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This unbelievable video just made the front page of

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posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by Tazkven When you have people making millions from companies making billions off of people who are barely above or in poverty something is obviously wrong...

Right There^^^ Is Our Problem Taz...

The simplicity of that video doesn't do justice to The Facts
The 'Implication' that the Top 1% of Americans Owning 40% of all wealth in the USA is, to say the least, Quite MisLeading...
ANY US Corporation IS Legally considered to BE an American...!
this is the 'scary' part
ANY Corporation can exercise their 'Human Rights' as a Real Person, aka U.S. Citizen, to Sue Flesh & Blood Real People

I've been observing Many Americans e.g. Ron Paul 'types', keep insisting The Impoverished American will find 'solace' IN The Vein of Christian Charity.
The Financial and Social Reform Records of the USA does not support this Christian Charity Concept in the least.

U.S. History Confirms It IS a combination of Some Wealthy, Some Middle-Class AND The Impoverished; Supported BY Federal Regulation & Law, WHO account for The Struggle to Bring about a modicum of sanity into a Business World Run A~Muck & Fueled BY The Profit Margin aka The Bottom Line...
What about 'The Corporations' IN America...?
How/What are U.S. Corporations contributing to resolve this 'Obvious Economic Disparity'...?
I do not think that UnBridled Capitalism; nor Radical Socialism, is Key in solving the question of: What Really Makes the World of Humanity 'Go-Round'.
What IS The Motivation behind the Building of a Great World-Wide Human Civilization...? ~rore

edit on 5-3-2013 by roreagin because: grammer fix

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Dragoon01

Perhaps our schools should spend more time teaching basic money management then?

Look -- aside from the demonstrable fact that business relies on US to keep buying their crap, it is difficult to ignore the 10,000 foot view of these numbers.

'The system has broken down. There is not enough money at the bottom to sustain a reaction.

Because that is where the power actually is. In the chain reaction at the bottom of the pile.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Bearack

I'd be curious to where socialism has worked? Spain? France? Maybe Greece? You could say UK, but it's a form of Hybrid socialism/capitalistic society such as the US is progressing to.

All those are "hybrid socialism/capitalistic" societies - do you think Spain, Italy etc. is "communist", in a sense as we understand when we hear the term "communism"? HARDLY.

Communism does not work, but CAPITALISM with "socialistic elements" does work - but this does not turn capitalism into socialism. Look at Norway, Sweden, Germany etc.

As for Italy, Spain etc...I think its absurd to blame their problems on socialism since socialism (in one or the other form) exists in those countries for a LONG time already. The recent problems of those countries are not brought on by socialism.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by Ghost375
reply to post by Happy1

So the big corporations are going to ruin their comfy lifestyle to install communism?
You realize they'd have to give up their wealth, right?
Do you people know what communism is?

That's incredibly naive. The elites and owners of the corporations would be exempt from giving up wealth. Corporations are not a living person. They are run by people. Those people would be rewarded even in the unlikely event that this new socialistic system forbade corporations.


It would also not be communism as we have seen in the past. it would be a caste system and a version of corporatocracy masquerading as communism. We'll be the serfs n they'll be so far above The Lords of the Manor that we'll never even know of their existence. When the population is reduced there'll be elite estates of millions of square miles with no humans around other than them and their mind controlled servants. If people think the rothschilds, rockefellers, Morgans, Windsors are at the top of the heirrarchy they have yet to wake up. We'll never know the existence or names of the top elites. Most of the top NWO don't know of their existence either.
edit on 5-3-2013 by merkins because: Typo

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 01:52 PM
According to the GOP/Republicans/Teapartie, the wealth will trickle down to the lower classes.

How's that working out?

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by JuniorDisco

Even in France, which free-market ideologues would have you believe should have collapsed around 1986, things still pretty much work. Certainly the casual visitor wouldn't notice much difference between there and the US. Apart from the superior food obviously!

