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Moon though iPhone5 my best yet and some strange stuff

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posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by Dyax-

Wow thanks for the complement.
It's nice to no I'm not wasting my time and some are actuly notice the progress I am making.
Next video I will be including how I made the mount and show it in action.
I will need to use a second camera and pc to do it.
Just for the post who was picking crap out of me earlier :-)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:29 PM
A question.
Is the moon volcanic ?
From what i googled they say it once was and say maybe it still is because it rumbels sometimes ?
Also i read up on hollow moon a long time ago and found it very interesting and plasuable with the evidence, but then a watched a documenty on an ancient structure in a asian country and found they used to use rocks that make echoes when hit together when cut open these rocks are solid.
So there are solid rock objects that can ring like a bell so I'm still undecided on hollow moon.
I didnot no it wad volcanic though.
It would have to be volcanic if those lumps are to form in the midle of craters correct ?

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 04:00 PM
you'd make more progress with a cheap motorised mount and a cheap DSLR or CCD (with low light abilities eg. Toucam) hooked up to a barlow or 2. You could then stack the best frames from the DSLR's video footage and get things much much clearer.

I applaud your efforts using a phone to do it.. but with a little more expense (gear) the results would be well worth it.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by jaffer44
A question.
Is the moon volcanic ?
From what i googled they say it once was and say maybe it still is because it rumbels sometimes ?
Also i read up on hollow moon a long time ago and found it very interesting and plasuable with the evidence, but then a watched a documenty on an ancient structure in a asian country and found they used to use rocks that make echoes when hit together when cut open these rocks are solid.
So there are solid rock objects that can ring like a bell so I'm still undecided on hollow moon.
I didnot no it wad volcanic though.
It would have to be volcanic if those lumps are to form in the midle of craters correct ?

You have been told how the mounds form in craters also to give you an idea how wrong you are about some of your claims of what you think you see , the Hubble with its 8ft (96") mirror above the turbulence of the atmosphere can resolve objects about 300 ft across on the surface of the Moon what do you think your 8" telescope can resolve if you have the resolving power of your scope a quick calculation will tell you.

Your videos are good for what you are working with BUT what you think and have claimed you have seen are wrong simply due to the facts of the resolving power of you equipment you use, when some experienced amateurs are using telescopes like this.

or how about this

That's a 63" f4 telescope.

People using equipment like this DON'T make claims like you

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by spoogemonkey

Yea thanks for the hints
I plan to do a motor mount and DSLR when I'm ready to get into deep sky objects.
Just having fun at moment other then $15 for the phone cradle bit the rest Ive made out of odds and ends and a haxsaw lol.
I am thinking of trying to do my own motor mohnt for scope next hace a couple of vara le speed drill motors that im going to see if i can make fit.
But i need to get the camera mount down pat yet, its very close now once bored I will start motor mount.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by wmd_2008

What ever did u read that i said thoughts and theroys i listen to main stream science but keep an open mind so how but being constructive rather then acting like a dick

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 12:26 AM
That's inspiring. I wanna do that now. Prolly will when it warms up a bit. Flagged.

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by jaffer44
reply to post by wmd_2008

What ever did u read that i said thoughts and theroys i listen to main stream science but keep an open mind so how but being constructive rather then acting like a dick

I was constructive I said your videos were good with what you are working with.

Originally posted by wmd_2008

Your videos are good for what you are working with BUT what you think and have claimed you have seen are wrong simply due to the facts of the resolving power of your equipment you use

but if YOU want me to be a D$%K lets look at some of your other comments made on some of your threads!!!!

