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Who is Danny Nalliah and what is Rise up Australia?

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posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 07:51 AM
You move to a country ANY COUNTRY you accept and adopt to its laws, traditions and customs.
If your not willing to do this, to put it simply you shouldnt have moved there!!!!
Im not saying you need to change who you are, just not to expect anyone in your adopted country to make any allowances for you

Its a sad fact that many Muslims who have immigrated to Australia dont see things this way and would like to implement Sharia law and impose their way of life on others.

Im a culturally christian White Aussie living in Malaysia which is a muslim country (a very moderate one) and I have adjusted to the local culture and as a courtesy now celebrate Hari Raya/ Ramadan as well as Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Christmas.

If your Muslim, Hindu, Jewish etc etc and you wish to live in a Halal, Kosher or whatever Hindus call their thing society your welcome to it and Australia isnt the place for you.

Ill vote for this guy

P.s It was Chinese new year last week, Gong Xi Fachai to everyone. may the year of the Snake bring you much fortune and happiness

edit on 19/2/2013 by IkNOwSTuff because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by bigdohbeatdown

It may not be racism strictly speaking, but it is certainly xenophobic and hateful. The answer to the spectre of Sharia is not, NOT anti-immigration policies but a government strong enough to enforce its own laws, and apply them equally to all peoples who fall under that description regardless of race colour or creed.

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by IkNOwSTuff

*learned a lesson*

I went there in 1998... it was nice, along with Singapore.
edit on 2/19/2013 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

edit on 2/19/2013 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by nothingwrong

Like I said, no doubt that there was some wrong doing, something akin to catholic priests and boarding schools in London's olden days... BUT.. and this is a big but.. the main reason the Europeans took aboriginal children away from their tribes, is because those children were being subjected to the SAME ABUSE that is happening to young children in TODAYS aboriginal tribes.

Aboriginal children, including babies as young as seven months, are being raped by community members, with the crimes going largely unreported and with few cases making it to trial

Dr Rogers cited an example from 2003 in which a man sexually assaulted a seven-month-old baby who he had removed from a room of sleeping adults. In the morning, her mother noticed blood on the baby's clothes but was too drunk to register what had happened.
In another incident, a male relative took a two-year-old girl into the bush and digitally penetrated her anally and vaginally at the same time. He returned the toddler to her father's camp, crying and bleeding.
Both children required surgery for external and internal injuries, Dr Rogers said.

The report concluded that sexual abuse of children in Aboriginal communities had reached crisis levels, demanding that it "be designated as an issue of urgent national significance by both the Australian and Northern Territory governments."

So, lets ask what happened with all these ''slaves'' we'd apparently kidnapped from local, established.. families..

Think about Australia back in the day.... we were tiny, we had no industry, we were brand new. we could barely feed ourselves, or keep a roof over our heads.. how were we going to enslave a nations indigenous, across such a wide, desolate expanse and for what purpose?

Keeping in mind that we agree anything to improve the situation for the better, is better... I need to ask, what do you propose we do today, to make a difference?

considering the opportunities and welfare payments open to aboriginal, or foreign people.. there is no excuse what so ever to sit at home, live on the dole, get drunk and let your kids run rampant in the streets. If my education, accommodation and food expenses were almost completely paid for through welfare, I have no reasonable excuse not to go to school, learn a skill, go to the workplace and earn a living, yet.. we need to do more!

So what do we do?

The only reasonable answer is to hire a stupid amount of social workers, have a security guard accompany them every day, go to every ghetto, knock on every door and demand an answer for:

1. Why isnt your child in school
2. Why are you drunk
3. Why are you spending welfare on booze
4. Why arent you working

.... but, we cant be honest can we!

edit on 19-2-2013 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by luciddream

Its been majority muslim for a few hundred years, the Indians and Chinese for the most part came with the British.

Scarily it is becoming more (for want of a better word) extreme. Even just 40 years ago no one wore a tudung (Muslim headscarf) now the vast majority of Malay women do.

One state has even gone so far as to ban cross gender hair cuts!!!!!!!

If it looks like heading towards full fledged Sharia I wont be coming back

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by gort51

thanks for that!
I enjoyed reading that, you bring a very good point to this debate..

there are places in Australia, remote places where the people and the culture are amazing.

I'd love to eat some grubs and sleep out on the nullarbor one night with a real aboriginal.

but, you need to drive far, far away from Australian society to find them... most of the time!

as for the Maori's, can you see any other indigenous culture maintaining NZ through the wars and years?