Because THERE IS NONE in most obvious aspects of daily life. We have free trade, can amass wealth and can do whatever anyone in the states can do..with the exception states in the EU have more "government influence" on things like health care and other things that are mostly intended what we refer to as "social net".

It's, if you will, "regulated" capitalism as opposed to "unregulated" capitalism, but its still capitalism with all the freedoms according to our Western standards.

For me it's clear that Obama *wants* to emulate the system in the EU (those aspects where the system works), but it's stupid to call him Socialist or Communist because of that. It's nothing more than addressing problems unregulated capitalism has, as some countries in EU already do and did.

The ONLY ones who could root for entirely unregulated capitalism would be those 1% (as pointed out nicely in the video) because those are THE ONLY ONES which would profit from it.
edit on 5-3-2013 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:01 PM
In a truly free market there is no such thing as a trickle down effect. If a man(or woman) is born and works hard to build wealth, that wealth is built on working relationships, employees and trade. Any of the "politicians" who speak of a trickle down effect are simply trying to explain away the obvious fact that our democratic system is a guise for an oligarchy. Through taxation and laws the majority of people are robbed and the funds get channeled into the coffers of a select few. The majority still accepts that this system is the right way to go and that it's great news that a select few have the right to rob everyone.

Because "their vote counts"...after all, how can you stand up to slavery when you voted in the slave master. You chose this, right? If you don't vote you don't have the right to an opinion. If you don't believe in government then you may as well leave your own grandma dying in the street. Without a group of people who have the firepower and the right to rob and imprison others, no one will feed your grandma.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:03 PM
That is why a mixed economy with a public central bank is important in the grand scheme of things. Some things belong in the public sector and some things belong in the private sector. When business becomes to big they don't respect laws that everyone else does. They have too much money and they use it lobby/bribe government to get favorable legislation passed and they use it to control the media. People watch the media and get dumbed down constantly. It becomes a vicious circle of lies where the elite benefit at the expense of the vast majority.

Then add masonry to the equation and what do we get?? I am not aware of masonry being popular within fascism or communism. In fact they went after them hard.

If you think democrats really care about the population more than republicans then you are delluding yourself. They simply pretend to do. Actions speak louder than words do! As for the republicans they upper middle class card quite well.

Vote third party if you get a chance to. Libertarians, Greens, Constitutionalism, Justice, SPUSA, SWPUSA, etc. Many, many choices! There are also independant candidates with no party affiliation at all. Some lean left, some lean right and some are center.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:04 PM
It seems to me that (other than taxation being slightly different), the exact same conditions exist that caused my ancestors to migrate to the the new world. They then fought against the oppression of the UK rulers and won our country's independence. For many years, the immigrants/settlers in this nation fought for personal success and to better their family's ability to live, work and educate themselves. Now we are back at square one and a small percentage of people hog the wealth to 'Get Rich'; so their decendants are taken care of on the backs of many people who will not even be able to afford to get through this life. Maybe it is time to find another 'New World'???


posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by olaru12
According to the GOP/Republicans/Teapartie, the wealth will trickle down to the lower classes.

Cute. Who can be so stupid to believe that? It's the same tale as with assuming that the wealthy's priority is MOSTLY "creating new jobs". As some (R) people claim. It's not. Profit WILL come first. A corporate or any business is not a welfare agency.

Jobs are created once a business runs profitable, as a "nice" bonus, once a company REQUIRES more work being done. The driving factor will STILL be profit because no sane company/boss employs people that cost them money, they will employ people if the EMPLOYEE helps making them profit, even after subtracting the costs for keeping the employee.

Wealth does not trickle, it will STILL increase the profit of the "elite" foremostly.
edit on 5-3-2013 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-3-2013 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:08 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that everyone on this board, and certainly everyone who's posted in this thread is holding the dirty end of the stick when it comes to actually getting an even break in the American professional arena. That the only real difference between the right and the left here is which target is being blamed for the inequity that we're all suffering under.

