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Obamas preparing war against the American People

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posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by txinfidel

There was 'kill after seeing' in Milošević's Serbia, something similar to CIA, I guess so...

Marks were nazi style, in Milošević's Serbia, something similar to those from movies about the time of WW2 occupation...
Previously Biden was in Belgrade, and signed some contract with Milošević, few days after I finished my military term in JNA... 1984...

edit on 2/24/2013 by dragnik because: grammar misstake

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by txinfidel

Cav he sits as the head of the UN security council. How is that not treason.

I wasn't aware that the President of the USA was also the USA's ambassador to the UN. Oh wait, he's not.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 09:52 AM
I think you need to start with Reagan and go on from there when it comes to the financial damage that has been inflicted on the USA. Oh and please tell us who you think Obama really is.
edit on 24-2-2013 by AngryCymraeg because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

Milošević? You must be mad!
Next, Vidovdan is četniks' holiday, that was not our state holiday...

Празници у СФРЈ
Из Википедије, слободне енциклопедије

У Социјалистичкој Федеративној Републици Југославији постојала је уобичајена подјела на државне празнике, републичке празнике као и остале празнике тзв. значајније датуме, као и религијске празнике свих конфесија у СФРЈ.

Садржај [сакриј]
1 Државни празници
2 Републички празници
3 Значајнији датуми
4 Види још
[уреди]Државни празници

Државни (савезни) празници су били:
1. јануар - Нова година;
1. мај - Празник рада;
4. јули - Дан борца;
29. новембар - Дан Републике.
Нова година је празник који се прослављао 1. и 2. јануара. Празник рада 1. и 2. маја, а Дан Републике 29. и 30. новембра. Ако је један од празника падао у недјељу сматрао се празником и први идући радни дан.
[уреди]Републички празници

Републички празници су се славили у одређеним републикама у Југославији. То су:
27. април - Оснивање Ослободилачког фронта у СР Словенији;
7. јули - Дан устанка у СР Србији;
13. јули - Дан устанка у СР Црној Гори;
22. јули - Дан устанка у СР Словенији;
27. јули - Дан устанка у СР Хрватској и Дан устанка у СР Босни и Херцеговини;
2. август - Илинден, национални македонски празник;
11. октобар - Дан устанка у СР Македонији;
1. новембар - Дан мртвих (у Словенији);
25. новембар - Датум оснивања ЗАВНОБиХ-а.
[уреди]Значајнији датуми

Значајнији датуми који су се прослављали у Југославији су:
7. март - Дан рода инжињерија ЈНА;
8. март - Међународни дан жена;
23. март - Свјетски дан метеоролога;
1. април - Дан омладинских радних акција;
7. април - Међународни дан здравља;
15. април - Дан жељезничара;
8. мај - Међународни дан Црвеног крста;
9. мај - Дан побједе;
15. мај - Дан побједе у Југославији;
13. мај - Дан службе безбједности
21. мај - Дан Југословенског ратног ваздухопловства;
25. мај - Рођендан Маршала Тита - Дан младости;
16. јули - Дан тенкиста ЈНА
15. август - Дан граничара ЈНА;
9. септембар - Дан устанка у Истри и Словенском приморју;
10. септембар - Дан поморства;
15. септембар - Дан коњичких јединица ЈНА;
28. септембар - Међународни дан глухих;
2. октобар - Међународни дан мира;
7. октобар - Дан артиљерије ЈНА;
24. октобар - Дан Уједињених народа;
31. октобар - Свјетски дан штедње;
7. новембар - Октобарска социјалистичка револуција (1917);
10. новембар - Свјетски омладински дан;
10. децембар - Дан права човјека;
22. децембар - Дан Југословенске народне армије.
Поред ових празника, у Југославији, славили су се и општински и градски празници (најчешће на дан ослобођења града у Другом свјетском рату), као и празници разних друштвених и привредних организација.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by dragnik

I am happy you are here. I do love hearing from all corners of the world ,but english please?

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by dragnik

???? I think you have me mixed up with someone else.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Darkrunner

The military is NOT going to defend this government.

Why do you think they gutted the military to nothing now??

Go to the Government contract website at every US Air Force chaplain now hiring contracted chaplains to help them on Sundays??

They're hiring Reverend Wright copies to brain wash the few left in the military......prepping them.

There's very few people in the military now...the Left cut it on purpose to make it easier for what they are doing now.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by AngryCymraeg

Nope,your post is in some type of Cyrillic,I can't read it.And you are welcome even if I bash you,I like a good fight.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Pervius

Can you please provide a cite for your remarkable - and as far as I know totally baseless - claims?

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by abeverage

"They tout rhetoric in open forums and then all go have chummy beers at 5. There is no political party in Washington after 5 p.m."

