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Is there any better argument against intelligent design that the human mouth/teeth?

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posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 10:49 AM
I don't really have one set belief.
I might believe in God but if that means I'm supposed to believe we all came from Adam and Eve, I don't. That doesn't make any sense. We have different races of people with the darker skinned living near the equator or Southern Hemisphere. Their skin is more tolerable of the suns rays. It always looks to me if you push the continents back together, like they once were, the different races that are now scattered were at one time in the same area. Its evident in their appearance and language , but that's just an observation. So it stands to reason humans adapted to their geographical locations. Even if you want to think Adam and Eve our our descendants, evolving still took place with that. Might be a mix up of both theories.

It seems to make more sense we evolved and now humans are getting taller. Its just a very slow process

I don't have teeth crowding or wisdom teeth issues. Sometimes they've pushed through my gums only to recede back. I had my appendix removed and that's a useless organ. It would have been preferable to be born without it. I don't miss it
edit on 23-2-2013 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by tadaman

The Neanderthal's ancestors migrated out of Africa and into the Middle East and Europe much earlier than the ancestors of CroMagnon (us) did. This accounts for their more 'primitive' features, though they were superbly adapted to their environment, especially in northern Europe, they thrived there during ice ages. I'm not sure where you get this notion that not only is Cro-Magnon man an 'offshoot' of Neanderthal but are also somehow hugely dissimilar to modern human, but you're wrong.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

my solution was that the adam evolved further, after cloning and a massive modification to their dna. i think that takes into account all the questions. it incorporates both evolution and creation. it explains why some design elements are not as highly functional as they could be and it also supplies a rationale for why the lack of functionality in some areas exist.

if anything the question would need to be asked if all mammalian species are evidence an intelligent designer doesn't exist.
edit on 23-2-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by WarriorOfLight96

Not sure exactly what you're trying to say. Surely everybody is entitled to his or her beliefs, even if they happen to be evil, satanic 'evolutionists,' no? Are you saying that we shouldn't be allowed to have those beliefs? How would go about enforcing such measures?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but in all likelihood, there is no 'creator.' We're all just the result of a series of hilarious cosmic accidents, and when we die, we don't to sit beside the throne of a large magical bearded man, but instead we go into the ground to add nourishment to the soil.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by Monger

Great thread OP!!
& what an interesting debate

I used to be a total sell out to my local church too, I was so devoted i've even been to other countries with them. Just how I was raised. But no sooner did I start studying astronomy / physics, I cast off religion and accepted the obvious. I don't believe in intelligent design. I do believe that there's just a way that the universe works with all its many different forces to coalesce all that we see. For example... How most every heavy element on earth was forged by the fusion of some star in the distant past and has now accreted into the world that we also inhabit.
My teeth are also a clear sign that intelligent design is bogus.

I personally don't think anyone should blindly believe in anything. Observe, research, and draw your own conclusions!

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by Monger

Heres my view on evolution by the way...

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by tadaman

No...I am aware of the study done and before it people though Neanderthal could not even speak at all but just grunt. Even after the latest was found that Neanderthal could speak but in a VERY limited way as the way their vocal cords were constructed would not allow for any multi-constanant form Language to be spoken by them.

It is STILL thought that Neanderthal used various Sign Language as well as used a Vowel based Language and you are right about their ability to create and play various Instruments. The position of their TONGUE caused Neanderthal to vocalize in a VERY nasal like manner.

I made a MISTAKE when I said Cro Magnon had a Larger sized Brain than Neanderthal...Neanderthal's was LARGER however Molecular Density of Cro Magnon's Brain Matter as well as the fact that it has been established Neanderthal needed the larger sized Brain to compensate for the lower mass and density of it's Brain Matter just as Cro Magnon had a slightly larger brain than Homo Sapiens as Man EVOLVED our Brains grew much denser and compact with greater numbers and connectivity of Neurons.

Thus...Homo Sapiens have a smaller brain than both Cro Magnon and Neanderthal...but as far as Intelligence and Computational Ability or Cognitive Ability....from Most Intelligent to less it goes...Homo Sapien...Cro Magnon...Neanderthal.

Split Infinity

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by tadaman

One other thing...ADAPTATION is one of the tenets of EVOLUTION as well as ADAPTATION causing a change in DNA as this is just another form of Natural Selection or in some cases...Mutation.

Split Infinity

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by undo

OK....I am NOT following your statement here at all. Perhaps it is me.

Could you please describe this more specifically? Thanks.

Split Infinity

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by aethertek

Why do you believe in creation and the concept of a intelligent designer?

-The lack of proof or knowledge isn't proof for anything
-The Bible isn't evidence for any events within the Bible

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by icarus91
reply to post by aethertek

-The Bible isn't evidence for any events within the Bible

are the sumerian texts evidence for any events within the bible?
how about the inca texts? egyptian texts? akkadian? chinese?
maybe you should rephrase that to: The Bible isn't evidence of
anything. At which point, archaeology could be offered as proof of
some things in the Bible, as well as geology and anthropology.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by freedomlover79
reply to post by SplitInfinity

But it CAN be refuted until you can provide SOLID proof. Think for yourself my friend. Don't believe what everyone wants you to believe. The lack of critical thinking will be the decline of our civilization.

What he just explained WAS solid proof...

You do realize that, from a psychological standpoint, the only reason people (like yourself) get defensive when the concept of 'god' is proven to be false is because they hate the idea of death. It's the one phobia that all humans share, which ironically is also an evolutionary trait.

-People have always feared death.
-The idea of a sky daddy who would allow them to live forever is comforting and pleasing.
-People get upset when somebody squashes that idea with cold hard logic, because the instinctual death phobia kicks in when they realize that there might not be an eternity in the clouds after all.