The wealthy folks who managed to stay wealthy in the post-reconstructionist South figured out that if they turned the poor whites against the blacks, that they'd be free from worrying about those whites coming after them for what they'd been able to save from the war and the aftermath. That's still ongoing down there, and the big money folks learned to turn the rest of us against each other using left-right political rivalries in the same way that the plantation folks used skin color after the Civil War to divide the poor against each other.

You can win the argument for them, but they still won't let you sit at the same table. That's not ever going to happen. In fact, they'll never even notice your hard work as you defend them and hate your peers on their behalf. And if you ever demand acknowledgement, they'll have you taken out of their presence, as the beggar that they see you as. Your devotion to them and the twisted system they paid for is in vain. They don't notice you, and they wouldn't care about you if they did notice. You aren't of the same caliber, and you can never be of the same caliber.

Your mother and father were nobodies, and that means that you'll always be nobody. Work hard and believe in all of it. If you do get close to succeeding, they'll be sure to educate you on exactly what I'm telling you here. Only it won't be them educating you. It'll be another fellow true believer who will give you the bum's rush on their behalf. Someone whose time to get tossed out of the foyer hasn't come up yet. They wouldn't ever even touch you.

edit on 3/5/2013 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:11 PM

Roger Calero from Socialist Workers Party USA tells it like it is at Occupy Wall Street. He was running for president during the 2008 presidential elections.

Gary Johnson from Libertarian party was there. Jill Stein from the Green party was there as well.

Where was obama and romney??
(Hint they don't give a #!)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:14 PM
The 1% is what makes the world a dangerous place.
These people have the power to start and survive
major wars if it suits their agenda... Quite disgusting really.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:14 PM
you guys just don't get it. Its does not matter if you are DEM or REP it does not matter if you have a job right now cause you did things right and made good decisions. Or if your broke cause if circumstances out of your control..

The point is the US economy is BK already,,, If you have a Job its just because the FED is pumping a trillion Dollars a year into the stock market keeping the ships afloat, that means your job. The second the Fed Reserve stops putting money into to economy. The reset will take place.. They don't even have to stop just say there stopping ACCOMMODATION and everybody will run for the exits as fast as possible. You will see the biggest sell off ever in the SP500 and the Dow.. Now if you want confirmation just go to zero hedge today and check out what is really going on

All this talk about wealth redistribution is a straw man,,, as nothing to do with what is really going on...

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by merkins
Corporations are not a living person.

A Corpration is Not a Living Entity/Human Being
A Corporation IS a LEGAL Entity/Personality protected (and prosecutable) by many of the same Laws as Human Beings are.

A Corporation can be seen as a Living Organism comprised of Humans imho...
Allows for a Corporation to function as a Human and/or Non-Human Entity. ~rore
edit on 5-3-2013 by roreagin because: Grammer fix

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

wow, what a bunch of poppy-cock.
someone should trim that limb and maybe the fall will knock some sense into that thick head.

target is right or left ?
what happened to above or below ?
ahead or behind ?
that's an awfully narrow view you've got there.

you have no idea what went on or what's going on 'down here' and i'll leave it at that.
sad to read that division is what you're promoting here ... sad, sad, sad.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
reply to post by NorEaster

noreaster...i worked in the computer networking business...i had friends in the business that were way ahead of me in the genius department. these friends told me horror stories about how their ideas were ripped off, and eve n stolen from them, because they did not have enough money to go to court to protect their work. they told me about contracts they had with corporations, big ones, that advertize worldwide, that simply didn't pay up on the legal contract for the work done, and told the person "go ahead, take us to court, we'll tie it up for years and years"
the wealthy elite cheat and steal to make their money, i've seen it, and my friends and associates has seen it, and gotton screwed over for the hard work and innovation they put into it.

