The Church or bride of Christ should always listen to the voice of Jesus Christ. I do not repeat exactly the words of Paul. In history, key moments of
survival for Christendom have been won only because of supernatural intervention, thru saints as mediators. Lepanto and Vienna, two battles between
the Christian (more or less united) and Muslim Ottoman forces, where in both of these cases the Ottoman empire had overwhelming superiority and did
not consider a possible defeat. After Lepanto victory is dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary, and so is the feast on October 7 when the battle occur.
Numerous are also the battles of the Russian principalities with Genghis Khan and his descendants (Timur the most fearsome)to stop the flow of the
biggest ever country in the world - that of Genghis Khan and his descendants, to flood Europe.
I will not enter into all history and that is not my task. One can speculate a lot with the most modern history and the role of the supernatural in
it. Fatima is an example and we discussed it more or less, in this and other threads.
The newly elected pope must follow the voice of the bridegroom Jesus not only as a scholastic exercise and teaching of the church that the successor
of peter represents such a voice. That is good but not good enough. The new successor must follow the practical demands of the heaven, made by un
disputable, proven apparitions such as Fatima. This is not an optional thing. This is a matter of survival. I already wrote, may be not in this thread
don't remember, that if Rome fails for any reason, there still will be catholic bishops who will continue the church. And there will still be other
apostolic churches who continue the church of Jesus Christ including that established by Peter himself (Antioch in first place). I'd wish Rome follows
the instructions of Heaven that started some centuries ago and do not end in this very day. Just check the Anguera messages from 2008 (I hope you will
find them online, at least in Portuguese). The bride of Christ is all the church on Earth, far not only the biggest portion of it the Catholic. "Did
Christ divided himself"? asks the apostle. "Did Peter die for your sins"? And many more quotes that always be interpreted in "another way".
Another thing very much connected that I initially wanted to write about. It is the angelic direct or indirect intervention. It is good to believe in
the beautiful spirits next to each of us and next to the pope. They appear on apparitions together with Virgin Mary herself. In some cases Medjugorje
seers speak of hundreds of baby angels (not aborted babies she says) who appear next to Our Lady. (Medjugorje is still under investigation).
We should realize from the Old Testament that these same angels and archangels did pretty hysical and visible things. Such as Raphael to travel months
with Tobias unrecognized (no wings), or Gabriel to lead battle with the king of Persia. Or to transport Phillip from Gaza to Azotus, tens of miles
away. We are talking of physical presence, not only of beings of light, but also of their material devices. What is it that Elijah boarded when he was
taken? It was a physical flying device called "chariot of fire" for lack of proper wording. The process of taking of Elijah does not take an instant
or blink of an eye, but is described with all details. Please reread it. Elijah moreover was not resurrected at that time (before Jesus) and needed a
device that would fly. Fly to where? Not to the highest heaven. Perhaps many will say to the "paradise garden". But where that paradise is? How about
other planets? A living person would need food and water and habitable environment, not a cloud. Otherwise he would be "raptured" without any device
used. (I don't like the word rapture, and prefer the word rescue). Or you can read the abundant description of the wheels within wheels given by
Ezekiel 1. Those are not only cherubs. Those are also their technical devices used for purpose known to them.
It is a time for the Church (not only the Catholic) to recognize the superior forces at God's disposal, whom today we call with the 9 angelic choirs.
They are much more than singing and birds' wings. They have much bigger role in the visible Universe. We should recognize that visible Universe has
many more stars with likely other civilizations on them. The fact Jesus died and resurrected on Earth, once and for all, make us unique. But still
Jesus has other sheep not fromt his fold, and perhaps He even appeared to them as appeared to Thomas after resurrection (even if we disregard the
modern apparitions).
The annual apparition of Valentine of Kibeho (in Belgium) once spoke with Our Lady for something, after which Valentine said: but if I tell them that
they will take me for a lunatic. What could sound as" lunatic" in Our Lady's words, except for the taboo of ET life? The new pope must face it, NOW.
60 signs left sorry
edit on 3-3-2013 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)