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Who is Danny Nalliah and what is Rise up Australia?

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posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by Cinrad

BTW Cinrad, interesting information about aboriginals you provided. Do you have a link to any further reading?

YOu may be interested in this:

its a thing about a root that is kind of like chewing tobacco, used by aboriginals. Supposedly it was seen in aboriginal culture as almost a currency. It could be traded for anything..

Supposedly a much cleaner form of nicotine than tobacco.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by bigdohbeatdown

I got of that from wikipedia but it does not mention how the different races of aboriginies came to settle different parts of Australia - as you would expect since it isnt PC to point out other cultures' faults. That was something I heard talked about on ABC radio a few decades ago. I have one of those memories.

That stuff sounds interesting, I live in a fairly dry part, I wonder if it would grow here? I bet it tastes like dried wombat puke or soemthing though (not that I would know).
edit on 20/2/13 by Cinrad because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by Cinrad

I think its quite a common plant in the desert, but only a certain strain is any good.. Supposedly that strain is kept secret by the elders.. lol

I agree with you that the aboriginals were no angels. They're often thought of as living in a kind of Eden before white man arrived, however there was infighting, wars and no doubt rape and murder. Only thing they didn't have was small pox, measles, alcohol etc... But i'd swap constant state of war for some booze... dunno about the small pox though.
When we think about the past injustices, we should remember that at the time, the default rule applied - might was right. Sure.. we can look back in hind sight and see that bad things happened.. however if the white man never came to aust, the natives still would have had their wars and conflict.

Still, I do feel sorry for their plight.. but every culture and race has suffered injustice in the last 500 years. Jews? check.. Chinese? check (opium wars? cultural revolution?), Blacks? Check(apartheid, slavery), English? check (reformation, 100 years war, ww1, ww2).......
Everyone has been hurt in the past..

I think you're right about how the tribes became distributed as they did.. wtf else would people choose to live in the middle of the desert unless they were forced to by a powerful invader?
edit on 20-2-2013 by bigdohbeatdown because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by bigdohbeatdown

A balanced view is all that I ask. S**t happens, it is important that we do what we can to help them move on and live a fulfilling life. Of course what we are doing now will probably be seen as wrong in 50 years, just like stealing thier children was seen as the right thing to do 50 years ago. However I am encouraged, most people claiming Aboriginal identity I have come across in the past few years seem to be integrating in to modern Australia.
edit on 20/2/13 by Cinrad because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 06:23 PM
Breaks my heart reading this thread. Racists who don't even know they are racists. Bigoted dim wits who think they are being politically correct. Slim excuses which remember only half of history.

For the record this land was occupied by tribes for 40,000 years before white man arrived to live in this country. Those settlers did not adopt the laws and customs of the owners of this land. They did not try to assimilate with the existing culture. They declared Terra Nullius which means"Land belonging to no-one" and systematically killed the inhabitants and stole their land.

The misguided lies about the stolen generation, and the ongoing racist intervention in the Northern Territory are very much history written by the winner. The truth is these measures were taken to "educate the savages". Even today, the subjects of these interventions are virtual prisoners, unable to spend their "government vouchers" is any thing but state approved shops, which over charge and under provide, trapping more generations in poverty.

And the land that they legally own (There has been no treaty in this country - we are all on stolen land) makes big companies like Woodside, and BP Billions of dollars.

Even now there is a plan to destroy sacred rock art on the Burrup, which is up to 20,000 years old, in order to build the worlds largest gas hub. Destroy sacred aboriginal sites which are older than the last ice age and which depict animals long extinct here? How can they get away with it? Because the locals were thrown off their land, raped, beaten killed or subjugated by the white fella.

I would urge readers from all around the world to discover what is really going on here. It is a national disgrace.

So drop the crap about people coming here and assimilating. Drop the crap about aboriginal people blending in to your young society. Perhaps they want to be true to their culture and tradition? A culture and tradition white Australia has tried to destroy from day one!

Always was, always will be Aboriginal land!!!!

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 07:28 PM

So drop the crap about people coming here and assimilating. Drop the crap about aboriginal people blending in to your young society. Perhaps they want to be true to their culture and tradition? A culture and tradition white Australia has tried to destroy from day one!

True to their culture? Raping children in their designated communities is their culture? seriously?

