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The UK'S slave class

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posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 01:57 PM
Social mobility is nothing more than a fable in the UK. Anyone born poor has very little chance of moving up. Severely disabled are in the same position. Whole areas have become poverty stricken: not for the first time. Our class system has mutated into a caste system. We have political parties that really are the same and so it does not matter who you vote for.

There is one position in British history which matches out current position: the indentured servant.
An indentured servant is really another name for a slave. A servant who is a servant but not through choice.

How many of us have chosen our social position, how we are treated, what goes on in the country. If an indentured servant tried to change his or her plight by running away, they were brought back. If we try to change the country we are put in jail. People in the UK get blocked from moving up: people actually employ or promote people who they know are less able because they only want people of their status in that position. They know they rely on social immobility for their position.

How many other countries are like this? If your is, then you are probably an indentured servant too.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 02:15 PM
As often as history repeats it self one thing can be assured, Tyranny can only last for a short time before those oppressed decide to no longer be oppressed.

Sometimes its peaceful ie: India, sometimes not so much...

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 02:32 PM
Think you would really enjoy reading this book

Owen Jones talks about political policies set up by cons and labour over the past 30-40 years that have screwed the working class over and over again. He talks about current attitudes towards the working class, how positions in government/media are held by disconnected middle-class people and generally, its just a fantastic book.

He even talks about how/why Madeline McCann got more media coverage than the Shannon Matthews case. Interesting stuff.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 02:33 PM
free goverment money and housing free health care its a hard life being an unemployed slave

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by werewolf99
Anyone born poor has very little chance of moving up. Severely disabled are in the same position.

Well, that may be want you want people to beleive.

But it's as true as the fact that I was born from a very rich family

Edit: my guess is that you don't like your job and resent the fact that those who are more intelligent and better at their job - especially those from poorer backgrounds - than you are get promoted whilst you're still serving burgers.
edit on 23-2-2013 by AndyMayhew because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by AndyMayhew

Man I stoped buying into that line of crap years ago. It really is about who you know and blow, who likes you and who dont.....fro the large part anyway. They make you they break you. Its about elbow room, ass kissing ect ect.....for the most part.
edit on 23-2-2013 by Logarock because: n

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by werewolf99
Social mobility is nothing more than a fable in the UK. Anyone born poor has very little chance of moving up. Severely disabled are in the same position. Whole areas have become poverty stricken: not for the first time. Our class system has mutated into a caste system. We have political parties that really are the same and so it does not matter who you vote for.

I disagree. I have many family members that have come from very poor backgrounds and have gone on to achieve great things.

My cousin for example came from a family made up of multiple fathers in a poor council estate on the benefits system. He worked hard in school and went on to a good university he got a job working in London on a starting wage of £25000 he then just recently got a new job putting him on a yearly salary of £50000.

He is only 24 years old.

So It's not impossible to move up from a poor background, but you have to work hard at trying to change. Things won't come to you freely, you have to work to better yourself.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 03:07 PM
Yes we could leave things as they are (with social immobility) but yet again the country will come into a major problem. Yes the banks will collapse again if we keep the same people in charge it will take a while though.

As for saying that people do move up that is true I have members of my own family that have moved up. However I have noticed how much resistance and abuse they now get when trying to move above a certain level. Also how about the working class disabled: they have little chance of moving up.

Also different people have different ideas of moving up. Some people will way look at my family member.... who now works in an office (but in a fairly crappy job) Try moving up a long way and see what happens. What I used to see at best was working class people who have inherited a middle class amount of money having children that move into the middle class. Even this does not happen very often anymore.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 03:11 PM
The working class disabled are really being screwed over. I see many initiatives to help black people but none for the disabled. It is more popular to help a person who went to jail than a disabled person. They are the most unpopular group in the UK because their problem is not their fault. People will forgive you for making a mistake, but will not forgive you for not making one.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by DAZ21

Good for him (genuinely), but something you've got to consider is that for every job there's thousands of graduates vying for the same position. For every success story, consider the opposite, someone who has left uni with and increased amount of debt (thanks to the raised tuition prices) and the uncertain wasteland of job voids and the treacherous and malicious job welfare schemes and worse, the likes of Atos.

