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Why Can't we be Friends?

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posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 04:23 PM
Where do I begin? How do I begin to relay to the masses the madness that you have caused me? Do you thrive, gleefully enjoying your spiting of me at every turn? For once, can we not just agree on something? Surely I cannot be the only one that has seen you as a nemesis, as being someone that will argue with me for what seems like just the sake of argument?

I will attempt to explain my situation to everyone else that is reading this in the hopes that you may be able to sympathize with me and possibly even understand where I come from. Has anyone else experienced this person who seems to be the antithesis of my very own existance? Thanks to you I now have less hair than Patrick Stewart!

You know, I tried to trip you up once before.....

I deliberately argued a position that I would not have normally argued just so I could see how you would react in the hopes that we would finally agree with each other even if it was on such a minor thing! You somehow still managed to find some ground to prove adversarial.

It was then that I was forced to admit defeat, that no matter the topic by some twist of ironic cruel fate we were destined by the stars to always be on opposite ends of the spectrum. This truly has to be the mother of all conspiracy theories, Nibiru has got nothing on this!

But then it hit me, I had an epiphany if you will:

In the end, no matter how different we all are, or how much we seem to never be able to find common ground with our own exact opposites (and yes I am of the belief that everyone on these forums including me has them), we all do share one thing in common. I believe all of us that post on this board regularly all do have one thing in common, the desire for peace for our fellow man and the ability to let go, admit we sometimes disagree and move on.......

For in the end is there really any logical concrete reason we can't all be friends despite our differences?

Don't fall for division, it's not the answer. We are all free to laugh at the absurdity of someones opinion, in fact I believe it keeps us all sane.

After the laughter subsides, remember it is a person on the other end of the absurd statements, and get back to debating with calmness and reason, we all want the same answers.

Anger and/or hatred are not productive, they are emotions we all feel, after all we are human. The thing some people seem to forget of late is to also let them go, as that is also part of being human.

Disclaimer: This rant is not aimed at anyone in particular although I have lost some hair of late in some of the more heated discussions we participate in.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming (not the MSM kind either). Thank you.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

I can agree with this.

I generally try to end my arguments here on amicable terms. Unless the other person is just being rude. There is no reason to be rude.

Just being polite goes a long way on this planet, even if you despise the person you are being polite to.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 04:33 PM
You're wrong!!!

I hear ya. Some folks aren't happy unless they have a nemesis. If they can't find one, they'll make one out of somebody. Interesting you'd bring this up. Someone else mentioned something along these lines earlier today.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 04:54 PM
My experience on ATS is that there are those that deliberately disagree because they either are agenda led, ie. they do not want people to know the truth, or they do not want it to be shown that they either do not know or were wrong, and there are those that are just pig headed and ignorant, they think others aren't noticing their blatant denial of the truth and bullying ways because they often have a handful of flunkies that nod and grin their every comment (whether these flunkies are genuine or multiple screen names remains to be seen).

In real life, there are similarly pig headed people, I see it all the time. I am an artist amongst other things and the amount of copying of my ideas I have seen and competitiveness from some people is beyond comprehension, even completely altering their entire appearance to dressing like me and having the same hair style then copying my ideas and being rude to me when alone but fake nice in front of others. It's just another example of how people suck.

I have been lied about so many times, even since a child by others that gained from lying and hid their own ill deeds. I have so much dirt on some people I could ruin them so easily. So people suck, they suck on ATS, they suck in real life. Not all people, but I have met plenty of seemingly respectable people that weren't pariahs that really should be.

Humanity has become selfish beyond belief and it has to stop, evil has to stop, stealing from the innocent has to stop, as does exploitation.

The experiences you are having on ATS is probably a mirror of life in general and statistically, if there are so many evil people then I guess somewhere that gives them a voice would attract them.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 04:55 PM
Good fences make for good neighbors. We really cannot all "just get along" because some people want to take from others. Some want to take while contributing little or nothing. Others just want to live and let live without having their time, effort, and/or property confiscated. There are only three types of people. Moochers, Looters, and Producers. Producers are the ones who actually do and make things. They fix things that are broken and keep society moving. Moochers do as little as humanly possible all the while demanding their "fair share" from the producers. Looters give moochers the things they want by using force to confiscate those things from producers. Moochers and Producers cannot peacefully coexist for long. Eventually the looters want too much to keep the moochers pacified and the producers rebel.

Who Is John Galt?
edit on 23-2-2013 by DarthMuerte because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

Well you are right in the fact that there are people that are deliberately trolls and/or agenda driven. There are people that are ignorant and pig headed. It is the way of life, but I stand by my statement of laughing at the absurdity and letting it go. Retaining anger serves no real practical purpose except high blood pressure which in the end is not healthy for ones self.