There is more negative news coming out of designated aboriginal communities than positive, and blaming the "white-man" is just looking for a scapegoat and not admitting the faults that aboriginal culture has from within.

There is nothing more "white-man" can do towards the aboriginal people.....if there is short of leaving australia which is unrealistic, please explain?

Always was, always will be Aboriginal land!!!!

Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night. The reality is slightly different.

Australia is what it is now...yes, many have migrated here and "ASSIMILATED' into Australian society from many various background, such a Danny Nalliah from Sri Lanka.

"We are one and we are many, and from all the lands on earth we come....." as the song goes....

it doesnt say, "we are one, and we are many, and we'll change your country into our own when we come...."

Thats what the arguement is about.....we dont care what religion or race you are, as long as you "fit in" into a Modern Australian Society

Like it or lump it, thats the bottom line!

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 08:27 PM
As much as i hate what our ancestors did to the indigenous population of this country i dont think there is any way our current population could ever correct it or make up for it in any meaningful way.

So its really now up to us all to work at getting along without stepping on each others toes.

Again as much as i hate what our ancestors did in the past its also past emigration of other cultures and races that have made this country great and diverse and interesting to be a part of.

I think we have a lot to learn from the indigenous population and need to show them a lot more respect.
But i think the indigenous population also need to move on from the past accept the current situation and try to benefit from it while keeping their culture alive.

Religion is fine as long as its not seeking to destroy other religions or established cultures.
I think any extremists of any religion calling for the destruction of any culture or society should be very quickly remove from Australia as extremism is no better than cancer and needs to be excised.

As far as emigration is concerned....we have a crapload of land that no one not even the indigenous population use so why not let them in and start building cities further inland?
Apart from the what happened to the indigenous population emigration has been nothing but a good thing for this country.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by nothingwrong
They declared Terra Nullius which means"Land belonging to no-one" and systematically killed the inhabitants and stole their land.

There was no systematic killing of Aborigines in the whole of Australia. Yes massacres did occur but that was far from a systematic genocide.

Originally posted by nothingwrong
A culture and tradition white Australia has tried to destroy from day one!

I havent seen anyone trying to destroy Aboriginal culture for at least 40 years or more. What about land rights? Mabo? The Hindmarsh bridge? Kakadu? Employing thousands of aboriginies in the parks and wildlife industry?ATSIC? National Sorry Day? AbStudy? Aboriginal cultural centers, just last weekend I saw aboriginal rock art that had been caged in, and was accesible by a boardwalk to PRESERVE it. It was whites who voted to give aboriginies the vote.

In many instances quite the opposite is true, they have gone too far in trying to preserve the fragmented pieces of aboriginal culture. The aboriginal group who have been given oversight of the Barmah State Forest are the wrong mob, they came from further north, I heard this from someone who was there! Stop living in the past, it is 2013 now. The Koori religion has been hijacked by new-agers and they emphasizing their agenda in it. Most people who identify themsleves as aboriginies have not been taught thier culture by thier elders but by white anthropologists. In case you haven't heard before, you cant change the past but you can change the future.

Originally posted by nothingwrong
Always was, always will be Aboriginal land!!!!

It was, but most of isnt now, get over it, this country is a great place to live and you can have a very good and prosperous life here if you want to, not just you but anyone who adopts it as their country. You can even live in the traditional way with the added benefit of free modern health care if you want.

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by nothingwrong

I assume you're calling me a racist. Nice. Since when was being 'politically correct' something we should be worried about on this forum?

The plight of the Aboriginals has little to do with the issues at hand. By your reasoning, because this country was founded on injustice, the people of this nation are never allowed to criticize the influx of a minority group which seeks to subvert the current laws and democratic system?

If anything, the plight of the aboriginals - their failure to fend of a hostile culture which led to the destruction of their culture and way of life show us what can happen should we fail to fend of a hostile culture.
I'd love to see the Aboriginals get any native title rights under sharia.

According to your rational... Americans's can never object to being enslaved because they were once the enslavers ?

Its clear that the Australians who have posted here are aware of the history of aboriginals and that it was horrible - But guess what? Horrible things happen.

You're the only person who thinks they are 'politically correct' on this thread. But you are just ignorant.