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

G,day mate. Well said, very well said. you might like to consider.
6. one social welfare system not 3.

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Anusuia

Originally posted by yoursteppingonmytoes
reply to post by Anusuia

I did not say he was trying to implement a white australia policy but like it or not they are far-right or left views and not mainstream.

Perhaps understand context and similarities before you try to lecture me friend, don't try and tell me what I said and in what context, because not only is it presumptuous but hey guess what.. you're wrong.

Have a nice day.

First up do you sincerely wish me a nice day , or are you using that as a passive aggressive stance ?
Please do use that greeting as a sincerity .

Do you have a problem with other people who you veiw as far right or far left and tell me who decides who are in the catagories and what are their qualifications to decide what should be placed where in human thought and how did they get the rights to that . Did they buy the rights to classify .

edit on 19-2-2013 by Anusuia because: (no reason given)

Ok... Sorry for derailing a bit but I have to respond..

You decided to jump in and judge what I said, and as I said you judged wrong. I gave no absolutes or assurances or facts, merely drew similarities and you said I didn't read about the guy etc etc.

If you're not clear on what I said ask me to clarify, don't make the assumption you know what I think about anything because you assumed wrong.

Yes it was passive, aggressive because I didn't like what you said. I voiced my dismay with "Have a nice day" (at least this got through to you) without breaching a t&c.
I can use the terms as I wish and won't use it to please yourself.

You judged me not the other way around, I won't congratulate you on your wrong assumption or apologize for what led me to respond because you were wrong. Simple.

Have a nice day, seriously this time. But I will not entertain you and your judgments any further.

Apologies OP for the derail.

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 05:16 PM

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
reply to post by bigdohbeatdown

It may not be racism strictly speaking, but it is certainly xenophobic and hateful. The answer to the spectre of Sharia is not, NOT anti-immigration policies but a government strong enough to enforce its own laws, and apply them equally to all peoples who fall under that description regardless of race colour or creed.

I appreciate what you're saying however 'government strong enough to enforce its own laws' is to a large extent what he proposes.

Hey IkNOwSTuff Gong Xi Fachai to you to
Are you in KL? Malaysia is a very good example of the issues that come with Islam: the Chinese and Indians there are discriminated against by the Muslim majority, this seems to be the case in all societies where there is a muslim majority - all others become second class citizens. Islam there is continually becoming more extreme, as you mention the uptake of headscarves. I know a lot of Chinese Malaysians who have left Malaysia for these reasons.

I think this is the fundamental issue with Islam, It(at least their leaders - I don't make any specualtion as to individual's beliefs and prejudices, i know many moderate muslims who fall outside of this categorization.. so yes this is a sweeping generalization, and I recognize there are many sects of islam, some more moderate than others) is not tolerant of other religions and cultures. Whereas bhuddists, Hindus and christians and athiests seem to be able to get on fine in a secular society, Islam has the tendency to impose its world view on others through government mandate.
While there are some exceptions to this (christian influence in abortion, contraception and family law among others), it is much less so.

You follow Anwar and bersih movement at all? I know many muslims and christians from Malaysia, and they all seem to be sick of the bull # that comes from the ruling party.

BTW I would love to know how the the detention of Nick Xenophon was portrayed in the media over there, did u hear much about it?

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by nothingwrong
This is a stolen land, stolen from the original owners, and you speak like you own it.

The current aborginals stole it from the previous locals - funny how you ignore that....

So until you are willing to face the crimes of your own ancestors, I suggest you shut up about continued immigration.

Are the current aboriginals willing to face up to the crimes of their ancestors? What about every other nationality, do they have to face up to the crimes of their ancestors?

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by yoursteppingonmytoes

I get the impression of racism already. Remember One Nation and Pauline Hanson? She's now the subject of ridicule, but with the Q Society and increased muslim bashing I'm sure they'll enjoy temporary popularity.

Yes, the government BS machine did a fine job on One Nation for sure, and the un-thinking plebs swallowed it all as facts. Anyone who read Pauline's maiden speech in Parliament will tell you there was not one single "Racist" thing said amongst it.

The government bussed paid opposition to attend every meeting held by One Nation, which is why the same faces tended to appear in footage from all the Protests.

Aussies got conned by the government and their media buddies. Sure Pauline was never going to be a great orator or politician, but the party with the right people running it instead of government paid plants (think her right hand man) would have gained a lot of following. Hence why the government of the day had to squash it and squash it hard.

