posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 07:34 AM
Well I'm a Vietnam Vet first off. I served as a Doorgunner in a 'Slick' and had been in several 'hot zones and rescues'. Our mission was to fly
chase, and recover any aircraft that was downed. but primarily B52 Bombers.
It was always 'just another day'. And good or crappy depending on the weather. We spent 'most' of our time at distant Fire Bases landing zones in
readiness for rescue missions. There were a few, I could count on both hands, but that was not really too bad a count.
Many Vets these days are filing for an assortment of benefits, most Agent Orange related. And despite the general publics assessment or opinion as to
weather these were real, it has been established as 'Presumptive' by the VA/government that in fact there are many casualties Post Vietnam who
suffer Real medical problems from the Agent Orange. A couple are diabetes and prostrate cancer, along with various neuropathy issues. These are real,
and it has been established to be causal from the Dioxins used in the defoliants. This was a deliberate poisoning of anyone who stepped foot on
Vietnam. It was nearly everywhere.
But it has become monetarily beneficial to 'some' to file for benefits who exhibit no anomalies or medical issues simply to receive benefits as a
source of income. And as with any government entitlement, there are many who abuse the system. PTSD is in vogue right now as a reason for claims, for
those who can not claim diabetes or prostrate cancer, a sidestep as it were to still arrive at a determination consistent with the requirements to
receive VA benefits on a monthly basis. However, few know that PTSD will render one in that gray zone where one can not own firearms by virtue of
being unsound. Still some will trade the $ benefits for their ability to possess firearms. The value..? about $3-400 a month in PTSD benefits. + or -
depending on what other disabilities one can claim. One can receive upwards of $2,000 total for 100% disability. Not a bad income for doing nothing.
The catch...... if you were pretending to have PTSD, by the time they get done treating you for it, you will be crazed, due to all the drugs you will
be prescribed and made to take. Make no mistake, they will scramble you.
As for me...... I claim nothing, however I do use the VA clinic once a month for blood work as a coumadin patient. For that I'm grateful. And it's
not free, I pay a co-pay for the meds.
I believe with 0bamacare and the required payment that will be exacted from every US citizen, that the VA overlaps the requirements and that VA care
recipients will be covered , and not be required to buy 0bamacare. And that is again, fortunate for us. But I expect 0bama will try to carve out a
payment plan for vets too.
Bottom line for VETS, don't let them disarm you by buying into their system. And that by and large, Most Vets are NOT impaired in any way, so this
plan to disarm them is just another planned grab at disarming America. And that most Vets, young and old will come to the aid of defending the
American Constitution. And thats as it should be. They are PATRIOTS first and Foremost.......