@ Darth I will just respectfully disagree. I live on a disability check on less than 900 dollars a month, so it is just the reality of my situation. I don't see myself as a "moocher" or lazy, but not having the ability to do much walking anymore (my MD has gotten really bad in the last 2-3 years) and not having the money to pay back the student loans I defaulted on or the ability to pay for schooling I am stuck in the rut. It is just the way it is, at the end of the day people are just people, when debating in a forum such as these one just should let it go. Opinions are like you know what's.....everybody has one and they are entitled to the one they have. People can disagree without being angry and hateful. Just my opinion.

edit on 23-2-2013 by Darkphoenix77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-2-2013 by Darkphoenix77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-2-2013 by Darkphoenix77 because: spelling

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 05:30 PM
This is something I've been wondering about for a long time. Shortly after I joined, I started a couple of new threads. Immediately I acquired a couple of what I can only think of as "stalkers" who were determined to tear down every word I posted. It was a couple of years before I even bothered starting a thread again, and I still find it nerve-wracking. There have often been things I'd like to bring here, but I'm still a little shy about it and rarely bother.

Oddly, I'm not shy about posting in others' threads--and usually do so without molestation. Go figure....

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 05:34 PM
Sorry. Double post.

edit on 2/23/2013 by Ex_CT2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Ex_CT2

This is something I've been wondering about for a long time. Shortly after I joined, I started a couple of new threads. Immediately I acquired a couple of what I can only think of as "stalkers" who were determined to tear down every word I posted. It was a couple of years before I even bothered starting a thread again, and I still find it nerve-wracking. There have often been things I'd like to bring here, but I'm still a little shy about it and rarely bother.

Oddly, I'm not shy about posting in others' threads--and usually do so without molestation. Go figure....

Well in my humble opinion, I say post what you want. There are haters, just be prepared for the reality of it. We all see things differently and for me (not literally me but you know what I mean) to say that your point of view is wrong just because it does not mach mine pretty much define's ignorance no?

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

we all do share one thing in common. I believe all of us that post on this board regularly all do have one thing in common, the desire for peace for our fellow man and the ability to let go, admit we sometimes disagree and move on.......

Ha ha possibly not. I think there are some people on this board that might have trouble admitting that we disagree and to move on, but I think that would tend to change the more often someone came here.

Desire for peace for our fellow man - I am not sure everyone desires that on this board, either. O.O

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 07:43 AM
I love it when a I agree with a poster whom I hate. Humble pie is really tasty. Yum.

edit on 24-2-2013 by Wide-Eyes because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by Darkphoenix77
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

@ Darth I will just respectfully disagree. I live on a disability check on less than 900 dollars a month, so it is just the reality of my situation. I don't see myself as a "moocher" or lazy, but not having the ability to do much walking anymore (my MD has gotten really bad in the last 2-3 years) and not having the money to pay back the student loans I defaulted on or the ability to pay for schooling I am stuck in the rut. It is just the way it is, at the end of the day people are just people, when debating in a forum such as these one just should let it go. Opinions are like you know what's.....everybody has one and they are entitled to the one they have. People can disagree without being angry and hateful. Just my opinion.
I understand that you have a medical condition. However, why does that give you the right to demand that I and others support you? Why does that give you the right to have obummer put a gun in my face and take my money to support you? It sould be the job of your family and church to support you when you CANNOT support yourself. The government should not be involved at all. A government big enough to give you anything in big enough to take everything.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 09:02 AM
I think everyone is entitled to their idea's and or opinions.I also think that one should never let a thought or and idea be a barrier between you and common sense.And my final thought on this current topic is ...If an opinion or idea brings major issues in one's life to do another harm "I'm talking about slanderous stories and or false testimony",then it is my thought that it's alright to make a not so pleasant confrontation with the individual/individual's in question.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by DarthMuerte

Originally posted by Darkphoenix77
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

@ Darth I will just respectfully disagree. I live on a disability check on less than 900 dollars a month, so it is just the reality of my situation. I don't see myself as a "moocher" or lazy, but not having the ability to do much walking anymore (my MD has gotten really bad in the last 2-3 years) and not having the money to pay back the student loans I defaulted on or the ability to pay for schooling I am stuck in the rut. It is just the way it is, at the end of the day people are just people, when debating in a forum such as these one just should let it go. Opinions are like you know what's.....everybody has one and they are entitled to the one they have. People can disagree without being angry and hateful. Just my opinion.
I understand that you have a medical condition. However, why does that give you the right to demand that I and others support you? Why does that give you the right to have obummer put a gun in my face and take my money to support you? It sould be the job of your family and church to support you when you CANNOT support yourself. The government should not be involved at all. A government big enough to give you anything in big enough to take everything.

Just to be clear I am not demanding anything, I could give a s**t less if you want or don't want to help out someone who needs it. The fact that people get tight and upset about "being forced" to donate to the unfortunate (and I do not mean those that abuse the system) speaks volumes to thier character though in my opinion. If I had my way you would not be "forced" because when someone does not want to help to be perfectly honest I would not want thier help anyways and they can stick it where the sun don't shine for all I care!