And that's only those who are in a position to study, the other side of the coin are the trades-people who have worked in industries that are now becoming sold out, defunct or financially insecure and the massive amount of people who are in the age-band that does not guarantee a new job (due to their skill-sets).

On top of that, we have the acidic media from the likes of Murdoch and his shower of bastards, which not only divides and diffuses the working class opinion, but creates friction amongst the masses with propagated media and lobbied policies and such. The whole thing is a disgrace.

The safety nets below people are being pulled away, this is affects sick people, the disabled and the elderly more so than others, which in my eyes is inexcusable. People are being gambled. Lives are becoming a gamble.

We should be like Iceland.

Arrest the corrupt, rebuild the economy and restore social morale and pride in ourselves. Truly.

If we don't, we will witness the destruction of all public services and we'll experience draconian laws being tightened around us. And then we really will be a slave class.

For for your right to live, be happy and not be treated like statistics.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by werewolf99

I'm not aware of any initiatives to specifically help 'black' people - if there are, then they would be illegal under UK discrimination laws.

Obviously disabled people can't do everything able bodied people can - lumberjack, deep sea diver etc - but I doubt there is any country where they don't have more opportunites.

If you disagree, please provide examples

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Where there's the problem. In the past, say, 90% would leave school and get a basic job, then work their way up the ladder,

Now 50% go to uni and expect to walk into a higher level job. Meanwhile, the other 50% are already working their way up the ladder, and since there were vacancies at the bottom, foreigners have come over to fill the job vacumn.

Sadly, this is a consequence of Bliar's obsession with everyone get a university degree .....

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 03:26 PM
With this thread, and your other thread - it sounds like you base all your failures on "Black People".
You need to look in the mirror and say "I love you" - Stop the self hate, and looking for somebody to blame.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by AndyMayhew

Completely wrong there are even associations in the UK that only have entry to black members. There are black photographers societies...... All illegal under the UK race relations bill. Any person more likely to get anything because of race is illegal. This means that in the UK the MOBOS are ilegal (music of black origin). However this is ignored and never enforced.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by BoogieMan911

Dear Boogie man why is it that any attempt to talk about positive racism and social engineering is seen as bigoted. Oh how unremarkable is your mind that anything helping minority races must be good. I would like to say that should try to see the world in a more intelligent way: but for you I can obviously see this is impossible

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by werewolf99

The MOBOs are illegal in the same way that the annual folk music awards are illegal
The latter being music of white origin, though persons of any ethnic origin can contribute, and the former, well, you work it out .....

(the fact that few people of recent African ancestry contribute to the one, or of recent European ancestry to the other, is irrevevant - they can if they want to)

Of course, disabled people can contribute to both.

You seem to have a bit of a beef - but are reluctant to express it?

Anyway, I was asking about 'initiatives'?
edit on 23-2-2013 by AndyMayhew because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 03:44 PM
You are quite wrong. You are more likely to win a MOBO if you are black. The real problem is that the music they talk of is more white than black. It is based upon the western system of harmony. Their contribution was a scale which was originally hummed while others banged drums. The white contribution was Mozart.......

And yes it would be classed as illegal.I actually contacted a member of the countries legal department about a similar matter and was told it was illegal. But they will not sue. But that I could choose to with my money if I wanted.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by werewolf99

The problem seems to be that more black people perform music of black origin than white people. Just as more white people perform British folk music than black people. How awful!

Perhaps next year Runrig and the Wurzels should enter the MOBOs ?

(Seriously, what exactly is your point?

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 04:16 PM
More people play music of black origin than white people. Music is just music. They pick the music they consider black by how many people who make it are black: the stars. Like I said something class music of black origin: is a name which not just mentions race, but also has a list of overwhelmingly black people winning. This is enough for it to break the law. It is illegal but they will not sue. This should not surprise anyone Jimmy Saville's prolific abusive record was surpressed at the highest level. So is this and in time will become obvious but by that time it will be too late.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by AndyMayhew

Is racism against white people such a shock to you. You should remember that in parts of the UK we are a minority in our own country. In the world at large we are a very small population indeed.

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