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I was just interrogated by cops as a show of power

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posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 12:40 AM
I'll agree that most police checkpoints are an unnecessary show of force and a thinly veiled tactic for netting revenue. There are acceptable exceptions like if a dangerous fugitive is in the area, or it's prom night...

Though, what the OP describes was neither an interrogation or any real show of power. When cops want to interrogate you there is no question as to what is happening. If they want to show their power it will be known from a knee on the back of the neck. It could have been much worse than 30 minutes that will never come back.

Granted, a badge and a gun are overt displays of authoritarian power wherever and whenever a cop is present. The only thing that will make that go away is not having a police force. We are a very long way off from that. Their implied power may not be justified but it is certainly very real. Sometimes it's best to just let sleeping dogs lie.

That's not to say we should tolerate unprofessional behavior from law enforcement, but rather choose your battles. Kill 'em with kindness. Nothing was won here. The cop probably got a headache from dealing with crap like this all day. (Woo-hoo score one for the revolution brah!)

Cops are cocky right? Even the girly ones. Maybe her confidence was mistaken for tyranny?

In all fairness, some cops actually do let sh-t go all the time. A small part of that whole 'corruption' thing actually swings in our favor and involves them not wanting do mountains of tedious paperwork, flood the jail with rape-bait, or really give a damn about the gram of dope in your pocket.

Lighten up, they didn't even ask you to get out of the car. If they want a probable cause there will be one.

Did you not as well make a showing of power by invoking your rights?

You had a fat white guy pass and didn't use it?!

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 01:16 AM
By their very nature checkpoints are a show of power. They can pull you over and check you out for no reason other than the fact that you are on that road at that time. Country of origin is irrelevant. I think it's rediculous that we should all bow in fear, yessir/nossir just to avoid the power-tripping of someone who should know better than to act that way. Give out a pile of bogus tickets just to show who's in charge? Hold someone who has commited no crime out of spite to teach a lesson? Abuse of power. The other thread has no bearing on this issue. I've got a lead foot and have been pulled over a good many times. Only a few were handled straightforward. Most had this kind of gameplaying. Everyone should know and exercise their rights. If it were done more this crap might stop.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 02:29 AM
I think you are complete dickhead and I use the term deliberately and I haven't used it here before. Apologies if I've offended anyone but I cannot find a better description.

Amuse them, answer their questions and stop feeling so damn smug and superior. I learned to respect the law, even if they were up themselves occasionally. I stared down the barrell of a Mexican Army machine gun years ago and I've been asked unnecessary questions by the local police. Both times you answer the questions and you move on. It's called life, they are doing their job... they don't need asses like yourself to make it more difficult for them.

You make yourself out to look like a fool and an uppity one at that.

Thanks for exposing yourself. I don't think the cops did anything wrong and I hope next time you let your anger out and actually get arrested.

Worse you joined ATS just to have a whinging rant. Grow up!

edit on 15-2-2013 by pacifier2012 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-2-2013 by pacifier2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by Urantia1111
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

No no no. You're missing the point. First, stopping cars for no reason at all is an infringement on personal liberty. You're conditioned to accept random stops so you see nothing wrong with it.

Second, now having been randomly detained, there are legal BOUNDARIES that are supposed to be observed as the officier interacts with the citizen. The officer is going to try to move those boundaries in their favor every time. If the citizen dares to know and mention where those boundaries are, he opens himself up to retaliatory tantrums in the form of further detention or fines etc simply by exercising his right NOT to be hassled.

This OP is about holding the line and keeping those officers in check.

No no no. I think your missing the point... by a wide margin.

The day one of your family gets killed by a drunk, I want you to remember this and think, "What if they had been pulled over randomly and tested?" and you'll say "Where the hell were the cops".

and you'd be hypocritical for even thinking it. Mark my words when it happens.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by pacifier2012

Originally posted by Urantia1111
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

No no no. You're missing the point. First, stopping cars for no reason at all is an infringement on personal liberty. You're conditioned to accept random stops so you see nothing wrong with it.

Second, now having been randomly detained, there are legal BOUNDARIES that are supposed to be observed as the officier interacts with the citizen. The officer is going to try to move those boundaries in their favor every time. If the citizen dares to know and mention where those boundaries are, he opens himself up to retaliatory tantrums in the form of further detention or fines etc simply by exercising his right NOT to be hassled.

This OP is about holding the line and keeping those officers in check.

No no no. I think your missing the point... by a wide margin.

The day one of your family gets killed by a drunk, I want you to remember this and think, "What if they had been pulled over randomly and tested?" and you'll say "Where the hell were the cops".

and you'd be hypocritical for even thinking it. Mark my words when it happens.

You almost sound like you are wishing for that to happen. What a top type of person you are. imo NOT!
Again, imo, you come onto ats with holier than thou statements,not just in this thread but in others as well. But back to the op, it seems that he/she stepped over the line and the cop simply reactedin a "human" fashion. I reckon any human would. That still doesn't take away from the point that cops on many occasions step over their mark and take their power rush too far. I stand by my earlier comment that it takes a special type of person tobe a cop.

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