Not once has any person said anything here that could be considered racist or bigotry.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by gort51

hi all,

just in reply, the "theory" of a "european" pre maori race has been debunked, and is only kept alive by fringe elements.

maori/polynesians arrived via migratory waves. prior to "maori" proper NZ was inhabited by mori ori, best understood as protomaori, who were most certainly (due to being pacifist) beaten, farmed and eaten (in a nut shell) (mitochondrial DNA suggest origins to aboriginals in Hainan and Taiwan. (not chineese)

NZ experienced the Taupo eruption which pretty much incinerated any people prior to 26,500 years ago, since then there are archeological pieces of interest, but nothing that points to an occupation or settlement post Taupo.

as to the OP

Australia is in a precarious position, not only must it resist indonesia to its immediate north with 300 million muslims, it must also resist sinocization.

i welcom this mans party, it sounds realistic, and inclusive, he sets the example, if you with to be here, you must assimilate. great stuff.

go aussie.

edit on 21-2-2013 by southseasavage because: edit

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 06:52 AM
I wasn't expecting this level of racism and bullcrap when I inocently entered this thread, initially intrigued simply by the mention of my motherland. Never have I seen such uncivilised bickering by my countrymen. Well, thats a lie. I'm in a sea of homophobia and racism. And it reeks of piss.

I put my ear to the ground not a moment ago and Australia spoke to me. It said "I do not believe in Christ, Muhammed, Budda or Hawkman. I don't believe in treating anyone differently based on microscopic genetic differences that express themselves superficially on your skin. I won't stop you marrying who you want. Please stop digging out so much coal, I'm sure it's not healthy for you either"

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 07:04 AM

You should check out Mark McMurtrie if you are interested in the lawful status of white settlement in Australia. He has some very interesting points to make.

There is going to be a referendum to "recognise" aboriginal people in the constitution but people need to stop and think about why they were left out of it in the first place.

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 07:39 AM
This might be slightly off topic but with all tha talk about the first australians,here's a question.
Does or has anyone seen NITV , it's deadly

That is a new tv station over here, National Indigenous TV.
It was introduced by the united nations , i think it was Ban ki Moon ( lol probably spelt that wrong)
anyway the head of the UN gave a brief introduction which was sort of strange and new.
edit on 21-2-2013 by my1percent because: to add

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by richard42smith

why were they left out of the constitution in the first place ?

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by Melbourne_Militia

Australia is what it is now...yes, many have migrated here and "ASSIMILATED' into Australian society from many various background, such a Danny Nalliah from Sri Lanka.

"We are one and we are many, and from all the lands on earth we come....." as the song goes....

it doesnt say, "we are one, and we are many, and we'll change your country into our own when we come...."

Thats what the arguement is about.....we dont care what religion or race you are, as long as you "fit in" into a Modern Australian Society

Like it or lump it, thats the bottom line!

You do realise that if the muslim hordes take over Australia and turn it into a country run on sharia lines then all of those arguments will work exactly verbatim for them in a hundred years time?
edit on 21-2-2013 by JuniorDisco because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 08:54 AM
As for OP, I dont buy into this guy at all.

Re the whole aboriginal australia debate...

Who owned england? Who owned Europe? Invasion has happened to all people, aboriginals were just the latest to experience it. The world belongs to everyone who is born upon it. The universe belongs to all beings. People were treated wrongly, people still are.. of many races. That is no good, but who is anyone to say 'you have no right to a place on this earth'
edit on 21-2-2013 by cartesia because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Anusuia
why were they left out of the constitution in the first place ?

What makes you think they were left out? I notice the constitution does not mention Jews, so why were they left out? Also it does not mention left handed people, so why were they left out?

posted on Feb, 21 2013 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by twisted-timothy
I put my ear to the ground not a moment ago and Australia spoke to me. It said "I do not believe in Christ, Muhammed, Budda or Hawkman. I don't believe in treating anyone differently based on microscopic genetic differences that express themselves superficially on your skin. I won't stop you marrying who you want. Please stop digging out so much coal, I'm sure it's not healthy for you either"

Seriously? You heard the ground say this to you? Cause I'm getting conflicting messages then... maybe all the psychiatiric drugs getting into the eco system has had some bad effect on it.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Anusuia
reply to post by richard42smith

why were they left out of the constitution in the first place ?

Australia doesn't have a constitution.

posted on Feb, 22 2013 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by nothingwrong
Australia doesn't have a constitution.

Yes it does, you claim to be an Australian and never even knew that.... just what are they teaching the kids today?

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