Originally posted by jaffer44
As for the strange things
Right at the start you can see what looks almost like to cranes sitting on the right at the horizon.
Often you can get confused by the walls of craters reflecting light in the darkness but thoughs things arn't craters they must be very tall as they already tower over the mountian range and craters around them.
I'm not saying there is defenetly some there but with some of the crap people post about rocks on mars I thought might be worth noting

A crane the HUBBLE couldn't see a crane at that distance YOUR telescope certainly CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by jaffer44
There are lumps in every second crater I look at on the moon i couldnt believe it at first I am told they are whats left of the astroid after the impact.
I can see with some that is the case but as for others I'm not so sure like you said some seem to tower over the crater walls and there all so neatly place right in the center wierd hu


Originally posted by jaffer44
Aparently its a whats left after the dust and debry settle.
I know i doesn't make a hole lot of cense to me.
I imagine that is only if a comet hit head on not to mention if there is no gravity on the moon then the debery and dust dhould float into space but you can count on phage being able to find and give you the correct textbook sientific reason doesn't means he always right though lol
Science said the earth was flat and was the centre of the universe once and you were crazy to say otherwise.
Also that is a very high structure in the midle of that crator. But like I said thoughs are all over the moon so I am desensitised to it the very begining of the video is what I find a little strange

Science DIDN'T say the Earth was flat or the centre of the universe that was religion!!!!

Originally posted by jaffer44
have a new pic at top of post now wich caught my eye if you look at back and though mountians it almost looks like a road or were water has run and a weird lump / line at rear of mountains

The HUBBLE couldn't resolve a road on the Moon YOUR 8" scope can't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a look at the resolving power of YOUR 8" scope I HAVE !!!! I did a quick calculation on what it could resolve at the distance of the Moon I WONT embarrass YOU by quoting the figure here

BIG claims need BIG proof, OPTICAL properties PROVE your talking BS the fact that others with VASTLY SUPERIOR EQUIPMENT (see below) to yours don't see what you claim shows your wrong so grow up!!!

VASTLY SUPERIOR 63" f4 telescope How come these guys DON'T see what you claim

edit on 25-2-2013 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-2-2013 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by japhrimu

Feel free to u2u me for any info or help with problems you come across.
I managed to build the camera mount out of bits and pieces from my shed so max cost was $15 for the iohone car holder witch i cut up and modified with a handle bar light bracket off push bike.
O and I spent about $6 on apps.
Good hunting to you :-)

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by wmd_2008

Lol i didnot say they were cranes I said the things that look a bit like cranes.
One poster said he couldn't see what I was talking about so I typed that its probly nothing if it didn't stand out to him.
I had not problem with most of what you wrote my problem was you said I made claims
I claimed nothing i pointed out something that looked odd that was all
I have stated that I think phages exemple is probably write.
Once again I claimed nothing.
You sat there picking out bits in my post thats fine i love learning new interesting stuff like a lot of peoe have show'd in this thread without being arrogant.
I put a lot of effort into sharing these vids and as usual there are always people who rather then having great debates like to make CLAIMS about people making CLAIMS
I am sorry I got sort earlier but sometimes my patients goes to the way side when I get post lime that

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by jaffer44

Keep up the work on your videos and did you get a DSLR

That would give better results far larger sensor!!

Taken from your first post!!!

Originally posted by jaffer44

I think this is me best effort yet with some nice close ups that are in focus and even a few strang anomaly's
Please enjoy the show

I will ask again WHAT anomalies

edit on 25-2-2013 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2013 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by wmd_2008

No I can't aford a DSLR yet thats why I'm only playing eith the moon also I just relised you guys have only watched it in 380p on youtube i actuly have it in 1080p on my phone so when I grt near a wifi spot I will load it up at 1080p
As for the strange things nothing to see here move on lol.
Thats why at the start of the thread I didn't mention were because if everyone didn't notice them then they are nothing.
Some noticed the lump in the crator I didn't think that was all that strange cause there all over the moon.
When I was recording I was thrying to work out the two lumps that are shaped a little like cranes at begining of video but nobody noticed them so they were no biggy.
I wasn't out to prove there was strange things I just enjoying the challange of seeing what qualty I can get to with a tight budget.
Thanks for the complements and ideas to.

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