posted on Mar, 5 2013 @ 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Spiramirabilis
Coy has time to figure things out - but she at least is growing up in a time and place that might allow her to make this choice for herself.
The only problem I have is that I don't believe that Coy will necessarily have the space and time to figure this out for himself...certainly not
without a lot of outside factor's and pressure's anyway. I have no issue's with loving parent's wanting the best for their child and being
accepting....but there is something that doesn't sit right with me.
That something is the way in which this case as been thrust in the limelight so publicly...not least by the child's parent's. If the parent's feel
they have to fight a battle to do what they see is right for their child then that is their business and their right....but there is something not
right to me in displaying a 6 year old child in the media whether it be photo's or broadcasted segments on news channel's in an attempt to prove a
point or argument.
Whether this child is going to be allowed to make a choice for himself is a hard thing to measure given the circumstance's. Sure no-one is telling
him what to do or think directly....but the very fact the parent's are championing very loudly and publicly on his "behalf" and fighting against
system's to provide a very unique environment for him could quite possibly have an effect on his future judgement's.What I mean to say is that in a
few year's time how is it even going to possible for him not to feel pressure's surrounding his choice's in light of all the work and very public
effort his parent's have put in for him? At six he will be aware on the stress this situation will have no doubt put his parent's under and I'm
pretty sure it's something that has had a huge impact on their family life including the sibling's.
So how does a child walk away from that if he so wished or chose without any feeling's of guilt or apprehension?
As a parent I find it very hard to see how this situation as been handled in the best way possible to allow this child to make decision's at a later
date without a whole barrage of external pressure's or consideration's.
As parent's of this six year old child, I believe very strongly that any pressure's or considerations should be the burden of the parent's.It is
their job..and this child should be shielded from them at all cost's wherever possible.
I see two parent's adding to them whether directly or indirectly.