I will not vote for a non-Australian in parliament, no matter what they say to gain votes. As far as I am concerned the entire two party preferred system is a Sham and needs ot be thrown out with all the lifestyle politicians.

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by bigdohbeatdown
Who is Danny Nalliah

a pawn

Originally posted by bigdohbeatdown
and what is Rise up Australia?

a puppet party


posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by hellobruce

Originally posted by nothingwrong
This is a stolen land, stolen from the original owners, and you speak like you own it.

The current aborginals stole it from the previous locals - funny how you ignore that....

So until you are willing to face the crimes of your own ancestors, I suggest you shut up about continued immigration.

Are the current aboriginals willing to face up to the crimes of their ancestors? What about every other nationality, do they have to face up to the crimes of their ancestors?

You have completely lost me.
What do mean by "The current aborginals stole it from the previous locals"?

As far as i know there was no one before them.

And what do you mean with this? "Are the current aboriginals willing to face up to the crimes of their ancestors? "

What crimes are you talking about?
Can you please provide some links perhaps to the information your referring to.

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by xXSvenXx
As far as i know there was no one before them.

That is what they and their supporters like to claim....

And what do you mean with this? "Are the current aboriginals willing to face up to the crimes of their ancestors? "

What part of it dont you understand? You expect white people to face up to the "crimes" of their ancestors, yet you give the aboriginals a free ride....

What crimes are you talking about?

Exactly the same crimes you are trying to put on white man....

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 11:52 PM
A Sri Lankan Born coming to save Australia from Multi-culturism
He obviously doesn't have a clue what hes doing..

posted on Feb, 19 2013 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by hellobruce

The current Aborignals have been on Australian land for around 40,000 years at least.. Who the hell was here before them?

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 12:13 AM
These kind of Nationalistic Movements are a natural reaction to the constant bombardment of Christian Values in Western Countries and be prepared to see more of them as people become disenfranchised with how Governments treat queue jumping Muslims with more rights than people born in the said Country.

Its stands out when Boat People ( Queue Jumpers with money ) get cigarette allowances and when released from assessment of suitability are given $100k+ Landcruisers and free housing not to mention given free money depending on how many kids they can have. Then bring their bad cultural ways here like beheading and acid attacks ect...

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by DarknStormy

Aboriginal History starts with the arrival of the Austronesians to Australia when Indonesia and Papua were joined by a land bridge during the last ice age and that they either walked across the land bridge or came in small boats. How did the Tasmanaian aboriginies get to Tasmania? Did the just decide to keep moving until they could no longer move south? No, they were pushed south by other migrations, there are thought to be at least 3 of these large migrations, the kooris pushed/displaced/pillaged the Palawah down to Tasmania. The Murri pushed/displaced/beat the Kooris to the South East, the Bama in northern Queensland pushed/displaced/raided the Murris in to southern Qld.... etc, etc. There are other groups too:

Anangu in northern South Australia, and neighbouring parts of Western Australia and Northern Territory
Bama in northern Queensland
Murri in southern Queensland
Nunga in southern South Australia
Nyoongar in southern Western Australia
Palawah (or Pallawah) in Tasmania.
Wangai in central Western Australia
Yolngu in Arnhem Land, Northern Territory

But, back to the OP, Danny did say that God was punishing Victoria for its allowance of late term abbortions with the Black Saturday bushfires. He siad he had a vivid dream about it when the abortion laws were passed and then the fires happened a few weeks later, he still stands by those comments. Other than than that, he has been a long term critic of the growing Muslim culture in Australia, at least a decade. He was prosecuted for quoting parts of the koran during a sermon on Victoria about 8 years ago.

It is such a shame because I support a lot of the other stuff he is about but he has to be involved with this fringe evangelical view. However, looking at the competition, he might still be the best choice in my opinion.
edit on 20/2/13 by Cinrad because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2013 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by Cinrad

Hey I agree. When he won that case about offensive speech he did a good thing for all Australians. Many would of copped it and paid the fine and shut up. But he spent considerable amounts of money to take it the Supreme Court - AND WON.
Good guy. I like to hope his evangelical beliefs can be separated from his politics. From what I've seen so far it seems they can.. Like you said, it was 8 years ago. If I got pulled up on every comment I'd ever made, I'd be in deep #.
At least we know he's honest?

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