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Monger

Either way I have all my wisdom teeth in and chew like a King. For years my dentist said I need to have them pulled. I told him no way. Now they are here, fit perfect and never had a problem. Maybe dentists just like doing unnecessary stuff to your mouth. Fluoride anyone?

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:54 AM
nothing new in the universe

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Monger


Plain and simple.

This has nothing to do with evolution.

Ever Wonder Why Indigenous People Had Straight Teeth?

It made Dr. Weston Price question. Dr. Price was a dentist in the early 20th century in Cleveland, Ohio. As he saw more and more kids coming in with crooked teeth and cavities, he wondered why it was happening. Which is what set him on his quest to study indigenous peoples. Dr. Price came to the conclusion that crooked teeth and cavities are caused by nutritional deficiencies, particularly deficiencies of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E & K.

Deny Ignorance.........

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Monger

they arent hugely dissimilar. They were able to interbreed.

Fun fact. The place where "modern" man and neanderthal interbred was near Israel, and the cradle of civilization.

The migration THEORY out of Africa is currently being revised to take into light genetic evidence that only recently has been made available. It now has 2 to 3 separate migrations and at least one of those BACK into Africa from Europe.

As it is most who used to accept the out of Africa theory now support at least 2 migrations out of Africa into Europe.

One failed and tried to go back into Africa, but instead headed east, and then broke off with one part going into Australia and the those island chains, and the other settling in Asia and then again splitting off into 3 distinct migrations into the Americas.

Another fun fact.

Most Neanderthals were red heads and blonds with light colored eyes. The current accepted science behind red hair in humans says that a different set of genes in us than neanderthal produces our red hair. SOMEHOW it is just a coincidence that the locations where neanderthal had extensive stay have modern humans with red hair....

IMO even the rumored red haired people of south america which one poster posted a picture of a mummy of with a modern recreation side by side of a red haired woman were neanderthal. There HAS been neanderthal remains found in the fossil record in the Americas. They were an already mixed group when they went into the Americas from what MAY have even been sea migrations. (ancient man was sea fairing).

IMO all the red haired people spoken of in legend were Neanderthal. Like I said they were mostly red heads, with some blonds.....

but ultimately I will not accept THEORIES that are admittedly said to be just theories which support the once limited known evidence just because we got used to it. New evidence is painting a new picture and it is interesting to say the least.

edit on 23-2-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 12:06 PM
So tell me, how does this evolution revelation of yours disprove the intelligent design theory?

You make a good case in support of evolution, but you have absolutely NOTHING on how the process started, and neither does anyone else. When you get down to the nuts and bolts of the origins of life, there is a huge gap that needs crossing in our scientific models... and God is the only possible bridge.

edit on 23-2-2013 by Bone75 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by WarriorOfLight96

Adaptation is part of EVOLUTION. It is just as much a part as Natural Selection and is not seperate from Evolution.

Split Infinity

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Bone75

I dont know if that is intended for me but I will say that evolution is not one THEORY I fully embrace. Like I said before, we take climatic adaptations as signs of evolution, not even considering the cultural advancements of a supposed separate species or that they can be reversed as the climate changes back. Neanderthal was not less complex than us. SO why are they the supposed inferior species? Even genetically they were like us. WE COULD BREED WITH THEM.

Because they came BEFORE US?

It stands to reason that if they did survive and the climate became more temperate that they would again grow taller and lankier as we do. We can see people who moved into colder climates become shorter, stockier, paler, ect...

So why wouldnt neanderthal take on the same climatic adaptations we do?
They would. That to me sort of hits the brakes on evolution as anything more than an unproven theory.

I think intelligent design is possible. I mean look at transhumanism. We look to change the human condition with our tools and knowledge. Why wouldnt anyone ever be able to before? Because we think that advanced technology has never been invented before? What do we know? We just got our act together and think we have all the answers. We are like a know it all teenager as a species. We just grew up and have a little bit more to go.

Maybe someone will design us to be in the image of something....AGAIN.....we can almost do it now and we are still yet very limited...

edit on 23-2-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2013 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Xaphan
You do realize that, from a psychological standpoint, the only reason people (like yourself) get defensive when the concept of 'god' is proven to be false

Sorry to be pedantic, but actually you cannot prove there is no can however prove that a subject (in this case, evolution) is not supernatural in origin...this doesn't disprove simply removes that aspect as a function of deities..a bit like gods used to be responsible for lightning and fire, until it was found out they weren't...then it was simply removed from their list of things they directly control.

is because they hate the idea of death. It's the one phobia that all humans share, which ironically is also an evolutionary trait.

Actually, I disagree here. The removal of religion from a person doesn't necessarily remove the concept of continued existence..
What it does do is basically tell someone that their core understanding is incorrect.
Its not a fear based response often..its pride. When you tell a person whom believes they know the answer that they are wrong, be it about religion or really anything else they have decided on and formed a core trait on, they become angry, resistant, and close minded.
For instance...go to a political junky for the (left/right/whatever) and say their ideals are them some random facts that support your claim. Watch them then become argumentative, angry, etc...

You cannot tell a person they are wrong (even when they are). People get angry at that.

If a person loses a religion, and they are religious minded, they will simply find another one that incorporates the new facts (be it advanced aliens, holographic universe, etc).

No...its not the loss of immortality that bothers people...its accepting that they may have gotten it wrong.

Nothing like good ole human pride.

-People have always feared death.
-The idea of a sky daddy who would allow them to live forever is comforting and pleasing.

Many ancient cultures and religions only allowed for nobles and the truly upper crust of society to pass into the immortal after world...yet the people were religious
Because even though it didn't help them in the long run, it did give them the superiority of being right. Such religions lasted for thousands of years.

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