You know how little by little we are losing what rights we have left.
Well the cure is remarkably simple, just that people don't have the guts to do it.
I was engaging in a typical past time.
There I was, with a burger coupon in my hand, it was a buy one get one
free deal.
Why an argument could even be made that I was supporting local economy.
I was driving and came across a police check line,
a female police officer stops me and asks if I had anything to drink.
I say No
She says can I have a quick look at your driver license, I say sure
and give it to her.
She looks at it, and says, ok park on the side please.
I park and she asks and checks my insurance papers as well, and as she
is giving me license and papers back, she asks, oh by the way, what
country are you originally from ? (I am white fat looking guy with glasses)
Here is what happened after she asked that.
R: I don't want to tell you where originally I am from, I have
passport and I am a citizen
COP: Why don't you want to tell me where you are from, are you ashamed ?
R: No I am not, I don't want to tell you because
I don't HAVE to tell you. And just so you know, I happen to have all the
time in the world, I can debate with you all night, no problem with me.
COP: give me back your license, and I hope you know that driving is a privilege
R: So are threatening to take my driving privilege now
based on what ?
COP: I am not threatening to take your driving privilege. I just don't
your attitude.
R: If you want to find out where I am from originally, I am sure you
have it in a file in a computer, I am making you work at it. You are paid
hourly and it should be no problem.
COP: fine (and starts walking away)
R: take your time
COP: (Comes after 30 minutes) Yes from your file I can see where you
are from originally and I can see why you don't like Cops
R: I like cops just fine, I would respond the same if you asked me
what my favorite color was, OR what I had for breakfast, OR what is
my driving destination. This is about philosophy and rights. That's
what this is about.
COP: i've been doing this job for 15 years, nothing is new to me
R: The more time you spend with me, the less time you are
bothering other law abiding citizens, and they are passing by,
I see this as a win.
COP: There are plenty more cops, you are not winning anything
R: It's been a while, I need to pull constitution to see
what questions do we have to answer to the cops, and what
questions we don't have to answer.
COP: Go, Drive safe (keep looking to see my response)
R: (I turn on the car without saying anything to her and start slowly going)
COP: (seeing how I am not responding with, OK or Thank you, she turns
a nasty bitter face and starts walking,)
edit on 13-2-2013 by VitaminQ because: (no reason given)