Really? I'm sure that few wait until 5:00. The 'Good ol' Boys' can't wait to get on with their next holiday break; and it seems they have one every time something important needs to be done, you know, like the job they were sent there to do. We the people, as a group just cannot fathom that they no longer represent us; they represent those that can further their feeding frenzy of political contributions...well most of us.
Many more 'regular folks' will need to feel the pinch of non-prosperity before our collective voice, wailing outside of our comfortable, but repossessed shanties, will be heard.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 01:08 PM
Well, IF they did try to "wage a war" against the American people, it would be illegal and unconstitutional (no matter how they TRIED to spin it) this is where your fully armed brothers and sisters would save and protect all the anti gun folks...I just hope we all have enough guns to share with all the people that didn't believe in our rights to own guns.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 01:22 PM
If one sells guns
the buyers are going to want ammunition

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by txinfidel
reply to post by abeverage

I believe that there are still a few good people left in the congress. Other than the few there is not much to argue here. Obama will skirt around congress if he can.

Any good people in congress would take what they know along with examples (documents would be best) and release it to the public (very easy for them to get airtime). The idea of quietly working within to change things doesn't work when everyone is corrupt. The ones that aren't are complicit, for a myriad of reasons as a result none of them are good.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by LeatherNLace

Tell that to the widower of a woman (like in the targets) who will be shot by police after she calls 911 because she had a prowler outside her home and she was holding a gun when they showed up.... "Bang! Bang!" then ask "?s".

edit on 24-2-2013 by CosmicCitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by RedbeardedFoo
reply to post by MrSpad

Get your head out of your as$....its called incrementalism sound like a frog getting slowly boiled, the Constitution is being attacked on a weekly basis and you think asking questions on the subject to the people who apparently represent our interests is spitting in the wind? sound like you run the #1 glory hole truck stop for Bilderbergers on route 666.

Sorry I do not want to get on board the train to crazy town. I base my view on logic, facts and an actual knowledge US History. I do not base it one made up facts, half truths, and crazy people who make videos on the interent. So far I have been right for the last 30 plus years and the crazy UN NWO FEMA people have been wrong. With your logic everyone who is taking over will be dead of old age by the time the get done with incrementalism.
edit on 24-2-2013 by MrSpad because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by queenofswords
I don't disagree with one single thing in your OP.

What I am so confused about is why so many Americans seem to be under his spell. It is as if they have gone blind and deaf all at once and are walking about like zombies.

It's because the voter known as "low information voter" has become enormous.

And that's because the mainstream media is complicit in the Left's attempted coup against the Constitution.

The most insidious power of the press is the power to ignore. And like they say in pics? it didn't happen!.

Secondly, the crap they're being taught in our schools......Lincoln get one paragraph. Bill Clinton gets multiple chapters.

Any more questions??

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Indigo5

Originally posted by beezzer

I'm on the side of freedom, personal responsibility, liberty, honour, dignity, the US Constitution.

What side, my friend, are you on

The same side as you..assuming that you are honest in your response..It is the contention that President Obam is not for those same things that I find dishonest, ugly propaganda.

Then you, sir, are woefully ill-informed.

Then there's your acute lack of situational awareness........

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:22 PM
Sounds like more right wing delusions, sent here to lead right wing America by their
collective reptilian brain.

Terrorists in the 2000's

has switched to

Obama OMG, socialisms, "taking are guns from us" 2010's

We have been hearing about all sorts of contrived calamities since his election and none
have come to pass. But the point is really the cultivation of fear and loathing, because the
right wing leadership is purely the legislative arm of elite business and global corporatism.
They rely on the fear propagation because their agenda is pretty crass in REALITY, where
we all exist.
edit on 24-2-2013 by Censored1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by DCPatriot

Originally posted by Indigo5

Originally posted by beezzer

I'm on the side of freedom, personal responsibility, liberty, honour, dignity, the US Constitution.

What side, my friend, are you on

The same side as you..assuming that you are honest in your response..It is the contention that President Obam is not for those same things that I find dishonest, ugly propaganda.

Then you, sir, are woefully ill-informed.

Then there's your acute lack of situational awareness........

How about your lack?

You appear to by into the most intense fear based propaganda ever propagated in the this nations history.
Exactly the drive and point of political propaganda, to instill fear that transcends logic.

posted on Feb, 24 2013 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by winofiend

Originally posted by AwakeWeAre
So there was about 5000 people in line for the gun show last weekend down the street from my house. As I looked around and sung "Proud to Be an American" in my head I realized that these tyrannical monsters might be biting off a little more than they can chew. When the time comes, well, then it will be time.

I think you seriously underestimate the force that would be used against you if you did raise arms.

It'll never happen.

And who are they fighting prey tell???

I wish I could confer with the gods of retardation to give me a clear picture of this revolution.

Are the right wingers gonna, throw the corporate controlled puppets out of Washington, only to
give corporations direct control over America???

If this were not so stupid, it would be amusing.

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