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The UK'S slave class

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posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by werewolf99
reply to post by AndyMayhew

Is racism against white people such a shock to you. You should remember that in parts of the UK we are a minority in our own country. In the world at large we are a very small population indeed.


which parts of the uk, please be specific.

and dont just say "my street" or "nextdoor"... judging by this and your other thread going on right now, you are having one seriously grouchy saturday.

and by grouchy i do mean xenophobic. actually, sorry, racist - oh yes, according to you that means rich people screwing everyone else or what ever gumph you wrote earlier.

have a beer and get over it

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by werewolf99
reply to post by AndyMayhew

Completely wrong there are even associations in the UK that only have entry to black members. There are black photographers societies...... All illegal under the UK race relations bill. Any person more likely to get anything because of race is illegal. This means that in the UK the MOBOS are ilegal (music of black origin). However this is ignored and never enforced.


of black *origin* eg blues, jazz, hip hop etc

check the list..

the very totally african jamie cullum, justin timberlake, christina aguilera, tim westwood, norah jones, nitin sawhney, eminem, santana, all saints, another level......and thats only a few years worth

rather mainstream and bland maybe, rascist tho? get over yourself
edit on 23-2-2013 by skalla because: clarity etc

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 04:40 PM
You can achieve anything you want in the UK if you are willing to work hard at it.
I was a 16 year old runaway, I've slept on the streets, been to uni, changed trades 3 times and enjoy my current self employed life.
Stop whining OP, if you want something badly enough you can make it happen in our country, try moving to Africa or Asia and ask the people there if they'd like your opportunities.
I have, and I know the response you will get.
Oh woe is me! FFS! it's tiresome, fix it if you aren't happy, don't make up lame excuses that our society is stopping you, take responsibility.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 04:45 PM
I found an article on slavery which may help this thread move on

Slavery On The Plantation

The whole thing is very pertinent to this threads OP but here are a couple of tasters

The White plantation owners used various methods to maintain complete control over their slaves. Their principal method was that of "divide and rule".

Another means of control was the creation of a class system among the slaves.
Pretty much what we see today in my opinion and the argument growing here about black and white is a sure sign the divide and rule ploy is still an effective ploy to control the slaves.

The reason why we see slaves with their heads bowed is so they don't look up and see their oppressors

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by colin42

Well stop bowing your head and walk tall.
I don't buy into this slave BS, I chase whatever path I want to at any given point in my life, I am not unique, just someone who recognises my opportunities. Stop being a victim and take control people, it's your life, you control it.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 05:00 PM
What part of the UK are you from? It does seem there are quite a few Americans who get their view of the UK from films. Well the obvious part of the Uk where white people are a minority is Birmingham.

As for my assumed background. I will say that I do have a degree. And a number of other higher educations qualifications. I have won an award, authored several books, am about to play on a cd.....

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by grainofsand
reply to post by colin42

Well stop bowing your head and walk tall.
I don't buy into this slave BS, I chase whatever path I want to at any given point in my life, I am not unique, just someone who recognises my opportunities. Stop being a victim and take control people, it's your life, you control it.

You are a really quick reader and obviously read the article I linked to. The post you are replying to was about getting back to the OP not talking about white/black issues or how very good you are.

There are many parallels with slavery and our society. You don’t know me so on what do you base your unfounded opinion that I am a victim?

Your 'take control' statement shows naivety as even the Queen does not have control of her life. So the choice is yours to discuss the OP as you have now already told us you are the man, your job is done.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by werewolf99

Interestingly, the queen and the royal family also has to endure indentured servitude.

Class issues exist and are extremely prevalent in the UK, yes, but social mobility is at an all time high.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Dispo
reply to post by werewolf99

Interestingly, the queen and the royal family also has to endure indentured servitude.

Class issues exist and are extremely prevalent in the UK, yes, but social mobility is at an all time high.
Yes and much of it downwards.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 05:21 PM
Eventually social mobility happens to every society.

Whether it happens peacefully % in an ordery manner or violently and chaotically depends on the level of delusion that characterizes the current class (i.e.,"Divine right of kings;" "Those at the top are there because they deserve to be") .

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by colin42

Not really, middle class is the new thing. Middle class used to be the preserve of the civil service and police, now thanks to Thatcher the working class have been decimated and the middle class have thrived.

Whether that's a good thing or not is a completely different issue.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by colin42
There are many parallels with slavery and our society. You don’t know me so on what do you base your unfounded opinion that I am a victim?

Cries of slavery for the average citizen in the UK smacks of victim to me.

Your 'take control' statement shows naivety as even the Queen does not have control of her life. So the choice is yours to discuss the OP as you have now already told us you are the man, your job is done.
My job will only be done when I decide it is. I am happy in my current self employment, when I wish to change it I will. Life is a long time and we have many opportunities in the UK to do whatever we want.
Breaking our hearts crying about how difficult things are has never been my strategy. If that works for you though, good luck.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 05:29 PM
A lot of homeless people are homeless throughout their own fault. Are you sure that your view of me is that you are uncompetitive and so happy with less? Self employment is not neccessarily a high status position although it can be. What is wrong with everyone getting treated the same and without the dreaded social engineering I so despise.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by werewolf99
A lot of homeless people are homeless throughout their own fault. Are you sure that your view of me is that you are uncompetitive and so happy with less? Self employment is not neccessarily a high status position although it can be. What is wrong with everyone getting treated the same and without the dreaded social engineering I so despise.

