posted on Mar, 6 2013 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by hy9nos
All of the comments here about violence being used against peaceful rebellion/protest are a bit off base, IMO. Its not that violence isn't a tact
"they" have, can, and will use, but it is certainly not their primary modus operandi.infiltration and social engineering, I believe, are their
primary, and most effective tools.
Take the "Tea Party" movement, for example. It started out as a libertarian movement, and when it was realized that the tea party was drawing
typically Dem, Rep, indy, and non-voters, they sent in Palin to jump in the ring and turn it into an extremist version of neoconservatism. Blatant
racist undertones, rhetoric encouraging government interference against freedoms for homosexuals, etc. They were turned into, essentially, the
Palin-driven, expanded party of fear, far, far from the origins of Ron Paul-esque libertarianism.