At any rate this is getting off topic which was to say that we can all get along, if that is your view I respect it even if I do not agree with it. You have a right to be upset with the government for it's current socialist views, you do not have any reason to hate those that depend on a government check through no fault of thier own. I will agree with you in that I too despise people that abuse the system.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Onewhoknowsjesus
I think everyone is entitled to their idea's and or opinions.I also think that one should never let a thought or and idea be a barrier between you and common sense.And my final thought on this current topic is ...If an opinion or idea brings major issues in one's life to do another harm "I'm talking about slanderous stories and or false testimony",then it is my thought that it's alright to make a not so pleasant confrontation with the individual/individual's in question.

If someone is deliberately causing you harm or misrepresenting your character then yes you have the right to call them out on it and defend yourself, to even be angry and upset. My point is that in staying that way a prolonged period of time is not healthy for ones self being. One should get over such things, I have disagreed with people in threads of late, some of whom I consider delusional or ignorant to the extreme. That having been said though, what purpose does it serve to stay angry? Oddly enough I have seen totally unrelated topics that I find myself agreeing with those very same people on how they see the facts of things. The point I was making is that just because you disagree with someone it does not automatically make them a bad person. I would in my own opinion estimate that probably only about 5% of the members of the board in reality try to constantly troll, derail, or be hateful bigots as a general rule of thumb. I of course have nothing to prove that other than my own observations, but the ones that do such activities can easily be picked out and ignored or pointed out for thier actions without much trouble.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by darkbake
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

we all do share one thing in common. I believe all of us that post on this board regularly all do have one thing in common, the desire for peace for our fellow man and the ability to let go, admit we sometimes disagree and move on.......

Ha ha possibly not. I think there are some people on this board that might have trouble admitting that we disagree and to move on, but I think that would tend to change the more often someone came here.

Desire for peace for our fellow man - I am not sure everyone desires that on this board, either. O.O

I suppose so, there is people that can't just move on. That was my point in posting this, trying to make those people aware and it was an attempt to change a few attitudes for the better by making those people analyze and critically think about it. As far as peace, you may be right, I do like to dream it may be possible though.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Wide-Eyes
I love it when a I agree with a poster whom I hate. Humble pie is really tasty. Yum.

edit on 24-2-2013 by Wide-Eyes because: (no reason given)

I actually don't mind being proven wrong on occasion, the only truly ignorant person is one who thinks that they are incapable of ever being wrong, or incapable of admitting it when they are.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

Also those that claim their opinion as FACT when in fact it just their opinion. Those are unbelievably ignorant.

''WTC just collapsed, no explosions'' they do not know this, it could be a lie, it is their OPINION.

''the universe isn't expanding'', when it's just their OPINION, scientists have reports that the universe IS expanding

''the 10 ton 4m meteorite behaved as you science would expect'' it is their OPINION which is probably wrong seeing as initial estimates were wrong, now it was ''10,000 ton and 18m'', so their OPINION was wrong, a lighter meteorite wouldn't behave the same.

''WISE stopped 2010'' it's their OPINION but it again it was wrong and misleading to a thread as WISE continued to complete it's mission until 2011, and the data is being analysed now.

These are just examples I have encountered of people offering their OPINION as more than it is, they shouldn't offer anything that is just opinion as anything other than that. If it is a known fact then fine say so, but making false claims about opinions is silly and misleading.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by theabsolutetruth
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

Also those that claim their opinion as FACT when in fact it just their opinion. Those are unbelievably ignorant.

''WTC just collapsed, no explosions'' they do not know this, it could be a lie, it is their OPINION.

''the universe isn't expanding'', when it's just their OPINION, scientists have reports that the universe IS expanding

''the 10 ton 4m meteorite behaved as you science would expect'' it is their OPINION which is probably wrong seeing as initial estimates were wrong, now it was ''10,000 ton and 18m'', so their OPINION was wrong, a lighter meteorite wouldn't behave the same.

''WISE stopped 2010'' it's their OPINION but it again it was wrong and misleading to a thread as WISE continued to complete it's mission until 2011, and the data is being analysed now.

These are just examples I have encountered of people offering their OPINION as more than it is, they shouldn't offer anything that is just opinion as anything other than that. If it is a known fact then fine say so, but making false claims about opinions is silly and misleading.

Well that does give you a right to be upset, anyone that posts anything as FACT without providing thier credentials (what makes them an expert) or citing sources is easily pointed out as being ignorant. My only question is what practical purpose about staying angry at the person actually serve? Point it out and call them on it, but why stay angry? Just my opinion, but people staying upset I don't think helps thier well being in the slightest. I often disagree with gun control advocates in the current hot topic, but choose not to stay angry with them even if the viewpoint is completely alien to me and senseless. In the end it is the viewpoint I am upset with, not the person. I find myself agreeing with said such people on other topics not related to gun rights/control, I just think being angry all the time solves nothing and personally just let it go. Some people are oil and water, and never seem to mix, but tolerance starts with recognizing that fact, agreeing to disagree and move on.

edit on 24-2-2013 by Darkphoenix77 because: curse of the never ending sentence and I should learn to spot typos better

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by Darkphoenix77

Dp77, I consider you my friend. Even if we disagree on something, which I am not even sure if we have or we have not.

There yuh go.

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