It's really bad now - much worse than just a few years ago. I still have friends (and my brother) working in the PLM industry, and the best and brightest are trying to find a way out of it all. The winners are - like you said it so well - the ones with the money already stuffed in their pockets before walking into the room. I know of several amazing breakthroughs that will never see the light of day, and not because they were bought and buried. These breakthroughs belong to geniuses who simply refuse to allow anyone in the business world to ever even know that they exist. Stuff that would revolutionize manufacturing, and allow us to produce products that we can't even consider producing now. We'll never see those breakthroughs, because the businessmen who'd end up owning them are so hated by the people who are capable of creating those amazing breakthroughs that they'd rather keep them buried forever than to let those jackals get their hands on them.

That entire psychopathic corporate culture has crippled our technological growth in ways that very few people realize. No one with talent wants to contribute to it, and so the corporate slugs "reinvent" the iPhone every six months, and the tech press proclaims it as innovation. Meanwhile the brain trust is smiling to itself. Believe me, no one wants to give to someone that they despise, and corporate suits are deeply despised in literally ever sector.

I think it's pretty funny, even though it's sort of tragic as well.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by sk8ter
you guys just don't get it. Its does not matter if you are DEM or REP it does not matter if you have a job right now cause you did things right and made good decisions. Or if your broke cause if circumstances out of your control..

The point is the US economy is BK already,,, If you have a Job its just because the FED is pumping a trillion Dollars a year into the stock market keeping the ships afloat, that means your job. The second the Fed Reserve stops putting money into to economy. The reset will take place.. They don't even have to stop just say there stopping ACCOMMODATION and everybody will run for the exits as fast as possible. You will see the biggest sell off ever in the SP500 and the Dow.. Now if you want confirmation just go to zero hedge today and check out what is really going on

All this talk about wealth redistribution is a straw man,,, as nothing to do with what is really going on...

And what happens next? Anarchy, socialism, more capiatlism from the same people that created the mess? Maybe an alien invasion?

Unless people learn from ignorance they are doomed to repeat the same mistakes, again and again. The romans fell, england fell, spain fell, sumeria fell, greece fell, etc.

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Honor93
reply to post by NorEaster

wow, what a bunch of poppy-cock.
someone should trim that limb and maybe the fall will knock some sense into that thick head.

target is right or left ?
what happened to above or below ?
ahead or behind ?
that's an awfully narrow view you've got there.

you have no idea what went on or what's going on 'down here' and i'll leave it at that.
sad to read that division is what you're promoting here ... sad, sad, sad.

Believe me. You're not sitting at the table with those top tier folks.

Maybe in your mind you are, but there are people who post on this board who think they fly through universes with Jesus on weekend nights, so....

edit on 3/5/2013 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 02:34 PM
The divisions accepted by the general population is a generational brainwashing that very few understood the existence of. We are raised from birth to accept abuse and control. We are placed into "teams" that play against each other from birth until death, of which contract we did not sign nor have a say so in.

We are African Americans, Mexican immigrants, Iranians, Canadians, Swedish, Caucasian, Sinners, Lazy, Unrefined, Refined, and so on. We are all programmed and equally controlled by a select few.

If people were to open their eyes they'd know that all the best parts of their lives are dictated by free choice(or should be). Falling in love, making a friend, watching the sun set, redoing the roof on your house, planting a garden, and so on. All of these actions are not controlled by government and yet have the ability to work themselves out somehow.

If human beings were ever to make the next level of existence it would be necessary for us to stop pitting ourselves against each other and accepting widespread abuse and violence. It is necessary to understand that all great things in life are voluntary and anything but those great things will turn disastrous. If you live in a neighborhood and the pot hole is too big, knock on each door and inform them you are trying to fix it and are gathering donations. That is voluntary taxation. The road gets fixed without violence as a way of getting it fixed.

There has been a long standing goal of creating the perfect system of slavery; one where the slaves believe they are free even though they are not. If you could put a man in a cage and make him believe he was in a field it would benefit everyone in the long run.

As long as we accept violence as the norm and accept that it is ok for a select few to exercise that violence against others, things will never change. The day when the line between soldier and citizen is erased is the day when we will stop accepting mass murder and mass theft as acceptable.

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