As I said previously, I slept rough on the streets for 6 months when I was a 16 year old runaway.
I rebuilt my life and I've continually refined my life as I've felt fit in the years since. Anyone without disabilities or other such disadvantages is equally able to do the same in the UK. Crying about 'the system' is lame and suggests an entitlement mentality. Explain where you think that is incorrect, I look forward to your response.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by werewolf99
What part of the UK are you from? It does seem there are quite a few Americans who get their view of the UK from films. Well the obvious part of the Uk where white people are a minority is Birmingham.

As for my assumed background. I will say that I do have a degree. And a number of other higher educations qualifications. I have won an award, authored several books, am about to play on a cd.....


i was born about 8 miles from birmingham, went to senior school there and have also worked there for a few years - i have only spent about 5 or 6 of about 40 years living outside of the west mids. in the rest of that time, always within 10 miles of brum, ayit.

some stats for you

In 2007, it was estimated[15] 33.3% of Birmingham's population was non-white, whereas London, commonly seen as the most diverse of British cities was 30.4% non-white. This is compared to Liverpool which was only 7.7% non-white. However, there are some smaller towns with larger non-white populations, such as Dewsbury, Batley, or Nelson.

At the time of the 2001 census, 70.4% of the population was White (including 3.22% Irish & 1.49% Other White), 19.5% British Asian, 6.1% Black or Black British, 0.52% Chinese, 2.9% of mixed race and 0.63% of other ethnic heritage.[16] 16.5% of the population was born outside the United Kingdom and 13.42% (131,091) was born outside of the European Union.[17

and just in case, before you bang on about religion...

Nearly 60% of the City residents identify themselves as Christian, 14% Muslim, 3% Sikh and
2% Hindu. 12% of residents do not have a religion and 8% of residents did not answer the
new, voluntary, religion question.

(from brum's 2001 census report, via the council website)


posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by grainofsand

Cries of slavery for the average citizen in the UK smacks of victim to me.
What part of parallels between slavery and our society do you not understand?

My job will only be done when I decide it is. I am happy in my current self employment, when I wish to change it I will.
Not quite true is it. You may have that job taken away whether you chose it or not. You do not control either your market or your clients/customers. Ultimately it is their choice not yours.

Life is a long time and we have many opportunities in the UK to do whatever we want.
Really. Another statement that is not true. Yes there are opportunities but do whatever you want? Not close.

Breaking our hearts crying about how difficult things are has never been my strategy.
Mine neither but what has that to do with the OP?

Why are you seemingly frightened to consider there may be parallels between slavery and our society that would be worthy of discussion?

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by colin42
What part of parallels between slavery and our society do you not understand?
Clearly everything you claim it to be.

Not quite true is it. You may have that job taken away whether you chose it or not. You do not control either your market or your clients/customers. Ultimately it is their choice not yours.
And I adapt to my market, it therefore remains my choice, do you not employ such business tactics yourself?

Really. Another statement that is not true. Yes there are opportunities but do whatever you want? Not close.
You need to raise your expectations, there is no bar to your success if you want something badly enough.

Mine neither but what has that to do with the OP?
Crying about alleged slavery for one.

Why are you seemingly frightened to consider there may be parallels between slavery and our society that would be worthy of discussion?

No fear on my part, just disbelief that you or anyone else honestly feel that UK citizens are slaves. Pathetic, and indicative of an entitlement mindset in my opinion.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by grainofsand
What a pity. It seems you cannot get past your inflated ego and seem determined to argue rather than discuss.

Here is something else you cannot control. Bye.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by colin42
reply to post by grainofsand
What a pity. It seems you cannot get past your inflated ego and seem determined to argue rather than discuss.

Here is something else you cannot control. Bye.

Oh dear, that old 'ego' chestnut again. It's amazing how often that gets wheeled out here on ATS but is mildly amusing as it indicates a failure to stick to the issues at hand.
If it is egotistical to assert that I am in control of much of my own destiny through my life choices and perseverance then I'm happy to accept the charge. If it is egotistical to assert that the average UK citizen is more able than the majority of people in the world to achieve their dreams then again, guilty as charged.

No-one is totally free from 'control' by another in any society, but in the UK we have some of the greatest opportunities to achieve almost anything through our own hard work and initiative.
If you wish to consider yourself a slave in this society then that is your choice, I consider myself relatively free and in control of everything I have achieved so far in life. I am slave only to my own choices.
I offer my sincere pity towards your personal perception of slavery in the UK, I'm pretty sure many millions of people from hell hole countries around the world would love to live in your definition of such enslavement.

Good day and enjoy the rest of your weekend in slavery

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 05:05 AM
The problem I feel is that people are so proud of overcoming adversity is that most do not realize the adversity you overcame was largely caused by the system. The fact that a person should be homeless at 16 proves it. You should not have been homeless for 6 days never mind 6 months. No one should brag about overcoming social class or race because the system could be fixed so that it would not be a disadvantage.

The system does not work very well. We need this system fixed. I see nothing wrong with that.

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