mich., is suing over the automaker’s departure. “You can’t just make these promises and throw them around like they’re spare change in the drawer,” said Doug Winters, the township’s attorney.

Yet across the country, companies have been doing just that. And the giveaways are adding up to a gigantic bill for taxpayers.

The cost of the awards is certainly far higher. A full accounting, The Times discovered, is not possible because the incentives are granted by thousands of government agencies and officials, and many do not know the value of all their awards. Nor do they know if the money was worth it because they rarely track how many jobs are created. Even where officials do track incentives, they acknowledge that it is impossible to know whether the jobs would have been created without the aid.

edit on 6-3-2013 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by RoScoLaz
reply to post by LoneGunMan

he shills.

i would just like to take this opportunity to retract, and apologise for, the above comment.

i hope to rise above such cheap shots herein.

my apologies to nomnom

edit on 6/3/13 by RoScoLaz because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/3/13 by RoScoLaz because: (no reason given)

edit on 6/3/13 by RoScoLaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Dfairlite
reply to post by NorEaster

Yep, that's why you're a loser (in the literal sense, not name calling, simply using the opposite of what you address successful people as) You are focused on destruction. Your entire post is 100% destruction, not building anything other than an army to destroy.

Satans minions, you jealous socialists are.

Then why would you ever want to piss us off?

Seriously. If you honestly believe that we're dangerous, then be afraid of us.

Did you know that if life-saving surgery were performed on you without anesthesia, you'd be hard-pressed to see it as anything but torture, and you'd probably die of neurogenic shock. Even if the surgery itself would be necessary to rid your body of the disease or infection that will kill you if it wasn't addressed.

It'd be great if an entire society could be anesthetized when it becomes critically ill, but that's just not possible. Most critically ill societies don't survive surgery. The pain itself is what ultimately kills them. The Corporate-American empire isn't any different than any other empire. Its death will be just as spectacular. Only difference is that it'll be televised.

Oh, and I'm not a Socialist. I honestly don't see any real value in anything but a close knit, supportive community of people who really care about each other. Money won't ever get in a car and come get you when you need help, especially at 3 AM outside of a small town on a back road. No amount of money will give you that. Nothing ensures your survival more than layers and layers of people who care that you survive.

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by theabsolutetruth
reply to post by NorEaster

The trillions unaccounted for are possibly in part from untraceable grants and tax incentives that aren't followed, hundreds of millions for many companies in many states. GM is just an example, there are so many more.

How many hundreds of millions of local government incentive dollars does it take to account for 7 trillion Federal Treasury dollars?

I'll wait for your answer.
edit on 3/6/2013 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

Hundreds of thousands of companies across every state in the US getting millions, some billions, mostly untracked and unfollowable. The report stated US local governments give away $9.1 million per hour and $80.4 billion per year in business incentives.

The rest of the 7 trillion is probably in a few places, war probably, secret tech, pay offs, luxurious elite underground bunkers, secret supply contingencies, underground cities etc.

edit on 6-3-2013 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

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