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Why Can't we be Friends?

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posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by SheopleNation
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

Dp77, I consider you my friend. Even if we disagree on something, which I am not even sure if we have or we have not.

There yuh go.

Thanks man, I consider you a friend as well. I don't think we disagreed yet to my knowledge, but even if we had it would not change my opinion of you, I think you are a pretty cool cat.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

The feeling is mutual. Nice thread, it's very positive. We need more of that in this World. ~$heopleNation

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

Peace, harmony and balance would be amazing - but I think there are people out there with mindsets somewhere along the line of using war as a way to make money for themselves and gain more power, to these people money and power justify their existence.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by darkbake
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

Peace, harmony and balance would be amazing - but I think there are people out there with mindsets somewhere along the line of using war as a way to make money for themselves and gain more power, to these people money and power justify their existence.

Oh I know, I just would like to think that we can avoid alot of that in our slice of community on these boards is all. That is truly a sad way of living life one would assume.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by darkbake

Well yeah, you're 100% correct about that. However, I believe the point that Dp was trying to make is that we normal, every day citizens need to unite and be reasonable though at the same time recognize our differences while stll focusing on a shared goal that most of us stand for, which is truth and honor.

Their goal is to keep the sheople squabbling on both sides over bs, while the evil ones capitalize off of their divisionist agenda. Which obviously clearly seems to be working for them these days.

I also realize that Dp was focusing more on us posters here ATS respecting our own differences, but that's an up hill battle to accomplish as well. At the end of the day, in my opinion we all just need to learn how to stand together for once and maybe one day something will change for the better.

Just one Man's opinion. Best wishes. ~$heopleNation
edit on 25-2-2013 by SheopleNation because: ThpO

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

Dark, don't let it get to you.

In other news, has anyone heard about this thing called insurance? It's, like, a MAJOR industry in this country and from what I've been told lots and lots of people have been buying in.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 10:06 AM
people don't get along because they spend more time looking for differences and attached to their ego arguing them, than they spend looking for what they have in common with you.

MY motto has always been and shall always be look for the commonality the respect the differences. cause it's only the rich who benefit when you argue

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by DarthMuerte

Originally posted by Darkphoenix77
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

@ Darth I will just respectfully disagree. I live on a disability check on less than 900 dollars a month, so it is just the reality of my situation. I don't see myself as a "moocher" or lazy, but not having the ability to do much walking anymore (my MD has gotten really bad in the last 2-3 years) and not having the money to pay back the student loans I defaulted on or the ability to pay for schooling I am stuck in the rut. It is just the way it is, at the end of the day people are just people, when debating in a forum such as these one just should let it go. Opinions are like you know what's.....everybody has one and they are entitled to the one they have. People can disagree without being angry and hateful. Just my opinion.
I understand that you have a medical condition. However, why does that give you the right to demand that I and others support you? Why does that give you the right to have obummer put a gun in my face and take my money to support you? It sould be the job of your family and church to support you when you CANNOT support yourself. The government should not be involved at all. A government big enough to give you anything in big enough to take everything.

Took the words right out of my mouth. I can get along with anyone, except those who would take my rights away, or expect me to pay taxes to support them.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

"Why Can't we be Friends?"

my mom says not to talk to strangers

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by ~widowmaker~
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

"Why Can't we be Friends?"

my mom says not to talk to strangers

Touche! I have no logic to refute that statement..... (bows cordially)

I am hoping on a more serious not that you understood the message I was trying to convey however.

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